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| Anal Soba | cE ‘ ROIW.NO +6 INDEX a | Signatue one those wesistance cloesn't+ vassy with Flow OF Cuszent Ansough wi It Is Ohm's law. * Non -Dineot wesistoxs —> Electric Cuxsent Flowin Hisough He Chenges ewith 2x. change In applicel Voltage ox tem Pexotune and does nat | Cherog Aecovcling to ohm's law. Lineot Resistozs eFixced Resistoxs —> The Value Is olseadly gixcecdh while manufactuding aind Cannot be Changed ee Hs Usage. YCirbon ComPosition wesistox The Cdibon ComPosition Besistoss ake mode From a Soliel ylindwicad wsesistance element with embedded ewire leads ow meta) end GuPs.the o Iindsical wesistance Clement J oF the Cadtbon ComPosition. , Z iia , pa oneal Rasistom igor mal ce sesistowls macle Prom the mixdanxe oF a, Ce%ben ox graphite Pwolex anol Cexamic. A din Fle oF Coxon Is Spivally deposited leorth }ke herp oF faces onto .q small Ceramic Yoel . at both Cnds A Small Yoo of Jhin Is Attached. — - = e0=\s spi aly deposited A thin tod OF met fete the help of bcex And Ceramic * both end A Smal) vod of tin Is Qtlached. The. wesistance Value olePends on thickness OF the meta) File as lassgcx thickness of dhe layex wesult, lowex wesigsdance - Value Gnd better stability. (wise wound Besistoxs eens “aire -|Conduclive wise mode lup of nickvome | tungsten pete] 1s cova PPedl oStound on a non~ Conduclive Cezomic) Cowe. Veriialele wesistoss —> The Value of vesishy ‘|Con be Changed ahdting Ms Usage-H has dhvee terminals: two terminals adie Frxedl ance one terminal Is movable In Snetutte. j Thesmisto¥ Coles band on R ted Ye\low Gold 6P ka Gaxt0%s . }o Photo Theavetical Minimurs Value of R value oF wesistod 6 elon Maximum Rl yalue of 2 \Vedue ofp ou.6 ka 4y "e ——t ) Rotentiome tes Mieisnhometet 150 dhwee Jesmine) vesis tess loth a Slicligg OF *° ing Contact that Foums On ladjustadle voltage divicles. IL Is cusecl fox low Rwex applications Sacks Velamter Grivot, Reh nese Control, C46. In odio ond W wecives ()Bheostat 4 BM Selce! CmPonen! Chea $e Cntsol a Cusrvent by voting the wesisdance.A slicin Contac} moves on the Cwoundled aite aera fon the ete Coxe Qul wesistance Value VaSey (9rriane>e “Wp |e Used! In electwic Civeu'ts oft culical) | Pints that need fo be CHeFEy tunel Foy opin) Rinelionadity - Non = LinesSi Kesistows (DTreswishes! AD Resistos chose wesistance Is oePandaat On tem Perot uiHe - These che wrainly duao yrs 5 * Negative lemPEYade CoerFicient (NTC) sé lem Pevotixe, Coefeicient (PTS) ND) Photosesi¢toz (LDR) 1} Naht olePenclant wesistos ls a Yesistot chose wesislance Changes Qecoxcing te he [otensidy oF gb - 1) VoStisto51 (vor) , Vedtistox Is an electric Com Ponent feoth an electrical weeistarce . dhed Vadti with the applred Voltage. Cc) QS Se) SS 2S © — | rig 2c see — anna Polesizecl Capacitow VS i able Caps x 6 Passwe device thot 15 Cused 46 store Clecivical cledige - Theoxy OF Ofewation CaPacitoxs Qonsists of two PaStalle! Gnducloxs Seperated by dlieleetaic Q@—> chelige on one OF the Plotes V> Vol 44.92 estaklished| between he plotes Accurnsation Process of electtons of one End \s Called Chedging. This Paocess Canlinues Gntil the Polen tia) diffexence Qesoss dhe CoPacitex Is Soual fo the applieol Vel tage Fares OF CaPacitows Fixed CoPaci tox Capacitance. Value Cannot be Vadtiedl mechanically ow by Oy othes erctexnal Ieep} Mieg CaPacitoy h \Vadti alle CaPacitors Capacitance Value ee be Changed b Nike Vass in aSieq of Ppl Dielectsic Can . the two Some means adjusting fhe SPace, etc. be als,rica, Cevamic oF lost dyes ote gorge Ono dsimmesx CaPacitor}. Fixced CoPacitoss Brelecteic clectrostalic CaPacitoxs > genexally ciscaits due to used In De Rwer supply Sige to theix loge CaPpacitance’s and Small helP weduce the sipfle Voligge os fow Coupling And decoupling applications. 1) PaPex CoPacitoe Modle by deo lon rela) stole cote aeste: preci fey wor PARES SH¥IPS and volled Jogethes 40 take Q Gylinclexica) shape. Gnnectin leadls she Joineol 40 Gach metal Ril ard CaPacitow Is Gnzapped with a Suifoble zesin builder. Mica CoPacitos The olielectwic Consists of thin xectan ogelesy Sheets OF mica. the electrodes ode fie, thin sheets oF meta) Foil stackeel steed F103 Cesamic CaPaci tos with mica sheets of melaD olePosits oF \Silvex gppliecl! to one SusFace OF each the mica sheets Ond. Foil mica sheets. ame sanoluhicheol adlexnatively . Vii) Cexamic CaPacitoxs Dielecdric 18 Q Cetamic pratoviad ‘and! He avoilable Im olitrevent sizes Onol shapes Seer ComPound oF ntium. taken a C3oetamic olielectric difonium, boStiam, magnesiura ancl Stxo! A disc OF Cevamic pA exial ts on Gach SaStface, A metoallizeol electsode Is Plated! (ilvex) leads 082 AHacheol by Soldering: A Coating of Suitable wesin Is applieol Fex Pao tection. ogains 4 mojisteHe. iv) Polys fe% Capacitor. ses Poly sigser€ , Pols, CSibon feflon Os the clielectwic » the tg SimileS1 4o PaPer CaPacrtos but Use @ Plastic file Isteaol Of PaPer-. ate d&e Gn struction lectaolylic Copacito4s —> uses an electro lute Os one of Its les fo achives Q losigex CqPacifarice Ped Cin'} Volume than Other tyPes-these fyPes ade cisecl cuhen vexy [edige Capacitance Valie ate sequived. They aHe oF 40 fyPes afuminiunr Onl JePite Law elec tvoly tic CaPacitoss - (1) Aluminium electrolytic Capacitor Too AD foil Sepesoted by pic, Ryrevs ae oF the Foils |, Lie Gnoole Plate. An oxide Is Coated on this Anode , ewhich acts Os the olielectxre - This Boll Is SatiHated with electrolyte eyhich act as Cathode. Now the Boll Is electsicalty agedl Qnol Stab hzecl anol then Seal ed la Om cduminium © én taine®s . (9) Tontelam, electyoly lic Capaci tos These tyPes Ot Capacitors oe cased wher Size Is OF Impey tance - An oxide Film oF Jontetun Is Cseol Does not have. WePlcing Veltages Capacitance anges From uy uF to 470 EF .Soliedl tantalum oF & Foil oF fantidum 1s cise electrolyte may te call or ogy. Vad i alble Capacitor CaPaei Value. mou be, changecl BS Vedi 2g Stea Of Plates , adjustin fhe SPacing between them And adjusting the Trimmes CopacitoS. 10 fhickness of the olrelectare. tiy 9009 CaPaci'to.9. sleps of metal Plates Is QGonsists of two Fixedl and one set of the Plates Is Fixed) Qnol the other Can be soated by a shaft as the Plates -moves In and out OF the Fixed Plates, the CaPacilance Value Vovies Used) In Beclio vecteves Fox tanning olierexenit bi notions. 1) Triemews Ond Paddlews Fe acliustments on the Used fox prakicy foled Capacitance of a olevice- deimmess has g@ Small Flexible small metals Plates Can be chengeol bg A mean of a Sesew adjustment, these Ste Similet +o Paololeas bat [Sigex In Sige» CaPacitance Value 10 HF $0 S00 HF. t INdue fos tc JexminaD Passive eclectic device Stases energy” In dhe Four of a magnetic Field |5 Callecl Inclue tion . when aetnrete! Flow through a Coxren} Caring Conch cfow [IH genesates a magne tic Freld “Ihis oppose any change In the Cevvendaiertoaring dhaoog dhe Conductor. this weaction of wragne hic Field Is known as Inoluctance. te Sesultant xe Is Colled Inoluceo! emf. Unit of Inductonce = Herey (4) [= Mo Fz AN? hese, L — Inductance n—> oreq I—> Pengl, of the Core. Molly absolute ond selotive Pesmealsilil Bespectively. da * Fisced Indluctows Wop = An \ndluctox with a fircea tneluctance ls Calleol “Fixecl. \noluctox v andl 1k Can be Q Col witha Single lages muPhiple layer, honey eel Pe 2% magnetic Coil. (4 elimi | . mS. — \xon Cove \nductom . fheve oe 3 fypes + . ~@ Jix Cove [rolu cto ® Iron Cove Inoluctor © ferrite Core Inoluctow Vaiy Cove Inducto¥ “ Reemev Is made 4p of insulaling male vial Wie Cevamie and ais Is Insicle the former. Plastic ov Carl boodto! ts trseol fo cwinol phe Coil on the Cevaric. It has got leost Inductan Rey no oF limits nol length. ji) Poon Coxe Incluctow The SPace Insiole of the feames of fhe Coi/ [s Filleol eaith Solel Iron ox laminates! Coste . bron Is O Pextomagne Hic metersia) which Provicles dhe Easier Path fox the magne He. Fluse Produced. [yon Coxe |ncluctor Is abso known Qs Choke Useful ot low Frequency - Useol Os at Chokes nel Quodlio Frequency chekes. tii) Fewvite Core Incluctow when {yon Oreide Is mixeol cuith Oothey metal Irons to Condrol the magne He Pxopesties Fexuite Cove Is fowmecl . Coil Is Wound awounc fhe Feyr'le Core. minimun, edoly Cusxent floss. This Coradneeeei bone Casect oe ee Se ent : ; x mor ms 5 NA Siberian aol, a Pega “fe ae. gi Sol Salt t £ 9 «A 4 am \ => eo * 13 From Queli'o to Yaolio Frequencies upto [00 u) Applicedion: The built In anfennas for Badlios. *Vadiable Idluctors wes Veabiedions In velue OF Inductance. the 3 Cisually Use Ferrite Coxe: they cse hollow fexmex with Sexew threads in sicle, on which the Coil Is Wound! due fo the Chang In Position of the Fevrle Cose mn the Formers, the value of the \ndluetance Change L ls max. when Coxe Is Full In, AQ: Xe Rs Q= factor Is Callecl as Flaute OF mews J XL > Reactance of Incluctow R,—> Resislance of fhe |nolua tow. Mutually Coupled (| s when the etic Flux. Procluceol by on Incluctox links culth Qnothew Inductor, here Incluc tos oe Saicl 4o be rou fealty Coupleol . when Indluctoxs aXe Coypled these cists Qa mutual Incluctonce that welates the 14 Cussent Ja dhe luctow fo the Flux linka In dhe Ofhew |nolue tox (oxking oe Plea trons formers ) Vol tage Onrol Cuxzent Rel tion twhere Vs Gnd Up oe Veltages or Secon ol aby and Primedia Coils %esPectively. Zenes oliode 4 — vw pis e Active ComPonents These ComPenents o%€ Capble of amplifying os Psocessing on clectye Signed. 833 diode, teansistox, ic. S+aws Diode A cliode 1s A Single Junction device made UP of P and n tye meterials. Simple. PN Junction the Gonolucts Cusxent In one clivecHon Orly Gnless the wevewse Voltage Is high Cnough fo cxeate aq weverse Cussent. A diode has two electtocles Qiulleo! the Qnocle Qrol fhe Codhvole- Most dlicdes ose rade ewith Semi Condl: uctoe matewsials Such Os silicon | ges manium . oliecles Can be sec! Os vectifiex, Voltage Begul ators Orel Switches. nex diode A Zenex diode Is a diode which allows Cussent to Flow In the fexwedta olizec ition In the Same monnes Qs An Ieleod obiocle. but so Fesmits It to Flow In the weverse dlixection when the Voltage \s above a cestain Veale known Os the bweak clown voltage . Common aprlicasi s Inelucling Proviching Q wefewence \, Je low Voltage wage latoH. —_—_—~S"ti tt > Might Cn thing close 16 Light Emitting Diocle (LED) A Vght erittiag diode Is a 2 leacl Semi- Conchueios light Soudee It ls a PN Junction diode, which emits light when activated ashen A Suitable forward bias Nellage (s applic to the leaols, electsons “ote Oble to with Clectsoy holes erthin the cleviee, weleasing €negY In oy Foun OF Photons. this eetect Is Calleol Clect olumine scence, anol the Colow: of the. light 1s olelewmineol by the Grexg¥ band gaP OF the Semicon due tow - Photo Diode A Photo oliode |s A semiconductor device thot Converts Iight Into Casrent. at een Curssent Is genevoteol when photons ate Absoxbed Peaeté Photo oliodle - A Small Qmmount of cssent Is also Pxoclticcc! when no light Is Present. Teansision They odte. Semicondlueto% olevices tusedl Fox applications Ike QmPlitication o¢ val tages, Cuwsent anol SMe also cised In Oscillator Cisea'ts nd Switches. the fyansi'stox ts PNP Teansis to2 ‘ NPN Teansisto eT a Meee the Fanclamen. ing block Of maclern Cleef tonics. 14's q 4wo Junction amd jhyvee fexmine) olevice moodle oF three layers oe } H And P yP]e wrodeviols, The three Begions I ote emittex, base _Anol CollectoH. | [ies ote ont type aie | «0 PNP essa | 6 NPN . “x In PNP transistor, a thin layer of n type. Semiconcluctos. Is Sanolwhiched! belween 0 P= tyPe Semiconductors - SS. _ In IN dan é''sfo%, oO thin logex oF P-dipe P\onoluctow 1s Sandwiched between two t4Pe Semiconcluc 4oH = es fication of Succ 624 is i A ny AgNanbsaa F fiat xe0: 01 oH! O91 0 bo anaesaad 4 ors Seis asyvoo “HW@ “i 13 @ G ae : eS OS te ani; (er)Na.v Santa ($037 aolvadva© NOILONOS =Hudl Bowws3nao NOINn4 / 16/12/2022 Dose - '6/ / 13 a 7" ae OF ELECTRONIC FQUIPMENTS | |Ain: Te Loa hoon AZONIe CqUIPments Such | Qs Cathoole way OscilloséoPe, Function Generato%, Powe Supply ES! millimeter (= faaelion GenexotoH A®Function Grenevodtoe Is Userally Q Prece of Clectzonie test C9uipment+ ox SoptwaXe cused Fo Wer evose clipfevent dyPes “of electyrcad |@ove ferns over GA widle wange.of Peequenciés | Some of the most Common wWayefotms Procluced by the. fadeHon Genesator o%e the snc qoaveé, Isouocxe Cave anol +viongaDad Cvave They F Proluc& |Sinusoicl al signeds, hon -‘Sinusoid a) sign Ds nol also [be modhernattically described as q o¢ time « There fore they Se Called Runction p Iso O8ymmetsico) Signods. these |genesotons They Cork fn the Peequency ange Co g eas 0-001. He cp ‘athoole Roy Oscilloscop mii +O abo 0 © = Noe > Cathode Ra iy Oscilloscope (CRO) CRO Is Qn Insteument which gives the Viste) sepresentetion of the clecatyicad Signals. 14 Is Commonly Used 40 clisPly andl Analyze the Waveform of ClectYonie signal, Jn the Crreet the clevice Caw a gzaph of He [PS a signed Voltage as a Function Of; disse = NT A }yPical- oscilloscope “Ton olisPlag Ac| oc Wave Fox) having 0 Frequency Os low Os THe low Os high Qs sewed Mz oscilloscope at@s sed Jo obsewve the Change of om Electaica) Sino) ovex dime such Nhat voltage Grel dime dlescvibe a shape which Is Grtinvously gsaphecl ggainst q CoDio¥ &sed® Shole® —— The obserweol wave fexr Can be Onedy geo Fos Such Prorevties O° Am plitude, Frequency : vise dime and Zele-. A Cathode Bay oscilloséoPe Contain O Cathode ol g ZY wee equipment to make [+ 0 parsed ex, . ee ee {iasie oft Ct wo @y— a amis 3savoo Aldgns waMod Dd Dec Powex Suppl A Powex supply Is a clevice that Supplies Clectyica) Powex fo On Clectyical) loaol. De Powex fox clectyonieclevices Gnd Civcuts Is most Conveniently obt@inea! . Pron, Commer cio) Aclines by Using wectifiey _ lies system Called De Paver supply. me ech tes ~ FTE” Com bmotonmQnstiiutes on Osdhin ae dc Powies SuPPly “The dle Voltage Fron ian Ovdlinady Power” Supply BEM CINS— Con slant Qs lor-g Os 0c roins voltage ox load Is Una tered . Jn rang. “cleo lyonic omnBD EEE Oe = LO 2] 24 ‘pup dyansisto%, the 1Bhdla dhe “Haye Peeel \fow Cach Junction. A Idige ox Small zesist- ance fox eithes Junction of NPN o« PNP Hionsis}o% Indicates a Faully olewiee . 3.Testing OF Teans fosmess Feansformess oe nothing bet bwo Coils gourd On OA Ion cove, one at Primary Onc anothes at Secenclaty sto test the Condition of a t8ansfoymes , Con tinui dy of dhe PsimoSty And Secon dlodty ovin dings shoulel be testeol sepev ately cach ewind ing has & finile wesistance . sesistance \s Pxo Postion to the numbes of furns ard Gauge of Wize used Fox winding 14s zwesistance Can ve fe checked Using a multimeter . jorinikewesistance Inclicates that the winding \s OPen and Yexo wesistance Shows that 14+ Is shos ted. Testing of Diode. Diode offexs low wsesistance when It forwdltcl biased dine! high wesistance hen lis wevesse Wiaseal. wis .erormeney |s OF the diiodle ond the negative fest jhe Cutzent Established In the Ci¥cult low wesistonce- le erthes Of the leads Is wevessed) the ine tex OMe Inalicote high zesistance . testing o oliocle with 9 Agital metes must be clone On the MDIODE" Set as digit) meted lees not eles a Cussent fesough the Psobes will not Psoolucee An Accurate xeaolng, 5-Testing OF Zones Diode will show low zesistance In both +h dizections (Fowasel and wevessed)- An OPen sb —_ Set In Ohmmetes mode Is Cised to fest the dliodle. fhe Positive test lead of the mullimetes Is Connected fo the anode loacl to the Cathodle le we oliode Is In good Condition, ohmmetex ill Indicate alow wesistance: this happens because ty battery Wee sike naw ls clus te OF ohmmetez or tesmina)s ot the olrocle on Some of the wesistance Settings Orel, Damage of the Zener aiode Con be either Shovel os OPen Junctioneol. show tec! oliodle | | | \ at : > - BYOL ) Rea Sees os C 1 ak a oe ~ & S “\ AO wy eh 2G. ss sage > nse aeP.. = " . s Eos = Pet cite pom. aut aimee cto. =~ b al shooil oh a1 wy ToT S Zener oliode auill show high sesistance In both clisee tons. 6. Testing OF LED fexminal for the Connect the Positive Anode and negative: terminal to the Cathode. lr the LED glows, then I+ 1s a good one-le not, the LED Is Faulty. APPR Result + The testing Proce usta to cligiteD multime i ‘aeised. Poke ed [EXPERIMENT NO:0q PRACTICE Mier 2 To FamiboSize dle Process of Soldexing . J Soldesing Is the Oct GFremnifying two Pieces | CL similot oF oMisimilad metals by On allog Called Soldles, the malting Point of which Is lowed than that of the metal to be cmileol. when two Sutfaces of the metal ie Sdldlexed togethed, the solder Penatev ale Poxes oF the meta) ond 14 makes Fixm gzip with Pebmenen} elect iced Gr tinui ty enol arene ss Soldex | whe solde*ing Maolevio! bx Soles Usually Eee Pod the: Padtrose OF Jaining F fegethex 10 0% move metals ot tem pevatia below theix mel ting Point Onl ts fusible | tin. selelex le ow alos MetuHe) of Inn One led ; ly picably 60 %fotin and 40 % tbeacl | | 22 Fiuse, when a metal Is heated In Free aia, t Is Immecliately arfecteo! by one Yen A layex of= bccidemean Sey Semdewal, camypie lion oes Components Called Muses. they Ste oloxides agents Ond o€ Used to keeP tho sdface on aaa ebm Fucichity of tho “ ents 1o adkewe Pet Fectly. Bread boadid An clectwonic bread bodtd Is Actually xefexin 4o 0 Sollezless booStol . +hey oe gaeot Junctions foe makin tem Posary Crscurts anol PaoledyPing nol they wequire absolutely no Soldlewing . Safely Puecuations 1. Coution:A Solclesing Ison Can heat to oHoun 400° j which Can budtn gou we StStt a fise, So Use |t Code Ferlly , 2. Cn Plog dhe [son when It Is not bh Use. keep the Powex Codtol away Fs whese (4 Can be fwippe 4. Toke geeat cote JoOuoid touching the desip of the Sol ie lxon On Q Power SPots Ves. 24 5. Always weldin the so aay ligne pe FR Stonol when Its not Jy uses 6. Neves Put the Selclesing or T.worsk In a well Ventilated ostea , Ties Reliable opetation of a cixeud curth, Sololexeol Connections depend on soldexiag Psach tes. Some tips Ste: 1 Plan before you stH+ Jo soleles - Identity ot) the pits thot god will be Using . Z.[+ Is helpful to attach each Rt fo a Piece of Papes and wrile what In Ono Its value . 3: The Following Is fhe ovdless fos the Installotion Pox VoSiouS ComPonents . 9) Inte guatecl Ciseurt (ie) hololexs b) CoPacitos 21 mictofoStacl (ue) ) hose. Capacisoss A) Resist » dliode fe. the oviendotion, F) LED's, note the Ovientafion. a Tvancistes,note the Ovientation . oi) Wn te gvated Crreats. rh Pre PePtieg The Soldlesigg Ison! Tinnigg jhe TP Dpiica, he: Seldesiag fron In lis Stand Ondl Plug lb Ine Devait Fox the Soldering tron Jo headtup. 3) Morsten the SPonge . K)evip the ip of fhe leon on the olamp SPonge: This cuill Clean the 4ip. IrHle foldex on the tip of the %) This Is Calleo! thinning Ond 4 ewill help thd Veo) Flow Fron dhe Iran's WIP fo Joint. Byisololevi altotlo) cioe dOnt top, Producing a bright Shing Sutface. Devhen tmaed wipe soley ofc on the nese+ SPon ge: d) The +P OF the Soldewi lron showol be) O Shinu Silved Colowt. ip lis black And Pillelerericce: (f cory a nied One. 3) Soldlesing | WPSes qeacls a Clean sidiface on oohich tol | adhere. |) To Soldles the heat fhe Connection wih | Pew HP oP. ihe: Solcleding [son Fok Secondls | oO then apply dre Soldes, *heot dhe Connection not the soldley nT co scilesirge Sel. (ee Pere nedt to base handte, B)keep the Solcleving Jip Feom dhe Cmné Chios Qs Soon as the Soldlex has flowed | whese you qant It to be Remove Sables (Wen ios! \Ykeep the Solclexiag HP On the Connection as the Soldlex Is applied . soldex ill Flow | [nto Ond oHounol well heateol Connections Mr ove Man coments Wile: ns | Soleles Is Cooling . 3) Don't ove fhe Connection, as this might ola the clectyical ComPonen} | gou as q ¢ sg Sz 3 "De soddesing | To dlesoldex ~eans fo wemove a Joint oa |BePosition OF a Wire o¥ ComPonent. with a dle soldeting Pume (So\dexs Sucke%) set the Pam's by Pushing the SP8ing loadedl plunge ite Bes cntil 1 loeks- |2)Avely beth the Pub noggle Ord the He | | oF gout Soldlexing Iwon Jo fhe Joint. Devait cq Second 0% rex the solded to | melt. | M4) Tien Press the button on the Pump to | selease the Plunges and oluct dhe ae | Solded Into the too). | |S) Repeat le necessoty 40 zemove As | much Seldes as oe 9) the Pump ewill need evedything occ aly by Cases ing dhe nog gle *Genesal PustPose PcB Genero) PuiPose PCB, as dheix name [Suggests In the Generalised foe of PCB, by Generalized we megr that we Me Free to make Gee Of cixew+ as we culsh using Uke PeB like a hosmaf 33 HSIAO 2 os pd ais PCB, It Provides a means fo hold of OF Ot ComPonents fogethes In one place aaa Single Gnit. they have holes alow s 3 Hla a gtid Ike Pattesn Unlike a specific] PustPose + PeB which Only have holes where sequized. Sola a gerexal P.S1 Pose| }PeB. You Can plac® Components an hese. Lcpaatisl Sy. sar 4 eee Soe OPIS below) ehoeUs: Boh he [Front Oncol the backsicle~o PeHPose PcB, a genesal Wasa t= We. Soldeving Process Is Familictiseof EXPERIMENT NO:05 ASSEMBLING OF ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ON GENERAL PURPOSE PcB Aim: To Assemble on electsonic Ciseu} on Qenexal PeSiPose PcB. To work with Virtual lab. ComPonents Ond Equipments Bread Boodtel , diodes, vesistoss, Cerca e CaPacrtoss And (MTsosec, CRO] Teosy b Halt cwave Rectiries FS Re sia Graal ot he Inpat side to SteP olown the. voltage. Secondly or Jeansfoumev 1s Connected te adiode In Sexies with a load wesistance . PeSting Positive hale aycle of Ac Mput Voltage dhe diode Is foxwotd barsect olfode, Conolucts Curszents Flo load wesisto¥ anol | DeBting negadtve hale Cycle of Ac Sign InPet Voltage the aliode Is xeverse biase And oliode not Conolucts. No Current Fle gy a TARO 4" OASIS mA O® 34/3 BO ON). bisa pinot 22is SS ae ee Se pecicHest Moms, nl Qeswiasink eGo oter0O) Poe oe Nomi 40 ole se dl. bRewret el phy: y oh m8 Though fhe loacl wesistoss Gnd no | out Put Is obt crinedl. °c Power SuPPly The Inpat 's 230 % so Hy Ac Power Supply. hls stePPed clown +0 qov Ac Supply sing a step clown fyansfloxmes anal \Supplied to wectifies. The bridge vectifies| \Convests the AC Into Pulsating De. Here] oludting 01 Rositive hale Gycle of a Paix lof oliodes Condclucts and ohsting ove. | |habe cycle anothes Paix of diodes | Conduct, S° at both the Cycles jhe | |Curssen* passes though dhe. load . then) \auis pulsating pe Is suppled to a | piltex edhe Converts [+ to almost Ipsie Pe thet ca tex. Now (Ft Is Passed to | | | | prleS:Werwe we Use | loapaciios Fil ators thal Converts almost Pete} a wegu) fheve Fore the out Pat le fo pute OC° leyil be & SV DS ome Finally qhe out ms \s yevessed: eae 36 ari aaeyeass Onch a Oe Paves \ Qe Supply. oiloz/ 2023 EXPERIMENT NO:06 {DRAWING OF ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT C DIAGRAMS. OSING BIS [IEE S¥MBoLS — $INORO DUCTION. To EDA TOOLS To stady $e Simaation ProceduKe oF Clectsonic Ciseurts Using EDA fools [Theowy 2 SPICE (imation Progsarme corer Inteqgotedl ciscen't emphasis) ls enexal) PeMPose Cixcats simulation Progra | mme Ci¥curs may Gontarn psesisioz, \CoPpoci tors, Incluctos, mutual Inductors, sertches, Unifetm olisfzibatecdl Ro lines cmd the roost Common ,SemiConductos dlevices, diodes, BITS, \JFFTs, MESFETs Onl MDSFETS. Bencrits OF Using Lt Spice The fivst Ono! foxemos+ aolvon tage Is LT spice Is PreewoIe SaftwaHte fox Civcait design Ond nally sis - as el4s Cheapes than teying a lots of weal | Pagits Oncl — 0% Arnel | oseilloscoPe Lo stable civcurt Simuletion evith cnlioritect no of nodes: | 6G (0 uF [ox + Schematic | Ssyntool edltoH *Wave form Viewe® lot Use the Sohematie Cdli'los to Czeate the ie Design Usieg dhe Schematic 2 clesiign + [ert click on’ fhe new Schemes | Sgro bol In the schematic edit o% Toole Bast, In | of; bxoSty OF Passive olevice. | fect Clicle on the Component Symbol the Schemotic ecli}o% foolbt | Run Ono Probe a cCiveuit Ifo tun & Simulation, specify the Yyre of anabgsis foe Be Pes tore simalation oe Placed on the sche matia as. fest CoMledl \dlot Commands editing Silation Grewnard ,| ler click On Simulation .menu lett click on led} Simulation Commend. As a stodtting IPoint In a Simulation lett click on a a |t¥ansient folly. entev a Shop time. You may neecl to adjust dhis gain latex Select ok. Running a lect Click oAFhe below shown RUN Sambo. ae: 39 | . | Psobing a Ciscuit anol eave resm Viewer. | Lert Chek on Ony ouise fo Plot the Voltage on| the wovefosm Viewer | llect click on the bo ocly Ol” kan '@ | Com Ponent HoMep/ovs the: Cuszsent on fhe Cuavefoxrm Viewer | |Ploz Planes |MaDtiple. plot planes Can be displaced o,, one | Window fo allow betHtey SePerotion belweer| Faces Permitting oliffesent fyaces fo be |Ihole penclan tly auto Cased > Right alick on the wave Bam plane Select adel plot Plane ep Lett click.and holo Jo obtag Relishes. to a Fav plot Plane. fallelingmcisce’ Clee" | a lhee+ Click on the dlesigneol Com ponent In | ldhe Schematic edifox tool bt. leet Click lon wsotate o% mivrosg tO aoljusd losientation offernase . you cam also use | Les eR ancl ctl tA key shortcuts | Sua ake House be the Positron you Want to Place It Ane lett click to Place It. Dafion of Cleat onic ita 2 ( Vr LT SPice hos-teen Robt 2201. eon a a ee | EXPERIMENT NO:O7 sang | | ASSEMBLING OF ELECTRONIC co se Cay IRCUITS USING | Face Mount Technol STA | Face Mount “Ted ology) ST TIONS | look Insiole Oy Piece of Commesesall os made | Cleat onic CQuipment hese clays ave lis Filleol cuith mrinade devices: Rashes thon Cisrn Locolgbicnnl m@se Panels atth wire loads J like those thod may be Used fox koi GOREIICHOR, WEY ConPonents Se mounokol onto the SuiFace of the boaStds Qnol nan oie minule In size. ths technology ey, lonteenrs As SeIface mount leahnology, SMT Devices | ’eisirace waoun+ Jechnolegy, Sut Conpihertis O% Suvface mount clevices, SNHOs Os 4he oe Oblen Calléc! cis oltfevent Jo sheis loacled Countes Pasts SMT ComPonents io designed do be Set clowe On 2 boodtd and ol to Thee one different styles Soldese: OF Packoge , f* a Hie Package Styles Can be Filled 40| ve Com Ponent$/ +sansistors Indegsatecl Ciweuits | ipfexent 4ypes OF ComPonents Broadly 3 Cotegor'es' Pasi Arnel diodes Ondl 42 +Russive SMDs J | The majoxity Passive SMOs oe Ofhex | Besist¥s ox CaPpacitoss fox which the Package Sesies ome weasonalhly well Stan deHclizecl thes Components. Inducting Coils, caystabs role loihes® \eacl Yo! Move” WodliVidl ad equ - j)?ements Gnd hence there con Packages| Indegvaded Cixcuits. They Ste Contoined In Small Plastic Pockage. the Connections ote made via leagls which Eliminate From the Package And bent So they fouch the booStel . These feacl oe Useol fox theis Packages. Tsansisjous And Diodes. These Components ate often Corlained In Smal Plastic Packages. The Connections AMte mode Via leads evith @maniale Fron, He Pockoge arl“ate. bent So they foueh Hhe bo Stel _Ahwee loads ake alvay s Ctseoh |Fo« dhwee’ Packages. In His wey I+ Ie Casy fo Iolen tity which way. yound tHe device must go. uy How to Solcles A Sestace Mound Resistors Soldesing a wesistox [s fle simplest twa fo short leSining SMD Solelewing. staXt by apPlaing Fruse “to one’ lol GA Be” Crees, booitel the Flucc Cleo%s the Pacl ad mated It Easies Fox Soldev 4o Fasten Pyopesly, The vesistox Showlol now be fastened ore side Apply soldlex tothe Seldexin 4ip again And Jouch the pn On ht een other side. GoM wesistor Show now be good to 85, but You might want to Inspect Soldlex Joints eurth You microscope fo na ke see tho. Connection Is good. Pe thans ts, Carilicortaeet ee —_——_- =) in

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