MATH2019 T1 2019 Exam

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THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS MAY 2019 MATH2018 / MATH2019 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 2D/E (1) TIME ALLOWED - 2 hours (2) TOTAL NUMBER OF QUESTIONS - 4 (3) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (4) THE QUESTIONS ARE OF EQUAL VALUE (5) ANSWER BACH QUESTION IN A SEPARATE BOOK (6) THIS PAPER MAY BE RETAINED BY THE CANDIDATE (7) ONLY CALCULATORS WITH AN AFFIXED “UNSW APPROVED” STICKER, MAY BE USED All answers must be written in ink. Except where they are expressly required pencils may only be used for drawing, sketching or graphical work. MAY 2019 MATH2018 / MATH2019 Page 2 TABLE OF LAPLACE TRANSFORMS AND THEOREMS g(t) is a function defined for all ¢ > 0, and whose Laplace transform Gls) = Lgl y= [erate exists. The Heaviside step function u is defined to be 0 forta oft) G(s) = Lig(t)] 1 | E 3 ‘ 2 w vt tyy>el ws —at 1 é sta w sin wt ae | cos wt . re sF(s) ~ f(0) ro s?F(s) — sf (0) — f(0) es (t) F(s+a) (t= a)u(t—a) e*F(s) tft) —F%(s) J Please see over MAY 2019 MATH2018 / MATH2019 Page 3 FOURIER SERIES If f(z) has period T = 2L, then Fle) = 4+ 9° (aqeos (™E2) + 8,50 (2) om where oo = Ef fee on = Ef Ha)oos ("2 ae by = Ef ste)sin (SE) ae LEIBNIZ RULE FOR DIFFERENTIATING INTEGRALS dr di Ef renee [Pas ton Z -nen$ MULTIVARIABLE TAYLOR SERIES Flow) = H,8) + @- Lo) + “Py 1 +5 . ] (=a? FF a,b) +20 — ally net 7 F a,b) 4 (y—0) eG 1b) + : VARIATION OF PARAMETERS Consider a second-order linear differential equation J(z)) If y;(x) and yp(z) are linearly independent solutions of the the corresponding, homogeneous equation, then a solution of the inhomogeneous equation is given y" + play! +a(a)s by y(e) = u(x)ya(e) + ua(e)ya(x) where ys(z) f(z) r(x) =< det (%2 9 cay and Wo) = det : l Please see over MAY 2019 MATH2018 / MATH2019 Page 4 SOME BASIC INTEGRALS ant fee=2 +0 forn#-1 oe i [Fee= melee z se feru=F +0 fdr= +0 fora ade = a? +0 fora cos ke fs kear =~ E ar sin bods = SHH 5G [osieae = ee [oosntsde = bie Lo [sthea= a [cosectinas = ~footke +6 Please see over MAY 2019 MATH2018 / MATH2019 Page 5 Answer question 1 in a separate book a iii) Given that i) Consider the function = S(2,y) = 2?y' +e sin(y) a) Find the function value at the point (0, £). b) Find the rate of change of f in the x direction at the point (0, 3) ©) Is f an increasing or a decreasing function in the x direction at the point (0, §)? Give reasons for your answer. ii) Suppose that u = a? +4y where x = In(t) and y = ¢?, Use the chain rule to fina at $= 1, use Leibniz’ theorem to find [ ze cos(kr)de. b iv) Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to find the maximum value of f(a,y) = 6x —8y subject to the constraint 2? +4? =1 ¥) A force field F is given by F=2Qyi+ayzj+3ek and the path C is the straight line from (4,3,1) to (6,3,5) in R® a) Find a parametric representation for the path C. b) Evaluate the work integral [ Pedr. Please see over .. MAY 2019 MATH2018 / MATH2019 Page 6 Answer question 2 in a separate book 2 i) Use the method of variation of parameters to solve the second order ordinary differential equation / se Way +4y = ii) Consider the double integral 2 ry t= f° [sme + yaray ln Io ‘a) Sketch the region of integration. b) Evaluate J with the order of integration reversed. iii) A quadratic curve is given by the equation 2? — 12zy + y? = 70. a) Express the curve in the form x? Ax =70 where x = (): and A is a symmetric matrix. b) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A in part a) ©) Hence, or otherwise, find the shortest distance from the curve to the origin, d) Write down the coordinates (z,y) of the points on the curve closest to the origin. iv) The region bounded by the semi-circle z= /T—y? and the y axis has centroid (2,9) a) Explain why j= 0. b) Find the centroid (2, 0) Please see over .. MAY 2019 MATH2018 / MATH2019 Page 7 Answer question 3 in a separate book 3. i) Let a) Sketch the odd periodic extension of f over the domain ln Sacer b) Caleulate the half range Fourier sine series of f. ©) To what value does the series in b) converge at x= v2? ii) The temperature in a bar of length + metres satisfies the heat equation Ou. Pu > = 25 Oo where u(z,) is the temperature in °C, t is time in minutes and « is the distance in metres from the left hand end of the bar. Both ends of the bar are maintained at a temperature of 0°C. Hence u(0,t) = u(n,t)=0 for all t. a) Assuming a solution of the form ule,t) = F(2)G(t) show that eee er tant. FG Bae mk whore kis a constant b) You may assume that only & <0 yields non-trivial solutions and set k = —(p") for some p > 0. Applying the boundary conditions show that p = n, n =1,2,8,. and that possible solutions for F(z) are F(z) =sin(nz) n= 1,2,3,... ©) Find all possible solutions G,(t) for Git) 4) Suppose now that the initial temperature distribution of the bar is ulz,0) = F(z), where f is the function from Question 3 part i). Using your answer to Question 3 part i) b), write down the general solution u(z,t) as a series, e) Truncating the series in part d) to its first two terms, find an approx- imate value for the temperature u(z,t) of the bar at position x = 1 metre, at time ¢ = 1 second. Present your answer to 4 decimal places. Please see over MAY 2019 MATH2018 / MATH2019 Page 8 Answer question 4 in a separate book 4. i) Recall the definition of the Laplace transform of a function f(t). co) = [Person = res. a) Use the integral definition above to prove that Lle-*f(t)) = F(s +a). b) Hence or otherwise find £-1 {sa} 63+ 18 ii) Consider the function g(t) u(t—1). a) Sketch the graph of g(t) for ¢ > 0. b) Find the Laplace transform of g(t). ©) Hence solve the initial value problem y! +3y'+2y=g(t), yO v@)=0. fii) Mars rover Spirit is travelling on the surface of a Martian mountain. Its height h above the point (x, ), of zero elevation, is given by h(a,y) = —a? ~ y? +20 + 6y + 100 It starts its journey above the point (4,9) and adopts a strategy of always travelling in the direction of steepest descent, That is, in the direction where the height h(¢,y) decreases most rapidly. a) Explain why the rover will need to travel in the direction v= (20 -2)i+ (2y -6)j b) Suppose that the path P of the rover in R° is the curve r(f) = a(f)i + yi + 2()k where ¢ is time, measured from the start of the journey. By considering the velocity vector w(t), and solving an appropriate separable ordinary differential equation in z and y, or otherwise, express y in terms of x, ©) Hence find a possible parametric description r(t), of the path P of the rover. END OF EXAMINATION

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