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THEJOURNALOF IMMIJNOLOCY Vol. 137.2089-2092. No. 7. October 1. 1986
Copyright 0 1986 by The American Associatlon of Immunologlsts Prlnted In U.S.A.



From the 'Department of Immunology, Nagoya UniversitySchool of Medicine, 65 Tsuramai-cho Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi
466,Japan: and the 'Laboratory
of Gene Structure and Expression, National Institute forMedical Research, The Ridgeway,
Mill Hill, London NW7 IAA UK

We have introduced a mouse Thy-1.1 gene into foreign genes into the germline of mice (8, 9). To study
the germline of Thy-1.2 mice.The introduced gene the regulated expression of the Thy-1 gene and the anti-
was shown to be expressed at very high levels in Thy-1 allo-antibody response at the molecular level, we
thymocytes when compared with the endogenous describe in this report the introduction of the murine
gene. Transgenic thymocytes were shown to evoke Thy- 1.1 gene intofertilized eggs of Thy- 1.2 bearing
a higher than normal primary anti-Thy-l . 1 antibody We show that the introduced gene is expressed in the
response in plaque-forming cell (PFC)assays. This transgenic mice, and the transgenic Thy- 1.1 /Thy- 1.2
result suggests that a direct quantitative interaction
thymocytes evoke a stronganti-Thy-1.1antibody re-
of the Thy-1 antigenactivates the B cell response. sponse in Thy-1.2mice.

The Thy- 1 antigen is a single domainglyocprotein that MATERIALS AND METHODS

is homologous to the basic structural domain of the im- Animals. C57BL/10 (BlO), CBA/J (CBA). AKR/J (AKR).(CBA/J X
munoglobulin (Ig) superfamily of genes (1). Thy-1 has C57BL/10)F1. and (CBA X BIO)F1 mice werebred in the animal
been most extensively studied onthe cell surface of lym- Breeding Laboratory, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill
Hill or were suppliedby the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London.
phocytes, although it is expressed in several different Constructfon of hybrid gene. The mouse genomic Thy- 1.1 gene
tissues during development (2).mostnotably at high and the human Thy-1 gene, which were both cloned in the vector
levels in nerve tissueof all vertebrates(3,4). The expres- PBSV (10, 11) were each restricted with PvuI x ApaI restriction
sion of Thy- 1 on the cell surface variesbetween different enzymes and were ligated by T4 DNA ligase. After transformation
of HB101, plasmids. whichcontainedthe 5' end of the mouse
species: for example, mouse and rat thymocytes have genomic Thy-1 .1 gene and the 3' end of the human Thy-1 gene,
abundant Thy- 1, but only a small percentage of human were selected (Fig. 1).
thymocytes are positive (5).In contrast, the human thy- Transgenfc mfce. The mouse/human Thy-1 hybrid gene (H-M-
Thy-1) wasremoved from the vector by a n EcoRI restriction digest.
mus contains Thy-1 positive epithelial cells that induce The 9 kb M-H-Thy fragment was purified and was microinjected
thymocyte differentiation (6). Such patterns of distribu- preferably into the male pronucleus of fertilized eggs of(CBA x
tion and the homology with the Ig superfamily clearly BIO)F1mice. The injected eggs were implanted into theoviducts of
pseudopregnant (CBA x BIO)F1 mice (9).After birth and weaning,
suggest that Thy-1 is involved in specific cell recognition the pups were analyzed for the presence of the injected DNA by
even though its specific function is not known. In mice, Southern blot analyses (1 4) of tail DNA. Transgenic mice were bred
the Thy-1 molecule contains 1 12 amino acids after proc- to expand thepopulation. The mice used in this analysiswere 4-wk-
essing with three branches of N-linked carbohydrates (3). old Fz mice.
Southern blotting. Mouse tissue DNA was digested to completion
It has two allelic forms:Thy-1.1 and Thy-1.2,which by restriction enzymes and waselectrophoresed on a 0.8%agarose
differ by a single amino acid at position 89: Arg (Thy-1.1) gel. After denaturation and neutralization, the DNA was transferred
to Gln (Thy-1.2) (2, 3). This difference is sufficient to to a nitrocellulose filter by Southern blotting (12). The filter was
hybridized with a 3ZP-labeled SacI-NcoI fragment, which was cut
generate a strongallo-antibody response (7)and provides from the3' end of the humanThy-1 gene (Fig. 2 ) and wasprocessed
a good model to studyallo-antibody response against cell as described ( 10).
surface antigens. To facilitate such studies, strains of Monoclonal antibody, indirect immunofluorescence, and ra-
mice have been bred that arecongenic at theThy- 1locus. dioimmune assays. Mouse monoclonal anti-Thy-1.1 antibody HO-
22.1 and anti-Thy 1.2 antibody HO-13.4 (13)were obtained from
These strains are identical to all known genetic loci ex- hybridoma culture supernatants. Target cells (1 X lo6) were incu-
cept the Thy-1 locus, although it is very difficult to ex- bated with 50 pl of 1/10 dilution (minimal essential medium (MEM)
clude other differences at unknown loci. A different ap- containing 0.1% NaAz + 5%fetal calf serum; FCS) of monoclonal
for 30 min a t 4°C. After three washings by MEM with 5%
proach toproduce congenic strains hasbecome available antibody
FCS and 0.1 % NaAz. cells wereresuspended in 50 p1 of 1/20 dilution
since thedevelopment of successful methods to introduceof fluoresceinisothiocyanate (F1TC)-rabbit anti-mouse Ig (Nordic
Immunology, Tilburg, The Netherlands). After three washings, the
stained cells were examined under a fluorescence microscope. For
Received for publication April 29.1986. radioimmune assays, '*'I-sheep anti-mouse Ig was used as the sec-
Accepted for publication June 30, 1986.
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the ond antibody (Nordic Immunology). Absorption assays were per-
payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked formed as described in Figure 4.
aduertfsernent in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indi- In vitro plaque-forming cell (PFCJ response. Suspensions of thy-
cate this fact. mocytes, brain and spleen cells from AKR or transgenic mice were
This work was supported by the Medical Research Council, U.K.. and suspended inEagle's MEM, and were frozenand thawed three times.
the I.C.R.F. Thy-1.1 antigens were cultured with spleencells of Thy-1.2-derived
K.4. I. was supported by a visiting ICRF fellowship. mice by a modified Mishell and Dutton technique (14)by using a flat
G.K. was supported by a long-term EMBO fellowship. 24-well plate.
A.-B. K. was supported by the Norwegian Research Council for Sci- The Thy- 1.1 spleens (1'
0 viable cells) weresuspended in 1 ml of
ence and the Humanities. RPMI 1640 medium containing 10% FCS, 10 mM HEPES. and 5 x

hybridized with a probe that is isolated from the human

la Ib
s s - "
II 111
S 3' end of the introduced gene. Overexposures of the
autoradiograph also show the endogenous mouse Thy-1
Flgure I . Structure of the mouse-human Thy- 1.1 gene. The exons and gene. Together with a comparison of hybridization inten-
introns areindicated. The gene contains two alternative first exons [ 10,
20). The translational start codon is in exon 11. which codes forthe signal sities of the introduced and endogenous gene with5' end
peptlde. Exon I11 codesfor theextracellular Ig-like domain. Exon IV mouse Thy-1 probes (not shown), we conclude that at
contains part of a transmembrane sequence and the translational stop least 40copies of the injected gene have integrated. When
codon. The 3' end of the mouse gene was replaced with the 3' end of the
humangeneatthe Apal [ A ) site,whichleavestheThy-1.1protein several different restriction enzymes used are that cleave
structure unchanged.S indicates Sac1 sites. the Thy-1 gene fragmentonly once, a single major band
is observed, which indicates a head to tail configuration
I234 of 40 Thy- 1 genesin a single unique integration site.
Expression of Thy-1.1 antigen in different tissues.
To analyze the expression of the exogenous Thy- 1.1 and
the endogenous Thy-1.2 on the cell surface in different
tissues of the transgenicmice, cell suspensions of several
tissue were examined by indirect immunofluorescence
by using anti-Thy-1.1 (HO22.1) or anti-Thy- (HO 1.2 13.4)
monoclonal antibodies as the firstantibody, followed by
staining with an FITC-rabbit anti-mouse Ig. Thymocytes
from the transgenic animal stained brightly after binding
both anti-Thy-1.1 and anti-Thy-1.2. whereasthe controls
AKR J (Thy-1.1) orF1 CBA (Thy-1.2) thymocytes are only
stained after binding anti-Thy-1.1 or anti-Thy-1.2 anti-
body, respectively (Fig.3).The same pattern was obtained
Drobe forbraintissues,whereas liver, kidney, andheart
showed no detectable fluorescencein any of the animals
* I

sac1 (data not shown). To quantitate the amount of Thy-1.1

A p aI Sac1 Ncol
antigen expressed on the transgenic tissues, absorption
Human assays were carried out. Increasing numbers of cells from
Thy-1.1 Thy-1 different transgenic tissues and control AKR (Thy-1.1)
Figure 2. Southern blot analysis of Sac1 digested DNA from transgenic thymocytes were used to absorb anti-Thy-l . 1 antibody
mouse T12. DNA [ 10 pg) from different tissues was electrophoresed on (1/10 HO 22.1). The cells were pelleted, and theremain-
agarose gels, was blotted, and washybrldized with a radloactlvity labeled
NcoI x Sac1restriction fragment corresponding to 3' the
end of the human ing antibody in the supernatantwas plotted as a function
gene. lane 1 . (CBA X BIO)FI thymusDNA: lane2. T12 thymus DNA: lane of increasing cell numbers (Fig. 4). The result shows that
3. T12 brain DNA: lane 4, T12 heart DNA. The numbers indicate the the transgenic thymocytes and brain cells (50%absorp-
position of a XxHinlII/EcoRI marker DNA.
tion at 3 to 5 X lo5 cells) expressed a high amount of
lo-' M 2-mercaptoethanol. and were Incubated at 3 7 T In 5% COa- Thy-1 .1 antigen on the cell surface, 6 to 10 times higher
air. After 4 days, direct (IgM) anti-Thy-1 PFC in the cultures were than control AKR thymocytes (50%absorption at 3 x lo6
determined as described by Fuji et al. (7).with theuse of AKR mouse cells). Transgenic liver, kidney, spleen, and heart tissue
thymocytes as a target (15. 16).
were also tested for absorption. Liver and spleen showed
some absorption (50%absorption a t 3 to 7 x lo7 cells),
d THY-1.1 -
Introduction of the Thy-1.1 gene in (Thy-1.21 mice. To
be able to discriminate the injected Thy-1 . l gene from
the endogenous Thy-1.2. we first modified the Thy-1.1
gene.The non-coding last exon and 3' flankingse-
quences were replaced with the corresponding sequences
of the human Thy-1 gene at a common ApaI site, which

occurs a t identical positions in both genes (10. 17). This
leaves all of the Thy- 1.1 antigen coding sequences un-
changed. The hybrid gene (M-H Thy-1) was isolated with-
out vector sequences a s a 9 kb EcoRI restriction fragment
and was injected into fertilized eggs of(CBA X BIO)FI AKRIJ
mice. Of the 13 mice born, four were found to contain
the M-H Thy-1 gene (mice T6. T9, T11. and T12) by
Southern blot analysis of tail DNA. Two of the mice (T6.
T 12) expressed the foreign Thy- 1 geneat very high levels,
and the others expressed it at lower levels. Mouse T12
was used for the resultsdescribed below because mouse
T6 died before mating. Although tested less extensively,
it should be pointed out that T6 show essentially the
same resultsa s mouse T12. Ffgure3. Fluoresrencr antibody binding by transgenic thymocytes.
Transgenic, AKRfJ. and CRA thymocytes were assayed with 0-Thy-1.1
Southern blots (Fig. 2) show a single band when the and a-Thy-1.2 a s descrlbed in Materials a n d Methods. No fluorescence
DNA from transgenic mouse T12 and its offspring are is observed In a control staining in the absenceof anti Thy-1 antibody.
Primary anti-Thy-1 antibody responses induced
Thy-I. 1 transgenic mkea
Donor mice/PFC per Well(SE)
Source of
Antigen Dose Transgenic
Thymocytes 10' (4)
24 0
lo3 224
(16) 0
lo' 548 (32) 0
lo5 2552 (58) 326 (161 0 0

Brain lo4(16) 188 0

lo6 (150)
452 73 (8)
1o7 0 20 12)
I I I I I Spleen 103
10' 105 106 lo7 IO* 2 (21
tells lo5 88 (4)
106 44 12)
Figure 4. Anti Thy-1 antibody absorption assay with the use of var- a Spleen cells (1 X 10' cells/well) from CBA mice were cultured with
ious transgenic mice tissues. Monoclonal anti-mouse Thy-1.1 antibody frozen and thawed thymocytes, brain and spleencells from Thy-1.1
(100 pl diluted 1/10] (HO 22.1) was absorbed with various amounts of transgenic mice, AKR/J mice, CBA x B10 mice, or B10 mice as described
thymocytes (0)or brain (m, liver (0).spleen (+I, heart ($)
, kidney (A)of (18).After 4 days in culture, direct (IgM]anti Thy-1.1 PFC responses were
transgenic mice and thymocytes (0)ofAKR mice. After centrifugation, determined with the use of AKR/J mouse thymocytes as targets. PFC
50 pl of the supernatant were assayed in duplicate for residual antibody values are the mean value of four wells of one experiment. Additional
activity by a n incubation with 5 X lo6 AKR thymocytes as target. This experiments gave essentially the same result.
was followed by a second incubation with Iz5I-sheepanti-mouse Ig. The
results are the mean of duplicate experiments and are plotted as the
counts bound by residual antibody in the supernatant vs the number of
cells in the binding. Genetic control of primary anti Thy-1.1 PFC responses evokedby
Thy-I. 1 transgenic mice"
Recipient StralnlPFCper Well (SE)
which is probably caused by the presence of peripheral Dose Immunogen
T cells in these tissues.Kidney and heart were negative.
The same tissues were analyzed by S1 nuclease protec- Thymocytes (transgenic) lo3 (12)
120 4(1)
lo5 1005 (33) 1113 (45)44
tion assays to assess the amounts of Thy- 1.1 and Thy-
1.2 RNA. The results show that the amount of Thy- 1 Brain (transgenic] lo3 94 (8) 98 (4) 0
10" 250 (5) 202(14) 0
antigen on the cell surface closely follows the levels of
RNA transcription (Kolliasand Spanopoulou). From these Thymocytes (AKR/J) lo3 44 (3) 54 (3) 0
results, we conclude that theintroduced Thy-1.1 gene is lo5 146136)
116 1121 0
expressed ina correct tissue-specificmanner andat least Dose CBA BALBIc DBAIZ B10 BlOBR BDFl
in mouse T12 at6 to 10 times higherthan normal levels Thymocytes lo5 1,380(72) 56 (4)72(7)172(13) 0 556(29)
due to increased amounts of tissue specific transcription. a Spleen cells weretaken from individual mice (age and sex matched).

Thymocytes of the transgenic mice evoke a strong For each strain more than 15 mice were used as responders in separate
assays. The PFC shown here are representativeof one mouse from each
primary anti-Thy-1.1 antibody response in vitro.Thy- strain (meanof four wells). The other 14 PFC assays show similar values.
mocytes, brain and spleen cells fromthe transgenicmice In the lower part of the table, spleencells were collected from three mice
were used to induce a primary anti-Thy-l . 1 antibody of each strain.
response in a PFC in vitro. As might be expected from
the quantitation assays, the thymocytes from the Thy- tribution from other antigens.
1.1 transgenic mice evoked a very strong primary anti- Genetic control of theanti-Thy-1.1antibodyre-
Thy-1 .1 PFC response in CBA mice (Table I). This re- sponse. Because the Thy- 1.1 transgenic mice were made
sponse was even stronger than the high response ob- from (CBA X BIO)F1mice for technical reasons (1 1).the
tained with normalAKR/J (Thy- 1.1) thymocytes in CBA thymocytes of the transgenic mice will have a combina-
mice. A clear anti-Thy-l . 1 PFC response was obtained tion of cell surface antigens from CBlO and CBA. Some
with only 100 transgenic thymocytes and peaked at lo5 of these could possibly give a response in the PFC assay
cells per well. More than 2000 PFC per lo7 CBA spleen with CBA spleen cells. To exclude this possibility and to
cells were obtained,which is 5 to 10 timesthe PFC confirm that the response is Thy-1.1 specific, but de-
obtained for lo5 AKR/J thymocytes per 10' CBA spleen pendentonother genetic loci, we measured the PFC
cells. Thymocytes from (CBA X BIO)FI mice or C57BL/lO response to the transgenicthymocytes by using 15 indi-
mice did not develop any primary anti-Thy- 1.1 PFC re- vidual CB10, CBA, or (CBA X BIO)F1mice. A s shown in
sponse in CBA mice. In agreement with previous studies Table 11, CBA or (CBA x BIO)Fl mice developed more than
(16).brain cells from the transgenic mice induced a much 1000 PFC per well in every case. In contrast, B10 mice
weaker response, although higher than that induced by responded poorly, indicating that certain IgH type strains
AKR/J cells. Finally, spleen cells also evoked a weak are poor responders. This wasconfirmed by using several
response, presumably becausethere is only a low levelof other mouse strains as responders (18), both B10 and
Thy-1 .1 antigen (seeFig. 3). Interestingly, large numbers DBA/2 mice responded poorly, whereas BDFl mice re-
of brain cells or spleen cells inhibited the anti-Thy-1.1 sponded well to transgenic thymocytes (Table 11). in agree-
PFC response in vitro for reasons that we do not under- mentwith Zalesky et al. (19) who used conventional
stand. Although these results indicate that theprimary thymocytes. This result confirmsthat thePFC response
PFC response evoked by the transgenic thymocytes is is anti-Thy-l . 1 specific and is not influenced by variation
Thy- 1.1 specific, theydo not completely rule out a con- of the other(CBA X B10) cell surface markers.

DISCUSSION Mitchison for his support and Cora O'Carroll for the
preparation of the manuscript.
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