Real Life - Upper Intermediate - Sarah Cunningham & Jonathan Bygrave

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“uniae ak Teagitar ui skills support “Seba ETUDENTS BOOL Pearson Education Limited Elinburgh Gate stow. sex €M2028 England and Asocatl Companies throughout the worl wma peticolongaancem { Pearson Eucation Limited 2011 The right Sarah Conninghar and Jonathan Bygrave tobe ken ss athorsof this Work as Boe srt by them in acendance with the Copyright, Designsand Patents Act 1988 Allright reserva: prt ofthis publication may be reproduced, Stored ina retrieval system. oF transted in any form by any means. lect, mechanical, photocopying. recor, o there without the prior written permission ofthe publihers Fist published 2011 ISBN 978-1-41058-9707-5 Sein Myo Pro Printed aed Boudin China Ackowledguments “The publishers and authors woul! ke o thank Marta Usa fo her oibutcn tothe Active Stay ection The publisher and authors woul! ke to thank the flowing peopl and irsttions forthe feelfack and comments during the development of {he materi Reporters: “Argentina: Claudia Marches, Calin Os, Liana Mabel Noszz (Coech Republic: Hana Heaborka; Hungary: Nora Horvat, Italy Franca Barnabe, Mie Cunt, Char elles Poland: ‘Marzena Chadry cata Ze, Bouts Skiba, via Whew, ‘Wiesinwa Sanco, Bia Geta, Ings Dados, Hanna Lipa, Krystyna Za, Magalena Macich, Malgorata AbmamceyleIaela ‘brreniak joanna Frankowice Rowe, Malena Los, Ba Pils; ‘Rusle Angela Lez, EhnaetaYoushina, anna Gennaccena ‘Barskaya, Gaulina Dokukina Evgenia Burkinslaya pain Bestiz (Clave Yast, Hera de Jina, Davo Hemniner Slovakia: Marian ‘Mariel Turkey: Scail Guvene, Es Tai, Seva Ozpina, Alper Donic Ukraine rina Olkbowsa, Ants Von Text acknowledgements Wi are rae te following for permission to reproduce copyeight mater tac in uit S adapta fom My 648 ht le: Me Pre on is ‘unbie mene Coli The Guardia, 3/07/2009 (Satan Manzo), ‘eprodeced by kind permission of Mae Pie, Nowhere ast DProdetions Extract i unit Active Sty 4 adaped from Mecome to sour Brain The cence ea, Loe ard Other Cotes of Lif Published by Rider (Sacea Aamodt and Sam Wang, 2008) yp. ‘copyright© 2008 Sarr Aamodk au Sars Wang Reprited by pommiasionof The Random House Group dan sorb In same instances we have been unable fo race the owners of copyright materi and we woud appreciate any informa todos Photo acknowledgements The publisher woul ike to thank the folowing or hee kind pormision to reproduce their photographs: (Beyeb-botomse-entes Let eight 0p) Alay Images: Andses Rodguer 1014, Azure Republic Phgotogaphy al Richard Baker 5 (Jan), Bom Molyneux Sse), Bets LaRue 25 (Dri), Beyer Fotomeds Gam 1h, Bon Appetit 35) Calelght ‘inal Services Lt evens 63), Ch Foes / Wid. 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Extreme adjectives and ereensifiers (pT Adverbiads ts nacrative pS Prevers tenses. BO Past tenses ting too far? what takes? 6 Dariel Day-Lewis dees he bike pat Reaching the top- have you got Listening Pi lierviews pe Tlie abou hard work an masvation 109 Devore somenne you sdmie Talking abous phatogachs ‘Expresting an opinion tA ramrative 2 Living pl Prevent pedfect simple IB Happily ever after? P14 Radio programme p16 Talking about annoying habits twgether ang contnuaus Ble Annoying habits p16 Relasonship manctoguer pio Giang opines pit Present and pasthabits | pl8Relasceships , a, 3 REALTIME G20 Foxman iedeemal tephone " Afeimal phane conversation ‘A ferenal eater ‘cOnwenations: mectivewtudy? p22 Revision ot grammar and vocabulary from Units Bo = Runnerengy Liter fox gest + Spealonge Photo deucrgrtion Exam Traber in te wiorboos, Lean cofiocations. word formation. exam practice mustipie choice 23 Global ped Fuse forma, (pit Tachnology: P26 Engtich It changing innit? P24 TV programme pad Talking about future gacgaty POA for and spines essay nebwork ‘piSecend conditional | p31 Linking ws Bi Thing about PRP intemal Friglith releing) REAL TIME p12 Interview and seteth ‘Gvinga wretch ay y 4 Happy and PIS Modals cf obligation and | pie Work ics RO The inside track pM New report pl Dincunsing happiness. successful advice PBB Hard work 089 Making your case 536 Future continuous and ¥ utare perfect REAL TIMED) nb ieeeview Apbinteritew acy setiwewtadys pai Raviionof grummar anc vocabulary tom Units 34 Reading: Muttipie choice + Speakon: Opsnton speech fam Trainer in theworebok eam words in groups sineence randlormatiors 5 Pop culture pad Pasuives (Det A performance PetiMtahing & alone! (PAS interdiew with a popstar pt Describing a performance PSOA review: Ba? Move comples question Lead 247 Intermewing foam and puianing |e Psobeersing tin REALTIME SS? Conveesations eS Something PSS Quanstiens. pit Food (PSE Couch surfing - how to travel (pS4 TV programme pt Discussing couch surfing: different P57 Relative clauses. (pSé Describing dishes the world ... for free (P56 Website recommendations. 959 Perusading ie REALTIME PAD Comectations ‘Dealing with unexpected problem Adercripaon of an qvent ectivestady3 pal -Revaion of grammar and vocabulary from Urets $c Listening: Multiple hove + Speaking: Photo diccusion Gaam Trainer in the Workbook: Learn words in groups, exam practce-gap-il (pl Medical ethics Oe Modals of abtiny venues ‘p74 Repeeted toeech p74 Diiawtting sdvertiing IDA desesipeon ofa parson soclety IF Reporting verbs pS Gavng advice _ Comeerations and vienoo intetviens — Agredingund diagrecing An anecsste. SPSEIWOmRANYE PZ ~Flevision of grammar and vocabulary from Units 7 Reading: Matching + Ustening: UF Speaking: Expeessing and justifying an epindon Emam Trainer in the Werkineak ‘Yau foxmation ‘9 Right and p85 Gerundi and infiitives | 64Ciime and hatin pee The Grant Train Robbery pis Stein p86 Deicurting hoamer POOAn opinion estoy wrong p87 Modals ofdeduction — | pS truth and lies aB-Crime and punishment p88 Oplions. pee Rashes REALTIME 552 > Conversations and interview ee aba phat save nd Fane 10 Life changes | 9% wihand only S4Home and environment [B96 More than jut ahouse for sale Mowing house seer 97 Thirc and mina [PAS Buying and seting houtes | p98 Wheve wil we live in ove future? Pesecloguer a Coneraniens: weetting and perusaing: Ageteripben ofa place etIeRTMRMYS pHIE -Reviton oF grammar and vocabulary fom nits 91, ~Speakineg Photo comparitoe Exam Trainer in the Workbook ‘nse Formation, sentence wanwlormation *pplOd-133 Mani Warkiook = + p14, 142-143. Qui answers andactivities + pp135—141 Warrllist spldétregularwerts —sbackenwertanguapedwriting shack cower CYENE? + back cover Writing checklists 2 Listening a Grammar Focus G Read the texts about Pi, Amy and ‘Carolina again, Find an example of: + the penseet simple + the peesent continuous + the present perfect sinypie + the present perfect continuous y Wocabulary lnvpairs, read the questions and discuss your answers, Use the prompts to help you. F Read Grammor2know and match ‘thesantences 1-9to the rules a-f, There is more than one example for some rules. + What are your most lnporant achieverneens and skis? + What goals do you have, outside schoolwork? Pulp (Put Foster; eightcon, has worked to compete 1 When someone crosses the finishing live everyone shouts 2 Tim doing exams so fm-net practising $0 much. 3 ve been coming to events for years Commpaickora. tie blomorws. cyto Read about the thres people in the photos. What a thalr gobls oF achiewernerits? What kind of practice and preparation de you coenpeeiors. aver to cross. 4 Teealways been musical think PF, Amy and Carolina da? Listen and cheek. me Frathing bine a aa ilametre tan, » Describe each person's training routine briefty. & intake a breed rem mw ete REESE Ga) check the words in blue. Then to-do Miss Venezuela listen again and answer the questions it 7 lim speaking to Carolina Carrizo, Which speaker tut she lves ner London Bim getting fitterand fitter 1 particularly impresses the interviewor with his or her are Des stan. ploy the 9 Ive been practising seriously since plan ard tho cele sence sho wrt is endl she persed 1p sovol gunn tv oth, ok thes one of wir races for saver 4 9) oy motivation and dedication? 2 enjoysthe challengeand satisfaction of doing dificult things? 2. gained inspiration from ane of his of her parents? 4 compares the discipline of hi or her ally routine with shat of the anni’? 5 feels that his or her achieements wll gain the vespect cof other people in his or her comenunity? & feels under pressure because there 30 much competition from other neogle? 7 made sactifices when he or she was.a young child, in ‘ander to improve? was nine. ar SPEAKING Read the questions and tick [¥) three that you would like Eo answer, Discuss your answoes in pal 1 [2] De you think that Pi, Any and Carolina's hard wark.and sacrifices ase worthwhile? 2 [Do you know dedicated sportsperson or musician? How does this affect his or hee li 3 [] Do you find doing difficutt things motivating? Glve some examples 4 (CJ Are you motivated by competition? Why? Why not? 5 J Are you disciplined? ta whan ways? spn nary thiol Eason i in th 0 Cf the Bboldoe tne for Carving shou hard work. Beauty quaon Carina hes recently wan a ploce at the Me erst Shahn rock, ber ‘aim th make every git pertoct fe uetchie Ripa 108 Present simple andl present continuous 2a Uso the present simple to describe repeated actions, habias, routines aeed genecal truths ‘Anny proetives fr several bears every day Shelves nace Lender, bb Use the present continu tadoscibe actions in peogress elther at the moment of speaking er during the present Period lis. curently training forth year roce -€ Use the present comtinucus ta describe grackulchanges that are happening in the present period: Tragatning more lonreating, Remember that we do-nct ute the prevent continuous with state verbs (kncey, meant, ie, 6 Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous d_ Use the present pertoct todescribe actions that happened in the post but ave til iportant i the peesesit ‘Carcslin’s recently wen a piowe ofthe Miss Venetuela School (this affects her ite now) 1¢ Use thepresent perfect toxescribe actions that started in the past but ccavtinue into the praca: Pubas wanted to compere in the race since he wes thereon, {f Uso the present perfect continuous to omphuasise that the action is repeated or has continued ora long time: Anap'sbeen playing the piaoa since tbe wea sepa, emomber that we do nat use the present perfect continuous wich stato wots. \Unilerling the correct verb form. ‘ur national hockey team iplejiane citing really well this ‘season. They ‘ore doing/have beenedfoing a lot of extra training recently and they ‘hove just foundtvhave just been finding a fantastic new coach. Their reaults ‘are racily improve/are really nproving ~ they ‘have worvfkave been winning ans importans, intemational match this week. But unfortunately the normal goalkeeper ‘dors? ploy iert playing with them because he Frecomers/is recowering froman injury. © in pairs, tell your partner the name of someane you know who plays a sport or musical instrument well ar has another skill It can be yourself & Use the prompts to make questions in the correct tense about the person yau chase in exercise 93. Then ask and answer, 1) Vehich sport or emusical Instrumeeer/play? Wiwels smcrt afene: 2 Mow longyitio m7 3 practise or train‘ lot? 4 preparesfor anything special/at the moment? ny Competitions or pasar exams? & Improveimuchirecenity? 5 wit a o 2 3 Wi ameertes 1 bpp 104 ye As Grammar Focus ae F DANIEL DAY-LEWIS 1D Discuss the questions in pairs, © 2) Comptete the text below with a past ‘tense (there may be more than one correct possibility) Listen and check, Extrome adjectives and intensifiers |S Find an adjective in the text about Daniel 11) PEOHRROON eneries 47 pages MAT + Who do you think are the best actors . Day-Lewis that means: iugemenent Does he take acting 2 Tensiraeadcnn ali «= Which hawe'been their best roles? 2 verycold + Readithe caption. Have you seen Daniel 3 veryangey TOO PAR’? DayeLewis in.any films? @ Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Which four films are mentioned? What robes did Day: Lewes play in them? 2 Which filmsare in the phatos? 3 How did he prepare for each role? 4 Invwhat ways was is bebuaviour strange during filming? 5 Deyvou know any othar actors who: Breeare like this @ Read the text again. Find an example of: = the past simple © the past cominuous = the past perfect simple += the past perfect continuaus b Read Grammar2know and find another example of each rule a-c ta the text playa role really well ye him uracter Uhved. Bhat sexrmetimes his eeplarations ean beesrtreme! For example, when be was * vines a disabled artist In the tlm Mi Left ER, saree eee ae Pack shiple andl pat cowalnucas “evry ies anid fod ln ith spoon. vee when he se the past simple tniescrihe completed eee actions and events in tbe past and the past Ja Js the Name of the Taher. foe played Geet'y Calon. who ‘continuous to describe actions in progress vent to prison for'a erfme that he baa’ t cocannited, ORTIAUING) AE UNI Hehe: Day-Lewis prepartdHor the role by spending several nights: ‘Blapslests comeciped Weasad wie ther were lone in n freezing prison cel. He tall crew members to making ‘Gangt of hiew York together faction threw cold water at him, even wher! they weren't tl fn progeors at that ima} eons this Fant happened to Gerry Ca so Day-Lewis plage he ial rok: inthe Past perfect simple and past perfect tiene fling start, Be ho Boers tre continuous seven days u mv! He was as pond a a procaine burner, bb Use the past perfect to describe what 7 Ober actorsddon’t always Bike hés appr Pibeenel sis St octeet pee epolies-star Lum Neeson weies they: ‘Gerry Conlen went to prtton for o-crime he Garg of New Fork togeibice: He addressed New ‘hodrt committed, (botore he wert prion} ¢ Use the past perfect continuous thad + Beem + verb + sng] to emphaskie that the corker action continwed for allong timer wag i Be Hateer end when doing. & Waleel se sopeatied he pot reully arsoae. le was absolurely seeeitying Uke {By the time firming started (main ever, he ad teen training fer two pears. fa poriad at tire before INat) discowerediater tbat Day: Lems hadl been working is. butcher for months before filming sturted! —2 OSCAR ‘WINNING ACTOR ‘yor FACTS Robart De Niro ‘pies snipes (atom play) albores in his Oscar-winning rae in tha 1840 classic Raging Bull When filening *__ start), ho *__ (train so intensively that ha _ tbecomel ona of the top bomrs in he world, While fe *_ mae) tse fir, (Da Nite *_ {put on thiry kilos, in order 1o play the boxer as an old man, Ha” Ipserviously lose) twenty-five kilos so that he © {can} play the young baxer. ‘Maath Ledger "__ (win) an Oscar for het vale in The Dark Knight The twenty-eight: ‘yeancld actor "___ {finish fitming the marie just months before his death in 2008. Ledger "_ (sleep! vary lhadly in the weeks ihatore he '*__ (dha), and friends sary that hie *__ (autter) trom exhaustan af the time oF his daarn, James Dean, the iconic HiSts actor, _ Irocetve) two Oscar nominations after his doath, Ho {filmp tha movie Gisorurtit 8 coupte of days before his death in a car ‘stash and he "__ {rot finish) all the voice: ‘work on the movie 80 arsuther actor" _ {heave to} imitate bis wos. ‘Tap Hellywoed couple Brad Pir and Angelina Jolie both ™__ (receive) Oscar nominations in 2000 The two stars *_ ‘erst coaet) in 2008, while they *__ ffl) Mr andl Mrs Snalth tegether. 4. verytrightening B htead Active Study. Notice intensifiers a With extreme adjectives, use an extresne! intensifier insta of ren’: obralutely tersitying MOT. venpteentvine bb Donot use extiome kntensificrs with oedinaty adlnctives: very surptaing NOT: obnotonetpsorpening ¢ Use really vith both types of achective: really tined realy fisriows J Match the extreme adjectives 1-100 the ordinary adjectives a-). Usea dictionary to help you. 1 teria very worried 2 amazed b very clever 3 exhausted very wet 4 huge od very surprised 5 desperate 1 very funny 6 soaked very tired 7 starving g vey hot 8 brillant bh very bad ‘9 nitrous | very hungey 10 bolling | very big B_ Say how you would feel in the situations, using an extreme adjective and an intensifier, 1 Someone has deliberately broken your new mp3 player. Fal be obsoleted harcoaat 2 St’s<10°C and the central heating has broken. 2 You hawe just finished a tenner 4 fou haven't eaten fortwo days. 5 Youhawe been out in the pouring rain all day. 6 our favourite footballer has hast joined your local team. 7 You hawe just got a grade Ain your worst subjectat schood & You have just seen aghost! Min WOROEROON ees 9-10 page TO eating’ Speaking ‘Toad the quatations about success. Which do you think are true? Can youthink of anyone wholzstrates these points? aan ee susie | Behind every great man there's a great woman,” Maclonnat And why talented people make it? — 2 Check the Words2knaw and match them with the quotations Inexercise 1.Whith hwo qualities are not mentioned? ey elas phenomenon of suecoss. stady claims that your social network is pem@imy co ion se-confdence fuck natwealtalent friend that you have at at still determination sed haed work percent i your salary later im life! Perhaps ‘support from other people 1 soctal metwvock thls boosts qos salle lee are RAP a ae you lave more peaple te mipport you. Another study links halght and rucces: ‘every extra contimetne fs weorth another $3300 por years Tha trouble ie that fer every person who conforms tn these theories, there is an exception, 4 A Frink the First gnenation enaphasises the Dpectanea nf ack B_ Road the nowt quickly, which idea in exoreice 2 does the: author Malcolm Gladwell think is the most impertant Ses success just down to hock? Napol Ingredient of success? A iit was once thinking abou! pro Aint peneral in his army. Aftorhe tind heard A Read the text again and choose the correct answer. Soca all the pootrals ileal: he said “Yes, 1 Accacting ta-ane study. you have alot of friends at se, Levalise b's Brillant bus ts be lucky? schaol you wall Zine hen you think sboot it, what use Then Mga nel wee aha Wa, talent without Luck? 1979) unger bb eam more money whan you grow up. € grow taliet, bean exception when youare cle. 2 Me Mel Gibson's audtion he 2s unlucky because some deunks had attacked him. bb vans lucky because the drunks hack’ hat him . ras hicky because he vs what the film director was een dg fox, looking :WilsHuck that te him is first break, d got the ale of Napoleon’ general Reng ue 3 Malooin Gladwell claims that te reach the top 8 musicians have to practise for 10,009 hours "players in a pyusie school 40 teat thin theory. Teachers put the players into three groups: fF rrernes pan ' | pT and outstanding pleyers im group SL Thsereat nica al phere ta pcp Abad date avout 10,000 bury of practice in their tifetime. The ts ribet a bile at the palsies who made hits Sractinedie bury eee eeeeet arte age ‘And the mmsie thet Mozart composed when be ‘was abe wasn Tsusstanding, Mecort rete hia ‘Mesearchers looked ai violin players in group C, good playwrs is b you have te de Howoonours of hard work, € talent is not important, dedication is not lmpevtant, 4 Glachwell saysthat Mozart 8 Was an exception to his theary 1b had already practised for 16.000 hours wher be ars four € was only successful because he had a strict father, did't produce work of trve genius until he had dome alot of practice, i, Madoc Abs tet onchcenele ny case. He says that the secret ef By that time, first real masterpiece wher he waa brventy-cne. Teed erat least 18000 boar af ‘Practice and bed ‘become’ « genius ‘spany beurs of hard work Se ares en othe lt ‘hard work. $0 nest tke you dreans of scoring the winning goal im the World Cup or winning ‘an Oscar, ask yourself this question: are you craally prepared to plat in the hours necessary to cachiowe your goal? 'B_ Take tumsto give yourtafic. Discuss whether you Gladwel's theory. GB A pase Fete mite’ 1B NOTICE IDIOMS Rewiite the sentences using an idiom from the text that means the same as the underlined wards, 1 (line 3) Haveyou got the necessary shusnctortstics? Meare you got ruliat ores? 2 fine] Why don’t equally talented people stcome succesful? 3 (line 13)... IhemesL important element of success, 4 ine 23) ls success just amatter of fuck? (line 39) twas fuck that gate him Fis first aepartuny, 6 line $0} You probally won't become ene of the ‘bees yor foi Discuss the questions, + Do you think Malcolm Gladwell’s theary is genecally irae cr ret? + Can you think of any exceptions? + dee there any goals that you woudl work this hhard for? OB Fy piney football for 10,000 bowen FT cpentat be 2 fop professional footballer! (GD usten to nwo students talking about a highly successful person whose achievements they really admire, Answer the questions about each person, + Whois the personand what is he or she famous fo? + What are o¢ were this persons main achievernents? + Whatis interesting oe admirable about this person? + Does this person ft Malcolm Gladviets theory or net? Bo Think of a highly successful person, (am yo dead or alive, who you admire, Itcould | 28 rr, bbe a snosts porvon, actor, musician, Meise writer or leader, SF ‘b Spend a few minutes preparing a short talk about him or her, Think about the questions. in axercise 7 and use the phrases on the back cover tohelp you. think each person Ms tras teen pineping o. t08 us aie as ions meen F Caton Phainh hs tes theory becouse ‘uh Hm BOON eneecve 19 page 18 Writing! /Mocabulary Anarrative Pamgrepht: [6 i — fnrmaince tthe Hhua, He 10 Look at the picture and read the caption. Discuss the questions in pairs. + Where is Chute Canyon and what is alice? iS |youslike hiking there? Wry? Why nor? ‘@ Use the picture and woedsin the box to predict what happesed to lames during the hike, [| srock boulder aoa! tosio ] bb How do you think the story ended? ‘a Read Alex's account of what happened. Compare your answer to question 2 with the real story. b Answer the questions. 1 Why did the brothers gating In Chute Canyon? 2. What did Alox decieleta do afte his beothar's accident? 3 Why was the canyon full of water? 44 Hove tong did James wall for rescue? 4 Two years aga, my bemtner James and | at ox STRUCTURE Read the st nate oan cate Can, Uh Meee es air are raked Fikieg fanatics end had ceonent of sing thea the instructions a-Fte the paragraphs 1-4. Peeler a tong tina, Henerrot, we had 10 i 8 Describe how the story ends. ff ino terrisie adveetuto that was waiting Foe Ut, b Introduce the time, the place and the main, the first part without people, chaos, Fi toe and oo care Describe the important part of the story in sippery. Alf a guciden, 05: | uae elle omy dena, SB) brother doin a huge boule be sopod wd ee Hin that something exciting wll happen. Oe price lagna mpaberied, € Describe the consequences of events of hate esple’s reactions. Describe the‘tuming potnt where something unreepected heppes move. Facing desperate, decided to head for ie ares comp fr hil 20 et dees ‘pith some warm cictring and the Fost of the food. had bean raining ard Yo oxy horrar, | Gecowered thal the canyon was Sooded. But | uid ne enoice. had ta struggia.on, soaked aN © feang, unacie even to think tay. Ato point | got lost, wating precious hours. tn fotowng aftecnoon. | 4 stam mye ee ara faienn twenty-two: hours anc | wan @xhausted ‘ard starving, However, | managed to call for ‘help and facie hours Inter rescuers rbbemret resent imerational survey has shown tat Swedes men do the ears aro the house: x Benes mere than Japanese ‘men, wn did the least berserk in the surrey. Japanese estan do oly foot hour! hewsewadk. a week on avenge, in Japan, bs waual for women to give their careert up when © ey geL marred in ger to become fb tee noumewtees. But it's not ail bad mews tor Japanese wher: the hppical Japanese hesband hands over his etre salary to his wie, who gives him back pocket money in return! "tem pecent of ander ves (ee Uae roel un by _stpa-bore-dac, fe the ‘beri the reac ‘business decisions. The tamiy Ramhe pakkars: roan mativer to Geaghber ane BaogRMeeS REA aces pert -lne ‘the family property. Chien percent of chiigreey Ft ‘belong tn their mother’s fay fe aeed US Bve ‘ined isnt acceptable for ‘ee: pert farms, {aterst ive ith their chicken ap rant cl DEM ~~ they remain part of Beeir gent wrth thet Mokhse Motes houpetoay DI) ‘one of the nastiest things that someone can Match the phrasal verbs 1-9 to the meanings a-{, using the text or adictionary to help you. Tick (1 if the phrasal verb ii separable and crass LA) if not. 1 Ei] setedownitine is, # Bk ona date 2 Claskougine ry) | > icaae 3 CZ goup tine 169 < fue completely 4D oveup tine 26) howe Ll sve fe tlie achild $ (L) handover ine 27) 6 CL) giveback (line 38) 7] bringup (line 42) 1 retum ayn arelationship or place permanentiy & ) work owt fine 46) lh stop ding something 9 CT) tookateer tine 4 Ae cane of .a Read five teenagers’ opinions about (Do you think the speakes is mate [MI or female (FIF ink it's fine for a girl to ask a guy why not? Id be perfectly happy if asked me out! ‘Personally, Facaudd always expect the yuy fo pay if we go oul an a date, ‘just think i@ shotes that he cares.” "You shoukin't seten too kien when you first art going out with someone. | think you should ahways wait for ther to eal you and wait a day ‘or two to answer thelr texts _. pou shouldn't be too available* ioe do ist fish with yo by tet. A ill that ome crice cand | vous relly upric®* ‘If someone stands me up or arrives late for the cas ieee adele b Rank the opinions A-E from t (completely agree) to 5 (completely disagree). Discurs your ‘opinions in pairs. a, 1 Ingroups, make alist of Five (G8 gy Golden Rules for Brating’ using I tay the ideas in exercise 7, your owns ideas and the phrases on thelback “= caver to help you, Gare Brief reason for your rubies, Navan move lite fw are beensres O's rent Aeteos shout mbna poe Hho bil ‘b Diseuss your listwith the class. ‘ain WORRD ODE exercises 19-12 page 19 @& Lock atthephote Read the caption and answer the questions. 1. Whee are Ella and lkram? 2 Whatcla you thinkls golng tehappen there? 3 How do you think they feel about it? Why? Bb CD Listen and check your answers, ‘Wat plan do Ella and Ikram make? 1 92, & Read the phone conversation between fila (E) and the receptionist (RI. Underline the comect phrases. Explain why the other \ (phrases are inappropriate ae bb GoW Listen anaicheck. what is the problems and ‘what i lkram’s advice? © (Listen again, Write down the phrases from exercise 2a that Ella.and Fkram use in their conversation. Explain why they use thase phrases. Ella and thram are walking on ighton beach when they see anew developmen 3, Look at the Phrosestknow and mark theen as formal (F) o¢ informal (I). The neutral phrases have already been marked (N). Lr Phone conversations Getting through Caller [LJ Could speak ea .., please? [7] is... there? as. {ly nome. ren caiting about C1 who's tha? (5) cantastwhat you ng? ae ee FS see whesrsne's in (Fo ttoktthe tne, please. [[] Hangon a minute Giving and taking massages ther person: (ten afiaict he's the's not available right now seers just popped out ramwurere all is conc ‘Complete the phone conversations using Pibrases Aknow, ® Listen and ebveck. In pal discuss the clues that told you whether ‘each conversation was formal ot Informal. Im pairs, act out a formal telephone eanversation, Student A leak at page 134, Student f look at page 142. wi G Beadthe letzer from Elta wo at Nash at ComfortBrenk Hotels. White down the shige questions she asks him. 9 STRUCTURE Match 1-8 othe places in * eltas lettae AH. 1 C smp you are veaiting for 3 reply 2 Cl exptain why you are writing wntite the date ur acer ‘veth Dear MrsRAraMisc hts = surname edo bt incation. Th area La popitur bewsty have dct te bed ddecdnate the beach bts any ties appeasanee Gf our show wil ena 284 geallady "egk foewacd to: bearing Lookat Longuagesweting on the back caver and find phaases to match 1-4 in exercise 7, ©) & Look at the advert or a flat-share CAN ve Imagine you are interested inthe advert, | 928 Think of two more questions to.ask, to share resporeibil se. If you are interested, x # ts Craham, Brighten, HG J5Y ib. Write the first dratt of your letter Ask fr at least two pieces of Informatio: Q) Swap levers with your partner, Work through the checklist for writing on the back coves. Comment on ‘your partner's letter and write your final deaft 21 activestudy! ‘Complete the sentences with the present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form ofthe verbs In brackets. 4 Use eee ginees fo) household chores all weeluene! andi | still Boca? Meetiee {not finish). 2 Doyou think our society {become} more and more COMpEtIVE? 3 Jessica __ date} a different boy every month, 4 Kyung Au __ {cuerentlyipractise} fora concert 5S We __ (now) each other since primary school, 6 1__{phane) companies ail ‘moaning | think |___ (make about twenty calls 7 My flatmati’s 60 annaying! He falvaysinag) me about unimportant things! Complete the sentersces with the Past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple of past perfect continuous form af the verb in brackets. 1 pases siting (si) at ery desk lass night trying to Finish. anessay.| was very teed because | *___ (work! on ital day. Sucidenly the phone * ring), My friends‘ (wae) ene to go aut with them. We _ (gol toa senall local clubs White we * (sit) there talking. ny exboyfriend Dave *fenmme) in and * Goin) us iy friend Zoesuddenly remembered shee *__tnot tock) the door to hae flat and Julie thought she °_(leave) thee tren on. They Both *__ trashy ‘out, leaving me alone with Dave. We 1 (talld for three hours anes tomorrem fm going to see him again. But [suspect my friends" (plant ial Sc ‘Choase the comrect word of phrase'ts complete Millie's bieg. a Millie’s blog Upc reilly rein eG sly Store, Her prec go mared durlng tse Send Work Wir ater they". eoch other for about six mort, Aer the war they settled £ (na lithe village. They were Avery traditional fannily, My great-grandiathenr was the breadwinner, He home from wark, 38 down and read a newspapee - really! My great-grandma todo all the housework and look after the chitdren. ‘They were a good famity in a way burt Helen knew she wanted her Ue to be differeet, She wasted the *___ and ‘Saisfaction of an Interesting Job and she wanted to see the world. She and my granddad, fom, met while they Medicine af university Tom thought Helen wer absolutely ‘___and she thought the same about him, After they'd graduated, they got married and went to Ihve and work Inafrica, Their Mest child vos born in Nigeria after they + there for three your, How my grandparents *___ together for forty-five years, ‘They have Uived in ofght cournries, they have three children and seven grandchildren and they still enjiry each other's *__ more than anything elve 1 a knew ¢ hadknown bb have known 4 had been known 2 8 down € up b to d back 2 4 wascoming € would come b hadcome 4 had been coming 4a used was used b was od hadused 5a motivation < achlevernent bb dedication d challenge 6 8 would study ¢ hadbeen suaching b were studying id hadstudied 7 & pretty € nike b dover dbailliant 8a were working ¢ had been working b have been working used to work 9 a awelixing © had wed bb have been ting were living 10 a company -€ relationship b chat d respect Gb Complete the sentences with the comect 1 seal — a Bien 2. divorce bb murriage 3 arranged ¢ network 4 natural d me ‘SS Complatethe sentences with the vorbs below. makes feel have | eave: make take treat 1 Pani ort sasuke a eam Out of this sitation. Everything wll be okay 2 [never stay in.a relationship with someone whe didn't 23 ke going curt with Greg. We abway a bugh together, She always used to _a mess in the kitcloen adtes she'd been cooking. 5 Young people sometimes under alot cf pressure to succeed, 6 [can __ ages to train yourdag ~you have to be patient. 7 Success doesnt come easily. Sometimes youhawe ta, sacrifices form of the word in brackets. 1. Maitin Luther King has been a source of sszusachion inspire) for hurman eights activists around the world 2 What has been your greatest __tachieve) so tae? 3 Please behave start a rove 4 Mike: could achiewe mnisch more but hellacks __ (self-confidenth 5 if youdorrt share chores and _ (responsible) fairly, youl have problems! & Laura is the main breadwinner in her __trelation): she eams mone than her husbord, b (38 Listen and check Repeat thesentences, _ {reasonable}, Bon't me weith respect Listening skills E Ice F (Ga_Listen te four young people talking about living on their own for the first time. Match the statements a-« to the speakers 1-4, There is one ‘extra statement. a (D) idide’t realise I'd hawe such problems with money. b 1 bemiss ry faraty some of the time, ¢ []bregeat moving out because ie is more ithoult now. 4 (2) Making my own decisions is really impartant forme, © D1 My atinude was not very responsible at the beginning. Speaking skills B Compare and contrast the two phetes of people who have achieved success. 23 Listening! ‘Speaking Ta GDbisten and waite the pairs af numbers in the order you hear them. bb Gd) Listen again and check. Then say the numbers. @ fm Read the facts and figures below about how conimunication technology has changed. Guess which three figures are incorrect. b G2) Listen to part of a TY programme and, correct the figures in exercise 2a that are wrong. Bo GD isten to part 2and ticki} the technology the expert mentions. 1 Dl windup taptops 2 DO laptops with fenibble screens: 3 E30 tptops 4 [C] interrset-enabled TVs s LJ 30s 6 L) mobile phones ith hele screens, b G3) Listen again, what, if any, will be the: advantages af each piece of technology? om Which gadgets do you think will existin the juture? Make a tst of ideas with the closs. lb Do youknow anyone whols addicted to any form of techhology? What are thelr symptoms? Grammar Focus Future forms Look at the messages on page 25. Which one is 3 an arrangement fortis everang? B some gossip? © a party invitation? GB Rend the messages and answer the questions. 1 Why is Natalie so happy? What do you think ‘yippee’ means? 2 Who is Samand what's the news about hin? 3 How do you think Natalie wal feel when the hears the mews? Way? 4 What arrangement does the text message shew? _How_ communication has changed in figures 70-80% eat) rth PAULA e Lt) itis Ratt aT Parris Lyerar fins oxerow ~~ (YEPP EL and theron == Fier ts td ot fm having se a aoe re cm ct = 8 * yetiieg wwe reer! oo a & i fedarerten norte ieee ane icceseoeeane ‘ne wet ewe aps! ane F Underline the sentences in which these formsrefer te the future, Read Grammor2inew and check your answers. + going to + will - present continuous + present simple BZ) Complete the dialogues with the correct form af the werby in brackets. Use the present simple, present continuous, going to and will in each dialogue. Then listen and check. 1 AB The match ‘stort istart) at three tomorrow afternoon, Do you want to watch It at mine? Jer: | cant, Fr afraicl H1__ifieish) rap science project. 14 (present) to my cass on Monday. ‘Ak How avfulll “___(cosne) and Brlp youll pou want. 2. Toon: | haver’t tote Liz haw! fee! about her yet, Jot Gut hee flight __(leawe) at six tomorow moming. ‘Form: | know !*__ ell) her tonight when Isec‘her. Jo: '__ (she come) ta the party? ‘Foen: | hope so but havertt invited her yet. think * call her now. 2 Lizt Iimearty nine. We *_ the) kate For the arty, Jess: I1's

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