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Interview Questions

Directions: Research questions that you can anticipate being asked in an interview for your potential
career field. Create a list of 8 questions and your responses to each of the questions. Make a copy!

Question #1 What are your strengths?

Your Answer I’m hardworking, motivated, and am good at communicating

Question #2 Why should we hire you?

Your Answer I have always shopped here with my parents and they grew up shopping here.

Question #3 Why do you want the job?

Your Answer To pay for gas and make my parents proud by supporting myself financially.

Question #4 Tell me about a time when you worked well with a team.

Your Answer I worked extremely well with teammates in lacrosse, we all knew each other well. I
work well with anyone I know on a personal level.

Question #5 What motivates you?

Your Answer My dad probably motivates me the most, because he puts a lot of pressure on me.
That pressure motivates me to make him proud.

Question #6 What are your goals with the job?

Your Answer My goals are to work up the ranks and eventually become a manager like yourself

Question #7 Where do you see yourself in five years?

Your Answer It depends on how this job provides me, if i'm able to move up through the ranks
here, but if not i could see myself enlisted

Question #8 Tell me about a time where you failed.

Your Answer I feel like my biggest failure was when I got a C on my report card because my
parents always wanted me to get A’s and B’s but I failed their expectations.

Directions: Research and identify 3 questions that you may want to ask your employer. Explain the
purpose of asking each question.

Question #1 What does a typical day look like

Purpose Enables you to learn as much about the role as possible

Question #2 How many vacation days or paid days off do we get?

Purpose My family and I constantly go on vacation over break.

Question #3 What is the company culture like?

Purpose Shows you’re trying to see yourself inside the company

Continue to next page!

Directions: Answer the following question in 1-2 complete sentences.

What do you predict is the purpose of doing something like researching both interview
questions you will be asked and you need to ask?

Helps you expect what to be asked and how to answer. It also helps you come up with questions that
can help you in the long run.

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