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1. Simple machine- tools that multiply the amount of forx=ce to make work easier.
2. Compound Machine- consist of two or more simple machines
3. Inclined plane- it has a slopping surface. It lessen effort exrted over a distance.
4. Lever- device that has a fulcrum or a pivot point. The effort end where force applied, and the
resistance end where the load is located.
5. Wedge- doub le-inclined plane that is sharpened to an end.
6. Screw- form of inclined plane that is wrapped around a central shaft.
7. Pulley – special type of wheel that has a rope sliding on the groove of the wheel.
8. Wheel and axle- same appearance of the pulley but has a wheel that is fixed to the axle like in te
steering wheel of the car.

1. Resistance or Load- the force that is being lifted by the effort.
2. Effort- a force that lifts the resistance
3. Fulcrum- the point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots.
4. Resistance arm- distance of the resistance to the fulcrum.
5. Effort arm- distance to effort to the fulcrum.

Classes of Lever

1. First class Lever- the fulcrum is between the effort and the load or resistance as in a seesaw.
EX: Scissors, Pliers
2. Second cLass Lever- the fulcrum lies at one end, the effort is applied to the other end, and the load is in
the middle as in a wheelbarrow.
EX: stapler, wheelbarrow
3. Third class lever- the fulcrum is at one end, but the load is at the other end and the effort is applied in
the middle as in a buman forearm.
EX: Broom, rake, baseball bat

Kinds of Pulley
1. Fixed Pulley- generally hung making the wheel in a stationary position. EX: FLAGPOLE
2. Movable pulley- opposite of fixed pulley, the entire wheel together with the axle travels along the
rope. EX: ZIP LINE
3. Block and Tackle- combination of movable and fixed pulley- the fixed pulley is the part that pulls the
1. Earthquake- the shaking or trembling of the earth which is characterized by a sudden movement or
vibration of the crust.
- Result from the sudden shift in the position of rock masses
2. Faults- referred to as fractures of earth’s crust.
3. Focus- the weakest part where the slippage of rocks occurred.
4. Epicenter- the area directly above the focus.


1. Tectonic Earthquake- two tectonic plate moves suddenly against each other. The shaking of the earth’s
crust happens along the fault.
2. Volcanic Earthquake- occurs in areas associated with volcanic activities, such as Mayon Volcano in
Albay. It can be felt in smaller area compared to tectonic earthquakes.

1. Magnitude- the energy released by an earthquake

2. Seismograph- measures the magnitude of an earthquake.
3. Intesnity- measure og how much damage earthquakes cause in the surface.
4. Guiseppe Mercali- invented the Modified Mercalli scale


1. Destruction of property and loss of lives

2. Landslide and avalanche
3. tsunami

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