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:2md yele:

)Defne smad bus.

nesS eeos to ocnesshp enpla Jn,
Ams:. m busness:- A ussness cuh'eh
Jnyes t m
Scoe JeveJ
Jess Cerptad
LebouJtS Fe ceS meaehme to
busmess. The seJa

ost a bus'mess
bus mess d'fesS Jn'.Peient
elassc'om of smaI busJness:.
SoJe PstopstJe torsh'p
somt Hndu pumy busness
) Patnessh'p.
COOPeStetve soctes

Sole pOpt'etorsh'p:- SoJe: eroPetorshsp

Ocned emd opestent ed by O ne
JS abusmess
Pesrson hese
Jsube o bugsm ess's debts end obJ'eems

of bussiness ocmesshe
neuenge b membenS

entended hu'ndeu e m , th dec's s'ome

often made sosnt b 4he fimy

omoste s'ndvJdues
OReser te toge thes, sesTg
PtofS, Qosses decs's 'om menkng.
IV> CoOre steve
busnesses by o
membeJts cho s s t e
nd bemefS, Fo cuss'ng
¢rlJee ve goeJs tithe hen Jndvdus

Je a busness OCune d b shene

Shae bough + eamd Sold
Orenotes ospostende


e meer n bs busness Jdea. che
do yoA
he SoUstees "f busness Jdea. cshet

deehnJques of Jde gene sento.

Ans;- Busjness Jdee:- A busness Jea 's the

STespomse oF a pesnsommcs 0T
Jdeme Pso bJen
de soJvw'mg env'om
meeds sn the
me etJmg Pesteeved
mavets et),
memnt (PubJ,

soUnCes of busmess eor :- BcscerJ

bussmess Jd ea a lassed J'nto ty pes -

md Devedopremt i- Imves Jng

> Resea Jreh
amd develop mecw
to Jonmovate
Em pJoyee Jdeas :- EeouJOysg
Psodet S, Senvses,
fosr meJ
to Corts btue Jdeas
s) sils nd enpesttsei- LeNesag'ng
Pensoe SrIs, Rooledge, a d eapert'se
Jdemt Py bus'ness oPpontues.

sehemes;- punpat a
tovernnemt Psogsens J'nsttves


)Tode shoes md Comfesemee ;- Adtendmg

rade showe amd or festemee to
Pswdue ts, teehoo'es
about mec

Psto fess'o o, memöss, amd odv'sosS to

gcsn J'nejohts amnd JdeeS.

Technque e oA Sdea gemese'om i- These use

eNesen technqueg fosr gemesutmg bus'ness
Jdeus. Sueh s
i) Bstemstonmng :- tNs soves geneent
of 'deers s'n a
a letge mumbe
gettg cvhout Sudgememt, them evasuassng
hem late.

sepsteSemtatom of Jees to enpute

Coineet'ons and 9enesete mee Omes.

ifi> Focus grtoup:- A dos eusso m

gswUpof Peo ple to gahes opmo ms
Jdeens bout apeoiPs'e torie.

A ecknique uhene

them s h e omd dseuss


bussSS Jdea.
fAns;- The feendustes uSLenJJ
J'onesude he AoJsos'mg
meed s:- The Jdea shoult
be desJgmed dhent PJUvJdes rajue to
AusfJs hes'i
dotent mees.

"Tmmo ratom:- sUèeess feus

Shousd be
bus nto the busmess J'dea
emtepa'ses ase
Jsef, BusJness
e f e e nt, cos effec sve
busess 'deag shouds
;- The
pseduet,. sev'ee,
cbje to d's sgu'sk Chet he
ete. Fsomm

J'nrorutvon Cons de -

A busness den oasth

Jeedes he JdeA S
aste sho made SwOT

Amsir AscJoT ooresysJs Js c met o Used

evolue he bussmess, 4ste g +hs, eurinei
DPPos tuntes, nd HhJieatS. usJng
oey's hep Jo 'emtP asteen Jhet
OPPostuntes Psresemt J the
Cuhe ssmutumeousy deden'mg meged
mghthndes the o nees
tue toS thet
of Sueess,

>Sremgths (ntene, Posve foetosrs):

Stsrengths deses be the pos 've arbu3e.
teg ble and 'ntumgbde , ' m t e u t
yous oJtgu u t m , They ste tsn
Conto 1t Ca b the eotpet v e
tage oven competoss mew teehmogy ete

weakmess (snteed, meyedve. Fuetons):

eeu lA nes es enspe s
fsom the Vulue you o fen
at a CoPete d s ud vuntu. mee to eeunee
to co mpeJe cìsth youn best

conped tos,

oproJtumv'es entea,pos't wve fuetorns);:

oPPOJ tunJes endena

thut egsreSent steersoms yosl

uThJreets ( entesse, mesese faeto);

Thieets snJude enterme faeto ns beyond
shouJd Jhey them
hanmg by
j meny 0u but these,
heve you sJs. JtseJf,
at busness he St
yous Psace J Co hut CondstoJ

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