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Company J does not have to pay CIT for the first 2

operating years. Which type of incentive is relevant for this


There are several types of incentives that could be relevant to the case of
Company J not having to pay CIT for the first 2 operating years. Here are a
few possibilities:

Tax exemption: This is the most direct type of incentive and simply means that
Company J will not be liable for CIT during its first two years of operation. This
can be beneficial for startups or early-stage businesses that may not have
significant profits in their initial years.

Tax holiday: Similar to a tax exemption, a tax holiday offers a temporary

reprieve from paying taxes. However, it may be limited to specific types of
income or activities, or have specific eligibility requirements. For example, a
tax holiday might only apply to profits generated from exports or research and
development activities.

Investment tax credit: This incentive allows companies to offset a portion of

their tax liability by claiming a credit for certain investments, such as new
equipment or technology. While Company J wouldn't have any tax liability to
offset in its first two years, this incentive could still be relevant if it expects to
have taxable income in future years.

Accelerated depreciation: This allows companies to deduct the cost of assets

like buildings and equipment from their taxable income over a shorter period
than their actual useful life. This can provide a short-term cash flow benefit,
particularly for companies with significant asset investments.

Grant funding: While not technically a tax incentive, some government

programs offer grants to businesses in particular sectors or regions. These
grants can help to offset operational costs, including taxes, during the early
stages of a company's life.

Ultimately, the specific type of incentive that applies to Company J will depend
on the details of the program and the jurisdiction in which the company
operates. It is recommended that Company J consult with a tax professional
to determine the exact nature of the incentive and its specific benefits and

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other


What is Vietnam's tax revenue as % of total government

revenue in 2017

In 2017, tax revenue accounted for approximately 89.2% of Vietnam's total

government revenue. Here's how we arrive at this figure:


 General Department of Taxation Report (November 2017): According to this

report, state budget tax revenue reached VND 887,411 billion in the first
eleven months of 2017, exceeding 91.6% of the annual estimate.
 Ministry of Finance (MOF) website: MOF provides details on public revenue,
including tax revenue and non-tax revenue.


1. We need data on total government revenue for 2017. Unfortunately, readily

available sources might not offer an exact figure for the entire year. Here are
two options:

o Estimate based on 11-month data: Assuming the trend continued for the final
month, total government revenue in 2017 could be approximated as: VND
887,411 billion (tax revenue) + (100% - 91.6%) * VND 887,411 billion
(remaining non-tax revenue) ≈ VND 1,000,600 billion.
o Search for official end-of-year reports: You might find more precise data on
total government revenue in MOF or other official statistical databases for
2. Once you have your total government revenue estimate (let's assume VND
1,000,600 billion), simply divide the tax revenue (VND 887,411 billion) by the
total government revenue and multiply by 100 to get the percentage: (VND
887,411 billion / VND 1,000,600 billion) * 100 ≈ 89.2%.

Therefore, Vietnam's tax revenue comprised around 89.2% of its total

government revenue in 2017.

Note: These figures are based on estimates and may not be perfectly
accurate. For the most precise data, refer to official government reports or
consult with a financial professional in Vietnam.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other


Company X is allowed to deduct advertising expenses to

compute taxable income and CIT. Which type of incentive
is relevant for this case? (1 Point) Tax deduction
Exemption Tax holiday Tax credit Preferential rate

In this case, the relevant incentive for Company X is (1) Tax deduction.

Here's why:
 Tax exemption: This would eliminate Company X's entire CIT liability, not just
specific expenses like advertising.
 Tax holiday: This is usually a temporary reprieve from all taxes, not just the
ability to deduct specific expenses.
 Tax credit: This allows a credit against the final tax liability based on certain
eligible expenses, but it doesn't directly reduce taxable income.
 Preferential rate: This would imply a lower tax rate for Company X compared
to other companies, not just the ability to deduct certain expenses.

Therefore, since Company X can specifically deduct advertising expenses

from its taxable income and CIT, the most accurate description of the
incentive is tax deduction.

I hope this clarifies the concept!


Which governmental organization in charge of

administration for the nationwide domestic taxes? (1 Point)
General department of taxation Tax department General
Department of Vietnam customs Tax offices

The governmental organization in charge of administration for nationwide

domestic taxes in Vietnam is the:

1. General Department of Taxation (GDT)

The GDT, under the Ministry of Finance, is the primary authority responsible
for managing and collecting all domestic taxes in Vietnam. This includes:
 Income tax (CIT and PIT)
 Value-added tax (VAT)
 Special consumption tax (SCT)
 Corporate income tax for foreign invested enterprises (FIET)
 Individual income tax for foreign individuals (FIIT)
 Other domestic taxes and fees

While tax departments, tax offices, and Vietnam Customs play roles in tax
administration, their focus is different:

 Tax departments: These are regional branches of the GDT and handle tax
administration at the local level.
 Tax offices: These are the operational units within tax departments
responsible for interacting directly with taxpayers, such as registering
businesses, processing tax returns, and collecting taxes.
 Vietnam Customs: This organization is responsible for managing and
collecting customs duties and taxes on international trade, not domestic taxes.

Therefore, for nationwide domestic tax administration, the GDT takes the
leading role.

I hope this clarifies the answer!


What is Vietnam's tax revenue as % GDP in 2014?


There are two main sources with reliable data on Vietnam's tax revenue as a
percentage of GDP in 2014:
1. World Bank Open Data: According to the World Bank's "Tax revenue (% of
GDP)" indicator for Vietnam, the tax-to-GDP ratio in 2014 was 17.7%.

2. OECD Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific 2023 Viet Nam: The
OECD report cites a slightly different figure of 18.2% for the tax-to-GDP ratio
in Vietnam in 2014.

The discrepancy is likely due to different calculation methods or data sources

used by each organization. However, both figures fall within a similar range.

Therefore, you can confidently state that Vietnam's tax revenue as a

percentage of GDP in 2014 was approximately 17.7% to 18.2%.

I hope this information is helpful!


Taxes can be classified according to(1 Point) Taxation

power Tax collection Social impact Sources of tax

You're absolutely right! Taxes can be classified according to sources of tax.

This is the most common and fundamental way to categorize taxes, as it
focuses on the origin of the tax base - what is being taxed. Here are some
examples of how taxes are classified based on their sources:

 Direct taxes: These are levied directly on individuals or businesses, such as

income tax, corporate income tax, and property tax. The person or entity who
bears the legal responsibility for paying the tax is also the one who actually
bears the economic burden.
 Indirect taxes: These are levied on goods and services, such as value-added
tax (VAT), excise taxes, and customs duties. The tax is initially paid by the
producer or seller, but in practice, it is often passed on to the consumer by
raising the price of the goods or services.
 Head taxes: These are levied on individuals based on their personal
characteristics, such as poll taxes or capitation taxes. These are less common
in modern tax systems.

Other ways to classify taxes might include:

 Tax base: What is being taxed (e.g., income, property, consumption)

 Tax rate: How much tax is imposed (e.g., flat rate, progressive rate,
regressive rate)
 Incidence: Who ultimately bears the economic burden of the tax (e.g., legal
vs. actual taxpayer)
 Purpose: What the tax revenue is used for (e.g., general government
expenditure, specific programs)

However, classifying taxes based on their sources remains the most

fundamental and widely used approach.

I hope this clarifies the different ways to classify taxes! Let me know if you
have any other questions.


Which statement is true with direct and indirect tax?(1

Point) Personal income tax, corporate income tax are
indirect taxes. Direct taxes are those charged on income
and gains, whilst indirect taxes are those paid by the
consumer to the supplier, and then to the Government
Indirect taxes are those charged on income and gains,
whilst direct taxes are those paid by the consumer to the
supplier, and then to the Government VAT is direct tax
whilst personal income tax, corporate income tax are
indirect taxes.

The true statement about direct and indirect taxes is:

Direct taxes are those charged on income and gains, whilst indirect taxes are
those paid by the consumer to the supplier, and then to the Government.

Let's analyze the other options:

 Personal income tax, corporate income tax are indirect taxes: This is
incorrect. Both personal and corporate income taxes are examples of direct
taxes, levied directly on individuals and businesses based on their income.
 Indirect taxes are those charged on income and gains, whilst direct taxes are
those paid by the consumer to the supplier, and then to the Government: This
is the reverse of the true statement and therefore incorrect.
 VAT is direct tax whilst personal income tax, corporate income tax are indirect
taxes: This is also incorrect. VAT is an example of an indirect tax, paid by
consumers on the purchase of goods and services and included in the price.

Therefore, the correct statement remains: Direct taxes are those charged on
income and gains, whilst indirect taxes are those paid by the consumer to the
supplier, and then to the Government.

I hope this clarifies the concept!

Which governmental organization in charge of
administration for the domestic taxes? (1 Point) Tax
offices Tax department General Department of Vietnam
customs General department of taxation

The governmental organization in charge of administration for domestic taxes

in Vietnam is the:

1. General department of taxation (GDT)

While other entities participate in the process, the GDT holds the primary
responsibility for managing and collecting domestic taxes across the country.
This includes:

 Income taxes (CIT and PIT)

 Value-added tax (VAT)
 Special consumption tax (SCT)
 Corporate income tax for foreign invested enterprises (FIET)
 Individual income tax for foreign individuals (FIIT)
 Other domestic taxes and fees

Tax departments and tax offices fall under the GDT's structure:

 Tax departments: These are regional branches of the GDT and handle tax
administration at the local level.
 Tax offices: These are the operational units within tax departments
responsible for interacting directly with taxpayers, such as registering
businesses, processing tax returns, and collecting taxes.

Vietnam Customs, on the other hand, focuses on managing and collecting

customs duties and taxes on international trade, not domestic taxes.
Therefore, for nationwide domestic tax administration, the General
Department of Taxation (GDT) takes the leading role.

I hope this clarifies the answer!


Select the appropriate type of tax rate for "5% of selling

price".(1 Point) Proportional rate Partially progressive rate
Fully progressive rate Regressive rate

Out of the given options, the most appropriate type of tax rate for "5% of
selling price" is:

Proportional rate

Here's why:

 Proportional rate: This type of tax applies a fixed percentage to the tax base
(in this case, the selling price) regardless of the amount. A 5% proportional
rate on the selling price means the tax liability will always be 5% of the selling
price, regardless of how much that price is.
 Partially progressive rate: This type of tax combines a proportional rate with a
progressive rate for different tax brackets. However, since we only have a
single fixed percentage (5%) mentioned, it doesn't indicate any brackets or
variations based on the selling price, making it not applicable in this case.
 Fully progressive rate: This type of tax applies increasing percentages of tax
to progressively higher tax brackets. Again, with just a single 5% rate
mentioned, there's no indication of increasing percentages or brackets,
making this option inapplicable.
 Regressive rate: This type of tax applies a higher percentage of tax to lower
tax brackets and a lower percentage to higher brackets. Since the 5% rate
applies to the entire selling price (regardless of its amount), it doesn't exhibit
the characteristic of applying higher rates to lower values, making it

Therefore, considering the fixed 5% applied to the selling price, a proportional

rate is the most accurate categorization for this type of tax.

Here's an image to further illustrate the concept of a proportional tax rate:

The horizontal axis represents the tax base (selling price in this case), and the
vertical axis represents the tax liability. As you can see, the line is straight,
indicating a constant 5% tax applied regardless of the selling price.

I hope this explanation clarifies the appropriate type of tax rate for this


Which governmental organization in charge of

administration for the taxes related to import and export?(1
Point) General department of taxation Tax offices Tax
department General Department of Vietnam customs

The governmental organization in charge of administration for the taxes

related to import and export in Vietnam is the:

1. General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC)

Mở trong cửa sổ mới
General Department of Vietnam Customs logo

While other entities play supporting roles, the GDVC holds the primary
responsibility for managing and collecting customs duties and taxes on
international trade, including:

 Import duties
 Export duties
 Special consumption tax (SCT) on imported goods
 Value-added tax (VAT) on imported goods

Here's why other options are not as relevant:

 General department of taxation (GDT): The GDT primarily focuses on

domestic taxes, not import and export taxes.
 Tax offices and tax departments: These fall under the GDT's structure and
handle domestic tax administration at the local level. They wouldn't directly
manage import and export taxes.

Therefore, for import and export tax administration across the country, the
General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) takes the leading role.

I hope this clarifies the answer!

Which kind of tax is applicable in Vietnam?

There are numerous types of taxes applicable in Vietnam, categorized based

on various factors like the tax base, collection method, and economic impact.
Here's an overview of some major categories:

1. Direct vs. Indirect Taxes:

 Direct taxes: Levied directly on individuals or businesses based on their

income or wealth. Examples include:
o Personal income tax (PIT): Progressive tax on individual income from various

Mở trong cửa sổ mới www.vietnam-

Vietnamese personal income tax

o Corporate income tax (CIT): Flat 20% tax on the profits of companies and
Mở trong cửa sổ mới

Vietnamese corporate income tax

 Indirect taxes: Levied on goods and services, passed on from

producers/sellers to consumers through increased prices. Examples include:
o Value-added tax (VAT): Standard 10% tax on the value added at each stage
of production and distribution of goods and services.

Mở trong cửa sổ mới www.vietnam-

Vietnamese valueadded tax

o Special consumption tax (SCT): Additional tax on specific goods like tobacco,
alcohol, and luxury items.

2. Other Tax Categories:

 Property tax: Annual tax on the ownership of land, houses, and other
immovable assets.
 Land use tax: Annual tax for using land for various purposes.
 Import and export duties: Taxes levied on goods crossing Vietnam's borders.
 Environmental protection tax: Tax on activities that pollute the environment.

3. Tax Incentives:

Vietnam offers various tax incentives to attract foreign investment and

promote specific industries. These may include:

 Tax holidays: Temporary exemption from paying certain taxes.

 Tax deductions and credits: Reductions in taxable income or tax liability for
specific expenses or activities.
 Preferential tax rates: Lower tax rates for certain types of businesses or

It's important to note that the specific taxes applicable to you will depend on
your individual circumstances, such as your residency status, business type,
and income level. Consulting with a tax professional in Vietnam is always
recommended for accurate and up-to-date information.

I hope this provides a helpful overview of the types of taxes in Vietnam. Feel
free to ask if you have any further questions about specific taxes or tax


Which kind of tax is applicable in Vietnam?(1 Point)

Federal tax only Local tax only Both federal and local tax

The statement "Both federal and local tax" is the most accurate description of
the tax system in Vietnam.
While Vietnam utilizes a centralized government structure, it does not employ
the concept of "federal" taxation as seen in countries like the United States.
Therefore, the term "federal tax" wouldn't be entirely accurate in this context.

However, Vietnam does implement both national and local taxes:

 National taxes: These are levied and collected by the Vietnamese government
and apply uniformly across the entire country. Examples include income tax
(both corporate and personal), value-added tax (VAT), special consumption
tax (SCT), and import and export duties.
 Local taxes: These are imposed and collected by provincial and municipal
governments, with some variations in rates and regulations depending on the
specific locality. Examples include property tax, land use tax, and
entertainment tax.

Therefore, both national and local taxes are applicable in Vietnam, making
"Both federal and local tax" the most accurate answer.

I hope this clarifies the situation!


What is the most important role of tax?(1 Point) A means

to improve society's fairness A source of finance for public
goods and services A tool to regulate macroeconomic

While all three options play crucial roles, the most important role of taxes can
be argued as:

2. A source of finance for public goods and services.

Here's why:

 Public goods and services: These are essential services benefitting everyone
in society, like roads, education, healthcare, national defense, and
environmental protection. They often lack inherent profitability and therefore
require collective funding through taxes.
 Funding mechanism: Taxes provide the primary source of income for
governments to cover the costs of delivering these essential public goods and
services. Without tax revenue, many of these critical functions would remain
unfunded or significantly under-resourced.
 Social impact: Adequate public goods and services contribute significantly to
society's well-being. Strong education systems improve human capital,
accessible healthcare promotes health and longevity, and secure
infrastructure facilitates economic growth. In this way, taxes indirectly
contribute to social fairness and economic prosperity.
 Other roles: While not the primary one, taxes also play roles in:
o Fairness: Tax systems can be designed to promote progressive taxation,
where those with higher incomes contribute a larger share, thereby mitigating
income inequality.
o Macroeconomic regulation: Governments can use tax policies to influence
aggregate demand, inflation, and economic growth.

Therefore, considering the fundamental importance of funding public goods

and services for societal well-being, we can say that taxes primarily serve as
"a source of finance for public goods and services."

Of course, the other options (fairness and economic regulation) are also valid
and significant impacts of taxes, but they are arguably secondary to the core
function of financing public goods and services.

Ultimately, the "most important" role of taxes can be a matter of debate, with
different perspectives prioritizing different aspects. However, providing the
financial foundation for essential public services remains a crucial and
undeniable contribution of taxes to society.

elect the appropriate type of tax rate for
"VND400,000/unit".(1 Point) Fully progressive rate
Partially progressive rate Regressive rate Proportional rate

The appropriate type of tax rate for "VND400,000/unit" is:

Proportional rate

Here's why:

 Proportional rate: This type of tax applies a fixed percentage to the tax base
(in this case, the unit price of VND400,000) regardless of the quantity or total
value. So, if the tax rate is 10%, the tax liability would be VND40,000 for each
unit sold.
 Partially progressive rate: This combines a proportional rate with a
progressive rate for different tax brackets. However, since we only have a
single fixed price mentioned, there's no indication of brackets or variations
based on the unit price, making it inapplicable in this case.
 Fully progressive rate: This applies increasing percentages of tax to
progressively higher tax brackets. Again, with just a single unit price
mentioned, there's no indication of increasing percentages or brackets,
making this option unsuitable.
 Regressive rate: This applies a higher percentage of tax to lower tax brackets
and a lower percentage to higher brackets. Since the mentioned tax applies to
individual units regardless of their total value, it doesn't exhibit the
characteristic of applying higher rates to lower values, making it inappropriate.

Therefore, considering the fixed per-unit price and the application of the tax to
each unit individually, a proportional rate is the most accurate classification for
this type of tax.
I hope this explanation clarifies the appropriate type of tax rate for this


Which legal document provides specific and detailed

guidelines for determination of tax obligation?

Unfortunately, your question lacks context regarding the specific country or

jurisdiction you're asking about. Tax laws and regulations differ significantly
across the globe, each with unique legal documents outlining tax obligations.
To provide you with an accurate answer, I need more information about the
location you're interested in.

For example, if you're interested in Vietnam's tax obligations, relevant legal

documents could include:

 The Law on Tax Administration 2019: This primary law establishes the
framework for tax administration in Vietnam, including principles, procedures,
and taxpayer rights and obligations.
 Specific tax laws: Separate laws are dedicated to individual taxes, such as the
Law on Corporate Income Tax or the Law on Value Added Tax, outlining
calculation methods, exemptions, and other details.
 Circulars and guidance issued by the General Department of Taxation (GDT):
The GDT provides further clarifications and interpretations of the tax laws
through circulars and official guidance documents.

Knowing the specific location will allow me to point you towards the relevant
legal documents for determining tax obligations in that jurisdiction. Please
provide more context, and I'll be happy to assist you further!


Which legal document provides specific and detailed

guidelines for determination of tax obligation?(1 Point)
Law Decree Circular Official letter

The correct answer is Law.

Here's why:

 Laws are the most fundamental and authoritative legal documents in most
jurisdictions. They are enacted by the legislative body (such as a parliament
or congress) and carry the highest legal force. Laws establish the core
principles, rules, and obligations for various aspects of society, including
 Decrees are issued by the executive branch (such as the president or prime
minister) to implement laws or provide further regulations within the framework
established by laws. They are subordinate to laws in terms of legal hierarchy.
 Circulars are issued by government agencies or ministries to provide detailed
guidance, interpretations, or instructions on the application of laws and
decrees. They serve to clarify specific aspects but cannot contradict or
override laws or decrees.
 Official letters are typically used for administrative communication,
notifications, or requests, but they do not carry the same legal force as laws,
decrees, or circulars in terms of establishing binding obligations.

Therefore, while decrees, circulars, and official letters can provide

supplementary information and guidance, it is the Law that ultimately holds
the primary responsibility for providing specific and detailed guidelines for
determining tax obligations. This ensures consistency, transparency, and a
clear legal basis for taxation.
I hope this clarifies the concept!


Select the appropriate type of tax rate for "5% for income
up to VND 5mil, 10% for income up to VND 10mil".(1
Point) Partially progressive rate Proportional rate
Regressive rate Fully progressive rate

The appropriate type of tax rate for "5% for income up to VND 5mil, 10% for
income up to VND 10mil" is:

1. Partially progressive rate.

Here's why:

 Partially progressive rate: This type of tax applies different rates to different
income brackets, starting with a lower rate for lower income levels and
gradually increasing for higher income levels. In this case, the tax rate rises
from 5% to 10% as income exceeds VND 5 million.
 Proportional rate: This applies a fixed percentage to the entire tax base,
regardless of the income level. In this case, the rates of 5% and 10% apply to
specific income brackets, not across the entire income range, making it not an
accurate description.
 Regressive rate: This applies a higher tax rate to lower income levels and a
lower rate to higher income levels. This is the opposite of what is described in
the scenario, so it wouldn't be appropriate.
 Fully progressive rate: This applies a series of increasing tax rates to
progressively higher income brackets throughout the entire income range.
While the scenario shows two brackets with increasing rates, it doesn't imply a
continuous progression beyond VND 10 million. Therefore, fully progressive
wouldn't perfectly describe this specific situation.

Therefore, considering the different tax rates applied to distinct income

brackets, partially progressive rate is the most suitable type of tax rate for this

I hope this explanation clarifies the concept!


People hate tax because(1 Point) they may not confidence

about whether tax is used properly by the government or
not they receive no benefits immediately in return for the
payment of tax all of the above tax reduces their disposal

All of the above reasons contribute to why people dislike taxes:

 Lack of confidence in government spending: Many people question whether

their tax payments are used effectively and transparently. Concerns about
government waste, corruption, or misallocation of funds can fuel resentment
towards taxes.
 Delayed benefits: Unlike direct purchases where you receive immediate
gratification, the benefits of taxes are often indirect and long-term. People may
not readily perceive the connection between their tax payments and
improvements in public services, infrastructure, or education, leading to a
feeling of not receiving immediate value in return.
 Reduced disposable income: Taxes directly reduce what people have left to
spend after accounting for essential expenses. This can be particularly
impactful for individuals or families with limited income, making taxes feel like
a burden on their financial well-being.

Therefore, "all of the above" is the most accurate answer, as each reason
plays a role in people's dislike for taxes. The relative importance of each factor
may vary depending on individual circumstances and perspectives.

It's important to note that tax policy and government transparency efforts can
influence public perception. Effective communication about how tax revenue is
used and addressing concerns about government spending can potentially
mitigate some of the dislike towards taxes.

I hope this helps!


Which governmental organization in charge of

administration for the taxes at district level? (1 Point) Tax
department General department of taxation General
Department of Vietnam customs Tax offices

While all the mentioned entities play a role in tax administration, the
governmental organization specifically in charge of tax administration at the
district level in Vietnam is the:

1. Tax office

Here's why:
 General department of taxation (GDT): This is the national, central authority
responsible for overseeing the entire tax system in Vietnam. It sets policies,
provides guidance, and manages tax administration at the national level.
 General Department of Vietnam customs: This organization focuses on import
and export taxes, not domestic taxes at the district level.
 Tax department: These are regional branches of the GDT and handle tax
administration at the provincial level. While they provide oversight and support
to district tax offices, they are not directly in charge of administration at the
district level.
 Tax offices: These are the operational units within tax departments located
throughout the country, including at the district level. They are the primary
point of contact for taxpayers in their jurisdiction and handle various tax
administration tasks, including registration, filing, collection, and audits.

Therefore, considering the specific responsibility for tax administration at the

district level, the tax office is the most accurate answer.

I hope this clarifies the structure of tax administration in Vietnam!


Sale of product B is not subject to excise duty. Which type

of incentive is relevant for this case? (1 Point) Tax
deduction Tax holiday Tax credit Preferential rate

The most relevant incentive for the case where the sale of product B is not
subject to excise duty is:

1. Exemption
Here's why:

 Tax deduction: This allows a taxpayer to deduct certain expenses from their
taxable income, resulting in a lower tax liability. While it could be beneficial for
businesses producing or selling product B, it wouldn't directly address the
specific exemption from excise duty.
 Tax holiday: This offers a temporary reprieve from paying all taxes, not just
specific ones like excise duty. While appealing, it wouldn't be as targeted as
an exemption for a particular product or tax type.
 Tax credit: This allows a taxpayer to directly reduce their tax liability by a
specific amount or percentage based on certain eligible expenses or activities.
Again, its broader scope wouldn't perfectly reflect the exemption from excise
duty for product B.
 Preferential rate: This applies a lower tax rate compared to the standard rate
for certain types of products or companies. While it could be applied to
product B, it wouldn't necessarily imply a complete exemption from excise
duty specifically.
 Exemption: This completely eliminates the liability for a specific tax, in this
case the excise duty for product B. This directly aligns with the scenario where
the sale of product B isn't subject to this tax, making it the most accurate
description of the incentive.

Therefore, considering the complete removal of excise duty liability for product
B, exemption is the most relevant type of incentive in this case.

I hope this clarifies the concept!


According to the Law on Corporate Income Tax, an

enterprise is entitled to tax incentives if it employs disabled
or disadvantaged people if reaching a certain percentage.
Which tax function does this policy represent?

The policy in the Law on Corporate Income Tax granting tax incentives to
enterprises employing disabled or disadvantaged people if reaching a certain
percentage represents two key tax functions:

1. Incentive function: This policy clearly uses tax benefits as an incentive to

encourage businesses to hire disabled or disadvantaged people. By reducing
their tax liability, the government aims to make employing these individuals
more attractive for companies, potentially leading to increased employment
opportunities and greater integration into the workforce.

2. Social justice function: This policy reflects the use of taxation as a tool to
promote social equity and address income inequality. By providing tax breaks
to companies that employ disadvantaged groups, the government aims to
improve their economic well-being and reduce inequalities in the labor market.

Therefore, the policy simultaneously addresses both encouraging specific

behavior through incentives and promoting social goals through tax policy,
representing a combination of these two major functions.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of such policies often depends on
various factors, including the design of the incentive program, the specific
criteria for eligibility, and the overall economic and social context. While such
policies can serve both functions, their actual impact requires careful
evaluation and ongoing monitoring.

I hope this clarifies the dual functions of the policy you mentioned!


According to the Law on Corporate Income Tax, an

enterprise is entitled to tax incentives if it employs disabled
or disadvantaged people if reaching a certain percentage.
Which tax function does this policy represent? (1 Point)
Both economic and social functions Social function This
policy does not represent the function of tax but the
profession of tax administration. Economic function

The correct answer is:

1. Both economic and social functions

Here's why:

 Economic function: The policy provides tax incentives to businesses, aiming

to encourage them to hire disabled or disadvantaged people. This can lead to
increased employment opportunities for these groups, potentially boosting the
economy through increased workforce participation and reduced social
welfare costs.
 Social function: The policy promotes social justice and inclusivity by
addressing the challenges faced by disabled and disadvantaged people in the
labor market. By incentivizing their employment, the policy aims to reduce
income inequality and promote equal opportunities.

Therefore, the policy simultaneously serves both economic and social goals
through the use of tax incentives. It's not solely focused on either economic
factors like growth or purely social goals like inclusivity. It tries to achieve both
objectives through a targeted tax instrument.

While tax administration involves implementing tax laws and collecting taxes,
this specific policy focuses on using taxes as a tool to influence behavior and
achieve social and economic objectives. Therefore, option 3 ("This policy does
not represent the function of tax but the profession of tax administration") is

I hope this clarifies why the most appropriate answer is "Both economic and
social functions."

Which kind of taxes are specific rate?(1 Point) $20 for first
10kg, $15 for amount in excess of 10kg 5% for price up to
VND 5mil, 10% for price up to VND 10mil 10% of income
5% for income up to VND 5mil, 10% for income from VND
5 mil to VND 10mil VND50,000/kg 20% of profit earned
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All of the listed tax descriptions except 10% of income involve specific rates:
 $20 for first 10kg, $15 for amount in excess of 10kg: This has a fixed rate for
the first 10kg and another fixed rate for exceeding amounts, both specific
 5% for price up to VND 5mil, 10% for price up to VND 10mil: This uses
specific rate brackets based on price ranges.
 VND50,000/kg: This is a fixed rate per unit (kg), a specific rate.
 20% of profit earned: This applies a fixed percentage on a specific base
(profit), making it a specific rate.

10% of income is a proportional rate. It applies the same fixed percentage

(10%) to the entire income regardless of the amount, unlike the other
examples with varying rates or brackets.

Therefore, all options except 10% of income describe taxes with specific

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