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Sophia Skorupski

Professor Sullivan

Educational Psychology

9 April 2023

F.A.T. Workshop Assignment

● Learning disabilities often focus on what the child is not rather than what they are

(definition of exclusion)

● Learning disabilities do not only affect a child during school hours, but in every aspect of

their lives

● Children with learning disabilities must be struggling to learn while still having every

other skill intact (their disability is not caused by an outside force)

● Anxiety can affect a child’s performance and make them unable to answer questions

● Processing is one of the biggest challenges of a learning disabled child

● Children with a learning disability must process both the teacher’s question and their

answer at the same pace as children that do not have a learning disability

● A child with no attention span pays attention to nothing, a child who is distractible pays

attention to everything

● Learning disabled children do not take risks in the classroom because they are afraid of

their teacher’s reactions

● When children are unable to perceive something, teachers often assume that they are not

trying hard enough

● Many L.D. students struggle with reading comprehension because understanding

individual words does not mean they can understand the story as a whole.

● Comprehension is more related to background knowledge than vocabulary

● Many L.D. students do not understand what they are doing wrong to get them punished

● Word dysnomia- being unable to find the right word while speaking

● Associative task (multiple things at a time) vs. cognitive task (1 thing at a time)

● Decoding means trying to understand what the letters are spelling out

● Auditory learning- needing to HEAR something to understand

● Fairness- everyone gets what they need

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