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- Prayer
- Classroom health
and safety protocols
- Checking of
Present an issue in varied
ways to disseminate
information using the
codes, convention, and
language of media
At the end of the lesson, the learners shall be
able to:
1. Identify codes, convention, and message
and how they affect the audience,
producers, and other stake holders.
2. Reflect on how important information
can be conveyed to create the desired
Media and Information
Analyze the quote, then, share what you think to the

“Language may be a
source of
misunderstandings” by
Marshall McLuhan, 1964.
“The medium is the message" is a
phrase coined by Marshall
McLuhan meaning that the form of
a medium embeds itself in the
message, creating a symbiotic
relationship by which the medium
influences how the message is
Follow-up questions:
1. Does the user’s/audience’s own
background or experience affect the
interpretation of messages? How?
2. Is it possible that a different
individual derives a different
meaning from the message?
Sample Responses:
1. Yes. The user’s or audience’s
own background or experience
may be considered as stock
knowledge where his or her
impression about a particular
piece of information or message
was derived or anchored on.
Sample Responses:

2. Yes. it is possible. It is
probably because he or she
is coming from a different
point of view and/or
different background.
pertains to the technical and
symbolic ingredients or codes and
conventions that media and
information professionals may
select and use in an effort to
communicate ideas, information
and knowledge.
Media Languages
codes, conventions, formats,
symbols and narrative
structures that indicate the
meaning of media messages to
an audience.
Symbolic Codes
includes the language, dress or
actions of characters, or iconic
symbols that are easily understood.
For example, a red rose may be
used symbolically to convey
romance, or a clenched fist may be
used to communicate anger.
Technical Codes
includes sound, camera angles,
types of shots and lighting. They
may include, for example,
ominous music to communicate
danger in a feature film, or high-
angle camera shots to create a
feeling of power in a photograph.
In the media context, refers
to a standard or norm that
acts as a rule governing
the information sent
from a source to a
the group of consumers for
whom a media message
was constructed as well as
anyone else who is exposed
to the message.
People engaged in the process
of creating and putting
together media content to
make a finished media
Other Stakeholders
Libraries, archives,
museums, internet and
other relevant information
Learning Task 2
Illustrate five (5) signs and
symbols in your community that
are used to convey information
(e.g. for directions, locations of
attractions). Discuss briefly the
meaning they convey. Answer the
questions that follow. Use A4
Learning Task 2
1. How do these signs and symbols are used
to make people in the community
understand the message being conveyed?
2. How are symbols usually presented?
3. What is the importance of using symbols
to convey a message or information?
4. How are these symbols presented in terms
of fonts, images, colors, design and
How does signs and
symbols are used in the
Learning Task 1
In your notebook, accomplish the table below. Write
five (5) movies that you have watched recently and
provide clear and specific descriptions about them
based on content, theme and genre.
Media, in its broadest sense,
exist for consumption and
interpretation. Any form of
media aims to send
messages regardless of the
It is crucial for media people to
accurately consider how people
understand and interpret
concepts, so their ideas also go
along with the audience’s
It is important for the audience to
establish standardization in terms
of what to expect from the media.
For media and audience to be
effectively bridged, the right
knowledge on codes and
conventions must be properly
In understanding media, there are codes and
conventions that you have to know. See this like
building blocks of all media around you. Generally,
media already possess a default in itself.
In media, color has strong
cultural connotations. As
a student, analyzing the
use of color in media and
its various aspects, you
have to look at the
following: dominant color,
contrasting foils and color
Another important consideration in
studying media is editing. It is the process of
choosing, manipulating, and arranging images
and sound. Generally, it is done for graphic
edits, rhythmic edits, spatial edits and
temporal edits.
In understanding media, there are codes and
conventions that you have to know. See this like
building blocks of all media around you. Generally,
media already possess a default in itself.
Written Codes
A type of code that is written usually
includes formal written language used
in media. Similar to technical and
symbolic codes, written codes can be
used to interpret a narrative and
communicate information regarding a
character. Also, it can convey issues
and themes emergent within the media
◦ To use media codes in some sort of a
norm where it is accepted by
everybody, there has to be a
convention. These are closely
connected to what the audience
expects from media. Examples are
form, story and genre.
Learning Task 3:
Create your own media and information presentation
about the latest issue or news in the society (e.g.
postcard, collage, advertisement, infomercial, story)
Do this in an A4 bond paper. Be guided by the scoring
rubric below.
◦ Deped video
Learning Task 4 Choose the letter of the best
answer in each item.
1. This kind of code is often seen on
print media, especially on headlines.
a. oral b. technical c. written

2. These are the generally accepted

ways of doing things.
a. convention b. codes c. both A and B
Learning Task 4 Choose the letter of the best
answer in each item.
3. Designing messages is at risk of
compromising some members of the audience
because of ____________.
a. commonality b. similarity c. diversity
4. In analyzing media messages, it is
important to look at the ________ message to
fully understand its implications.
a. direct b. immediate c. underlying
Learning Task 4 Choose the letter of the best
answer in each item.
5. It should always be remembered that
media is not only an information-giving
entity, but also a/an _________ which
depends on capital and profit.
a. organization
b. business
c. stakeholder

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