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1 – 4.2024
1. Do you spend a lot of money?

2. How do you save money?

3. Did you save money when you were young?

4. Have you ever given money to children?

5. Do you think parents should teach their children about money?

6. Do parents give pocket money in your country?

Mr. Tai (Simon) – Tell: 09.3956.3579 – Địa chỉ: 76/34 – Huỳnh Văn Đảnh, phường 3, Tân An, Long An
1. Do you often sing?

2. Do you like singing?

3. When do you like to sing?

4. What kinds of music do you like to sing?

5. Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?

1. Do you like to wear sunglasses?

2. Do you often wear sunglasses?

Mr. Tai (Simon) – Tell: 09.3956.3579 – Địa chỉ: 76/34 – Huỳnh Văn Đảnh, phường 3, Tân An, Long An
3. Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?

4. Have you ever given sunglasses as a gift?

5. Why do you wear sunglasses?

6. Where can you buy sunglasses?

7. Do people in your country wear sunglasses?

Mr. Tai (Simon) – Tell: 09.3956.3579 – Địa chỉ: 76/34 – Huỳnh Văn Đảnh, phường 3, Tân An, Long An
Describe an interesting job you would not like to do
You should say:
What it is
How you know about it
What skills it requires
And explain why you would not like to do it
Sample Answer
(brief intro) Thinking about a job I wouldn’t enjoy, the role of ( ) a chef comes to mind. While
the idea of creating delicious meals seems applealing ( ), the reality of being a chef involves
more stress and challenges than I’d like.
Picture this: a bustling kitchen ( ) filled with noise, heat and constant pressure. As a
chef, the need to whip up ( ) perfect dishes under tight deadlines can turn cooking, once a
joyful activity, into a stressful and demanding routine ( ). The risks of burns and cuts (
………………) add a physical danger to the mix, making the job less attractive.
Contrary to the glamorous portrayal ( ) of chefs in movies, the daily grind includes long
hours spent in front of hot stives and steam-filled kitchens. The pressure to meet high standards, both in
taste and presentation ( ), takes away the joy of being creative in the kitchen. it’s not
just about making good food; it’s about meeting the expectations of discerning customers ( ..)
and keeping up with the demanding pace ( ). Then there’s the hierarchical structure (
………………….) in many kitchens. the chef’s authority, while necessary for order, can create a less-than-
friendly work environment. Constantly trying to impress superiors and coming up with new menu ideas
might not align with ( ) a preference for a relaxed and collaborative workplace.
The physical demands of standing for hours, enduring the heat, and moving quickly around the kitchen can
be exhausting. Add to that the irregular working hours, including evenings, weekends, and holidays, and
the appeal of being a chef diminishes further ( ). In considering a career path, a job as a chef
appears to be more stressful and physically taxing than I would find enjoyable.
Describe an impressive movie you have seen
You should say:
What it is
What it was about
Where and when you watched it
And explain why it was impressive
I am not really a film buff ( ) and I don’t watch that many movies or go to the cinema much
due to my heavy workload ( ).The one that left a deep impression on me ( ),
and I would definitely ( ) watch again, is Parasite.
I can’t remember precisely ( ) when it was because I have a terrible memory ( )
for dates, but it was pre-pandemic ( ) so I’m guessing 2019. It is a Korean film and I do
know the name of the director, but his name escapes me ( ) at the moment. Anyway,
when it first came out ( ) , it got rave reviews ( ) and, to be perfectly honest,
that normallly puts me off ( ) because I don’t tend to like what the critics ( ) like.
I have never enjoyed any Oscar-winning movies.
Mr. Tai (Simon) – Tell: 09.3956.3579 – Địa chỉ: 76/34 – Huỳnh Văn Đảnh, phường 3, Tân An, Long An
Despite this ( ), I was intrigued by ( ) this film, and the protagonist
( ) is one of my favourite actors, so as soon as it was released, I went to the cinema
to see it. it is incredibly tricky to define ( ) the genre ( ) of this film… it could be
described as a thriller ( ), no that’s too strong because it’s also a comedy, I guess you could
say its’s a black comedy ( ). I haven’t got time to tell you the whole plot ( ) and I
don’t want to give away any spoilers ( ), but it is basically ( )about social status,
materialism ( ) and greed ( ).
The film switches from ( ) being hilarious to tragic ( ) and it is incredibly thought-
provoking ( ), it makes you question things and it is rare ( ) for a film to have such
a profound effect ( ) on me. The set design ( ) is stunning and the cast (
) gives incredible performances. The story is engaging ( ), fast-moving, and yeah, when I saw
it, it was kind of lots for words ( ). I found it enthralling ( ) so I would love to
watch it again. I think they have released a black and white version, so I would like to watch that one because
it might be even more sinister ( ).

1. Do you believe movie reviews?

2. Do you think movies with famous actors in them are more popular?

3. Would it be interesting to be an actor?

Mr. Tai (Simon) – Tell: 09.3956.3579 – Địa chỉ: 76/34 – Huỳnh Văn Đảnh, phường 3, Tân An, Long An
4. What type of movies are popular in your country?

5. Do people in your country still like to go to the cinema ?

6. Should actors earn large amounts of money?

7. What are the differences between watching movies at home and in the cinema?

Mr. Tai (Simon) – Tell: 09.3956.3579 – Địa chỉ: 76/34 – Huỳnh Văn Đảnh, phường 3, Tân An, Long An

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