Research Paper Topics For International Trade

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Writing a thesis is a challenging and time-consuming task that requires extensive research, critical

thinking, and the ability to articulate complex ideas coherently. One of the most daunting aspects of
this process is choosing the right research paper topics, especially in the field of international trade.

The vast and dynamic nature of international trade makes it difficult for students to pinpoint a
specific and relevant topic for their thesis. The need to explore current issues, analyze global trends,
and contribute meaningful insights to the academic community adds another layer of complexity to
the task.

Fortunately, there is a solution for those facing the challenges of selecting a research paper topic and
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In conclusion, writing a thesis on research paper topics for international trade can be a formidable
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Results in Figure 3 in which the Corruption Perception Index of Kazakhstan was plotted against its
Index of Economic Freedom, show that there is no significant relationship between both indices,
therefore the corruption perception of a country is in no way influenced by its economic freedom,
but more through internal controls and law enforcement as illustrated by Fries and Taci (2002).
Based on the evidences gathered during the research process, critical analysis will be applied in the
study. In the global market the supply of any good is elastic at a very low price. The Convention
Rule, while not specifically addressing cif contracts regarding goods which are lost at sea,
nevertheless states that risk passes from the conclusion of the contract. Governments use these
reserves to intervene in foreign exchange markets and to influence exchange rates. He found that the
US exported more labour-intensive commodities and imported more capital-intensive products,
which was contrary to the results of Heckscher-Ohlin Model of factor endowment. As such, the
WTO would be necessary because through it, the interest of the smaller economies are better
protected and even advanced. Establishment of a tax levied on imported goods so that foreign
products are more expensive than competing domestic goods. B. Establishment of a tax levied on
imported goods designed primarily to raise money for the government. C. Establishment of
restrictive quality standards requiring foreign firms to make expensive modifications in their
products before they can be sold in Mortavia. D. Participation in the Uruguay Round of GATT
negotiations. In fact, a large number of skilled and unskilled workers in developed countries have
had experienced being lay-off from work due to the fact that companies in developed countries need
to cut down its operational cost in order to survive the challenges associated with globalization. The
WTO manages its primary objective of helping trade between nations by: administering trade
agreements, acting as a forum for trade negotiations, settling trade disputes, reviewing national trade
policies, and by assisting developing countries in trade policy issues through technical assistance and
training programs and cooperating with other international organizations. Globalization has a lot to
do with the rise of multinational corporations. Hypotheses were conceptualised based on the review
of existing literature, and secondary data was gathered from several statistical websites. For instance,
the agro-climatic condition in India is an important factor for sizeable export of agro-produce, such
as spices, cotton, tea, and mangoes. In general, the banking systems within post-socialist economies
have been upgraded over pre-reform periods. Free movement of capitals offers access to the foreign
investments to many countries like the United States of America. The salient aim behind NAFTA
was to make trade and investment easier and more accessible between United States, Canada and
Mexico. Despite all the benefits of free trade, barriers to free trade do exist. Starbucks has been a
leader in the coffee shop industry around the world. In fact, it is in the benefit ofinternational
consumers as they get the quality goods at the lowest possible prices; however, many economists
oppose it as it affects domestic manufacturers. Differences in management styles, organizational
skills, and strategic perspectives create advantages and disadvantages for firms competing in
different types of industries. The introduction of competition would aid small and medium
indigenous businesses to ramp up their operations and compete more effectively, thereby improving
the business environment in Kazakhstan. Some people have said that this shows a double standard: If
we are willing to restrict goods on these grounds, why shouldn’t we restrict imports of goods that are
produced with badly paid labor. The same rings true for the reverse, the higher the output from a
country the greater the international trade. There are differences in climatic conditions and geological
deposits as also in the supply of labor and capital. Since this is what occurred in the case at bar, this
would be considered to be an impediment. Other rules regarding cif contracts regard the transfer of
the risk once the ship is afloat. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Discuss the
economic, political and social impacts of international trade in the 21st century. The third element in
the doctrine of excuse due to impediment is that the buyer could not reasonably foresee the particular
impediment occurring at the time of the conclusion of the contract. Here, one of the parties, Henry,
rented a flat from another party, Krell, with the express purpose of watching the coronation of King
Edward VII.
Trade between countries with similar characteristics such as economic, geographic, cultural, etc. This
process accentuates the differences between Caribbean economies by creating a dual pattern of
specialization so that the countries are divided between service-based and goods-producing
economies. For a free international trade, it is essential that such tax barriers do not exist between the
nations. Therefore, a first step will be to understand the nature of globalization and the associated
benefits or costs; before appropriate strategies can be developed. Due to the widely available nature
of this data, and the manner in which they have been gathered, it could be concluded that the data
gathered for this data is reliable. Specialization will consequently result to lower operational costs
and increased productivity. This theory identified the cause and benefits of international trade to the
differences in the relative opportunity costs of producing the same commodities among countries.
However, with the growing popularity of free trade and globalization, more countries offer similar
products that they consider to have their comparative advantage resulting to stiff competition and
even friction in the international market. The process has brought with increased competition and
challenges to the effectiveness of policy; making it imperative for businesses and governments to
always adapt if they are to survive in a more efficient environment. In their theoretical model, they
find that the development of financial markets prevents the unnecessary premature liquidation by
investors, improves investment liquidity, thereby promoting financial liberalisation supports
economic growth. This illustrates that growth in trade and increased economic freedom, has led
improved human development. International trade enables different countries to sell their surplus
products. There are also broader cultural, political and environmental dimensions of globalization.
However, according to Piasecki and Wolnicki (2005), the elements required for systematic overhaul,
stabilisation and growth, are factors such as state sector privatisation, the need for corporate
governance, redesign of the role of the state, and its urgent withdrawal from economic activities.
With capital and skilled labor fixed, then the production can be increased only by increasing the
amount of capital and skilled labor in the country, thefore country’s output is bound to decrease
especially in computer chips production and also to some extend on fish production. The fact that
goods need to travel so far, however, has reduced shipping costs. When used in a political context, it
refers to the creation of a world government which regulates the relationships among governments
and guarantees the rights arising from social and economic globalization. You can use essay samples
to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. There has been no observer bias or error in gathering the
data, as they have been derived and downloaded directly from their respective sources. The
enactment of the Fordney-McCumber Act in 1922, which raised the average import tax to some 40
percent prompted retaliation from European governments but did little to improve prosperity in the
United States (“Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act”). If the seller fails to do so, then the seller may be liable
for the goods perishing.24 In this case, the argument can be made that, if the seller was aware that a
war would break out, and the buyer was not aware of this fact, then the seller is aware that insurance
should be purchased for the eventuality of the war. Furthermore, Kolodko (1999) asserts that the
faster the country can build its institutions, the better the environment is for business activities and
economic growth. Studies by theorists such as Salih (2005) have focused on how low income or
transition economies can acquire the high standard of living, security and amenities available in other
developed countries, while theorists such as Wilson et al (2002) also argue that poorer societies are
thriving to obtain and maintain high levels of economic and human development, which is one of
several theoretical advantages of globalisation. So, mercantilism refers to the concept of exporting
more and importing less (“Classical Theories of international trade ”, n. The term 'DDP' is ideal if
clearance of products for imports comprises the fee of value-added tax or corresponding tax which
can only be subtracted for tax determinations by an organization for International Trade. India, for
instance has not developed an internal need for an abundance of call centers. The US International
Trade Commission tried to find the effect of NAFTA on various manufacturing sectors and
concluded that 109 industrial sectors had absolutely no effect from NAFTA. This would bring about
the relevance in this case where the goods were lost and the contractual obligations could still remain
valid for both the parties and considering this, the owners could still sue Primetrade. We use cookies
to create the best experience for you. The owners' claims and suits against Primetrade have thus been
dismissed in this unusual case although the owners, Ythan limited have suffered losses due to
Primetrade's negligence and flouting or violation of contractual agreement by selling and
transporting dangerous goods and cargo.
There is no doubt that globalization has resulted in changes in the structure of production and trade
to the CARICOM nations, however, may pose significant concerns to the economies’ sustainable
development (ECLAC, 2002). The corruption risk of newly privatized firms also increases the
importance of banks as financial intermediaries, who can provide loans and in turn perform oversight
roles on behalf of shareholders. The OPEC (Organization of the Oil Producing Countries) once
imposed export tax on oil to generate revenue and also artificially create a scarcity of oil in the
international markets to increase the price of the product. According to Alabi (2010), the Caribbean’s
experience of globalization has largely been on the negative side due to large scale migration,
exploitation, and destruction of the area. One of the most remarkable developments in international
trade in the past thirty years has been the globalization of the production of differentiated
manufactured goods. Besides, nations have marked differences in their vulnerabilities to the
upheavals in exogenous factors. The objective of this study is therefore to ascertain the effect trade
openness has had on economic growth and human development. Differences in management styles,
organizational skills, and strategic perspectives create advantages and disadvantages for firms
competing in different types of industries. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from O’Leary, C. J.,
Eberts, R. W. and Pittelko, B. M. (2012), “Effects of NAFTA on US Employment and Policy
Responses”, OECD Trade Policy Working Papers, No. 131, OECD Publishing. Explanations of
concepts: Protectionism, an economic policy, aims at restricting trade between nations. Sometimes
compound tariff rates are also preferred by the countries. For instance, Bangladesh Bank promulgates
half yearly. A country may impose environmental tariffs on imports from a country with a poor
environmental history. Free movement of capitals offers access to the foreign investments to many
countries like the United States of America. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. There can arise deficit or surplus (when exports are higher than imports) or
deficit (when imports are higher than exports) in the trade balance of any country. Suggested Theory
to gain dynamism and competitiveness in Operation A. In relation to the continuously increasing
number of crime around the world, Mehanna (2004) determined the close relationship between
economic development, poverty, crime rate, and income inequality using a 4-variable vector
autoregressive (VAR) model and a Granger Test. International trade revolves around many
Disadvantages as well which are given below. Before enjoying a huge success in coffee business,
Starbucks opened its first store in 1971 in Seattle as a coffee bean and coffee-making equipment
seller. Residents of countries with high human development index, usually have a better life
expectancy, education and standard of living, and therefore can live comfortably without poverty
worries. In this case, the buyer in Calais would have had the risk transferred, and the buyer in Calais
would have to turn the claim into the insurance company, wait for settlement and mitigate his
damages. The WTO also provides more opportunity to the lesser and developing economies in that
smaller countries can enjoy increased bargaining power. There are differences in climatic conditions
and geological deposits as also in the supply of labor and capital. It has resulted in the creation of a
large number of export promotion organizations that look after the promotion of exports from the
country. The quality of goods and services has remarkably improved as a result of the increased
intensity of market competition. Because of the high unemployment rate in some developing
countries such as in the case of the United States, most of its people are saving money for
emergency use. Alternatively, the judge stated that if the performance became impossible, in that the
only available route was blocked.29 Therefore, the judge was willing in this case to entertain
invoking the doctrine of frustration if the performance was not just inconvenienced but actually
made impossible. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
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On the other hand, for producing one tonne of rice, UK requires only 4 units of resources whereas
India needs 10 units of resources (Table 2.1). Trade Policy and Market Structure, Massachusetts,
MIT Press, 1992. 3. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Liberalizing
Fisheries Markets: Scope and Effects. Suggested Theory to gain dynamism and competitiveness in
Operation A. Over the past decade specialization is on the process. Global trading, as an end-result
of globalization, is ruling the world economy today. Again, it is a fact that NAFTA increased the real
wages of the workers thus, whatever loss the countries had due to displacement of workers were
compensated by the increase in aggregate incomes of the large section of the workers who
participated in the free trade. This, in turn, can lead to lower prices for consumers and increased
competitiveness in global markets.Another reason why international trade is important is that it can
help to spread new technologies and ideas around the world. The liabilities, particularly when alleged
dangerous goods are involved, may be disproportionate to the value of the goods, the liabilities may
not be covered by insurance, the endorsee may not be fully aware of what the liabilities are. The
tasked at hand is to draw on the theories of international trade and link it with the difficulties that
these developing countries are facing. A significant portion of Gross Domestic Product is contributed
by trade. This s where the CARICOM countries benefit especially though telecommunications such
as call centers. The country similarity theory goes beyond cost comparisons. This kind of trade is of
greater interest because it accounts. Indistinguishable from Magic: How the Cybersecurity Market
Reached a Trillion. Otherwise it should refrain from protective policies (Carbaugh, 221-229)
Conclusion Tariff rate can therefore improve the welfare for a large country though for a small
country there are no advantages. It can give an indication of the degree to which an economy is
open to. Together with the growing influence of NGOs is the increasing power of multinational
corporations. Tariffs restrict international trade as due to their imposition, exporters have to bear an
additional cost, to which either they have to absorb which increases their approaching costs to the
market and reduces their profits and causes a reduction in imports, or they have to raise their selling
prices to cover the new expenses, which causes decrease in demand and resultantly imports. This
strategy precludes the use of countercyclical fiscal policies. The US would also experience issues in
the automobile and electronics markets as a large number of cars driven within the US are foreign
made and most electronics are manufactured in Japan, China and Korea. 3b. Choose one other
country and identify the products it would need to do without. The article above is an economics
coursework paper on International Trade Theory and Policy. Therefore if the price of the imported
good rises the tariff loses its protective purpose. The term 'DDP' is ideal if clearance of products for
imports comprises the fee of value-added tax or corresponding tax which can only be subtracted for
tax determinations by an organization for International Trade. The experts look at the balance of
payments issue of the US from the exchange rate perspective between the US dollar and the Chinese
Yuan. These newly acclaimed post communist countries also achieved moderate levels of
democracies albeit struggling and turbulent economic and political developments, military conflicts
and coup attempts. The questions that were being considered were whether Primetrade was the
holder of bills of lading and also whether it or the agents made a claim under contract of carriage
against the carrier. The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions and International Trade. The value of a
factor of production forgone for its alternate use is termed as opportunity cost. Vying for
protectionism in such tough times could give way to a vicious spiral in the International Trade in the
form of retaliatory measures by the affected nations. According to Salih (2005), democracies are
effective in liberalizing economies, but not so in expanding trade, which suggests that although the
economy is open in a formal way, protection remains in existence, whilst non-tariff barriers are
usually enacted to replace previous tariffs.
This may eventually give rise to a tendency towards low growth levels and hinder the achievement of
a full-employment potential level of output. World Trade Organization. (2008). Retrieved July 24,
2008, from What is the World Trade Organization. The findings also coheres with Foo (2005) who
argues that the ability to maintain and generate wealth enables developing countries to acquire
relevant infrastructure, grow and develop faster, thus resulting in a better socioeconomic environment
for the population. It is important to note here that there is no appreciable change in balance of trade
in agriculture commodity with Mexico and Canada; there is no significant impact on the US labor
force involved in agriculture. Once trade barriers are open, local firms have to compete with foreign
firms, reducing the economic advantage of local firms, and reducing the need for corruption. In this
case, a shipment that was bound from Germany to a Dutch company was seized by the British as
prize. For example, the Chinese are likely to demand more rice. WTO offers a better business
opportunity on the part of developing countries. Not only this but other East Asian countries are also
forced to keep their currencies depreciated so that they can compete with Chinese onslaught in the
international trade. This can be the conclusion that we can get if we look at the statistics of the
survey conducted in America on 1995. However, the quality of the work can suffer and potentially
create more expenses because of the language barriers. The wage modernization process provided
competitive advantage to the industries. These companies set up business in the Caribbean because
the cost of labor is very low. The difficulty increases due to constant fluctuation of prices of goods in
the world market. (Helpman and Krugman). You and your neighbor have provided each other: A.
duress. B. consideration. C. an endorsement. D. an expressed warranty. The issues here were
meaning of the word 'transaction', and 'possession of bills and right to possession of goods' and the
process by which bills are transferred from one person to another. It suggests that the patterns of
trade are determined by factor endowment rather than productivity. The WTO has a structure of
policies and regulations that entails conformity among member states establishing acceptable norms
in the conduct of international trade. In a system of interdependence where countries should trade
the good in which it is best at producing and abandon the good in which it is worst at producing,
specialization will occur. The vessel was chartered under contract of affreightment by Primetrade to
charterers Phoenix Bulk Carriers Ltd referred as Phoenix and thus two sets of bills were issued via
contractual incorporation. Based on the question, the following have been depicted as the dependent
variables: Economic growth and Human Development. Kolodko (1999) further asserts that the
incorrect assumption regarding the rate that emerging markets can substitute government for
institutional investors, have caused “severe contraction and growing social stress” within the
transition economies. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Branding doesn’t mean
logo - Easy guide to create a powerful branding for you. Eventually, a good education will enable the
youth to be able to compete and face the challenges associated with globalization. This gives us the
difference between the two gives us the consumer surplus of a product. Exchange rates also affect
international trade, as countries currency weaken to trading countries it becomes more costly to do
business with that country.This also affects the costs of importing goods from other countries and can
make those imports more costly to that country than the domesti. The World Trade Organization
(WTO) mainly serves the interests of multinational companies. Under the Cogsa or Carriage of
Goods by Sea Act (1992) the ship-owners are liable to provide all safety measures for carriage of
goods specified and the charterers or company hiring the vessel are responsible for payment and
cannot use dangerous cargo if that is not mentioned in contractual agreement. When a country's
economy grows beyond the usual level it appears that there are consequences that come along with
this growth especially on the side of its International Trade composition.

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