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Information Systems

An Introduction for Students of 2021

• Introduction
• Curriculum
• Grading
• Tips & Tricks

Vision and Mission
• A distance learning program of choice that excels in providing high-level Information system
education is specialized in business-IT, recognized internationally, and champions innovation.
We produce graduates with international qualifications.
o Nurturing students and lecturers with creative and value-adding talents in Information System
by creating a suitable environment.
o Educating students in information systems, covering knowledge and skills in analyzing, designing
and implementing information systems for improving business processes and to be able to
create an innovative and valuable information system solution, through intensive learning
process, research activities and collaboration with global industries.
o Providing integrated knowledge to pursue further studies and create outstanding professionals,
entrepreneurs, and leaders for a global community
o Providing professional services in Information System with an emphasis on the application of
knowledge to society
o Improving the quality of life of Indonesians and the international community through leveraging
Information system solutions.
Program Objectives

To provide students with a solid foundation of system

development skills and knowledge that they will need as a system

To prepare students with skills and in depth knowledge of

information systems related to business intelligence, e-business
and strategic information systems.

To provide students with the ability to use applied business

knowledge for specific industry purposes.

Student Outcomes and Learning Objectives
Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
SO-1 (Keterampilan Kerja Khusus), Mampu melakukan LO 1.1. Mampu melakukan identifikasi kinerja sistem
identifikasi, dan merumuskan akar masalah kinerja informasi
sistem informasi melalui analisis data dan informasi LO 1.2. Mampu merumuskan akar masalah kinerja sistem
pada proses bisnis. informasi
LO 1.3. Mampu melakukan analisis data dan informasi
pada proses bisnis
SO-2 (Keterampilan Kerja Khusus), Mampu melakukan LO 2.1. Mampu melakukan identifikasi kebutuhan data
identifikasi kebutuhan basis data untuk membangun
sistem informasi
SO-3 (Keterampilan Kerja Khusus), Mampu merancang, LO 3.1. Mampu merancang sistem informasi berbasis
membuat, merekayasa, dan mengimplementasi sistem komputer
informasi berbasis komputer (computer based LO 3.2. Mampu membuat dan merekayasa sistem
information system ) melalui kajian sistem informasi informasi berbasis komputer
untuk mengembangkan rencana organisasi LO 3.3. Mampu mengimplementasikan sistem informasi
berbasis komputer melalui kajian sistem informasi
untuk mengembangkan rencana strategis
SO-4 (Keterampilan Kerja Khusus), Mampu merancang, LO 4.1. Mampu mengembangkan sistem informasi
membuat, merekayasa, dan mengimplementasikan berbasis komputer berdasarkan kebutuhan
sistem informasi berbasis komputer (computer based LO 4.2. Mampu mengimplementasikan sistem informasi
information system ) untuk model dan proses bisnis baru berbasis komputer yang telah dikembangkan sesuai
dengan konteks dan keadaan penerapannya

Student Outcomes and Learning Objectives
Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
SO-5 (Keterampilan Kerja Ciri Program), Mampu LO 5.1. Mampu mengkomunikasikan alternatif solusi
mengkomunikasikan alternatif pengembangan jenis- pengembangan dari berbagai jenis sistem informasi.
jenis sistem informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan
bisnis perusahaan dan dengan disertai aspek-aspek LO 5.2. Mampu mengkomunikasikan aspek-aspek
pendukung yang berpengaruh di dalam pendukung yang dibutuhkan di dalam pengembangan
pengembangannya. sistem informasi
SO-6 (Keterampilan Kerja Ciri Program), Mampu LO 6.1. Mampu mengkomunikasikan solusi pengelolaan
mengkomunikasikan solusi pengelolaan serta sistem informasi sebagai aset dalam mendukung
pemanfaatan sistem informasi sebagai aset yang pencapaian strategi bisnis perusahaan.
mendukung di dalam pencapaian strategi bisnis LO 6.2. Mampu mengkomunikasikan solusi pemanfaatan
perusahaan sistem informasi guna mendukung pencapaian strategi
bisnis perusahaan.
SO-7 (Keterampilan Kerja Ciri Program), Mampu LO 7.1. Mampu mengidentifikasi permasalahan melalui
memecahkan masalah dengan pendekatan inter- pendekatan inter-discipline .
discipline LO 7.2. Mampu merancang solusi alternatif melalui
pendekatan inter-discipline .
LO 7.3. Mampu mengusulkan alternatif solusi melalui
pendekatan inter-discipline .

Overview of Curriculum
Character Building English Professional

People Skill
• Related in personal
User Experience and interpersonal Programming
development of
Entrepreneurship student Database
Business Skill Technical Skill
Accounting • Related to • Related to field of System Testing
foundation or study in database,
Business Process fundamental in e-business, and
business strategic IS System Development
Social Analytics
Management & Business in Project Management

Learning activities will focus on shaping the student mindset in problem solving as a system analyst
Prospective Careers
• System Analyst,
• UX Designer,
• Project Manager,
• Developer (Software Engineer),
• … and also not close the opportunities for
another careers on the next table
o (Introduction to Information Systems, 5th
edition, Rainer, Prince, Cegielski. John
Willey & Sons, Inc.Michigan.).

Students’ Achievement
• 2018
o Juara 1, Business Plan Competition, Fourlast 2018, 5 October
2018, BINUS@Bekasi
• Helmi Fauzi, 2101708273
• Yuliana, 2101699741
• Ari Nur Rohmah, 2101723362
• 2019
o Juara 1, Mobile Apps Competition, 16 September 2019, Yayasan
Plan Indonesia
• Khofifah Mega Murfuyani, 2201842314
o Juara 3, Writing Competition, 20 Oktober 2019, Universitas
Sebelas Maret
• Mohamad Fatkhudin, 2101783286
• 2020
o Juara 2, Paper Competition, ISMC XII, 8 – 9 Februari 2020,
Institut Teknologi Bandung
• Mohamad Fatkhudin, 2101783286

Alumni of Information Systems
BINUS Online Learning

Wisuda 61, Wisudawan Berprestasi, IPK 4.00

The Personnel
Head of Study Titan, S.Kom., MMSI

Deputy Head of GG Faniru Pakuning Desak, S.Kom.,

Program MMSI

Online Lecturer Dina Fitria Murad, S.Kom., M.Kom.

Coordinator 08118133131
Teguh Prasandy, S.Pi., S.Kom., M.Kom
Online Lecturer Sucianna Ghadati Rabiha, S.Kom.,
Specialist M.Kom.

Faculty Member

Group WA
untuk 2021 SMA-S1

Group WA
untuk 2021 D3-S1

Why should study Information Systems
in BINUS Online Learning?

1st Private Higher Education Comprehensive Digital

Institution to get license in 24/7 Accessibility of Learning Material
“Penyelenggaraan Learning through Learning (Handouts material, lecturer
Pendidikan Jarak Jauh” Management System (LMS) notes, video, and collection
(SK No. 146/E/O/2014) of eBooks)

Curriculum referred to
ACM (Association for
Minor Program in
Computing Machinery) and
AIS (Association for
Information Systems)

Course Distribution for S1

Semester Period Matakuliah SKS Semester Period Matakuliah SKS

1 1 Information System Concept 4 5 1 Introduction to Management and Business 4
1 1 Introduction to Financial Accounting 4 5 1 E-Business Concept 4
1 2 Introduction to Programming 4 5 1 Data Warehouse 4
1 2 Business Process Fundamental 4 5 2 Enterprise Architecture 4
1 2 Introduction to Database Systems 4 5 2 Analytical Information System 4
2 1 Character Building: Pancasila 2 6 1 Information System Security 4
2 1 Indonesian 2 6 1 Business Process Management 4
2 1 Information Systems Analysis and Design 6 6 1 Social Informatics 4
2 2 Testing and System Implementation 4 6 2 IS Strategy, Management and Acquisition 4
2 2 User Experience Research and Design 6 6 2 Business Intelligence 4
3 1 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 7 1 12
Enrichment Program
3 1 Enterprise System 4 7 2 8
3 1 Advanced Information System Analysis and Design 6 8 1 0
3 2 Data and Information Management 4 8 2 6
3 2 English Professional 4
Information Systems Project Management
Business Application Development
6 Summary:
Character Building: Agama
Research Methods in Information Systems
4 4 Years, 8 Semesters
4 2 Entrepreneurship 4
146 Credits

Course Distribution
for Extension D3 – S1
Semester Period Matakuliah SKS
1 1 Information System Concept 4
1 1 Introduction to Financial Accounting 4
1 1 Character Building: Pancasila 2
1 2 Business Process Fundamental 4
1 2 Introduction to Database Systems 4
1 2 Indonesian 2
2 1 Introduction to Programming 4
2 1 Information Systems Analysis and Design 6
2 2 Data and Information Management 4
2 2 User Experience Research and Design 6
3 1 Enterprise System 4
3 1 8
Enrichment Program
3 2 12
4 1 Information Systems Project Management 4 Summary:
2 Years, 4 Semesters
4 1 Entrepreneurship 4
4 1 0
2 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan
80 Credits

Enrichment Program

Free Elective Minor

• Courses taken from other study • Technopreneurship
program in BINUS Online Learning, • Accounting for Small Medium
or Enterprise
• Courses taken from MOOCs, ex. • Digital Marketing for Manager
GreatNusa • UX for Digital Business
• Big Data Technologies
• Industrial Feasibility Study

Quality Control Courses (Matakuliah
Pengawasan Mutu/MPM)
No Nama Matakuliah Grade Min. Sem. Per.
1 Character Building: Pancasila B 2 1
2 Entrepreneurship C 4 2
3 Enterprise System C 3 1
4 Information Systems Analysis and Design C 2 1
*SMA – S1
5 Information Systems Project Management C 4 1
6 Data and Information Management C 4 1
7 Social Informatics C 6 1
8 Enterprise Architecture C 5 2

No. Course Name Grade Min. Sem. Per.

1 Character Building: Pancasila B 1 1

2 Entrepreneurship C 4 1
*Extention D3 – S1 3 Enterprise System C 3 1
4 Information Systems Analysis and Design C 2 1
5 Information Systems Project Management C 4 1
6 Data and Information Management C 2 2

Elective Courses

Nama Matakuliah SKS Nama Matakuliah SKS

Advanced Information System Analysis and Design 4/2 Multimedia System 4
Testing and System Implementation 2 Object Oriented Programming 4
Advanced in Business Application Development 2/2 Operation Systems 4
Data Communication 4 Program Design Method 4
Algorithm and Programming 4 Programming Language Concept 4
Communication Technology 4 Structured Programming 4
Compilation Technique 4 Visual Programming 4
Computer Architecture and Organization 4 Web Programming 2
Computer Graphics 2 Computer Engineering 4
Computer Networks 4 Digital Communication System 4
Computer Science 4 Digital Signal Processing 4
Computer Security 4 Electronic Devices 4
Data Structures 4 High Level Programming Language 4
Human and Computer Interaction 4 Networking Management 4
Linux Operating System 4 Digital Processing 4

Elective Courses (cont.)

Nama Matakuliah SKS Nama Matakuliah SKS

Global Supply Chain Management 4 Accounting Systems 4
Advance Database Systems 4 Business Ethic 4
Advance Topics in Information Systems 4 Business Communication 4
Business Web Solution 2 Introduction to Communication Science 4
Database Design 4 Economics 4
Mobile Applications Development 4 Project Management 4
Software Engineering 4 Quality Control 4
Environmental Engineering 2 e-Business Design 2
Calculus 4 E-Commerce 2
Discrete Mathematics 4 Kapita Selekta 4
Linear Algebra 4 Human Resources and Organization 2
Numerical Methods 2 Introduction to Management Science 4
Physic And Electronic 4 Production Management 4
Applied Mathematics Modeling 4 Marketing Management 4
Mathematics 2 Psychology Cognitive 4

Grading Components

Komponen Penilaian Bobot Nilai Akhir

Attendance (Tutorial & Video Conference) 10%
Forum Discussion 10%
Team Assignment 15%
Individual Assignment 20%
Quiz 15%
Final Exam 30%

Grading Schema

Before Starting the Class

• Start & Exam Date

Calendar? • F2F (ViCon) Date
• 10 Weeks – 16 Session

• Learning Outcomes
Courses? • Books
• Online Resources

• Lecturers
Peoples? • Team Member
• Contact Information

Starting the Self Learning
and Discussion Forum

Have you read the material?

Have you join the discussion forum?

Have you check the quantity and quality of your


Doing the Assignments and Quizes
Tugas Personal (2), Tugas Kelompok (4),
Quiz (2)

When is the deadline?

Do you use some references in completing

the assignment?

Have you submit the correct files?

Starting the Video Conference

Join with your NIM & Name

Mute your microphone while waiting

your turn

Actively participate in the conference

Have your attendance be recorded?

Preparation for the Final Project (Thesis)


GPA Min.

• Diketahui bahwa Chandra sudah menempuh perkuliahan sebagai
S P Matakuliah SKS Nilai Akhir Grade
1 1 Intro to Financial Acc. 4 81 B+
1 1 Information System Concept 4 87 A-
1 2 Character Building: Pancasila 2 73 B-
1 2 Business Process Fundamental 4 90 A
1 2 Statistics 2 66 C

Perhitungan GPA (IPK)

S P Matakuliah SKS Nilai Akhir Grade Keterangan Bobot SKS x Bobot

1 1 Intro to Financial Acc. 4 81 B+ Lulus 3.33 13.32
1 1 Information System Concept 4 87 A- Lulus 3.67 14.68
1 2 Character Building: Pancasila 2 73 B- Tidak Lulus 2.5 5
1 2 Business Process Fundamental 4 90 A Lulus 4 16
1 2 Statistics 2 66 C Lulus 2 4
16 53

Information Systems - BINUS Online Learning
Kampus Syahdan, R.L1C
0215345830 – ext. 2281
IG = @sibinusonlinelearning

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