Systemic Functional Linguistics Final PPT M.S

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Systemic Functional

Meriel Bloor and Thomas Bloor


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Introduction Objections to SFL in CDA SFL in Context Case Study: A
Relevance of SFL to CDA Political Speech
Systemic Functional Linguistics is a specialized
branch of linguistics that operates on distinct
theoretical principles designed to enhance our
comprehension of the mechanisms underlying
human language.
SFL is an independent field separate from
critical discourse studies. It holds distinctive
traits that Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)
practitioners have successfully employed to
understand discourse mechanisms.
SFL asserts that semantic networks are social
and cultural constructs that convey meaning,
which can be contextually revealed within
texts, whether spoken or written, in specific
situational contexts.
The message is conveyed through ideational,
interpersonal, and textual components. The
study of discourse cannot be separated from
grammar that lies behind it”. (Halliday and
Matthiessen 2004: 29–31).
Relevance of SFL to CDA
Young and Harrison (2004: Introduction)

The role of language as social construct

entails language events influencing social
actions, and conversely, the influence of
social actions on the evolution of language.
Relevance of SFL to CDA
Fairclough (2003, 2004)

A transdisciplinary works as linguists engage

in collaborative efforts with discourse analysts
from diverse disciplines to enrich their theories
and research agendas.
Relevance of SFL to CDA
Martin and White’s (2005)

Appraisal which covers the analysis how speakers

or writers express attitude or positively or
negatively and evaluation (interpersonal or
ideational) has particular relevance to CDA.
SFL has focused on more than just
grammar, engaging with 'authentic'
language – whether recorded or
written – instead of using examples
created by linguists.
The Cohesion in English constitutes a
vital aspect of research that delves into
how information is structured within
both oral and written communication.

Halliday and Hasan (1976)

Objections to SFL in CDA
The complexity of SFL lexicogrammar and
levels of analysis can be overly intricate for
the typical CDA objectives of tackling power
dynamics, significant inequalities, and
Objections to SFL in CDA
“too much linguistic (lexicosyntactic)
sentence grammar” and “too much esoteric
vocabulary”. (Van Dijk 2008: 29–30)

“linguists have no monopoly over theories of

language”. (Blommaert 2005: 34–35)
Van Dijk criticizes perceived bias
against mentalist perspectives in SFL,
advocating for individual 'mental
models' over Halliday's psychological
Galasiński (2011: 263) argued that “a firm
anchoring in a lexicogrammatical analysis of
the data gives ethnography an empirical basis”.
Barkho (2011) supports “moving beyond the
analysis of textual output”
SFL in Context
SFL Theory of Context is based on the notion of field, tenor and mode.

subject matter of any texts involved in the
discourse event
social status of those involved in the
discourse and the nature of the relationship

Mode channel; rhetorical role played by language users

SFL explores meaning and its connections.

Halliday and Webster (2014) illustrate the analysis of texts using:

Ideational Component - analysis of the linguistic

elements that express experience of the world and
of our own consciousness
Interpersonal Component - analysis of the linguistic elements
that express roles, attitudes, demands and social and personal
Textual Component - analysis of the linguistic elements that serve
to construct cohesive and coherent chunks of language in use.
Example Analysis
(i) UK falls into deflation.

(ii) UK’s period of deflation to recover

within weeks.

(iii) Will deflation affect your lifestyle?

Transitivity in CDA
In SFL transitivity analysis, three categories are
processes, participants, and (optionally)
circumstances, each with subcategories. CDA
focuses on analyzing these categories in discourse
for critical evaluation of content and ideology.
Case Study: A Political Speech
Caught in a Crossfire: Campaign Speeches of
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD)
This study aimed to analyze PRRD’s
campaign speeches with the purpose of
establishing its discursive patterns.
Case Study: A Political Speech
Results also reveal that verbal process
constitutes the highest in terms of
transitivity, while it is positive median
politeness for modality.
PRRD’S Speech Analysis through SFL

The analysis reveals that the informative, regulatory, and

instrumental are the dominant functions of language
used by PRRD. PRRD stressed his campaign speeches
with willingness, determination, certainty, and fortitude,
with greater involvement of himself
PRRD’S Speech Analysis through SFL

PRRD focused on neutralizing the

asymmetrical power relations that existed
between him and the electorate, but with
the emphasis of control, and needs of his

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s Political Speeches: A Critical

Discourse Analysis.
Further Studies:

Change Is Coming: A Critical Discourse Analysis of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s State of the
Nation Addresses. (2018).
Qiu, Y. and Zhai, K. (2019). A Study on the Translation of Political Speeches From the Perspective
of SFL’s Concept of Context. US-China Foreign Language, 17(11).
Suryaningsih, Y. (2021). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Personal Pronouns in Greta Thunberg’s
Speeches. SAGA: Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 55–64.
Systemic Functional
Meriel Bloor and Thomas Bloor


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