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Reading Level 1 (Trường Đại Học Duy Tân)

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Ques琀椀on 1 of 50 0.1 Points

When requirements go wrong, what could happen from among the following?

A. The system may cost more than projected

B. The system may be delivered later than promised

C. The system will become unreliable and prone to errors

D. The system may not meet user requirements

E. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 2 of 50 0.1 Points

Use Case Diagrams have only 4 major elements: The ____________ that the system you are describing
interacts with, the ______________ itself, the _______, or services, that the system knows how to
perform, and the lines that represent ________ between these elemets

A. Relatonship, Actors, System, Use – cases

B. Actors, Use – cases , System, Relatonship

C. Relatonship, System,Actors, Use – cases

D. Use – cases, Relatonship, Actors, System,

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Ques琀椀on 3 of 50 0.1 Points

Business Requirements Document (BRD) consists of:

A. Vision, Goals, Objec琀椀ves, System Goals

B. Vision, User requirements, Objec琀椀ves, System Goals

C. System Requirements, Goals, Objec琀椀ves, System Goals

D. Vision, Goals, Objec琀椀ves, Performance System

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Ques琀椀on 4 of 50 0.1 Points

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The term ____ refers to all people who have an interest in the successful implementa琀椀on of the system.

A. users

B. clients

C. managers.

D. stakeholders

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Ques琀椀on 5 of 50 0.1 Points

What are business requirements describe?

A. So昀琀ware product features from the user point of view

B. So昀琀ware product func琀椀ons from the user point of view

C. Describe high level purposes and needs that the so昀琀ware product will sa琀椀sfy

D. So昀琀ware product capabili琀椀es from the user point of view

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Ques琀椀on 6 of 50 0.1 Points

Requirements problems can cause:

A. Project failure;

B. Programming language issues;

C. Func琀椀onal test crash;

D. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 7 of 50 0.1 Points

aires can be useful in informa琀椀on gathering when users______.

A. are widely distributed geographically

B. need promp琀椀ng to respond to ques琀椀ons

C. are not well-informed

D. do not have 琀椀me for interviews

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Ques琀椀on 8 of 50 0.1 Points

Model result about “What” ques琀椀ons are:

A. Business rules

B. Context diagram

C. State diagram

D. Use – case

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Ques琀椀on 9 of 50 0.1 Points

Which of the following describles what the system is required to do?

A. Func琀椀onal requirements

B. General requirements

C. User requirements.

D. Nonfunc琀椀onal requirements.

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Ques琀椀on 10 of 50 0.1 Points

An elicita琀椀on technique was classi昀椀ed by one of your project colleagues on the basis of its
characteris琀椀cs as follows: The technique may be classi昀椀ed as a ques琀椀oning technique with respect to
the direc琀椀on of ac琀椀vity, as an individual-orientated technique with respect to the ac琀椀vity partner, as an
analy琀椀cal technique with respect to the nature of the ac琀椀vity and as a neutral technique with respect to
the frame of reference of the ac琀椀vity. To which of the following elicita琀椀on techniques does the given
classi昀椀ca琀椀on 昀椀t?

A. Ques琀椀onnaire (Nếu chọn sai D thì test A) Bảo 10D

B. Contextual Inquiry

C. Prototyping

D. Interview

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Ques琀椀on 11 of 50 0.1 Points

The line that marks the inside, outline of the system and that sets o昀昀 the system from its environment,
best de昀椀nes

A. delinea琀椀on mark

B. boundary

C. interface

D. scope

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Ques琀椀on 12 of 50 0.1 Points

What documenta琀椀on is wri琀琀en for user requirements?

A. Vision or Scope of the project

B. Func琀椀onal speci昀椀ca琀椀on

C. User requirements Document

D. So昀琀ware Requirements Document

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Ques琀椀on 13 of 50 0.1 Points

Func琀椀onal Requirements Document (FRD) consists of:

A. System Requirement, Goals, Objec琀椀ves, System Goals

B. System Goals, User Requirements, System Requirements

C. System Goals, Constraints, System Requirements

D. Performance System, User Requirements, System Goals

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Ques琀椀on 14 of 50 0.1 Points

The following technique is called elicita琀椀on techniques:

A. Prototyping

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B. Interview

C. Ques琀椀onnaire

D. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 15 of 50 0.1 Points

The strategy for elici琀椀ng informa琀椀on regarding the user's requirements is (are)

A. prototyping

B. asking ques琀椀ons

C. obtaining informa琀椀on from the present system

D. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 16 of 50 0.1 Points

According to project condi琀椀ons di昀昀erent informa琀椀on is maintained within a stakeholder list. Which of
the following informa琀椀on items are not relevant for every project and must not therefore be
documented in every project?

A. Field and depth of knowledge

B. Time and loca琀椀on availability

C. Public relevance

D. Goals and interests in rela琀椀on to the project.

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Ques琀椀on 17 of 50 0.1 Points

Which of the following is normally the most 琀椀me-consuming and resource-expensive opera琀椀on?

A. Building prototypes

B. Observing business processes.

C. Researching vendor solu琀椀ons

D. Interview stakeholders

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Ques琀椀on 18 of 50 0.1 Points

What do we call the person or group who provides funding for the development of the new system?

A. Oversight Commi琀琀ee

B. Client

C. Board of directors

D. Department head

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Ques琀椀on 19 of 50 0.1 Points

What are requirements analysis?

A. Describe high level purposes and needs that the so昀琀ware product will sa琀椀sfy

B. A method of obtaining a precise formal speci昀椀ca琀椀on from the informal and o昀琀en not ambiguous
requirements with customers

C. The techniques of deciding which features are appropriate for the product based on stakeholders’

D. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 20 of 50 0.1 Points

aires can be used to ask ques琀椀ons that______.

A. determine user opinions

B. determine the stakeholders

C. de昀椀ne system func琀椀ons

D. detail user procedures

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Ques琀椀on 21 of 50 0.1 Points

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Model result about Why ques琀椀ons are:

A. Business rules

B. Actor Table

C. Rela琀椀onship model

D. Data 昀氀ow diagram

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Ques琀椀on 22 of 50 0.1 Points

Where do Requirements come from?

A. Business Requirements – User Requirements – System Requirements – So昀琀ware Requirements

B. Project Requirements – User Requirements – System Requirements – So昀琀ware Requirements

C. Business Requirements – Manager Requirements – System Requirements – So昀琀ware Requirements

D. Business Requirements – User Requirements – Quality Requirements – So昀琀ware Requirements

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Ques琀椀on 23 of 50 0.1 Points

Which of the following is the requirements development sequence?

A. Elicita琀椀on, Valida琀椀on, Speci昀椀ca琀椀on and Analysis;

B. Speci昀椀ca琀椀on, Elicita琀椀on, Valida琀椀on and Analysis;

C. Elicita琀椀on, Analysis, Speci昀椀ca琀椀on and Valida琀椀on;

D. Valida琀椀on, Speci昀椀ca琀椀on, Analysis and Elicita琀椀on;

Reset Selec琀椀on

Ques琀椀on 24 of 50 0.1 Points

_______requirements are most o昀琀en documented in graphical and textual models

A. Security.

B. Func琀椀onal

C. Technical

D. System

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Ques琀椀on 25 of 50 0.1 Points

Conduc琀椀ng the requirements analysis is cri琀椀cal to the success of a development project.

A. True

B. False

C. Depends upon the size of project

D. None of the above

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Ques琀椀on 26 of 50 0.1 Points

Model result about How ques琀椀ons are:

A. Actor Table

B. Rela琀椀onship model

C. Data 昀氀ow diagram

D. Context diagram

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Ques琀椀on 27 of 50 0.1 Points

Model result about What ques琀椀ons are:

A. Business rules

B. Context diagram

C. State diagram

D. Use – case

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Ques琀椀on 28 of 50 0.1 Points

Who are customers of the so昀琀ware product?

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A. Who fund the project or acquire a product to sa琀椀sfy their organiza琀椀on’s business objec琀椀ves (nếu b

B. Who interact directly or indirectly with the so昀琀ware product

C. Who write the requirements and communica琀椀on them to the so昀琀ware developers

D. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 29 of 50 0.1 Points

How is brainstorming di昀昀erent from conduc琀椀ng surveys?

A. Usually involve a smaller group of par琀椀cipants

B. Gets a lot of opinions from many di昀昀erent people

C. covers the technology used for the development

D. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 30 of 50 0.1 Points

Before collec琀椀ng a request, an engineer requires to........

A. Focus on project planning;

B. Know who are the stakeholders

C. Understand managers’ goals and objec琀椀ves;

D. Es琀椀mates the so昀琀ware schedules;

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Ques琀椀on 31 of 50 0.1 Points

Model result about When ques琀椀ons are:

A. Business rules

B. Rela琀椀onship model

C. Use – case

D. State diagram

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Ques琀椀on 32 of 50 0.1 Points

Requirements development is:

A. A process of analyzing requirements.

B. A method of obtaining requirements;

C. A technique of gathering what the customer needs;

D. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 33 of 50 0.1 Points

___ is an important part of each interview.

A. Follow-up

B. Review of the requirents models

C. An agenda

D. Finalize processing decisions

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Ques琀椀on 34 of 50 0.1 Points

Why are Requirements Important?

A. Because if you follow the requirements, the implementa琀椀on of projects planned over

B. Because if you follow the requirements at the project delayed

C. Because if you follow the requirements, the project will make full func琀椀ons over

D. All of the above.

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Ques琀椀on 35 of 50 0.1 Points

Which of the following is NOT a reason why an e昀昀ec琀椀ve systems analyst needs to know how an
organiza琀椀on works?

A. Some analysts take 琀椀me to specialize in a speci昀椀c industry

B. Knowing the people who work for a company increases an analyst's e昀昀ec琀椀veness

C. An organiza琀椀on may require an analyst to make management decisions

D. An analyst with deep understanding in a type of business can solve complex problems

E. An analyst involved in designing databases

Reset Selec琀椀on

Ques琀椀on 36 of 50 0.1 Points

Requirements priority is based on:

A. What must be implemented 昀椀rst;

B. A random program that perform priori琀椀za琀椀on score;

C. A business process;

D. None of the above.

Reset Selec琀椀on

Ques琀椀on 37 of 50 0.1 Points

__ is the process of examining the technical, economic, and organiza琀椀onal pros and cons of developing a
new system.

A. Commi琀琀ee approval

B. Feasibility analysis

C. Func琀椀onality determina琀椀on

D. Risk analysis

E. System request.

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Ques琀椀on 38 of 50 0.1 Points

Who are Stakeholders?

A. The term “stakeholder' refers to the people or groups not a昀昀ected by a so昀琀ware development

B. The term “stakeholder' refers to the people or groups a昀昀ected by a so昀琀ware development project.

C. The term “stakeholder' refers to devices a昀昀ected by a so昀琀ware development project.

D. None of the above.

Reset Selec琀椀on

Ques琀椀on 39 of 50 0.1 Points

Every successful interview requires______.

A. open-ended ques琀椀ons.

B. prepara琀椀on.

C. an ac琀椀vity diagram.

D. 昀椀nding the excep琀椀on condi琀椀ons.

Reset Selec琀椀on

Ques琀椀on 40 of 50 0.1 Points

The line that marks the inside, outline of the system and that sets o昀昀 the system from its environment,
best de昀椀nes

A. delinea琀椀on mark

B. boundary

C. interface

D. Scope

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Trả lời ngắn

Sinh viên ghi rõ ra, câu nào là FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT thì trả lời FR, câu nào là NON-FUNCTIONAL
REQUIREMENT thì trả lời NFR. Chú ý , có nhiều câu vừa là FR vừa là NFR

Ques琀椀on 41 of 50 0.2 Points

The system should display availability of the 琀椀ckets within 昀椀ve seconds.

Ques琀椀on 42 of 50 0.2 Points

It should not be possible to double-book 琀椀ckets (i.e. buy a 琀椀cket that has already been sold).

Ques琀椀on 43 of 50 0.2 Points

Only registered customers can buy 琀椀ckets.

Ques琀椀on 44 of 50 0.2 Points

Ad hoc repor琀椀ng will be required, showing 琀椀cket sales over a week. It should be possible to vary that
琀椀me span and look at any dura琀椀on up to six months.

Ques琀椀on 45 of 50 0.2 Points

Users must be able to choose their seats and purchase 琀椀ckets 24/7.

Ques琀椀on 46 of 50 0.2 Points

Searching for events by keywords should also be possible.

Ques琀椀on 47 of 50 0.2 Points

Daily reports of 琀椀cket sales must be generated. These must be retained for two years.

Ques琀椀on 48 of 50 0.2 Points

User will select 琀椀cket price from those o昀昀ered and also specify the number of 琀椀ckets they require.

Ques琀椀on 49 of 50 0.2 Points

All data is to be backed up nightly.

Ques琀椀on 50 of 50 0.2 Points

Users must be able to browse for events by name or date or venue.

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Trả lời ngắn

1) Users must be able to browse for events by name or date or venue

ANSWER Func琀椀onal Requirement (FR)

2) searching for events by keywords should also be possible

ANSWER Func琀椀onal Requirement (FR)

3) User will select 琀椀cket price from those o昀昀ered and also specify the number of

琀椀ckets they require

ANSWER Func琀椀onal Requirement (FR)

4) The system should display availability of the 琀椀ckets within 昀椀ve seconds

ANSWER The system should display availability of the 琀椀cket is a Func琀椀onal

Requirement FR and within 昀椀ve second is a Non Func琀椀onal Requirement

(NFR – performance).

5) Users must be able to choose their seats and purchase 琀椀ckets 24/7

ANSWER user must be able to choose their seats and purchase 琀椀ckets is

Func琀椀onal Requirement FR and 24/7 Non Func琀椀onal Requirement

(NFR– availability).

6) Only registered customers can buy 琀椀ckets

ANSWER Only registered customers is Non Func琀椀onal Requirement (NFR

– access) and can buy 琀椀ckets is Func琀椀onal Requirement (FR).

7) Daily reports of 琀椀cket sales must be generated. These must be retained for

two years.

ANSWER Daily Non Func琀椀onal Requirement (NFR – availability) reports

of 琀椀cket sales must be generated Func琀椀onal Requirement (FR). These must

be retained for two years Non Func琀椀onal Requirement (NFR – archiving &


8) All data is to be backed up nightly

ANSWER All data is to be backed up nightly Non Func琀椀onal Requirement

(NFR – backup).

9) It should not be possible to double-book 琀椀ckets (i.e. buy a 琀椀cket that has

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already been sold)

ANSWER Non Func琀椀onal Requirement (NFR - robustness).

10) Ad hoc repor琀椀ng will be required, showing 琀椀cket sales over a week. It should

be possible to vary that 琀椀me span and look at any dura琀椀on up to six months

ANSWER Ad hoc Non Func琀椀onal Requirement (NFR – availability) repor琀椀ng

will be required, showing 琀椀cket sales over a week Func琀椀onal Requirement

(FR). It should be possible to vary that 琀椀me span and look at any dura琀椀on up to

six months Func琀椀onal Requirement (FR)

Ac琀椀vity 2 – Document Management System

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Tự luận


Actor: Member, Admin, guest, system



 browse the catalogue

 download documents
 upload documents


 cancel membership


 browse the catalogue

 register


 weekly report of all registered members



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