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‭ upplement By‬

‭Dex Loves Games‬

‭MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.‬

‭Dogpile is an independent production by Dexter Kellum.‬
‭It is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell.‬
‭It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.‬
‭Why use this?‬
‭In fights with several enemies, the‬
‭lowest values of damage rolls do‬
‭insignificant or no damage. This‬
‭translates to time rolling dice that‬
‭equate to nothing. This results in the‬
‭lifeless corpse of the game being‬
‭dragged into an occupied grave and‬
‭lit on fire, wasting hours of potential fun‬
‭for everyone.‬

‭In‬ ‭Mork‬ ‭Borg,‬ ‭when‬ ‭facing‬ ‭4‬ ‭enemies‬ ‭that‬ ‭each‬ ‭deal‬ ‭d4‬
‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭failed‬ ‭defense‬ ‭rolls.‬ ‭That’s‬ ‭a‬ ‭potential‬ ‭for‬ ‭12‬ ‭rolls,‬ ‭an‬
‭any‬ ‭damage‬ ‭taken,‬ ‭meaning‬ ‭as‬ ‭many‬ ‭as‬ ‭half‬ ‭your‬ ‭rolls‬ ‭are‬ ‭burnin’‬

‭It‬ ‭is‬ ‭instinctual‬ ‭to‬ ‭have‬ ‭groups‬ ‭attack‬ ‭different‬ ‭PCs‬ ‭depending‬ ‭on‬
‭different‬ ‭factors‬‭or‬‭more‬‭rolls,‬‭but‬ ‭when‬‭the‬‭enemies‬ ‭are‬‭minor,‬‭the‬
‭tension is ruined for everyone.‬ ‭Dogpile fixes that.‬
‭How It Works‬
‭During play the DM may designate a number of enemies as a‬‭dogpile‬‭. When a‬
‭dogpile attacks, targets roll‬‭1‬‭defense roll. On a‬‭success‬‭, none of the dogpile‬
‭lands a hit. On a‬‭fail‬‭, the dogpile rolls‬‭potential‬‭damage‬‭, keeping half of the‬
‭dice rolled, rounded up (‬‭the best ones of course‬‭).‬‭The target rolls armor rolls‬
‭against each die.‬

‭Dogpile:‬‭A dogpile of enemies‬‭keeps‬‭their‬‭individual‬‭identities‬‭and‬‭health‬‭,‬

‭but‬‭acts‬‭together. A GM needs to decide if a type‬‭of enemy makes sense to‬
‭group together or even fight more than 2 at a time in the first place. Creatures‬
‭that deal d6 damage should be grouped with care, and creatures with‬
‭d8 damage should almost‬‭never‬‭be grouped, unless they‬‭have some huge‬
‭drawback like low Defense DR, but probably not even then. This is for things like‬
‭a group of Seth Goblins or Lady Porcelains‬

‭Potential Damage (PD):‬‭The number of a group that‬‭could feasibly hit‬

‭you. The dice rolled may be different, but it’s better if they’re not. A good‬
‭amount of dice is 5, 4 if you can get your back to a wall or are being covered, 3‬
‭if you can get into a corner or otherwise limit how many are coming at you,‬
‭even 2 in some cases. Often the characteristics of creatures affect this number.‬
‭Spiders may swarm you. Seth Goblins are short and may shoot over their allies.‬
‭In those cases, even 6+ may be appropriate, however you may find it easier to‬
‭limit groups to around 6 or even splitting the group in two to combat others.‬

‭The best ones of course:‬‭if a dogpile rolls 5d6 PD,‬‭they keep only 3. For‬
‭example, if the results are 1,3,3,4,6, they would keep 3, 4, and 6. For‬‭4 or 3‬‭PD‬
‭they would keep 2 rolls, for‬‭2‬‭PD they would keep‬‭1 roll, and so on.‬
‭Additional insights:‬
‭- Armor degrades slower when there are fewer opportunities to crit fail a‬
‭defense roll.‬
‭- A member of a dogpile being affected by any status that impacts their ability‬
‭to land a hit is removed from the dogpile (potentially forming a separate‬
‭dogpile) Effects that could do this sort of thing are forced sleep or a change in‬
‭Defense DR (like from slowed or drunk). They may rejoin the dogpile when the‬
‭effect has worn off. If it can’t attack, it shouldn’t be able to add to the PD.‬
‭- If rolling with additional bonus damage like poison on a dagger that adds‬
‭1d4 to attacks, designate which PD dice are poisoned (typically just a second‬
‭color die) before your roll, and if that is one of the best ones of course, roll the‬
‭additional damage. The rolls you don’t keep are assumed to have been‬
‭deflected by armor or other means.‬

‭- If a player is in a situation where they roll their next defense with a modified‬
‭DR from a very temporary reason, it is best to have a member of the dogpile‬
‭split off and make an attack, repeating for as many as it takes until the‬
‭modification goes away. Optionally, don’t follow this guideline and have them‬
‭get brutalized by a dogpile as punishment. They deserve it, after all.‬

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