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9-Descartes Group:4 March 22, 2024

Abubo, Edison Abuan, Paula Buita, Quemalyn

Cutig, Matthew Bactadan, Erin

SCENARIO: A researcher wanted to determine if the amount of fertilizer predicts the growth of
a sunflower plant. She measured the height of the sunflower plant after 3 weeks of giving a
certain amount of fertilizer. The collected data is presented on the right.


1 12
2 16
3 21
4 25
5 30
6 33
7 38
8 42
9 49
10 57

1. Independent Variable and Dependent Variable

- amount of fertilizer (iv)
- Height of the sunflower plant after 3 weeks (dv)
2. Null Hypothesis
- There is no significant relationship between the amount of fertilizer and height of the sunflower
3. Alpha Level
- 0.05
4. Normality Test and Interpretation
Figure 2: Descriptive Statistics
Figure 2: Displays the descriptive statistics of the study. This table helps us to compare the
means, standard deviation, and other descriptives of the study.

Figure 1: Test of Normality

- The Shapiro-Wilk test with an average of .892 is higher than the critical value, 0.05, The null
hypothesis is rejected, Therefore, we proceed with the parametric test (Simple Linear

5. Statistical Test to be used and interpret the results

A. Relationship of Variables

Figure 3: scatter plot

- The scatter plot depicts the relationship between the independent variable with the
dependent variable. In this case, there is a positive linear relationship between the two
B. Data outliers

There are no circles or asterisk (*), hence, there are no potential outliers in the dataset.

C. Independence of Observations Using Durbin-Watson Statistics

The value is .925 with indicates a positive auto correlation

D. Simple Linear Regression Analysis

The R value represents the simple correlation and is 994 which indicates a good fit or very
strong or high degree of correlation. The R2 value indicates how much of the total variation
in the dependent variable, height of the plant, can be explained by the independent variable,
amount of fertilizer. In this case, .988 or 98.8% indicates that the model is a very good fit. (R-
squared is always between 0 and 100%: the higher the R-squared, the better the model fits the
Figure 10 indicates that the regression model predicts the dependent variable significantly well
as shown by the sig-value.

The Coefficients table provides the necessary information to predict the height of the plant from
the amount of fertilizer and determine whether the amount of fertilizer contribute statistically
significantly to the model through the Significance level value.
It can be concluded that the Amount of Fertilizer significantly is a good predictor of the Height of
Plants. The Amount of Fertilizer can significantly increase with the increase in the Height of
Plants [For every unit increase in x (Amount of Fertilizer), y (Height of Plants) increases by
To present the regression equation,
HEIGHT OF PLANTS = 6.200 + 4.745 (Amount of Fertilizer)
The Height of Plants increases by 6.200 for every 4.745 hours increase in the amount of
fertilizer for every 3 weeks.



5 30
10 27
15 26
20 23
25 20
30 18
35 16
40 12
45 8
50 3

SCENARIO: A researcher wanted to look at the relationship of the homemade anti-flea liquid
soap with the number of fleas surviving. The researcher placed a specific amount of Anti-flea
Liquid Soap (mL), after 1 hour the researcher counted the number of fleas who were able to
survive the soap.
1. Independent and Dependent Variables
- Homemade anti flea-liquid soap (iv)
- Number of fleas surviving (dv)
2. Null Hypothesis
- There is no significant relationship between the homemade anti-flea liquid soap with the
number of fleas surviving.
3. Alpha Level
- 0.05
4. Normality Test and interpretation
Figure 1: Descriptive Statistics Table
Figure 1: displays the Descriptive Statistics of the study

The Shapiro-Wilk test is higher than the critical value. The null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, proceed with the parametric test (PEARSON CORRELATION).

Figure 3: Pearson’s Correlation Table
The results are presented in a matrix such that, as can be seen above, the correlation are
replicated. Nevertheless, the table presents the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, its significance
value and the same sample size based on which the calculation is based. The Pearson
correlation coefficient, r, is -0.989, and that it is (p=0.000)
A Pearson product-moment correlation was run to determine the relationship between
homemade anti flea-liquid soap and the number of fleas surviving. There was a very strong,
negative correlation between homemade antiflea-liquid soap and the number of fleas surviving,
which was (r= -0.989, n=10, p=0.000)


1. What test will you see if you just want to find out if there is a significant relationship
between two continuous variables?
- If you want to determine if there is a significant relationship between two continuous
variables, you would typically use a correlation test, such as Pearson's correlation
coefficient or Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. These tests measure the strength
and direction of the linear or monotonic relationship between the variables and provide a
p-value indicating the significance of the relationship. If the p-value is below a specified
threshold (e.g., 0.05), it suggests a significant relationship between the variables.
2. What information can be inferred from regression test that correlation cannot prove?
- The difference is that regression analysis can provide insights into causality or the
direction of the relationship between variables. For example, in a simple linear
regression model with a dependent variable Y and an independent variable X, if X is
found to significantly predict Y, it suggests that changes in X may cause changes in Y.
Regression analysis can also be used to build predictive models, allowing you to make
predictions about the value of the dependent variable based on the values of the
independent variables. Correlation tests do not provide predictive capabilities. Finally,
regression analysis can quantify the importance of each independent variable in
predicting the dependent variable by examining the magnitude and significance of their
coefficients. Correlation tests do not provide this level of detail about variable

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