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Architectural Science Review

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Human cognition and emotional response towards

visual environmental features in an urban built
context: a systematic review on perception-based

R. V. Shynu & Anitha Suseelan

To cite this article: R. V. Shynu & Anitha Suseelan (2023) Human cognition and emotional
response towards visual environmental features in an urban built context: a systematic
review on perception-based studies, Architectural Science Review, 66:6, 468-478, DOI:

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Published online: 06 Jul 2023.

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2023, VOL. 66, NO. 6, 468–478

Human cognition and emotional response towards visual environmental features in

an urban built context: a systematic review on perception-based studies
R. V. Shynu and Anitha Suseelan

School of Architecture, Christ Deemed to be University, Bangalore, India


Urban built environments can influence human cognitive and emotional comforts. Human comfort in the Received 11 November 2022
built environment has challenged architects and urban designers while developing comfortable spaces. Accepted 16 June 2023
Emerging cognitive-architectural studies in architecture engineering inform new directions for improvis- KEYWORDS
ing human spatial design practices. This paper intends to present a systematic meta-analysis of selected Visual perception;
empirical studies to identify the gaps and future scope of research in human cognition and built envi- psychophysiology; urban
ronments. However, the scope of the literature review is to concentrate on experiments that consider design; environmental
physiological reading in different environments, such as nature and architectural spaces in cognitive study features; cognition;
areas. The peer-reviewed literature published from 2010 to 2021 illustrates that only limited design param- neuroscience; gaze
eters are considered in these experiments. The study analyses the extensive consideration of experimental behaviour
medium, simulation categories, and participant factors like gender and age in this research domain. The
survey recommends considering more visual features, contextual conditions, and ethnic groups.

understanding raises the necessity of considering human men-
Research on urban space is a vast domain that challenges to tal comfort in designed urban areas. One of the most famous
explain how it influences human physiology and cognitive lev- influential theories by Christopher Alexander argued that the
els, primarily through environmental perception, since it’s not quality of open space affects people’s lives in an urban con-
well understood (Marcus, Giusti, and Barthel 2016). The urban text (Thwaites, Helleur, and Simkins 2005). Similarly, this research
space is attributed to a complex array of physical environmen- investigates different environmental features in an urban con-
tal elements and varying built density patterns. Studies claim text and its effect on physiological changes and mental health
that these attributes can substantially affect environmental qual- (Jackson 2003). Studies in modern city environments raise con-
ity and have raised concern over human mental health and cern over the cognitive load due to the risky situations passen-
well-being in urban public spaces. The increasing demand for gers, drivers and pedestrians face during their urban journey
high-built density has considerably affected the environmental (Taylor 2003). Adding to this challenge, it is established that
quality nowadays. The altering environmental quality in global visual information about an urban environment and human
north countries and human mental health in urban public spaces perception plays a significant role in understanding an urban
has raised substantial concern (Anderson et al. 2017). Environ- context, especially while performing various activities in an
mental elements of a city, like paths, landmarks, nodes, edges environment (D’Acci 2019). Urban designers have a prominent
and districts, are essential for understanding urban perception- role in shaping large environments with multiple activities: it
based cognitive load (Evans, Smith, and Pezdek 1982; Stevens is their responsibility to know how these built environments
2006). Studying the physical environmental attributes is essen- influence people’s psychophysiological comfort and cognitive
tial to empirically evaluate the cognitive response of a human responses.
being (Nasar 1989). If so, would the quality of an environment Fields of neuroscience has developed perception and
depend on the type of objects and elements in the built space visual communication theories to explain brain responses
that affect the user group’s overall emotional response and towards visual environments (Barry 2002). Accordingly,
sense of well-being? The systematic review aims to explore the neuro-architectural studies, a new emerging field in architecture
current research context that indicates the built environment’s are evolving to understand space syntax and spatial cognition
influence on visual perception and cognition. Hence examine for developing sustainable environments. For a long time, neu-
how these urban built environments influence the psychophys- roscientists have studied environmental features. Since human
iological comfort and cognitive response in quite significant. perception and cognition are vast and complex, it is argued
Studies in public spaces have explored whether urban that features like the shape of an object, sound in an environ-
environments can evoke user’s anxiety (Dillon 2005). This ment, human emotion and physical comfort also influence the

CONTACT R. V. Shynu School of Architecture, Christ Deemed to be University, Bangalore, India

© 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


user’s mind. Considering features like physical forms and pat- human scale, enclosure, the complexity of a street and urban
terns in the built environments is suggested due to its influence edges to understand urban environment quality (Ewing and
on the cognitive process (Preston 2017). Similarly, the signifi- Handy 2009). Currently, researchers are advanced and capable
cance of colour in an environment since its predominant role in of simulating urban contexts for perception and cognition-
influencing human attention and behaviour (King 2005). Schol- oriented studies (Nasar 1989). Such advanced computation
ars have been exploring the design principles like complexity, technology helps to deliver more realistic environments for
unity, symmetry and proportion in a visual medium to under- complex perception-based experiments. With the aid of virtual
stand the effect of visual complexity in the perception-based reality, varying urban environments are simulated for analyz-
study (Lee, Hur, and Watkins 2018). Also, the memory of the ing data with accuracy to explore cognitive-based tasks (Bruns
place in an urban context is to be considered while investigat- and Chamberlain 2019). Conventional qualitative analyses were
ing cognitive performances since the structural characteristics performed through questionnaire surveys using the point scale
of buildings enhance human memory (Evans, Smith, and Pezdek method to understand psychology and emotional levels (Dewan
1982). Interestingly, the researchers have identified that an aes- 2015; Lipkus and Hollands 1999; Pieters, Wedel, and Batra 2010).
thetically designed landscape as an environment feature could However, the possibility of integrating advanced physiologi-
enhance the quality of a space that affects the health and well- cal measuring tools helps understand perception-based envi-
being of humans (Velarde, Fry, and Tveit 2007). Another study ronmental research by analysing the quantitative data (Kam-
also found that the presence of fractal components in the built ran and Paul 2013). Hence, we have not objectively deter-
surface enhances response in people (Hagerhall et al. 2008). mined how the environment’s physical features influence cog-
This paper intends to explore urban context with features like nition and emotional response. The perception-based studies
geometrical shapes, patterns and other design elements that have individually employed visual elements such as colour,
impact the user’s point of view and brain response. Our study height, shape, scale and patterns in their experimenting envi-
argues that most architects or urban designers don’t acknowl- ronments. Since an urban environment is encompassed mul-
edge the user’s emotional and cognitive response while design- tiple elements, it is essential to investigate how such a large
ing the built environment. Considering cognitive load, especially built environment with multiple visual elements impacts the
in the urban context, is essential for promoting sustainable envi- user group.
ronments (Marcus, Giusti, and Barthel 2016). Hence architects
and urban planners must consider users’ psychophysiological
responses in their built environments (Few 2014).
An urban environment has several environmental parame- The study investigates the status of different environmental fea-
ters that influence the user’s imageability. Similarly, an urban tures and urban domain-based simulation contexts considered
context’s environment is composed of various factors; among in the research experiments that influenced human psychophys-
the environmental parameters visual elements, such as physi- iology. The paper followed PRISMA guidelines and its flow chart
cal attributes impact imageability (Nasar 1989). Investigating the on the literature review for meta-analysis. The guideline consists
influence of visual elements over human perception is essential of a 27-item checklist and a four-phase flow diagram (Figure 1)
to quantify environmental factors and user’s physiological vari- to maintain the research standard while conducting the litera-
ations. Studies indicate the possibility of quantifying urban ture review (Moher et al. 2009). Many articles have been identi-
environmental parameters such as imageability, transparency, fied through electronic databases like MDPI, ProQuest, Google

Figure 1. Flow chart showing phases of systematic review.


Scholar, PubMed and visual search engines (Open Knowledge and visuals that may not have the presence of built environ-
Maps) were used to extract research works from January 2010 ments. The urban landscape-based simulation category indi-
to September 2021 for data analysis. The articles were selected cates the artificial and nature-based landscape shared with built
from the database using the keywords urban, street, architec- infrastructure. The category interior of the building represents
ture, attention, cognition, perception, emotion, environment, the internal space of a designed volume, and the exterior of
memory, EEG, eye tracker, immersive, simulation and virtual real- the building indicates the exterior feature of a particular struc-
ity. The selection criteria are restricted to published and peer- ture along with its immediate surroundings. The simulation
reviewed literature for following psychophysiological studies in category real world defines a real place experienced directly,
architectural and natural environments. However, the literature and the virtual design represents the study that used a digi-
review aimed to examine the current status of research on cogni- tal environment for the experiment. The colour in the section
tive architecture (CA). This study attempts to estimate the con- on visual elements represents the study that considered the
siderations of visual factors in the empirical studies that focus colour in an environment. Likewise, black and white or grey
on human cognitive performance and behavioural response in represents the study with monochrome variations of black and
natural and artificial environments (Karakas and Yildiz 2020). The white in the experimenting environment. The terms height and
data was generated based on the inclusion and exclusion crite- distance on the session visual element represent the environ-
ria for review analysis. A total of 50 articles were selected for the ment promoting varying viewpoints with fixed eye level. The
systematic study. element shape and edge define the experiments that consider
the object’s external boundary and the built’s shape profile.
The visual elements such as spatial, scale and proportion indi-
Result and discussion
cate the design principles with measurable values in the simu-
The research categorizes the 50 literature articles into four sec- lated environment. Similarly, the element design, pattern and
tions based on the literature survey using the method described plan are the created environments the researcher developed as
in the previous section. Section one discusses the environment part of simulating environments. Further visual element, frac-
that considered nature and built elements that impacted human tal and visual dimension, indicates the study that used nature
cognitive processing and psychophysiological variations. The and the simulated visuals with measurable values in its study
second section is on urban space and street context that influ- environment.
ence the user’s emotional and physiological response. The third
section illustrates the human gaze response towards the built
The environment with nature, landscape and its built
elements of urban and street environments. And the fourth
elements impact human’s cognitive processing and
section explains the influence of visual elements available in an
psychophysiological variations
environment on the user group’s gaze behaviour.
Table 1 represents the meta-analysis of the data from the The result demonstrated that the studies have moderately con-
selected articles that followed an empirical study. For point sidered nature, landscape and urban context-based landscapes
score generation, one point is given to the symbol ∗ in Table in their experimenting environments. Twenty-six studies were
1. The table plots the research status based on the search cri- conducted in this field of investigation. From a total of 40%
teria. The section ‘medium’ represents the simulated environ- cognition-based experiments, 35% of studies belong to nature
ment used for the experimental process. In contrast, the other and landscape environments, 15% studies to the urban land-
medium, such as VR, represents the virtual reality-based envi- scape, and the rest 75% belong to urban, interior, and exterior
ronment, ‘image’ for photos or 2D visual simulations, and ‘video’ categories. In the case of physiology-based investigations, from
for ordinary moving images. The 3D videos indicate rendered a total of 16% of researchers, 25% of them have considered
videos, while the medium ‘environment’ indicates the experi- nature and landscape. It is observed that the studies need to
ment that represents real space. The literature review highlights explore more human physiological variations in the urban land-
studies that considered specific environmental parameters in its scape context with environmental elements. Studies showed
investigation identified from the literature surveys. The section that 80% of the entire research employed the adult age group, of
‘cognition’ shows the studies performed using an electroen- which 25% of studies were with nature and landscape and 25%
cephalography (EEG) device to measure the participant’s neural with the urban landscape. Barely 7.5% of studies considered the
responses. The researchers also considered electrodermal activ- elder group, and none have the children group. The data indi-
ity (EDA) and heart rate variability (HRV), which measures the cates that 60% of the entire research paper explored perception-
physiological variations of participants. Similarly, it highlighted based studies, and only 36% of studies were employed for
perception-based studies that employed eye-tracking devices to perception-based investigation on nature, landscape, and urban
explore gaze behaviour. landscape. From the total of 131, 100 points demonstrate the
Based on the literature review, the identified environmen- significant presence of various visual elements in their research
tal parameters are subclassified into simulation categories and environments. However, 30 points indicate the mild presence of
visual elements in Table 1 to project their significance in different environmental features in the VR-based experiments
the research. The term medium represents the experiment- under this category.
ing environment and visual stimulation used for the study. Studies claim that the presence of nature, one of the
The simulation category urban and street indicates public space visual elements makes the participants perform best due to
with built infrastructures. Landscape and nature mean the study physiological and psychological relaxation during the perception-
that considers outdoor natural scenery, designed environments based investigation (Lin et al. 2020b). The literature survey
Table 1. Point score generated based on reviewed article.
Simulation category Age Method Visual element

Visual elements – – total points

Spatial, scale, proportion

Fractal, visual dimension

Black and white, Grey

Design, pattern, Plan

Exterior of building
Interior of building
Landscape, nature

Urban landscape

Height, distance
Children (0-17)
Virtual design

Elderly (60+)
Adult (18-59)
Urban, street

Shape, Edge

Real world


SL No Author Year Medium
1 Azzazy et al. 2021 Literature study ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
2 İlker Erkan 2021 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1
3 Shemesh et al. 2021 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
4 Ma et al. 2020 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
5 Lin, Chen, Zhang, et al. 2020 Images ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
6 İlker Erkan 2018 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 4
7 Higuera-Trujillo et al. 2021 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 4
8 Myung & Jun 2020 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
9 Karakas & Yildiz 2020 Literature study ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
10 Chang & Jun 2019 Literature study ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
11 Shemesh et al. 2017 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
12 Higuera-Trujillo et al. 2020 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
13 Vecchiato et al. 2015 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
14 Hansen et al. 2019 Images ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
15 Sun & Li 2020 Images ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
16 Li et al. 2016 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 4
17 Hollander et al. 2019 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
18 D’Acci 2019 Images ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 4
19 Marcus et al. 2016 Literature study ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 4
20 Kacha et al. 2015 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
21 Hussein 2020 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 4
22 Yamaguchi & Mitsukura 2016 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3


23 Hussein et al. 2018 3D Video ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
24 Lin, Chen, Jiang, et al. 2020 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
25 Neale et al. 2020 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
26 Li et al.. 2020 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
27 Zhang et al. 2019 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
28 Mantuano et al. 2017 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
29 Topolšek et al. 2016 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
30 Franěk et al. 2019 Images ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3


Table 1. Continued.
Simulation category Age Method Visual element

Visual elements – – total points

Spatial, scale, proportion

Fractal, visual dimension

Black and white, Grey

Design, pattern, Plan

Exterior of building
Interior of building
Landscape, nature

Urban landscape

Height, distance
Children (0-17)
Virtual design

Elderly (60+)
Adult (18-59)
Urban, street

Shape, Edge

Real world


SL No Author Year Medium
31 Hollander et al. 2021 Images ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 4
32 Noland et al. 2017 Images ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
33 Franke & Schweikart 2017 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
34 Simpson, Thwaites, et al. 2019 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
35 Hollander et al. 2020 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
36 Batool et al. 2020 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
37 Simpson, Freeth, et al. 2019 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
38 Rupi & Krizek 2019 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
39 Kiefer et al. 2014 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
40 Wang & Sparks 2016 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1
41 Dupont et al. 2016 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
42 Schrom-Feiertag et al. 2017 VR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
43 Burian et al. 2018 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
44 Kiefer et al. 2017 Literature study ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
45 Dupont et al. 2014 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
46 Amati et al. 2018 Video ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
47 Gholami et al. 2021 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
48 Kollert et al. 2021 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
49 Stapel et al. 2020 Environment ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
50 Lisińska-Kuśnierz & Krupa 2020 Image ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 3
Total points 13 13 23 11 13 38 15 2 40 9 20 8 30 41 5 12 17 12 39 5 131
Percentage 26 26 46 22 26 76 30 4 80 18 40 16 60 82 10 24 34 24 78 10

demonstrates that only a few design elements were consid- more robust than that of the designer’s group (Shemesh et al.
ered for decades in CA, especially in perception-oriented tasks. 2021). These findings enforce the relevance of considering such
Modern studies preferred curves and a straight line to under- a group of people in research tasks to understand how people
stand emotional excitement and attentional levels (Azzazy et al. navigate and respond to conditions like real environments and
2021). Research by Erkan in 2021 estimated that the perception simulated mediums.
from an elevated height context emotionally impacts the par-
ticipant (Erkan 2021). The result indicates that emotional and
Urban space and street contexts influence the user’s
physiological responses are tangled with human perception. He
brain’s neural and physiological response
estimates that people behave with reference to their environ-
mental characteristics, especially in the context of dominated The survey indicated that only 46% of researchers preferred the
spatial height, which affects their wayfinding tasks (Erkan 2018). urban and street realm of investigation. From cognition-based
Perception-based studies are currently considered significant investigations, 30% of studies employed urban and street con-
for understanding the visual information process in cognition. texts. Only 25% of studies addressed physiological investiga-
Visual perception of an environment helps to understand the tions in this research domain. From 60% of the perception-based
space and leads to aesthetical appreciation based on individ- research, half of the studies were employed based on this clas-
ual cognitive function. The research on people’s perception of sification. Results indicate that urban space and street-based
the natural environment and architectural spatial understand- studies considered significantly the adult groups and mildly the
ing discusses how humans perform aesthetical judgments (Ma child and elderly groups. The result shows a total of 62 points
et al., 2020). Such research information helps architects and that indicate a moderate presence of different environmental
planners design complex visual environments to communicate features in the simulation medium.
and navigate the user group in an environment effectively. The perception of an urban environment has to be under-
Many techniques might trigger positive human emotional and stood deeply, based on the user’s emotional and physiological
physiological responses in CA. However, only a few parameters responses to estimate their cognition. This emerging research
are identified throughout these research articles. The emerg- approach might define their cognitive load and psychophysio-
ing knowledge from neuroscience helps architects and plan- logical variations in multiple environments. The studies suggest
ners develop a comfortable environment based on participant’s that people feel emotionally positive due to the characteristic
cognitive responses and experiences from their built environ- features of traditional elements in a street environment while
ments. This understanding leads to new theories and method- estimating the alpha wave in their brains (Sun and Li 2020).
ologies that open new cross-disciplinary fields between neu- However, to understand the impact of the street and urban
roscience and architecture (Karakas and Yildiz 2020). Architec- space on human emotion and physiology, we expect the rel-
tural practices seek to consider the combination of neuroscience evance of considering the user’s early visual response. Hensen
and environmental simulation-based studies since the environ- and his team’s study claim that urban environments have dif-
ment influences psychophysiological comforts (Higuera-Trujillo, ferent visual elements that transform early visual perception
Llinares, and Macagno 2021). Studies claim that advanced physi- behaviour. This experience eventually structures the user’s envi-
ological devices used in neuroscience-based architectural inves- ronmental knowledge towards a context (Hansen et al. 2019).
tigations help the architect and planner to design comfortable People’s emotional comfort varies based on environmental per-
spaces based on the user’s cognitive responses (Chang and Jun ception and individual’s cognitive context (X. Li et al. 2016).
2019). We consider urban spaces as a complex context since they
The research demonstrates that for the well-being of a consist of multiple visual elements and design features. The
human, it is equally important to consider both physiologi- researchers explored such environments through the CA field
cal and emotional comfort in their dwelling space. The stud- to analyse emotional and behavioural reactions (Hollander
ies by Higuera and the team claim that building layouts can et al. 2019). CA studies define various environmental elements
also affect people’s emotions (Higuera-Trujillo et al. 2020). Sim- and component that influences human brain waves and gaze
ilarly, the study found that the quality of the plan configura- movements. For example, research in pedestrian-based stud-
tion affected the dwelling person (Myung and Jun 2020). This ies demonstrates that people emotionally prefer curvy routes in
research illustrates that the design features and built elements an urban layout rather than a straight walking pathway (D’Acci
in an environment influence human comfort levels. However, it 2019). According to the CA, curves and straight lines are consid-
also highlights that environmental design factors can affect the ered elements of architectural design principles that influence
attention and cognitive process of the viewers. To enhance the emotional and behavioural reactions. The human cognitive load
people’s experience in a place, psychophysiological response in and its relation with emotion in an urban environment must
an architectural environment might help a lot (Vecchiato et al. be considered for promoting a sustainable urban life (Marcus,
2015). Also, we expect the necessity to consider the experi- Giusti, and Barthel 2016). During the literature survey, we iden-
ence of trained minds and untrained minds in the same envi- tified that the researcher considered the Alpha brain wave sig-
ronments since they might have different backgrounds and nificantly to understand the cognitive load and visual comfort.
responses. For example, Shemesh and his collaborators identi- This survey also reveals that nature and landscape are some of
fied that non-designers preferred curved spaces, and designers the urban components that ensure environmental quality and
preferred sharp-angled built spaces (Shemesh et al. 2017). His sustainability. Investigation showed that landscape in an urban
team also found that the non-designer group of participant’s environment influences the alpha wave while experiencing the
physiological reactions towards virtual spaces were significantly space through perception-based tasks (Kacha, Matsumoto, and

Mansouri 2015). Moreover, Lin and partners studies in 2020 collaborators in 2019 claims that the professional group tends to
demonstrates that people prefer an urban green space due to focus on distant characters, and the naive group focuses more
the experience of stress reduction (Lin et al. 2020a) Spending on the closer character of a street (Zhang et al. 2019). Data also
time in an urban green space is better for attention restora- shows that task-oriented action in an urban environment opti-
tion, which eventually enhances the well-being of life (Lin et al. mizes the gaze movement between the central and lateral parts
2020a). The elements presented in an urban environment, like of the visual character (Mantuano, Bernardi, and Rupi 2017). Like-
colour, built forms and variation in position in space by consider- wise, the researcher Topolšek and collaborative find that user
ing perspective vision, will also positively impact the participants groups (drivers) were attentive to multi-information in the built
(Hussein 2020). Designers use various design elements inten- environments during their task engagement (Topolšek, Areh,
sively to increase the aesthetical appearance of an environment. and Cvahte 2016). From the literature review, it is clear that visual
But studies also claim that design elements could not be utilized attention to environmental details makes better spatial under-
enormously in built space to improve aesthetical quality as visual standing for the user and task performance made easier within
preference increased only up to a point and further decreased an adequate period. People also rely on 2-dimensional visual
in the participants (Hussein, Sarkar, and Armstrong 2018). Simi- information to understand the orientation towards their destina-
larly, studies show that people feel both comfort and discomfort tions while they navigate and perform a task in an environment.
with the elements available in an environment (Yamaguchi and Studies claim that visual attention increases based on well-
Mitsukura 2016). The designers must consider such cognitive defined details in an environment for task performance (Kiefer,
phenomena in their practices to estimate user’s responses and Giannopoulos, and Raubal 2014). Eye movement behaves dif-
preferences to a visual pattern. Visual attention and gaze move- ferently at urban intersections since people have to be more
ment are correlated in the domain. A study by Neale and his team attentive for ease of effective movement (Rupi and Krizek 2019).
suggests that the urban environment influences visual attention Hence it is essential to understand gaze responding patterns in
during navigation and is connected with the experience of envi- an environment for delivering environmental information to all
ronment safety (Neale et al. 2020). Based on these findings, it is user groups. Our research analysis indicates that it is vital to inte-
clear that navigating a space based on a vision for various pur- grate such relevant information for efficient visual interaction
poses in an environment influences human gaze movement due while designing or planning a space. This knowledge helps the
to individual emotion and psychophysiological response. designers to create a built space with better visual perception
based-performance for a planned activity.
Urban and street environments are integrated with many
Human gaze response towards the interior and exterior
physical objects for functional and communication purposes.
features of built environments
Through the analysis, we explore that spatial recognition is influ-
In the selected articles, 22% of studies preferred interior fea- enced by environmental objects. One of the studies from Franke
tures and 26% studied the exterior features of the experiment & Schweikart estimates that people memorize visual information
mediums that preferred real environments and images; only one by integrating environmental objects during their navigational
study considered VR. From cognition-based investigations, 50% process (Franke and Schweikart 2017). Studying a social con-
of the research employed the interior context of the building and text is also essential since visual engagement depends on spatial
only 25% exterior features of the built context. Similarly, from tasks and physical objects (Simpson et al. 2019a). Our study
physiological research, 62% indicates interior and 50% with exte- draws that favorable visual and cognitive comfort must be main-
rior studies. However, only 13% of VR environments can be iden- tained in an environment for well-being. Existing research points
tified in perception studies. The result also indicates that out of out that urban environments have the potential to support men-
131 points, the interior features of the built environment scored tal relaxation (Hollander et al. 2019). The study also argues that
31 points and 96 for the exterior built environment. This demon- psychological comfort must be maintained for better perfor-
strates that interior environment features are mildly explored in mance in a complex environment. Human gaze movements
this research domain. prefer the ground-level viewpoint rather than the higher-level
Gaze movement plays a significant role while understanding viewpoints of a street due to individual psychological comfort
an environment like nature, landscape environment, the street, (Simpson, Thwaites, and Freeth 2019b). Since gaze movements
or urban space. In the context of the built environment, espe- are comfortable at a defined visual level, adopting certain design
cially in the case of an urban street, it is identified that the elements and components while considering people’s view-
building design features like punched windows and high-quality points can enhance gaze behaviour and psychological comfort.
edges make a person more visually attentive while reading a Further investigations in traditional neighbourhood design
built space (Hollander et al. 2021). Attention to such elements (TND) must be performed to understand pedestrian gaze
might help people recognize or memorize a place. We argue behaviour since the research states that the eye fixation rate is
that the design decision of architects and planners in their built higher for TND compared to non-TND environments (Hollander
form is intended to enhance the people’s attention level while et al. 2020). Studies suggest that the components like green,
they experience the space. Studies show that design elements of nature, people, colour and built features increase visual prefer-
built context and urban landscape environments can maintain ence (Batool et al. 2020). Also, the study by Franke and his team
attention while on visual navigation (J. Li et al. 2020). Differ- claims that certain natural elements can enhance gaze prefer-
ent categories of people occupy public spaces: researchers also ence. Their research identified that human gaze fixation was
recommend that designers may consider diverse user group’s higher in nature scenes without foliage in comparison to the
gaze behaviour in an environment. The research by Zhang and scenes with foliage (Franěk, Petružálek, and Šefara 2019). These

findings indicate that gaze fixation relies on certain visual char- to deliver adequate information with in the environment by pre-
acters concerning its environment. However, visual components dicting the comfortable gaze fixation regions on a volume of
like street features, people in a location, and greenery can ele- space. Also, it is relevant to know how fixations are changed
vate the user’s visual interest in an environment (Noland et al. based on visual composition and elements having varying per-
2017). Noland and partners also point out that the presence spective points of vision. The field of vision influences human
of vehicles in an environment can lower the visual appeal of perspective vision, so it’s necessary to consider the user’s field
people. While understanding such visual elements in an envi- of vision while developing an environment. Studies identified
ronment helps to understand gaze behaviour, designers could that gaze fixations are more in the panoramic landscape field of
develop an environment that promotes better visual comfort vision and are less in an open landscape in the regular field of
and environment readability. view (Dupont, Antrop, and Van Eetvelde 2014). The researchers
rely on gaze fixation data to predict where the eyes are look-
ing. This framework might be able to interpret the relationship
Mapping the user group’s gaze behaviour to understand
between an environment and gaze behaviour. The research by
the influence of visual elements available in real and
Amati and collaborators identified that most participants were
virtual environments
interested in demonstrating gaze fixation in the elements like
From the 50 articles, 76% of researchers preferred the real world artificial objects, trees, sky, bushes, and rocks (Amati et al. 2018).
and 30% belongs to virtual design environments. The result This information project the possibility that artificial visual fea-
shows in cognition-based studies, 60% indicate real-world con- tures can influence the fixation rate for improvising visual com-
text and 55% consist of virtual design-based environments. The fort and signifies the role of architects and planners in develop-
physiology-related experiments consist of 37% of studies in the ing designed environments. We argue that designed environ-
real world and 75% in virtual environments. But research iden- ments are human-made factors and the research of Gholami and
tified that 60% of perception-based studies were performed in the team claims that ‘Human-made factors’ increase the fixation
real and virtual environments. From the real environmental con- rate (Gholami et al. 2021). Based on the literature reviews, we
text, 81% of studies considered adults, 13% elder groups and identified that the fixation could be due to an environment’s
only 5% indicates the presence of the children group. In the attraction factors or distraction components. From the state-
case of the virtual environment, 74% of studies have the adult ment of Lisińska-Kuśnierz & Krupa, perception-based attraction
group and 26% with the elderly group. None of the studies iden- and distraction of an environment depend on context-specific
tified the presence of children age groups. From the total of 131 conditions (Lisińska-Kuśnierz and Krupa 2020). This research
points, the real-world environment demonstrated 101 points outcome argues the need for considering ethnicity in such a
and the virtual design environment with 49 points. This result research realm. The research findings by Wang & Sparks con-
indicates that virtual design-based simulations considered the crete the necessity of considering ethnicity in a context since
environment feature mildly in this research domain. the Australian participant’s eye fixation varied with the Chinese
Understanding the visual elements in an environment and its during their experiment (Wang and Sparks 2016). The context
influence on human perception for gaze movement analysis is of location, the presence of visual elements and the quality of
vital in psychophysiological investigations. For such a domain built space impact gaze behaviour; since research identified in
of research nowadays, scholars rely on eye-tracking devices landscapes, gaze behaviour is more comfortable than in a built
since eye-trackers are used to understand gaze behaviour in context (Dupont et al. 2016).
an environment (Kollert et al. 2021). Eye trackers are accurate
and reliable; it has been used in CA studies (Kiefer et al. 2017).
We identified that gaze behaviour was considered mainly for
Research, challenges, gap and limitation
the wayfinding task, especially in a perception-based task in
different environments during the literature review. Investiga- The research on literature analysis shows the challenge of cre-
tions suggest that gaze analysis is favorable during wayfinding ating a realistic environment for evaluating the perception and
tasks and attention estimation-based analysis (Schrom-Feiertag, cognitive-based experiment for the participant. The next chal-
Settgast, and Seer 2017). Such physiological reading devices can lenge is to get accurate calibration for the gaze recording pro-
help systematically quantify the gaze area of interest (AOI) in a cess based on the experimenting domain and simulation field.
field of sight during their task engagement. The study in AOI Insufficient systematic framework challenges the designing and
by Burian and team in 2018 found that gaze behaves differently operating simulation concerning physiological reading devices
towards environments contextual conditions and environments (Eye-tracker) and analyzing the output data based on statisti-
having various visual elements. The study also found a signifi- cal analysis (SPSS, ANOVA, etc.) The literature studies identified
cant difference in participant group gaze patterns while envi- that research was limited to VR and 2D-based simulated indoor
ronmental perception-based tasks (Burian, Popelka, and Beitlova spaces such as geometrical profiles, interior context, design ele-
2018). Hence it indicates that eye movements are influenced by ments and few visual components. Also, outdoors with real
visual elements in an environment for different groups. environments and images of urban spaces, having built ver-
Likewise, it is essential to know the limitation of human vision tices, edge points, patterns, and space perception based on
over a field of sight and in varying environments. The study height, landscape, or green space. The gap identified through
claims that a 2° angle of gaze vision is the most comfortable the literature is that research studies had not considered the
perception level for humans (Stapel, El Hassnaoui, and Happee human’s urban space-based emotions and cognitive response
2022). This understanding might allow planners and architects in the context of built masses, street enclosure, fractal design

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of Built Environment on Users’ Measured Brain Activity.” Architectural Sci-
the researchers only considered the context of the global north
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