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In today's fast-paced world, the prevalence of fast food restaurants has become a significant

concern, particularly in relation to obesity. As students delve into the complexities of this issue, they
often encounter challenges when crafting a thesis that effectively captures the essence of their
research. The task of formulating a compelling thesis statement requires a deep understanding of the
subject matter, meticulous research, and proficient writing skills.

Writing a thesis on the topic of fast food restaurants and obesity demands careful consideration of
various factors, including the impact of fast food consumption on public health, socio-economic
implications, cultural influences, and potential solutions to address this pressing issue. Moreover,
synthesizing existing literature, analyzing data, and presenting original insights can be daunting tasks
for many students.

Recognizing the difficulties associated with crafting a well-rounded thesis on such a complex topic,
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These chains also have unacceptable levels of trans fats and these trans fats are major contributors to
weight gain, obesity, and heart disease (eMedTv, p. 1). In an interview by Stone Philips of several
groups of individuals who had a major stake in the obesity issue, the reporter considered the fact that
obesity is a major problem in America and critics have turned this issue into an unfair fight. Is fast
food franchise to be blamed for individuals becoming overweight or is it just laziness. The intention
is to stifle ideas that the food industry is liable for American obesity. McDonald's, in January 2012,
won a lawsuit, which that alleged that it was responsible for spreading obesity and other health
related problems among two New York Teenagers (Willensky 309). Let us write or edit the research
paper on your topic. The author argues that there has been too much emphasis on individual
responsibility for the obesity epidemic, and not enough interest in corporate responsibility. The
parents of children and teens who are facing obesity in their lives, and are looking to blame someone
for it. Proposing healthier options for a healthier future. It provided me with evidence supporting my
initial position on the topic. Considering the significant number of obese Americans and the various
fast food chains stores who are earning major profits from their supersized meals, the “tobacco
lawsuits” are an enticing prospect for lawyers wanting to cash in on these potential lawsuits
(Murphy). Fast food therefore targets the poor because they have no other choice but to eat the
cheap junk food that they sell for nothing at fast food franchises. When is it appropriate to place
blame and when is it the responsibility of the individual. However, after a campaign by Chef Jamie
Oliver this is now changing. The toy attracts children and shows why the happy meal option is so
popular. This is another factor which contributes to the rising levels of obesity in the UK. It shows
that corporations may actually be on the right track. They point out that possible lawsuits against
these chains would prompt them to take more responsibility for their unhealthy products. A happy
meal usually contains burger, chips, a drink and a toy. The chemicals that they use on their products
to keep them lasting for a period of time is toxic to the human body which can lead to various health
problems. They issue is that, even though Americans know these things, they still continue to
consume it. The ominous comparison to cigarettes is increasingly being made in the United States as
well. A happy meal usually contains burger, chips, a drink and a toy. My involvement with it
commenced when my initial grandchild was delivered and detected with Congenital Diaphragmatic
Hernia (CDH). They expect to learn if it is their fault or the fault of the fast food companies. A link
between fast food and obesity is that processed foods often contain calories a day full quota. The
information on this website, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials, is provided for
reference and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by
your own physician or other medical professional. If you can prove that there is a dangerous link, you
may receive funds to initiate a project that will help to conquer this issue. He pointed out different
negative consequence of these foods including obesity and labor abuse. It was assessed according to
the following food categories: cereal, snacks, sweets, beverages, fast food restaurants, non-fast food
restaurants, and other. In applying this argument to fast food chains, these chains and their
supersized foods can hardly be considered addictive. In the course of its study, it established that
individuals living near restaurants were not more likely to be obese, as compared to those living
further away.
Therefore, by the time they are finished, the children are probably sleeping or the caregivers lost their
appetite. But over the years with fast food restaurants becoming so popular many parents find fast
food a quick, easy and cheap way to provide a meal for their children and as a result less and less
families are having freshly cooked meals at home in the modern day. Americans are prone to always
ending up at a fast food franchise than to cook a nice healthy meal at home. Medium income
households eat less fast food because they have the money to buy healthier foods which is more
expensive. Depending on the facts you have found, you will define what thesis statement you need.
Consequently, even as taxing restaurants for their high-calorie foods may indeed be prudent and may
trigger customers to eat something else, it would still not resolve people’s inherent tendency to
overeat (Swaine). Those who oppose the link between obesity and fast food chains point out that fast
foods are being blamed for obesity because most of the foods they offer are high in calories and
these foods are often big on portions. To choose the right theme, you should undertake the next steps
borrowed from custom research proposal writing service and its team of highly skilled academic
writers. Structure of presentation. Survey. Chemicals as food enhancers. Obesity is linked to various
severe medical conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and
respiratory problems like sleep apnea. Associated Content. 2007. 12 April 2011 from Schlosser, E.
Accordingly, attentively read every source and make notes. There are various causes for this
condition, including family history, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, environment, medicines,
smoking, age, pregnancy, and lack of sleep, among others (NHLDC). Most Fast Food Per Person and
Other Food Facts Retrieved October 25, 2010 from. The study also expressed that even as fast foods
often contained more calories than home-cooked products, most customers often compensated for
this by eating less throughout the rest of the day (Swaine). Low cost Convenience Good taste Fast
Food has become popular because people often don’t have the time to cook themselves decent meals.
I'm just passionate about health and healthy leaving. Across the globe, efforts are under way to slow
the march of obesity. Signature items will not be changed, but they are offering another choice for
their consumers. They expect to learn if it is their fault or the fault of the fast food companies. I also
attempt to incorporate physical activity in my classroom, so students can engage all of their learning
styles. In magazines where parents are the main audience such as Parents or Good House Keeping. It
provided me with evidence supporting my initial position on the topic. Unfortunately, unknown to
them, these fast foods do not give them the recommended dietary requirement for their age and
otherwise lead them to weight gain and obesity. You can use all of them for an exploration of
narration that takes you a week or more OR. Incidentally, fast food litigation caused outrage among
some parents and interest groups who expressed their contempt against children and parents who did
not wish to take responsibility for their eating habits (Munger, p. 393). An opinion from the Legal
Times pointed out that most jurors believe that fast food lawsuits are not legitimate suits, with about
89% of 2,119 participants believing that fast food companies cannot be blamed for customer’s eating
habits (Beaudette). You may write the following examples “In 1960, obesity among adult in the US
was at 13.6%. The Centers For Disease Control confirmed that this number increased up to 34% in
2006. In considering this case, we consider McDonald’s because it covers about 43% of the total fast
food restaurants in America (Rositano, p. 1). This chain has about 30,000 restaurants in 100 countries
all over the world. It therefore argued that placing a tax on high-calorie food is not an effective way
of reducing obesity. Children like McDonalds due to the happy meals and what they offer.
You may write the following examples “In 1960, obesity among adult in the US was at 13.6%. The
Centers For Disease Control confirmed that this number increased up to 34% in 2006. This in fact,
will help preserve our quality of life, through a simple step of primary prevention. While it is
acceptable to occasionally indulge in a fast food burger, it is crucial to avoid making it a daily habit.
Obesity is increasing at an alarming rate the world over. He also cited the pervasive nature of the
advertising field in these food chains which serve to ultimately advocate the fast food culture in the
general population (Munger, p. 395). He also noted how these advertisements have managed to
bombard children with enticing images. Such ?ndings are intriguing; perhaps more so because there is
little direct evidence that restaurant proximity affects dietary behaviors(Mellor, Jennifer 2011).”. A
codification of behavior and moralss is contributing to running any concern. Consumers who are
financially disadvantaged sometimes look to these meals for their family dinners in order to save on
cash, and still be able to feed their families. Commercials for example, most of the time they
advertise on food and how good it taste so it gets to the point that an individual is tempted to try it,
especially when your favorite celebrity is promoting it and you see it over and over. Even with
failures in the filing and the progress of fast food litigation cases, the concern of the public on the
issue of fast food chains contributing to obesity has been raised among consumers (Munger, p. 394).
Fast food chains have responded accordingly for fear of these lawsuits. In other words, who is the
audience for this discourse community, and how are they likely to participate in any debate or
meaning making. This is the reason why a person will be discourage in eating healthy, especially if
you don’t have a lot of money. It is vital to remove junk foods from primary and secondary school
cafeterias and vending machines. Their menu offers healthy foods such as salads, meats, veggies,
rice, beans, and guacamole. Americans are prone to always ending up at a fast food franchise than to
cook a nice healthy meal at home. It is crucial to recognize that obesity is not just about appearance
but also poses serious health risks. It provided me with evidence supporting my initial position on the
topic. Associated Content. 2007. 12 April 2011 from Schlosser, E. This paper shall discuss the issue
on whether or not we are taking the blame for fast food restaurants for obesity. Overly eager lawyers
who have seen their colleagues profit from the 90 million dollar payout from the tobacco lawsuits
have now eyed fast food restaurant as their next “Joe Camel.” After the tobacco lawsuit, the blame
for obesity has been pointed on fast food companies because of the latter’s apparent practice of
actively selling and peddling their high-calorie and high-cholesterol foods to unsuspecting customers
(Murphy). Recent estimates suggest that now more than sixteen percent of US children and
adolescents are obese(Mellor, Jennifer).”. People choose to eat well balanced meals instead of greasy,
fattening foods. He relates drugs to foods such as sugar and coffee, claiming that one is just as
addictive as the other. Simmer for about 20 minutes, then mix fast food and obesity. They also
emphasize that nobody ordered them to order a Big Mac or threatened them to eat the burger or else
face punishment or reprimand. We are committed to an inclusive environment where everyone has
the chance to thrive and to the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. If you believe
the food shown is unhealthy start jump squates. Apple. Healthy. Cheese. Healthy. Donut. Unhealthy.
Cookies. Unhealthy. Yogurt. Healthy. Soda. Unhealthy. Sports Drinks. It shall also discuss: when is
obesity an individual responsibility and when is it appropriate to place blame. Why should a person
take time out of their day to buy and prepare a meal when there is a variety of foods all over that you
can get in a matter of two minutes. It has become a nationwide epidemic in the United States.
Many people overindulge in fast food due to its easy accessibility. In a real case of murder, the
murderer can go scot-free, when the law fails to establish the murder. As childhood obesity begins to
register as a concern in China, though, McDonald’s has started promoting healthier items such as”
high calcium fruit yogurt” and chocolate pudding and low-fat milk on in-store marketing materials
like tray liners. The issue seems to linger then on whether or not it is the people’s fault that they do
not possess self-control or if the fast food chains and other restaurants are to blame (Rositano, p. 1).
In a discussion by Rositano (p. 1), she set forth that it may be a combination of the two; and the
food industry must take some responsibility for the current obesity issues in America. The motivation
behind my choice to center my I-search paper on Ronald McDonald House Charities stems from my
personal link to this organization. When is it appropriate to place blame and when is it the
responsibility of the individual. According to USA Today, one study found that the average
American child sees 10,000 food ads a year, mostly for high-fat or sugary foods and drinks.
Therefore, by the time they are finished, the children are probably sleeping or the caregivers lost their
appetite. I want to look at the nutritional value and marketing strategies of fast food in today’s
society, as well as define what it means to be responsible. Those who refuse to believe that fast food
chains are to blame for people’s obesity also point out that people would eat fast food even if they
know it is not good for them, therefore, individuals must take responsibility for their health and food
habits. I teach a broad range of students, from those in the non-academic stream to those in the
International Baccalaureate program. They are reading this paper because they are interested in who
is to blame for the sudden spike of obesity and health problems associated with fast food. It
therefore argued that placing a tax on high-calorie food is not an effective way of reducing obesity.
Five Guys is one of the fastest growing fast food chains in the USA and it is now expanding
overseas. In effect, fast food restaurants cannot be solely blamed for people’s obesity because even
without their presence, those who are obese would still likely be obese. Children like McDonalds due
to the happy meals and what they offer. Who's to blame for the U.S. obesity epidemic? MSNBC.
2006. 12 April 2011 from Rigby, N. Because the food is so easy to access it seems McDonalds and
other fast food restaurants do pay a part in the rising levels of obesity. PepsiCo’s strategy includes
adding products like Walker’s Potato Heads, launched recently in the United Kingdom as a healthier
snack for children, and encouraging exercise. The corporations have to acquire large amounts of
capital to operate efficiently and survive in the market because of the high demand of social
responsibility in the food industry. Isabella Atti. Health Risks. Obesity. Heart Conditions, Strokes,
and Kidneys. Diabetes. Fatty Liver Disease. Arthritis. Blount’s Disease. Meaning of Fast Food. A
spokeswoman for McDonald’s said it ran the ads to ensure there was a “balanced debate” about the
film. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index of thirty or higher, which can lead to various
health conditions such heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breathing problems, some cancers, high blood
pressure etc. This particular case drew significant attention in American history due to its outcome.
Super Size Me distributor Tartan Films has retaliated by running identical-looking ads in newspapers
promoting the film. Accordingly, attentively read every source and make notes. In today’s coevals.
healthy and unhealthy nutrient plays a large function in young persons and grownups. Now in
modern day America where diabetic use to be generic, 30% of diabetic are type 2 diabetes. The
fabricated cases are drafted in consultation with the wily legal. The Nordic countries are the most
militant about enacting laws to ban or restrict marketing of foods that they consider unhealthy to
children, and fighting to extend those restrictions to the rest of Europe.
It shall also discuss: when is obesity an individual responsibility and when is it appropriate to place
blame. These people live all over the world and are both highly educated and not educated at all.
These may be causes for obesity, consequences of excess weight, the ingredients of fast food, how
fast food affects our body and so on. In fact, being overweight doubles the likelihood of premature
death compared to those with average weight. While less than 1 percent of the children in Africa
suffer from malnutrition, 3 percent are overweight or obese. W hat texts, sites, or journals would you
look for. In Australia, McDonald’s took a different approach-it reduced its budget for ads directed to
kids by 50 percent. Debating can be difficult for students, but this resource will teach your students
how to debate like pros. Junk foods typically contain high levels of calories from sugar or. Get your
students engaged, learning, and moving as they discover information about Shakespeare and his
world. A happy meal usually contains burger, chips, a drink and a toy. Some people say advertising is
to blame, particularly ads aimed at children, such as those ads that use celebrities to market high-
calorie foods. However, in present times, most parents are already incapTABLE of doing such
things. Even though fast food companies know what they are distributing, and seem to be the
obvious choice to blame, more blame should be placed on the parents of todays youth. So, in
conclusion, there is a significant relationship between BMI and fast food consumption, along with
less physical activity and intake of soft drinks (Shah, Trushna 2014).”. There is nothing wrong with
eating at fast food restaurants, but you really need to think about what you are eating. Schools have
also responded by removing sodas and other snack foods from their canteens. Not only does
Chipotle offer a variety of tacos and burritos, but the company also makes efforts to use only organic
and local indredients with meats from naturally raised animals. Structure of presentation. Survey.
Chemicals as food enhancers. This is another factor which contributes to the rising levels of obesity
in the UK. The judge did not set forth an answer to the question; however it ruled that the plaintiffs
did not show enough proof of the addictive qualities of McDonald’s food or that their consumption
of the food at McDonald’s caused their health issues (Munger, p. 393). In this case, the judge
represented the political and social majority and he set forth that American jurors are skeptical about
food litigation; he then went on to support his statements with statistical findings. Moreover, if their
customers consume their supersized meals, the food chains can hardly be blamed for their customer’s
lack of self control. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best.
McDonald’s French operation raised the ire of the parent company when it ran a print ad in a
women’s magazine quoting a nutritionist’s suggestion that kids shouldn’t eat at the restaurant more
than once a week. As a result many children are forced to look at the ads and to be stimulated by the
images they see. A video of an obese or normal-weight confederate playing a game was shown to
168 high school girls. Nowadays, it seems that less and less time per week is being allocated to p.e
lessons which is leaving some children unfit. S lawsuits and legislators who blame them for inducing
childhood obesity, they’re being attacked on another front-Europe-which is threatening, among other
things, to ban advertising icons such Tony the Tiger and Ronald McDonald. ”I would like to see the
industry not advertising directly to children,” said one European health commissioner. “If this
does’nt produce satisfactory results, we will proceed to legislation. This argument will help me with
my own argument as it clearly addresses the responsibility of the state’s public health role, as well as
providing an example of a state (California) that is actively working to lower obesity rates. Overly
eager lawyers who have seen their colleagues profit from the 90 million dollar payout from the
tobacco lawsuits have now eyed fast food restaurant as their next “Joe Camel.” After the tobacco
lawsuit, the blame for obesity has been pointed on fast food companies because of the latter’s
apparent practice of actively selling and peddling their high-calorie and high-cholesterol foods to
unsuspecting customers (Murphy).
More worrisome, a research study revealed that frequent users didn’t like to admit to friends that they
ate at McDonald’s. A false case of murder can be well-constructed, without giving room for any legal
lacuna; an innocent individual can be taken to the gallows. However, it should be powerful as it is
the last thing the reader will memorize best. Introducing these healthy options has displayed that
they aren’t as bad as they are made out to be. They have children and some sort of life experience.
Zinczenko is right about the need of nutritional Zinczenko’s essay. Don’t get me wrong, fast food is
delicious for the most part, cheap and quick, which benefits a typical American way of eating that is
always on the go. It’s becoming such a norm, and it’s sad to say that its impacting family meal times
because no one wants to sit and wait until breakfast, lunch or dinner is ready anymore. Photo source:
Statista While these statistics may not be surprising to those who are familiar with American
television advertisements and modern social media ads (YouTube, Hulu, etc.), it doesn't undermine
the fact that fast food is a concerning part of many American's daily lives. So, in conclusion, there is
a significant relationship between BMI and fast food consumption, along with less physical activity
and intake of soft drinks (Shah, Trushna 2014).”. After the criticism they received recently about the
content of their food McDonalds’ started to sponsor sporting events like the Olympics which shows
they are trying to promote a healthy lifestyle. They are reading this paper because they are interested
in who is to blame for the sudden spike of obesity and health problems associated with fast food.
Ireland is a small market, but there are fears that these measures could spread to the United Kingdom
and then to the rest of Europe, especially since many advertisers run the same campaigns in the
United Kingdom and Ireland. In many countries the worst increases in obesity have occurred in
young people. Medium income households eat less fast food because they have the money to buy
healthier foods which is more expensive. To know the truth behind what they are letting their kids
eat and why it is doing horrible things to their health. These people live all over the world and are
both highly educated and not educated at all. The toy attracts children and shows why the happy
meal option is so popular. Statistics from the World Health Organization profess that obesity is a
major issue in the United States. In your case, these are a relation between fast food and obesity,
possible negative consequences, the main factors that lead to problems, etc. Fast food chains do not
notify their customers about the hidden health dangers of their products (Murphy). Nutritional
Information for the Teenage Diet. Fast Food. Where do I choose to eat. Get your students engaged,
learning, and moving as they discover information about Shakespeare and his world. Sharon Stoll,
Ph.D. Jennifer Beller, Ph.D. Chelsea Herman Brandon Freitas Julie Matthews Casey McLaughlin.
There may also be fast food and obesity other chemicals hidden in the burger or pizza you order. A
study by the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity found that the average American child
saw more than 1,000 fast food ads in 2012, with McDonald's rating supreme. It is therefore illogical
to blame their weight gain on these food companies (Philips). But take breaks practices are also
generally responsible for hidden salt, fat and sugar. He relates drugs to foods such as sugar and
coffee, claiming that one is just as addictive as the other. You must wonder why junk food is bad for
you, because it’s delicious, cheap and easy to consume.

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