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In the Court of the Hon’ble Civil Judge (S.D.

), Kalyan,
At Kalyan.

Caveat Application No. /2019.

Shri. XXXXX ….Caveator.


Shri. XXXXX ….Caveatee.

Caveat Application U/s. 148-A of Civil

Procedure Code, 1908.


It is most respectfully submitted by the above named Caveator as


1. That the caveator is the owner of the immovable property known as


2. That the caveator had purchased above mentioned immovable

property from Shri. XXXXXX through Conveyance Deed and the same
is registered with Sub-Registrar of Assurance, Ulhasnagar under Sr.
No. UNR-1/Reg. No. XXXX/2019 dated Xth September, 2019.

3. That on XX.09.2019 one Shri XXXXXXX had approached the

Caveator and stated that he is the owner of the above mentioned
immovable property and threatened him for dire consequences.

4. That the caveator states that, he had purchased the property from the
legal and lawful owner from Shri XXXXXXXX by paying full
consideration and had taken/obtained possession of the said
property from Shri XXXXXXXXXXX.

5. That the caveator apprehends that the caveatee may file a suit for
injunction or seek such other remedy against the caveator, and
hence, this application.

6. That this caveat application being chargeable with a fixed rate of

court-fee of Rs. , is paid.

7. That the caveator, therefore, prays that in case the caveatee files any
suit or any application or action seeking interim injunction or such
other remedy or relief against the caveator, before passing any such
orders in the matter, necessary notice u/s. 148-A of C.P.C. be served
upon the caveator, and they may be given an opportunity of being
heard in the said proceedings.

8. That the caveator has sent the copy of this Caveat Application to the
caveatee above named by registered post acknowledgement due and
copy of the said postal registration receipt is filed herewith.

9. That the address of the caveator above named for service of the notice
is the same as given in the title of this application.



Advocate for Caveator.


I, XXXXXXXXX, aged about XX years, Hindu, adult, Indian

Inhabitant, resident of XXXXXX, the Caveator hereinabove, do hereby
state on solemn affirmation that the contents of this caveat application in
para 1 to 9 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Solemnly affirmed at
Kalyan on this
Day of September, 2019.


Advocate for Caveator.

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