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Training manager Batsukh. D

Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh

Unit plan for the 5th grade 3 rd term

Theme: Unit 0 – Get Started/9/

Aim: Students can say the alphabet.

 Students can spell the objects.
 Students can use likes and likes

Use of English: Use subject pronouns, like and likes, demonstrative pronouns, Wh- questions

Learning objectives:

UE5-use who what where how many to ask questions on familiar topics.

UE6-Demonstrative pronouns; This, that, these, those.

UE9- use common how many, including short answer forms and constructions, to give personal

№ Content Comments

1. Alphabet
2. Hello
3. Recite the alphabet
4. How do you spell that?
1 Time management 5. Meet Dug and Kit
/9 hours/ 6. Numbers and colors
7. In the classroom
8. Review
9. Review

Student’s book, teacher’s book, handouts, role play,

2 Resources visual aids, pictures and grammar chart, word puzzle,
proverb, tongue twister, throwing ball and test

Communicative language teaching (CLT), KWL,

3 Techniques Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and visuals,
double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to knee etc.

Assess how to achieve the Learning Objective Unit test

4 Assessment Oral assessment
Self – assessment

5 Reflection
Training manager Batsukh. D
Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh

Unit plan for the 5th grade

Theme: Unit 1 Family and friends?/9/

Aim: Students can talk about families and nationalities.

Use of English: Use am/is/are and my/your to talk about family and friends

Learning objectives: UE subject pronouns

Content Comments

1. Vocabulary
2. It’s granny’s birthday
3. Grammar
1 Time management 4. The traffic two-Dug’s family album
/9 hours/ 5. Nice to meet you
6. My best friend
7. Families in art
8. Revision
9. Culture

Student’s book, teacher’s book, handouts, role play,

2 Resources visual aids, pictures and grammar chart, word puzzle,
proverb, tongue twister, throwing ball and test

Communicative language teaching (CLT), KWL,

3 Techniques Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and visuals,
double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to knee etc.

Unit test / reading and writing/

4 Assessment Listen and fill in Oral

5 Reflection
Training manager Batsukh. D
Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh

Unit plan for the 5th grade

Theme: Unit-2 My things /9/

Aim: Students will be able to talk about clothes

Use of English: Use this,these,that,those and adjectives to talk about possessions

Learning objectives:
UE - Use am/is/are to ask and answer questions

UE– Use this,these,that,those

Content Comments

1. Clothes
2. That’s my T-shirt
3. The terrific two-Dug’s new suit
4. What’s your name?
1 Time management 5. What are my favourite things?
/9 hours/ 6. Revision
7. Skills revision
8. Communication
9. Exam

Student’s book, teacher’s book, handouts, role play,

2 Resources visual aids, pictures and grammar chart, word puzzle,
proverb, tongue twister, throwing ball and test

Communicative language teaching (CLT), KWL,

3 Techniques Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and visuals,
double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to knee etc.

Unit test / reading and writing/

4 Assessment Listen and fill in Oral

5 Reflection
Training manager Batsukh. D
Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh
Unit plan for the 5th grade 2 nd term

Theme: Unit-3 In the house /9/

Aim: Students will be able to talk about house.

Use of English: Use Preposition of place/ household object/ materias

Learning objectives:
UE5-use there is/there are affirmative, negative and questions.

UE6- a, an, any

Content Comments

1. House
2. There is a phone on the sofa
3. The terrific two- Dug and Coco
4. Where is the bathroom?
1 Time management 5. Apostrophes
/9 hours/ 6. Science
7. Revision
8. Culture
9. Review

2 Resources Underline the below

Wider world-Student’s book-2, teacher’s book,
handouts, role play, visual aids, pictures and grammar
chart, word puzzle, proverb, tongue twister, throwing
ball and test

We use: Communicative language teaching (CLT),

3 Techniques KWL, Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and
visuals, double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to
knee etc.

Unit test / reading, UE and writing/

4 Assessment Listen and fill in
Oral/ ask and answer/
5 Reflection
Training manager Batsukh. D
Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh
Unit plan for the 5th grade

Theme: Unit- 4 About me /9/

Aim: Students will be able to describe someone’s face, eyes and hair

Use of English: UE Use have got affirmative and negative/ regular and irregular plural/ have got
questions and short answers/ Possessive

Learning objectives:
UE14- Use have got affirmative and negative /all forms/

Content Comments

1. About me
2. Parts of body
3. I haven’t got a big feet
4. The terrific two- My favourite super Hero
1 Time management 5. Sorry about that
/12 hours/ 6. Paragraphs
7. Science
8. Revision
9. Skills revision

2 Resources Underline the below

Wider world-Student’s book-2 , teacher’s book,
handouts, role play, visual aids, pictures and grammar
chart, word puzzle, proverb, tongue twister, throwing
ball and test

We use: Communicative language teaching (CLT),

3 Techniques KWL, Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and
visuals, double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to
knee etc.
All the lessons are going to be organized by student-
centered. Work in pairs and groups

Unit test / reading and writing/

4 Assessment Listen and fill in Oral

5 Reflection
Training manager Batsukh. D
Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh
Unit plan for the 5th grade 3 rd term

Theme: Unit 5 Things I can do /12/

Aim: By the end of the unit students will be able to action verbs.

Use of English: Use action verbs/collocations with make, play and ride/Language/Musical

Learning objectives:
UE – can affirmative, negative, questions, short answer

Content Comments

1. Action verbs
2. I can fix it
3. The terrific two- Thank you, superdug
4. Let’s do something fun!
1 Time management 5. Sign language
/12 hours/ 6. Review
7. Come to computer club!
8. Musical instruments
9. Review
10. Revision
11. Culture
12. Test

2 Resources Underline the below

Wider world-Student’s book-2 , teacher’s book,
handouts, role play, visual aids, pictures and grammar
chart, word puzzle, proverb, tongue twister, throwing
ball and test

We use: Communicative language teaching (CLT),

3 Techniques KWL, Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and
visuals, double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to
knee etc.

Assess how to achieve the Learning Objective Unit test

4 Assessment Oral assessment
Self – assessment

5 Reflection
Training manager Batsukh. D
Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh

Unit plan for the 5th grade

Theme: Unit- 6 My day /12/

Aim: By the end of the unit students will be able to Daily activities.

Use of English: We can learn to Present simple affirmatives daily activities/ days of week/ months /
on the internet

Learning objectives:
UE - Present simple affirmatives

UE- adverbs of frequency

Content Comments

1. My day
2. Daily activities
3. I listen to classical music
4. The terrific two- Dug’s busy week
1 Time management 5. Telling the time
/12 hours/ 6. The film starts at four o’clock
7. Months
8. Typical weekend
9. The internet
10. Revision
11. Skills revision
12. Review

2 Resources Underline the below

Wider world-Student’s book-2 , teacher’s book,
handouts, role play, visual aids, pictures and grammar
chart, word puzzle, proverb, tongue twister, throwing
ball and test

We use: Communicative language teaching (CLT),

3 Techniques KWL, Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and
visuals, double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to
knee etc.

At the end of the unit students will give a unit exam

4 Assessment related to the theme. Also use oral and test
5 Reflection
Training manager Batsukh. D
Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh

Unit plan for the 5th grade

Theme: Unit-7 Animals /12/

Aim: By the end of the unit students will be able to animals.

Use of English: Present Simple negative, Present Simple questions and short answers

Learning objectives:
UE – Present simple short answer

Content Comments

1. Wild animals
2. I don’t like cats!
3. The Terrific Two
4. One ticket, please
1 Time management
5. Adjectives
/12 hours/
6. Starting and ending an email
7. The environment
8. Culture
9. Zoo
10. Revision
11. Revision
12. Review

2 Resources Underline the below

Wider world-Student’s book-2 , teacher’s book,
handouts, role play, visual aids, pictures and grammar
chart, word puzzle, proverb, tongue twister, throwing
ball and test

We use: Communicative language teaching (CLT),

3 Techniques KWL, Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and
visuals, double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to
knee etc.

At the end of the unit students will give a unit exam

4 Assessment related to the theme. Also use oral and test
5 Reflection
Training manager Batsukh. D
Head of the foreign language department Maam. Kh

Unit plan for the 5th grade 4 th term

Theme: Unit- 8 I like that /12/

Aim: By the end of the unit students will be able to different places.

Use of English: Use modal verbs: have to/don’t have to, mustn’t.
Articles: first and second mention

Learning objectives:
UE – model verbs: have to, don’t have to, mustn’t
UE - Articles: first and second mention

Content Comments

1. Sports
2. Let’s go to summer camp!
Time management 3. The terrific two-Dug’s sports hero
/12 hours/ 4. What’s the weather like?
1 5. Checking grammar
6. Sports equipment
7. Revision
8. Healthy life style
9. Skills revision
10. Grammar time
11. Review
12. Exam

2 Resources Underline the below

Wider world-Student’s book-2, teacher’s book,
handouts, role play, visual aids, pictures and grammar
chart, word puzzle, proverb, tongue twister, throwing
ball and test

We use: Communicative language teaching (CLT),

3 Techniques KWL, Cooperative learning, Games and Pictures and
visuals, double line, pair works, musical pair, knee to
knee etc.

At the end of the unit students will give a unit exam

4 Assessment related to the theme. Also use oral and test
5 Reflection

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