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Life Vision Poland Intermediate Unit Test 2 C

A Grammar: Present perfect simple and past simple

Complete the sentences with one word.
1 you go to the cinema yesterday?
2 We’ve been friends our first day at school.
3 you ever visited New Zealand?
4 My grandparents have lived here nearly 50 years.
5 I’ve finished my homework, but I haven’t practised the piano .
6 I’ve seen that movie three times. Can we watch a different one?

B Grammar: Present perfect simple and continuous

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 Linda and Louise (play) tennis three times this week.
2 Who (paint)? They need to tidy up!
3 She’s started her English essay, but she (not / finish) it yet.
4 I (look) for my phone all morning. I can’t find it anywhere.
5 We (not / visit) my cousins in Argentina for a long time.
6 Martin (train) all year because he’s going to run a marathon.

C Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
1 Girl 1 Why do you think you and Molly are such good friends?
Girl 2 We have the same sense of – we laugh at the same things.
A ☐ respect B ☐
support C humour ☐
2 Boy How do you feel about going to a new school?
Girl I’m a bit worried that it will be difficult to friends.
A ☐ make B ☐ be C ☐ give

3 Teacher What do you think is our most important class rule?

Student To show everyone – to listen to them and treat them well.
A ☐humour B ☐
respect C ☐

4 Girl 1 Look at this amazing present my aunt bought me!

Girl 2 Wow, that’s really of her!
A ☐ kind B ☐
honest C ☐ into the same things

5 Son I’m feeling a bit sad about my exam results.

Mother What would ?
A ☐show you loyalty B ☐
get on well C ☐ cheer you up

6 Boy 1 Do you think it’s more important to than to be friendly?

Boy 2 Yes. I think you shouldn’t hide things from people.
A ☐be kind B ☐
tell the truth C ☐ take an interest


Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 2 C 1

D Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary
Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences. There are two
words you do not need to use.
1 Anna and I to know each other in the holidays.
2 They on each other when they were travelling together,
and were rarely apart.
3 Sam and Max have always lots in common. operated
4 Katy really out for Emma when Emma was having a fallen
difficult time. got
5 Have you always fond of your grandma? had
6 When I’m feeling a bit sad, I’ve always to my cousin. looked

E Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.
1 Katy used to feel of her brother because he had a really good bike!
A ☐ jealous B ☐ stressed C ☐ ashamed

2 We need to improve this building to make it easy for people to enter.

A ☐ disabled B ☐
wheelchair user C ☐

3 Ed didn’t go to work today because he’s had a bad all weekend.

A ☐ stress B ☐
hormone C ☐ cough

4 I’m sure you can learn Spanish in a year. You just need to really , Henry.
A ☐ make a difference B ☐
earn money C ☐ put your mind to it

5 You should go to the doctor when you develop the of a serious illness.
A ☐ viruses B ☐
symptoms C ☐ genes

6 I always like to when I think that they need help.

A ☐ earn money B ☐
do someone a favour C ☐ learn a lesson


F Reading: Recognizing register

Read the texts from different sources. Match the sources to each text. Two
sources do not match any of the paragraphs.

Small pieces of plastic have been discovered in snow close to the
top of Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain. With plastic
waste found in 2018 at the Mariana Trench, the deepest point on
Earth, it is now clear that human rubbish has polluted the whole

Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 2 C 2

Dinner’s in the microwave – chicken curry. Strawberries in the
fridge for dessert. Remember to tidy the kitchen when you’ve eaten
and do the washing up. See you at about 10.30.
The following is company policy for proper employee mobile
phone use during work hours. In general, mobile phones should not
be used when they could cause a security or safety risk, or when
they take attention away from work tasks. Do not use a mobile
phone for browsing the internet or for gaming during work hours.
I can’t wait for your visit – we’re going to have such a good
time! Tell me what time your train arrives, and I’ll pick you up from
the station. The day after you arrive, there’s a music festival in the
park. Do you fancy going? I hope so – I’ve already bought tickets!
If you are indoors during an earthquake, avoid windows and tall
furniture. Take cover under a table or study desk. If there is nothing
to protect you, drop onto the floor, make your body into a ball, and
cover your head with your hands.
Some people believe that the benefits of job-related courses are
greater than those of more traditional ones. While it is true that the
job market is becoming more competitive, a job-related course may
not be the only direct route into employment.

A A formal official document explaining rules

B A formal timetable describing a plan
C An informal email making arrangements
D A formal essay presenting two sides of an argument
E A formal online article giving instructions
F A note from a parent giving instructions
G An informal sign giving a warning
H A formal news article giving information


G Listening: Paraphrasing
Listen to four people talking about friendship. Match the statements below to
one of the four speakers − Speaker A, Speaker B, Speaker C and Speaker D.
1 says one close friend is more important to them than
Speaker A
being popular.
Speaker B
2 says some old friendships are stronger now than in the
past. Speaker C
Speaker D

Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 2 C 3

3 says friends can have different interests while enjoying
time together.
4 says that communicating on social media isn’t like
meeting in person.
5 says they are happy they got in touch with old friends.
6 says they can depend on their friend in a difficult

H Listening: Mediation
You are going to give a class presentation about friendship and technology.
Listen to the start of a documentary and complete your script with information
from the documentary. Write one or two words in each gap. You now have 30
seconds to read the text.
1 People worry that teenagers can’t develop the to communicate.
2 A recent study suggests that teenagers have not become less .
3 % of teenagers in the US have six or more very good friends.
4 Technology has changed how teenagers form .
5 15% of teenagers have a close relationship that began .
6 Teenagers can chat online if they are too busy with or homework.

I Speaking: a talk
Read the text and think of one word to complete each sentence.

How can social media impact our lives?

In this talk, I’m going to discuss the impact that social media has on
our lives.
First of 1
, let’s talk about fake news. News travels fast on
social media, and it isn’t always true. We have to learn how to decide
if news is true or fake.
Turning 2
my next point, I think social media has an impact
on language. 3
, people are losing the ability to write correctly
because they only write short messages. Secondly, a lot of very short
words are entering the language, 4
example LOL (laugh out
loud) or TBH (to be honest).
, let’s talk about time. Today, we spend more time on social
media than on anything else. This means we have less time for other
activities such as reading or doing exercise.
In 6
, I think social media has an enormous impact on our
lives, and this isn’t always good.


Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 2 C 4

J Writing: Linking ideas
Six parts of sentences are missing from this text. Choose the correct sentence
part for each gap. There are two extra parts which you do not need to use.

Changing places
Moving to a new city can be a big challenge but it can bring lots of
exciting new opportunities, too. Here’s the experience of one student.

Last year my family moved from a small village in Wales to

Manchester in the north of England. I was a bit nervous about
making the move, but I’ve got to say that I’m really enjoying life
here. There have been a lot of big changes, 1
– last year I went
everywhere on foot!
One of the biggest differences about living here is that my school is
much bigger than the one I went to. Since 2
. The school I’m at
now has more than one thousand pupils in it. It can be pretty noisy
when the bell rings for classes to start.

Studying here is much better than being at a village school 3

can study French and Spanish, as well as all the different science
subjects. I’m really happy about that because I’d like to do chemistry
at university. And travel abroad, too.

With so many more students at the school, I’ve met a lot of people. I
have some really good friends who I spend a lot of time with, 4
try to message them most days, and we chat when I’m gaming
online. They tell me about what’s happening back in Wales.

Living in a city isn’t always easy, though. There are definitely some
negative things, 5
. I sometimes miss the peace and quiet of my
old home. Where we used to live, we could just walk out onto the
hills from our back door. That was quite a special thing to be able to
do. Having said that, there are lots of things that I can do here that I
just couldn’t do in my village – go to big concerts, watch football
matches, go shopping.

I suppose the best thing about moving to a new place is that you get
the chance to try out new things. I’ve got more chance to meet
people and live a more interesting life. Although 6
, and one day I
might move back, right now I want to be in a big city where
everything is just much more exciting.

Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 2 C 5

A but I keep in touch with old friends, too
B because there are more choices of subjects to take
C for example, everywhere around here is so busy
D only 300 people lived in the village, everything was smaller
E also we do the same things after school
F for instance, I use public transport at least twice a day now
G so that’s why I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else
H where I lived was good when I was younger


Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 2 C 6


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