(23358750 - Management of Organizations - Systematic Research) Content Marketing Decisions For Effective Internal Communication

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ISSN 1392-1142 (Print), ISSN 2335-8750 (Online)



Content Marketing Decisions for Effective

Internal Communication
The paper focuses on the assumption that new marketing and communication concepts, including content
marketing, provide new opportunities for internal communication. The problem solved in this paper argues
how content marketing decisions can contribute to effective internal communication. Based on scientific
­literature analysis, a theoretical-hypothetical model of the content marketing decisions’ contribution to the
effective internal communication is presented.
Keywords: content marketing, internal communication, effective internal communication, content marketing
Šis straipsnis remiasi prielaida, jog naujos marketingo ir komunikacijos koncepcijos suteikia naujas galimybes
vidinei komunikacijai. Straipsnyje analizuojama, kaip turinio marketingo sprendimai gali prisidėti prie efek-
tyvios vidinės komunikacijos. Remiantis atlikta mokslinės literatūros analize, pateikiamas teorinis-hipotetinis
turinio marketingo sprendimų indėlio į vidinės komunikacijos efektyvumą modelis.
Raktiniai žodžiai: turinio marketingas, vidinė komunikacija, vidinės komunikacijos efektyvumas, turinio
marketingo sprendimai

Introduction Many authors (White, Vanc, Stafford,

2010; Almonaitiene, Zukauskas, 2015; Di-
It is not a secret that today business all over aconu, Oancea, Brinzea, 2016; Martinez,
the world is very challenging. As K. Ra- Hurtado, 2018) admit that organizations
jhans (2012) notes, in order to stay profita- must constantly communicate with cur-
ble in the highly challenging and competi- rent and potential stakeholders so that to
tive global market economy, all the factors offer high quality products and services,
of production should be wisely managed. to establish value and to facilitate their
The constant change brought by the world access to customers. It is well known that
globalization, forces organizations to apply employees are one of the main groups of
methods that organize the means that lead company stakeholders. Due to this, effec-
the company to obtain better performance tive internal communication plays an im-
and make full use of all its resources; with- portant role in improving the working en-
out it, an environment of instability and vironment and performance of business
uncertainty among its members is created (Rajhans, 2012; Almonaitiene, Zukauskas,
(Martinez, Hurtado, 2018). 2015; Zerfass et al., 2015). Moreover, the

Aušra PAŽĖRAITĖ – Doctor of social sciences, associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management,
Vytautas Magnus University. Address: S. Daukanto str. 28, Kaunas, Lithuania. Phone: +370 37 32 78 56. E-mail: ausra.
Rūta REPOVIENĖ – PhD student at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Vytautas Magnus University. Ad-
dress: S. Daukanto str. 28, Kaunas, Lithuania. Phone: +370 37 32 78 56. E-mail: ruta.repoviene@vdu.lt
© 2018 Aušra PAŽĖRAITĖ, Rūta REPOVIENĖ published by Sciendo. This work is licensed under
the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.

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results of various studies (Ruizalba et al., content may affect internal customers in
2014; Saad et al., 2015; Park, Tran, 2018) different communication channels and
revealed that there is a positive connection how it can be used for internal commu-
between effective internal communica- nication. Therefore, the scientific prob-
tion and external marketing effectiveness. lem solved in the paper is presented as
Unfortunately, internal communication, follows: how content marketing deci-
in today’s organizations has become far sions can contribute to effective internal
more complex and varied (Men, 2014; Se- communication? Correspondingly, the
bastião et al., 2017). aim of the present paper is to develop a
Until quite recently, internal com- theoretical-hypothetical model of content
munication received little attention from marketing decisions for effective internal
marketing experts and researchers since communication.
their focus of attention was on external Research methods. Seeking to pro-
communication. However, internal com- vide a substantial theoretical background
munication is now of great opportunity for further studies on internal communi-
for many organizations, and theorists are cation effectiveness, a theoretical analysis
re-examining internal communication in and synthesis is provided. In the first stage
the light of developments such as employ- of research, literature review has been car-
ee engagement (Welch, 2011; Karanges ried out. In order to ascertain the contri-
et al., 2015; Zerfass et al., 2015). Digiti- bution of content marketing decisions
zation has brought extensive changes to to the effective internal communication
businesses communication. The complex scholarly studies have been analysed in
nature of the digital economy is charac- following fields: internal communica-
terized by various functions and provides tion in general (White et al., 2010; Ra-
global access to knowledge and informa- jhans, 2012; Yeomans, FitzPatrick, 2017;
tion (Ukko, Saunila, Rantala, 2016). The and others), features of effective internal
increasing importance of information communication (Marques, 2010; Ruck,
created preconditions for content mar- Welch, 2012; Mazzei, 2014; Martinez,
keting to become a separate marketing Hurtado, 2018; and others), content mar-
paradigm (Gagnon, 2014; Holliman, keting concept (Pulizzi, 2012; Gagnon,
Rowley, 2014; Hanafizadeh, Yarmoham- 2014; Holliman, Rowley, 2014; and oth-
madi, 2015), which are based on creation ers) and content marketing decisions (Ha-
and distribution of valuable content for levi, O’Hanlon, 2016; Järvinen, Taiminen,
the customer. According to researchers 2016; Kose, Sert, 2017; and others).
(Gagnon, 2014; Jaakonmäki et al., 2017) Following this stage of research, the
this type of content can be used as a tool perceived information was evaluated,
to increase the effectiveness of different compared and summarized using system-
marketing activities. atic analysis. The insights of particular
Therefore, discussions about the analysis provide a basis for the creation
content marketing benefits and applica- of a theoretical-hypothetical model. The
tion to a different kind of business show theoretical-hypothetical model has been
the importance of knowing how quality formed applying the synthesis method.

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Content Marketing Decisions for Effective Internal Communication 119

Effective internal communication to produce value. Therefore, it could be

stated that internal communication is one
Internal communication is the term of the main processes by which business
used to describe an organization’s man- can create this kind of value. From a value
aged communication system, where em- creation perspective, which is close to sev-
ployees are regarded as an internal pub- eral researchers’ view (Ruck, Welch, 2012;
lic or stakeholder group (Verčič, Verčič, Zerfass et al., 2015; Belasen and Belasen,
Sriramesh, 2012). Other terms used for 2018), effective internal communication
this communication system are ‘employee can create value not only for employees,
communication’ (Nakamura, Umeki and but also for the business itself or a final
Kato, 2017), ‘organizational communica- customer. C. White et al. (2010) explain
tion’ (Marques, 2010) and ‘internal mar- this provision by saying that effective in-
keting’ (Ahmed, Rafiq, 2003). K. Réka and ternal communication can enhance cor-
A. Borza (2012) summarized the internal porate reputation and credibility because
communication concept which includes: employees are viewed as particularly
–– Sending and receiving messages credible sources by external stakeholders.
that create and maintain a system of con- Accordingly, corporate communication
sciously coordinated activities; as a community of practice is no longer
–– The tools by which organizational the exclusive domain of public relation or
activities can be unified, and its members marketing departments, which tradition-
can understand their own role; ally have focused on external stakeholders.
–– The means through which person- Based on A. T. Belasen and A. R. Belasen
nel establishes a coherent social reality (2018), other functional areas within the
and identity, as well as the leadership style organization play important roles in both
and power relations in the organization. internal and external communication
Despite the varied terminology, many while also influencing decision-making,
authors (Welch, Jackson, 2007; White et strategic communication planning, and
al., 2010; Nakamura et al., 2017; Martinez, policy implementation.
Hurtado, 2018; and others) agree that in- Secondly, effective internal commu-
ternal communication is one of the key nication can be treated as the solution of
factors which leads to business success. business problems. L. A. M. Martinez and
Accordingly, there are many provisions S. R. F. Hurtado (2018) widely described
expressing the advantages of effective in- this point of view by saying that internal
ternal communication. communication in organizations is one of
First, in the information age, an or- the fundamental axes to face each of the
ganization’s assets include the knowledge challenges related to market expansion,
and interrelationships of its people. As B. globalization, quality, and competitive-
Ouirke (quoted from Welch and Jackson, ness. Faced with these business challeng-
2007) marked, it is internal communica- es, organizations must not only be focused
tion business to take the input of informa- on the profit, production, and adminis-
tion, using the creative and intellectual tration but also communication as the
assets of its people to process it in order main axis of business action; because this

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constitutes the central system of all the important changes - for example, a merger
processes of an organization. Likewise, with another company, a re-branding or
from this perspective, it can be said that the introduction of a new product (Yeo-
communication is established as a condi- mans and FitzPatrick, 2017). In theory
tion and strategic tool for the processes of (Yeomans and FitzPatrick, 2017; Belasen
the relations of the organization with the and Belasen, 2018), employees should be
environment, and the interaction with among the first to know about changes so
the internal personnel. Furthermore, as that they are able to see their own role in
K. Ruck and M. Welch (2012) stressed, or- the particular situation. However, L. Yeo-
ganizations need to evaluate and improve mans and L. FitzPatrick (2017) highlights,
communication especially in increasingly that 21st century – a period which reflects
difficult economic pressures. an interest in the concepts of ‘engagement’
The third provision highlighting the and ‘consultation’ with employees against
importance of internal communication the backdrop of factors including a lack
in an employee engagement perspective of trust in management and an ‘engage-
(Welch, Jackson, 2007; White et al., 2010; ment deficit’, changing labor practices
Rajhans, 2012; Yeomans, FitzPatrick, and transformational communication
2017). Even the management concept technologies.
of employee engagement suggests that Considering different advantages of
‘building two-way, trusting relationships internal communication, the remaining
with internal publics, with the goal of im- important aspect is its effectiveness. Ac-
proving organizational effectiveness’, is a cording to H. Nakamura et al. (2017), non-
strategic concern for leaders and practi- effective internal communication causes
tioners (Yeomans, FitzPatrick, 2017). Due the decrease in motivation, the deficiency
to this reason, the objectives of encourag- in internal feedback, the relegation of hu-
ing employees to act as advocates, getting man talent, the difficulty in a corporate
them to stay and to work harder are often strategy and the lack of knowledge of the
grouped together under the heading of organization chart, it is for this should
employee engagement; a subject that is of highlight the importance of effective
increasing interest in academic and prac- communication inside the organization.
titioner discussions over the past years Nerveless, the competitive advantage of
(Welch, 2011; Johansson, 2015). C. White effective internal communication comes
et al. (2010) noticed that numerous stud- not only from the obvious benefits of em-
ies have linked internal communication ployee satisfaction and productivity (Zer-
and the degree to which employees are fass et al., 2015; Belasen, Belasen, 2018).
informed to job satisfaction and perfor- C. White et al. (2010) come to conclude
mance. For example, K. Réka and A. Borza that it also comes from the positive con-
(2012) marked, that communicators have tributions that well-informed employees
an important role in maintaining trust in can make to a company’s external public
the workplace. On the other hand, inter- relations efforts. Depends on whether and
nal communication is inextricably linked how employees get information, they can
to supporting an organization’s need to ef- be an organization’s best ambassadors or
fectively communicate information about loudest critics.

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Content Marketing Decisions for Effective Internal Communication 121

Literature review (Ruizalba et al., 2014; 2. Promoting a positive sense of be-

Men, 2014; Martinez, Hurtado, 2018; longing in employees.
Park, Tran, 2018) revealed that there is no 3. Developing their awareness of envi-
unanimous approach to the concept of ef- ronmental change.
fective internal communication or key 4. Developing employees’ understand-
performance indicators of it. Although, ing of the organization aims.
during theoretical analysis, emerged a few 5. Ensuring employees’ awareness
features which describes and effectiveness about organization expectations.
of internal communication. These features 6. Promoting external advocacy.
could be divided into two related groups: Considering the advantages of effec-
characteristics of effective internal com- tive internal communication, which have
munication and capabilities of effective been discussed before, it could be seen
internal communication. These groups an- that these capabilities are related too.
swer questions what kind of internal com- Apart from these two groups, there are
munication should be and what could be several suggestions which should be taken
achieved with this kind of communication. into account as well. Various studies in
One group of researchers (Marques, internal communication field (Marques,
2010; Ruck, Welch, 2012; Martinez, Hurta- 2010; Rajhans, 2012; Almonaitiene, Zu-
do, 2018) pay more attention to character- kauskas, 2015; Martinez, Hurtado, 2018;
istics of effective internal communication: and others) reveal guidelines for effective
1. Timely delivery internal communication: Effective com-
2. Clarity munication should involve more than
3. Accuracy top-down communication; A process of
4. Credibility effective internal communication should
5. Eligibility include the creation of a means that al-
6. Responsibility lows the correct feedback; Communica-
7. Conciseness tion specialist should consider the fact
8. Professionalism that effective internal communication is
9. Sincerity. not just information; Communication
The authors of this paper take the should be delivered in a responsible for-
view that these nine characteristics can be mat given its content.
treated as the basis for all internal com- Overall, the effective management of
munication initiatives which seeks for ef- internal communication, in turn, is re-
fectiveness. The second group of research- sponsible for managing, planning and
ers (Welch, Jackson, 2007; Mazzei, 2014; evaluating the information flows that
Yeomans, FitzPatrick, 2017) associate ef- concern both the external and internal
fective internal communication with its client, in relation to the objectives of the
capabilities. They distinguish six objec- company and the sector to which it be-
tives, which could be achieved by using longs (Martinez, Hurtado, 2018). Fur-
effective internal communication: thermore, an organization’s managed
1. Contributing to internal rela- internal communication may include a
tionships characterized by employee variety of channels and activities, but it is
engagement. still not clear how to use it properly. An

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effective management of internal commu- consumer confidence, satisfaction and

nication requires broader approach and loyalty. This provides a strong incentive
application of modern decisions. There- for the content marketing, new marketing
fore, content marketing, one of the new- trend, development.
est marketing parading, can meet these We detect a few types of content mar-
requirements. keting definitions: from one of the earliest
definition as “Content marketing attracts
potential consumers and increases their
Content marketing concept engagement and empowerment through
the creation, dissemination and sharing of
In the developed and dynamic world, or- free content, relevant, meaningful, valu-
ganizations have realized the importance able and able to inspire confidence in ex-
of digital marketing (Khan, Siddiqui, 2013; isting and potential customers” given by
Järvinen, Karjaluoto, 2015). According to S. Kucuk and S. Krishnamurthy (2007), to
T. Lopes and J. Machado (2014), there is an the one of the newest “The content mar-
increasing trend towards developing busi- keting is sharing the valuable information
ness with the support of digital platforms, regarding the products and brands to at-
and thus for improving the internal and tract others to participate in purchasing
external communication system. Hence, activities that create the engagement rela-
there is always a continued need for making tionship between consumers and the com-
even this easy way of communication bet- panies” given by N. S. Ahmad, R. Musa
ter and better to improve whole marketing and M. H. R. Harun (2016). Obviously, a
processes of a company (Kose, Sert, 2017). decade of content marketing development
More and more researchers (Gagnon, did not dramatically affect the essence of
2014; Holliman, Rowley, 2014; Hanafiza- its concept. Wider analysis of different
deh, Yarmohammadi, 2015) focus on the content marketing definitions (Repovienė,
content and information quality as one 2017) allows noticing that the main goal
of the main aspect determining the at- of implementing content marketing is to
tractiveness of communication products create and distribute valuable and con-
to the consumer that afterward can affect sistent content to the target audience in

Table 1. Content marketing concept

Content marketing
Provisions Objectives Decisions
–– Value creation through the content –– Customer engagement –– On the content type
–– Content marketing is a dialogue –– Value for customer –– On the distribution
–– Content marketing focuses on delivering –– Conversions channels
information –– Brand awareness –– On the content formats
–– Content marketing is based on high- –– Competitive advantage –– On the content elements
quality content –– Relationship with customers
–– Content marketing is a marathon, not
a sprint.
Source: created by the authors based on R. Rose and J. Pullizzi (2011), E. Gagnon (2014), G. Halevi and R. O’Hanlon (2016), J.
Järvinen and H. Taiminen (2016), U. Kose and S. Sert (2017), and et al.

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Content Marketing Decisions for Effective Internal Communication 123

order to stipulate the profitable consumer Regardless of the content type, con-
action. Depending on this goal, the main tent should be interchangeable and com-
task is creation of relevant and useful municated across different platforms and
content, which meets customer specific channels (Halevi, O’Hanlon, 2016). Deci-
needs (Järvinen, Taiminen, 2016). Gener- sions on the distribution channels answer
ally speaking, content marketing concept the question ‘Where our content will be
is based on the assumption that when published?’(Berger, Milkman, 2012; Azad,
enterprises provide valuable information Mohsen, AliAkbar, 2016). As R. Stokes
for the customer, they can expect a useful (2013) noted, the selection of distribu-
customer response. The detailed aspects of tion channels is a significant process that
content marketing are given in Table 1. equates to the content creation. Even that
Content marketing is inseparable from content marketing can be applied in vari-
basic provisions which are distinguished ous platforms (Pažėraitė, Repovienė, 2016;
by several authors (Gagnon, 2014; Holli- Jaakonmäki, Müller, Brocke, 2017), the
man, Rowley, 2014; Hanafizadeh, Yarmo- variety of possibilities requires a strategic
hammadi, 2015, Ahmad et al., 2016; and view on it as well.
others). These provisions highlight the The next group of content marketing
importance of quality information, value decisions is related to content formats.
creation, two-way communication and Decisions on the content formats answer
strategic view. Furthermore, by using a to the question ‘Which content formats
content-based marketing strategy compa- we will use?’ (Holliman, Rowley, 2014;
nies are able to achieve specific objectives Kose, Sert, 2017; Jaakonmäki et al., 2017).
(Rose, Pullizzi, 2011; Abel, 2014; Halevi, From a general perspective, it is possible
O’Hanlon, 2016), which overlap general to say that content marketing can be in
marketing goals. In terms of content mar- many different types of formats, for ex-
keting implementation, theoretical analy- ample as: articles, posts, video, photos, in-
sis revealed four groups of content mar- fographics, banners, gifs, e-mail newslet-
keting decisions. Taking into account the ters, etc. Nowadays, the results of existing
aim of this paper, it is necessary to briefly studies about the effectiveness of different
review these groups. formats (Ashley, Tuten, 2015; Kim, Spiller,
Decisions on the content type answer Hettche, 2015) have shown that the suc-
the question ‘What kind of content we will cess of the format depends on particular
create?’ (Chasser, Wolfe, 2010; Gagnon, situations.
2014; Abel, 2014; Schuinanii, Wangen- The last group of decisions answer
heim, Groene, 2014). In an ideal situation, to the question ‘Which elements related
content should include seven characteris- with the content we will use?’ (Kose, Sert,
tics: relevance, informativeness, reliability, 2017; Leung, Chan, 2017; Jaakonmäki et
value, uniqueness, emotions, and intel- al., 2017). Undoubtedly, these decisions
ligence. However, previous studies (see are linked to the chosen format, and usu-
Pažeraitė, Repovienė, 2016; Repovienė, ally include practical decisions for the use
2017) show that it is difficult to combine all of elements like action buttons, site links,
these characteristics, so companies need to hashtags, emoji, etc. Unfortunately, there
decide on what to focus their attention on. are not many studies in this field.

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The authors of this paper believe that et al.), features of effective internal com-
content marketing can improve effective- munication (Marques, 2010; Ruck, Welch,
ness of various communication activities 2012; Mazzei, 2014; Yeomans, FitzPatrick,
and contribute to the business success. 2017; Martinez, Hurtado, 2018), the con-
The entire content marketing concept or cept of content-based marketing (Pulizzi,
its separate decisions in internal commu- 2012; Gagnon, 2014; Holliman, Rowley,
nication may be used as well. Therefore, 2014; Ahmad et al., 2016; and others) as
the next part of this paper deals with a well as its application through specific de-
contribution of a theoretical-hypothetical cisions (Stokes, 2013; Schuinanii et al.,
model of content marketing decisions to 2014, Halevi, O’Hanlon, 2016; Kose, Sert,
the effective internal communication. 2017; Jaakonmäki et al., 2017; and others),
it can be noted that there are interconnec-
tions between these components. This fact
Content marketing decisions for the allows making the assumption that interac-
effective internal communication tion between the mentioned components
can be an effective communication ap-
Based on the systematic analysis of inter- proach. Therefore, the authors of this article
nal communication (Ahmed, Rafiq, 2003; provide a theoretical-hypothetical model of
Verčič et al., 2012; Réka, Borza, 2012; Naka- content marketing decisions for the effec-
mura et al., 2017, Martinez, Hurtado, 2018; tive internal communication (Figure 1).

Characteristics Capabilities


On the distribution

On the content

On the format
On the type



Fig. 1. A theoretical-hypothetical model of content marketing decisions for the effective internal

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Content Marketing Decisions for Effective Internal Communication 125

In the broader context, content mar- such characteristics as creditability and

keting can help to increase the effec- responsibility. In general, all seven con-
tiveness of internal communication. As tent types are closely related to the nine
the presented literature review shows, characteristics of the effective internal
content marketing provisions (Gagnon, communication.
2014; Holliman, Rowley, 2014; Hanafi- Moving forward, the second hypoth-
zadeh, Yarmohammadi, 2015, Ahmad et esis proposes the positive contribution of
al., 2016; and others) illustrate the main decisions to the content format. Content
aspects and features of effective internal marketing decisions on the format turn
communication (Ruck, Welch, 2012; Mar- on the capabilities of effective internal
tinez, Hurtado, 2018; Park, Tran, 2018). communication. Therefore, responsibly
The focus on value through the content selected content formats contribute to the
can help to achieve the main advantages achievement of internal communication
of effective internal communication, es- objectives. As an example, short video,
pecially the value creation for internal and one of the most attractive content for-
external customers. Evidently, that focus mat, can help to promote in employees a
on information delivery reflects the main positive sense of belonging. While using
function of internal communication too. the infographic turn on the capability to
Furthermore, provisions, which are relat- develop employees’ understanding of the
ed to two-way communication and strate- organization aims. Certainly, contribu-
gic view, also contribute to aspirations of tion of particular decisions depends not
internal communication. only on the format, but on the type of the
Despite these general contributions, content as well.
the comparison of different content mar- Unfortunately, the theoretical back-
keting decisions and effective internal ground did not allow determining a di-
communication give some hypothetical rect link between the next two types of
insights. Due to their features, application content marketing decisions and effective
conditions and importance of different internal communication. The limitations
content marketing decisions, two deci- of internal communication channels re-
sions are highlighted as more suitable in strict the distribution of content. The lack
order to increase the effectiveness of in- of evidence about the effect of separate
ternal communication. Considering this, content elements does not provide a di-
two hypotheses have been formulated. rect precondition for internal communi-
The first hypothesis proposes the cation effectiveness. Nevertheless, the au-
positive contribution of decisions to the thors believe that the complex of content
content type. Thus, a content marketing marketing decisions could be applied and
decision on the content type meets char- used in practice for to increase the effec-
acteristics of the effective internal com- tiveness of internal communication.
munication. For instance, communica- Obviously, this model is still a theoret-
tion which uses relevant content, meets ical-hypothetical one and the formulated
the requirements for time delivery and hypothesis needs to be verified. Seek-
eligibility. Whereas, reliable content meets ing to prepare the model for the future

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development and practical applications, involves the creation and distribution of

it is necessary to expand the field of re- valuable content in order to get the de-
search. The authors have the ambition to sired response. Furthermore, it is based
test the formulated hypothesis in order on provisions which highlight the impor-
to prepare the model for the next stage of tance of quality information, value crea-
scientific and practical development. Lat- tion, two-way communication, and stra-
er, the verified model could be developed tegic view. The theoretical background
with the aim to expand research field us- also allows distinguishing four types of
ing separate content marketing decisions, content marketing decisions on: type,
measuring the contribution level or con- distribution channel, content element,
ducting research in different cases. and the format.
Having evaluated and compared the
perceived information about the fea-
Conclusions tures of the effective internal commu-
nication, the concept of content-based
Analysis of the internal communication marketing and particular content mar-
concept allows describing internal com- keting decisions, it can be noted that
munication as a function responsible there are interconnections between
for communication among participants these components. Considering this, a
within an organization. The continued at- theoretical-hypothetical model of the
tention of researchers on the importance content marketing decisions’ contribu-
of internal communication as an object tion to the effective internal communi-
of research, revealed the main advantages cation is provided. The comprehensive
of the effective internal communication theoretical analysis has shown that two
information delivery, value creation, so- types of content marketing decisions,
lution of business problems, and satisfac- namely, decisions on the type and on the
tion of employees. format, contribute to the effective inter-
Various scholars admitted that non- nal communication.
effective internal communication causes The research findings and limitations
various problems, which affect business offer opportunities for further research.
results. Regardless of this fact, there is This paper has focused on the contribu-
no consensus on what the effective in- tion of content marketing decisions to
ternal communication means. Literature the effective internal communication in a
analysis suggests a conclusion that effec- theoretical way. For proper practical de-
tive internal communication can be de- velopment of it, it is necessary to expand
scribed through the two group of features the field of research and verify the theo-
as: characteristics and capabilities. The retical-hypothetical model. Therefore, the
importance of these features and the chal- provided model could be developed in a
lenging environment leads to a search for perspective of contribution level assess-
new ways to communicate. ment, combination of decision types, dif-
One of the newest marketing concepts ferent business sectors or specific content
is content marketing. Content marketing marketing decisions.

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Content Marketing Decisions for Effective Internal Communication 127


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S a n t r a u k a

Dinamiška ir iššūkių verslo aplinka išryškina k­ omunikacijos, šiame straipsnyje pateikiami atlik-
išmintingo valdymo, įvairiapusio įmonės išteklių tos teorinės analizės rezultatai.
panaudojimo ir veiklų efektyvumo poreikį. Priešingu Pirmoje darbo dalyje autorių dėmesys skiriamas
atveju, nereaguojant į šį poreikį, sukuriama verslo vidinei komunikacijai ir jos efektyvumui. Mokslinės
aplinka, pasižyminti nestabilumu ir neapibrėžtumu, literatūros apžvalga apima vidinės komunikacijos
o tai lemia pralaimėjimą konkurencinėje ko- sampratos, funkcijų bei pranašumų analizę. Atsi-
voje. Vidinė komunikacija yra viena pagrindinių žvelgiant į darbo tikslą, darbe taip pat pateikiami
priemonių, padedančių skleisti informaciją orga- efektyvios vidinės komunikacijos aspektai. Atlikta
nizacijos viduje ir supažindinti jos narius su esa- analizė leido šiuos aspektus išskirti į dvi pagrindines
momis problemomis, tikslais arba pokyčiais. Nors grupes, remiantis efektyvios vidinės komunikacijos
mokslininkai ir komunikacijos ekspertai pripažįsta charakteristikomis bei gebėjimais.
informacijos sklaidos ir vidinės komunikacijos Tolesnė darbo dalis skirta turiniu paremto mar-
svarbą, šio proceso efektyvumui didinti yra skiriama ketingo, kaip naujos marketingo rūšies, analizei:
nepakankamai dėmesio. Atsiradus naujiems ir efek- straipsnyje pateikiamas turinio marketingo apibrė-
tyvesniems būdams komunikuoti su visomis suin- žimas, pagrindinės nuostatos, tikslai ir sprendimai.
teresuotomis šalimis, tarp jų ir organizacijos nariais, Išsami teorinė analizė atskleidė, jog turinio marke-
ši dėmesio stoka tampa ypač aktuali. Skiriant dėmesį tingo koncepcija remiasi aukštos kokybės turiniu,
naujų komunikacijos ir marketingo koncepcijų dvikrypte komunikacija ir strateginiu požiūriu.
nagrinėjimui bei pritaikymui, sudaromos sąlygos Dėka panašių tikslų, nuostatų, charakteristikų ir
plėsti žinias, tobulinti vidinės komunikacijos proce- vertybių įžvelgiamos sąsajos tarp turinio marketin-
sus ir žengti koją kojon su naujausiomis marketingo go koncepcijos ir vidinės komunikacijos. Dėl šios
ir komunikacijos tendencijomis. priežasties turinio marketingo praktinis pritaiky-
Atsižvelgiant į turinio marketingo koncepci- mas, besiremiantis atskiromis sprendimų grupėmis,
jos esmę, ryškėja prielaida, jog ši marketingo rūšis gali potencialai prisidėti prie vidinės komunikacijos
gali būti naudinga vidinei komunikacijai, suteikiant efektyvumo gerinimo.
naujų galimybių jos efektyvumui didinti. Pirmiau- Galiausiai straipsnyje pateikiamas teorinis-hi-
sia, turinio marketingo sprendimų pritaikymas potetinis turinio marketingo sprendimų efektyviai
vidinės komunikacijos procesuose gali padėti pa- vidinei komunikacijai modelis. Šis modelis apiben-
didinti efektyvumą ir sėkmingai pasiekti tikslus. Be drina aukščiau minėtus žingsnius ir perteikia tei-
to, tai gali prisidėti prie skirtingų vidinės komuni- giamus turinio marketingo sprendimų pritaikymo
kacijos priemonių poveikio organizacijos nariams vidinėje komunikacijoje aspektus.
didinimo. Siekiant nustatyti, kaip turinio marke- Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados, praktinės
tingo sprendimai prisideda prie efektyvios vidinės įžvalgos ir ateities tyrimų galimybės.

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