Speaking 8.7

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Part 1. You will answer questions about yourself and your family.

T: Hi, my name is Truc. What’s your name?

B: Hello, my name is Binh.

T: Nice to meet you, Binh.

B: Nice to meet you, too.

T: Where are you from?

B: I’m from Kon Tum. And you?

T: I’m from Ho Chi Minh City.

B: How many people are there in your family?

T: My family has 4 people: my dad, my mom, my younger sister and me. How about you?

B: There also has 4 people in my family: my dad, my mom, my younger sister and me.

T: Such coincidence! Do you have a job?

B: I’m still a student at VAA School, Vietnam Aviation Academy School.

T: I’m a student at VAA school, too. What do you study?

B: I’m studying Business Administration.

T: You are in third year, aren’t you?

B: Yes, I’m in my third year. You too, right?

T: Yes, so am I.

B: Do you have a hobby?

T: Definitely yes. One of my favorite leisure pursuits is listening to music. Because to

me, music provides an escape from the busy life as it is both relaxing and therapeutic.

Sometimes, I enjoy going shopping with my Mom. How about you? What is your hobby?

B: My hobby is shopping and taking photos. I’m a bit addicted to shopping. Do you know

Shopee? I normally do all my shopping on that, especially discounting on double days.

For example, the sales on seventh of July (7/7) just happened yesterday. When shopping, I

usually buy shirts and dresses.

T: Well, it was nice meeting to you. I really had a great time. Let’s keep in touch.

B: Well, hope to see you soon again. Break a leg

6) Question: Briefly tell your partner about Amy Chua’ Chinese parenting system that she applied
to her daughters. What do you think of Amy Chua’s system?(Nói ngắn gọn với đối tác của bạn về hệ
thống nuôi dạy con cái kiểu Trung Quốc của Amy Chua mà cô ấy đã áp dụng cho các con gái của mình.
Bạn nghĩ gì về hệ thống của Amy Chua?)

Answer: The topic I have chose is Briefly tell your partner about Amy Chua’ Chinese parenting system
that she applied to her daughters. What do you think of Amy Chua’s system?

Amy chua’ chinese parenting system that she applied to her daughters are top 1 in all subjects. For
math, study at least 2 years ahead of classmates . She forbade her daughter from playing with friend and
watching tv and they have to study music.

I completely disagree that I think her education system is too strict. The kids will feel very stressed and
the pressure can lead to depression. On the contrary, this educational system will help the children to be
disciplined and always try in everything.

Patner: Later when you become a mother. Do you apply the same education system as Mrs. Chue to your

(Sau này khi bạn làm mẹ. Bạn có áp dụng hệ thống giáo dục như bà Chue với con mình không? )

You: Of course not. It's an outdated education system. I really want my child to be talented but not by
educating like Mrs. Chue (Tất nhiên là không. Nó là hệ thống giáo dục lỗi thời. Tôi rất muốn con mình
thành tài nhưng không phải bằng cách giáo dục như bà Chue )

5) Question: The benefits of school uniforms and why schools have them. (Lợi ích của đồng phục học
sinh và tại sao các trường học phải có chúng)

Answer: The topic I have chose is the benefits of school uniforms and why schools have them.

I think the benefits of school uniforms. The first thing wearing uniforms will not discriminate between
rich and poor. The second thing is wearing uniform, it looks very

nice and polite. Third, build a beautiful image and show the typical tradition of the school. Finally,
uniforms help students save money on shopping. ( Tôi nghĩ rằng những lợi ích của đồng phục học sinh.
Điều đầu tiên khi mặc đồng phục sẽ không phân biệt giàu nghèo. Điều thứ hai là mặc đồng phục, trông
rất đẹp và lịch sự. Thứ ba, xây dựng hình ảnh đẹp và thể hiện truyền thống tiêu biểu của nhà trường.
Cuối cùng, đồng phục giúp học sinh tiết kiệm tiền mua sắm.)

Schools should have uniforms because it creates a unique character. Shows the culture of the school.
The school's concern for students. ( các trường nên có đồng phục là bởi vì tạo ra nét đặc trưng riêng.
Thể hiện được nét văn hóa của trường học. Là sự quan tâm của nhà trường đối với học sinh.)
Patner: Do you like your school uniform?

(Bạn có thích đồng phục trường mình không ?)

You: oh i really like it. The uniform is really nice. It's the reason I chose the aviation academy to attend.
( ồ tôi thật sự rất thích nó. Đồng phục thực sự rất đẹp. Nó là lí do tôi chọn học viện hàng không để theo

4) Question: Introduce the Vietnamese school system.

Education in Vietnam run by Ministry of Education and Training a state-run system of public and private

The education system in Vietnam consists of 5 levels: Kindergarten, primary school, secondary school,
high school, and university education.

A school year consists of two semesters, Semester I starts from August to December, Semester II starts
immediately after Semester I. Starts in January and ends in May.

Primary school has 5 grades from grade 1 to grade 5. students start grade 1 at the age of 6. They are off
every Saturday and Sunday. Secondary school has 4 grades from grade 6 to grade 9. After completing
primary school, students pass the entrance exam and continue to high school. They have Sundays off
every week. High school has 3 classes from 10th to 12th grade. After completing high school, students
take the entrance exam and continue in high school. They also have Sundays off every week. But to get
into university, students have to study more to pass the graduation exam. Started college at the age of
19. Depending on the major, the study time will be different

Question 4. In currently, do you think the Vietnamese school system are okay?

I feel pretty good. However, the amount of theoretical knowledge is still quite a lot. Education in
Vietnam should drop theory and focus more on practice.

1)Question: Location shooting has several advantages over filming on a studio set.

Give at least three advantages of shooting on location.

shooting on location has a number of benefits as follows:

• The scenes will be more realistic and natural

• Save design and construction costs

• Realistic environment makes it easy for actors to role-play, confident in front of the camera lens.
• The film crew exploits more beautiful and idea-rich contexts

Question 1, So, do you know what are the common disadvantages of shooting on location?

Yes. As I know, the common disadvantages of shooting on location are a lack of control over the
environment: lighting, passing aircraft, traffic, pedestrians, bad weather, city regulations( re wil lây sần),

2) Question: Do you have a profile photo of yourself which you use on social networking sites( sai
ịt)? Why did you choose it and what do you think the photo says about you?( Bạn có ảnh hồ sơ của
chính mình mà bạn sử dụng trên các trang mạng xã hội không? Tại sao bạn chọn nó và bạn nghĩ bức ảnh
nói gì về bạn?)

Answer: Wait a minute. This is my profile picture. How do you feel about it? (pretty pretty). This is a
photo taken by a friend of mine. when we hang out near lankmak 81. I really like it because I find this
picture pretty( pơ đì) cute and skinny. And I have been making this profile picture from April until now.
(Chờ tôi 1 xíu. Đây chính là ảnh đại diện của tôi. Bạn cảm thấy nó như thế nào.( khá xinh). Đây là bức
ảnh do 1 người bạn chụp cho tôi. khi chúng tôi đi chơi gần lankmak 81. Tôi rất thích nó bởi vì tôi thấy
bức ảnh này mình khá dễ thương và gầy. Và tôi đã để làm ảnh đại diện này từ tháng 4 cho tới bây giờ.)

Question 2: Do you intend to change the photo on social networks to another photo?

not now. I think I'll change my profile picture when I take a better one. (không phải bây giờ. Tôi nghĩ tôi
sẽ thay ảnh đại diện khi tôi chụp được 1 bức ảnh đẹp hơn)

Until now, are you still in contact with each other?

3) Do you think people in our country tend to judge other people by their appearance? In what
way? Do you think it is right that their appearance matters?

Yes, I do. People in our country tend to judge other people by their appearance.

Usually we're looking at somebody's clothes, way of moving, talking ... and then judge them.

How important is appearance? I don’t think that their appearance matters. For example, we often think
of people with tattoos as a bad person, but I meet a lot of people with tattoos who are very kind and
talented. Tattoos are just one of their hobbies. Therefore, we cannot judge others by their appearance,
but we need time to observe, interact and work to know what they are like. ( Ngoại hình quan trọng như
thế nào? Tôi không nghĩ rằng sự xuất hiện của họ quan trọng. Ví dụ, chúng ta thường nghĩ những người
có hình xăm là người xấu, nhưng tôi gặp rất nhiều người có hình xăm rất tốt bụng và tài năng. Hình xăm
chỉ là một trong những sở thích của họ. Vì vậy, chúng ta không thể đánh giá người khác qua vẻ bề ngoài
mà cần có thời gian quan sát, tương tác và làm việc để biết họ là người như thế nào.)

Question 3. Do you think people should do make up before going out?

Yes, I think people should do make up before going out, especially women. It not only makes you look
more beautiful but also can increase your self-confidence. (Vâng, tôi nghĩ mọi người nên trang điểm
trước khi ra ngoài, đặc biệt là phụ nữ. Nó không chỉ khiến bạn trông xinh đẹp hơn mà còn có thể tăng sự
tự tin cho bạn.)

7. shopping online (advantages and disadvantages)

 Advantage: I find online shopping very beneficial. I can sit in one place and view many
items on my phone, so it saves a lot of time.
 Buying online also has a lot of discount codes, helping me save a lot of money.
 I can see product reviews of previous buyers, based on which I can decide to buy the
product or not.
 its benefits are great, so is it any disadvantage?
You can buy a fake if you don't look carefully.
Do not get direct products and when you want to return, the procedure is very
You have to wait a while for the delivery and you have to pay the delivery fee.

Question7. Have you ever had problems with something which you buy on the internet? If yes, what

Yes of course and after they compensated me with the coupon

I remember I had a problem when I bought an item on Lazada. This happened about one year ago. I
complained to the customer care staff, because the item I received was different from the picture they
shown. After that, they called me back and gave me a discount voucher of one hundred thousand dong

8) Complaint
- Don't say exactly what you expect to receive as compensation.
- Don't lose your temper. Take notes and write a letter of complaint afterwards
- Write to the company's marketing director or finance director, as they're probably the least

Question8 . Have you ever complained something which you buy on the internet? If yes, did you

Yes of course and after they compensated me with the coupon

I remember I complained about an item when I bought it on Lazada. This happened about one year
ago. I complained to the customer care staff, because the item I received was different from the
picture they shown. After that, they called me back and gave me a discount voucher of one hundred
thousand dong (100k).

Part 1. You will answer questions about yourself and your family.
T: Hi, my name is Truc. What’s your name?


T: Nice to meet you, Binh.


T: Where are you from?


T: I’m from Ho Chi Minh City.


T: My family has 4 people: my dad, my mom, my younger sister and me. How about you?


T: Such coincidence! Do you have a job?


T: I’m a student at VAA school, too. What do you study?


T: You are in third year, aren’t you?


T: Yes, so am I.


T: Definitely yes. One of my favorite leisure pursuits is listening to music. Because to

me, music provides an escape from the busy life as it is both relaxing and therapeutic.

Sometimes, I enjoy going shopping with my Mom. How about you? What is your hobby?


T: Well, it was nice meeting to you. I really had a great time. Let’s keep in touch.


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