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Crafting a thesis on a complex and sensitive topic such as acid attacks in India is no small feat.

intricacies of the subject matter, coupled with the need for extensive research, make the task daunting
for many. From delving into the historical context to analyzing the current state of affairs, a
comprehensive exploration is imperative.

The difficulty in writing a thesis on acid attacks in India lies in the emotional weight of the subject.
The impact on victims, the societal repercussions, and the legal aspects all contribute to the intricate
tapestry that requires careful unraveling. Moreover, the need for accuracy and objectivity is
paramount to ensure a balanced and unbiased representation of the facts.

Research plays a pivotal role in this process, demanding exhaustive investigation and meticulous data
collection. The sheer volume of information, coupled with the need for scholarly references, adds
another layer of complexity. Navigating through various academic sources, legal documents, and
survivor narratives requires both time and expertise.

To overcome these challenges, seeking assistance from professional services becomes a viable
option. ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable platform for those looking to ease the burden
of thesis writing. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in the intricacies of academic
research, they provide tailored solutions to meet the unique demands of a thesis on acid attacks in

By opting for professional help, individuals can ensure that their thesis is not only well-researched
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In conclusion, tackling a thesis on acid attacks in India is undeniably challenging, given the
multifaceted nature of the topic. For those seeking a reliable partner in this academic journey, ⇒ ⇔ emerges as a recommended choice, providing the necessary support to navigate
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Finally, the section does not specify who is to receive the fine. This discrimination is at the heart of
an oversized male ego.”. However, the overall picture still remains rather bleak when it comes to the
redressal and rehabilitation of the victims. Because of the acid attack, her face’s colour and
appearance changed, leaving her blind. Parents must teach their children the importance of
boundaries and consent. Thus the Legislators of India have framed various schemes and bills which
will help the victims to get their lives back to the track. By going outdoors alone, the risk of an attack
is higher. Ultimately, deeply entrenched attitudes towards women in the nation’s male-dominated
society must shift. Acid attacks have their base in a deep underlying culture of. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. The person will be punished with a minimum imprisonment of five years which can be
extended up to seven years and a fine. 3. Section 357A of the Criminal Procedure Code deals with a
general clause on compensation scheme to the victims who have suffered any loss or injury, and the
court, after the conclusion of the trial, passed an order directing the accused to pay compensation.
For instance, in 2021, 773 cases were scheduled to be tried, up from 662 in 2020, and 530 in 2019.
For the first few months of her trial, her parents and relatives had to represent her in court. Are you
aware of the statistics related to acid attacks in India. As this problem is very intrinsic, it cannot be
solved unless society stops stigmatizing the victims further. Dipu Rai New Delhi, UPDATED: Dec
15, 2022 18:52 IST On the morning of December 14, a young woman was on her way to school
when two motorcycle-borne men threw acid at her at Dwarka road, Delhi. However, the Avon
Foundation study found that the number of assaults reported. As a fourth pillar of the state and
watchdog of the society it is the responsibility of media to inculcate awareness regarding women's
rights and to report the violent incidents particularly acid throwing and disfiguring the bodies and
faces of affected women. This fundamental right includes right to live with dignity. And those who
are angry must be considered as ill. Treat. Perpetrators of these attacks throw acid at their victims,
usually at their faces, burning them, and damaging skin tissue, often exposing and sometimes
dissolving the bones. She also runs a Fashion Blog on Instagram and has been featured by many
well-known brands. India, Nepal, Pakistan and Uganda that it has helped to form. Acid. There were
directions that focused on the educational institutions because, in labs, there was the use of acids for
experimentation. Section 326 which deals with the voluntary causing grievous hurt by dangerous
weapons or means is insufficient. Therefore further study of Northern and Western Region of India is
essential. Why, then, do Indian troops so frequently use lethal force along the border. The long term
consequences of these attacks may include blindness, as well as permanent scarring of the face and
body, along with far-reaching social, psychological, and economic difficulties. Despite stricter laws
and harsher punishments, the number of such attacks continues to increase on the subcontinent.
Although the victim had died, life imprisonment was not imposed.
Most significantly, the organization’s endeavour is to motivate and strengthen the survivors. Except
for commercial and scientific purposes, the distribution and sale of acid should be prohibited. Julie
Kumari from Fatehpur in Uttar Pradesh was just four when her father flew into a rage, and threw
acid at her mother but it fell on Julie instead, leaving her with 40 per cent burns on her face, neck,
chest and arm. Just be aware of this, since most attackers know their victims, and usually they do
this for revenge or simply because they are rejected. The data, collected for 2010, 2011 and 2012,
assume significance in the light of the December 3 Supreme Court order, directing all states and
union territories to frame rules on acid sale by March this year. People with acid attacks experience a
lot of anxiety, low self-esteem and may also go into depression due to their appearance. Now, I take
care of my children all by myself,” Geeta’s husband Bharat Gayen, who works as rickshaw-puller,
told The Hindu on Saturday. Acid should be a scheduled prohibited chemical that should not be
available on the counter. Therefore further study of Northern and Western Region of India is
essential. She wears an indigo-dyed hospital gown and a thin shawl that does little to conceal her
injuries. In 99 percent of them, the victims know the attacker. It results in severe pain, permanent
disfigurement, subsequent infections and often blindness in one or both eyes. ASFI acts as a forum
for advocacy of acid related causes, endeavours to promote a social environment conducive to
elimination of all forms of gender violence and espouses a firm legal basis for prosecution of
offenders and prescription of national guidelines for treatment, aftercare and rehabilitation of acid
survivors. Research indicates that most victims are women and girls, and unlike in Bangladesh
(where most attacks occur in the home), attacks often occur in public places such as roads, schools,
and colleges. The accused first threatened her that if she does not accept his new offer, he might do
something. Topping the list are states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi, Odisha and Kerala. It
has been almost nine years and the attacker is still on bail. Most acid attackers throw acid on
someone they know. Space expansion: cultural considerations, long term perspectives, and spiritu. In
this case, compensation was given for the first time to the victim of an acid attack. She survived an
acid attack six years ago when a man threw the liquid when she spurned his advances. I felt proud
and it was a dream come true since I always wanted to do modelling.”. Higher than in 2013 With 12
such cases registered so far, acid attacks in the State have doubled in only eight months of 2014 as
against the six attacks reported in 2013. “While 10 persons were injured in six incidents of acid
attacks in the State in 2013, this year 21 have suffered burn injuries in 12 such incidents,” Anita
D’Souza, joint director of Acid Survivors Foundation India (ASFI), told The Hindu. All of which is
followed by the psychological trauma caused by such attacks. The Bank of Japan’s Year of Living
Dangerously By Anthony Fensom Japan looks set to end negative interest rates for the first time in
eight years. A bill titled “Acid Throwing and Burn Crime Bill 2012” was introduced in the
Parliament in Pakistan, which sought “to redress the. West Africa Scene Setting African Continental
Master Plan (CMP) for electrici. The study has highlighted the issue in terms of knowing the actual
causes behind these brutal acts specifically it has focused on social and psychological impacts on the
respon. It provides the readers with the latest case laws in layman terms. Our Legal Journal contains
a vast assortment of resources that helps in understanding contemporary legal issues. The Impact Of
Immigration On The Diversity Of A Countries.
The ready availability of acid perhaps makes it a cheap weapon of choice in comparison to things
like guns or knives. Information Act, we are trying to acquire data concerning the sale of. The
presumption is incorporated in the Indian Evidence Act as Section 114B in the case of an acid attack.
However, the survivors also experience social rejections and humiliation. UY TIN NH?T xs vietlott
88 SOI C?U SIEU CHU?N SoiCauViet lo d?p hom nay vip ket qua so xo hom nay kqxsmb 30 ngay
d. Acid violence constitutes gender-based violence, a form of discrimination under the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Ritu, 22, was attacked
by her cousin during a property dispute. Acid directly in the eye also damages sight, sometimes
causing blindness in both eyes. However, women in India continue to face numerous problems such
as sexual assault, gender inequality and dowry. However, the implementation of these laws varies in
consistency from state to state. Taunting her for the pride she took in her appearance, he threatened
to throw acid on her. “At the time I thought it was just something said in the heat of the moment, but
he actually made good on his threat,” she says, her voice still heavy with disbelief. At the seminar,
plastic surgeon Ashok Gupta talked about the mental trauma experienced by an acid-attack victim.
The basic issues related to acid attack victims range from the severe pain, agony, self acceptance to
rebuilding their identities. Julie Kumari from Fatehpur in Uttar Pradesh was just four when her father
flew into a rage, and threw acid at her mother but it fell on Julie instead, leaving her with 40 per cent
burns on her face, neck, chest and arm. If I say NO, my face is burnt with acid, I am forced to drink
acid, and while asleep they throw acid on me. The couple had two daughters and seven years of
marriage behind them when he forced her to drink acid. “My daughter had a ruptured oesophagus.
West Africa Scene Setting African Continental Master Plan (CMP) for electrici. Section 326A of the
IPC made acid attack on woman punishable with a minimum of 10 years imprisonment and
mandated the convict to bear the expenses of treatment of the victim. In some cases, they are
abandoned by their own family, leading to the victim’s emotional breakdown. Compensation of Rs
2,00,000 was to be paid by the accused to Hasina’s parents in addition to Trial Court fine of Rs
3,00,000. The punishment under this section is imprisonment of not less than 5 years but which may
extend to 7 years and also be liable to fine. Section 4 of the bill provides that the Central
Government shall prescribe the kinds and degree of acids which are to be used for the business. It
states whoever is liable for murder, shall be given capital punishment or imprisonment for life with a
fine. The bill also suggests that there shall be a National Acid Attack Victims Fund wherein both the
Central and State Government can give grants to this fund. She writes about inhuman acts as well
and she scrutinizes the internet and newspapers to make her articles strong and justifiable. The goal
of that study is analyzing the acid attack incidents on the basis of demography. Acid dissolves skin,
tissues and bone as well and it causes excruciating pain and often victims succumb to their injuries. It
is not a wound that one can see but you can imagine how her systems would have been corroded. RFI
is not responsible for the content of external websites. But after the Criminal Law Amendment Act,
2013, Section 326 A was inserted which provides that if there is an offence of acid attack, the
offender will be punished with an imprisonment of not less than 10 years which may extend to life
imprisonment and fine.
Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a membe r. Here gender discrimination is a
serious concern and unfortunately with each passing day, despite of some efforts from government
and non-governmental organizations, women in Pakistan are still deprived of their basic human
rights. They have the right to life, but they are not able to enjoy this fundamental right due to such
an accident. And for the society to accept them, a real transformation in the mindset of people is
needed. Features The Deadly Border Between Bangladesh and India By Saqlain Rizve The two
nations are friendly neighbors. The accused was convicted in accordance with IPC Section 307 and
sentenced to life imprisonment. The use of acid as a weapon began to rise in developing countries,
especially in South Asia. People with acid attacks experience a lot of anxiety, low self-esteem and
may also go into depression due to their appearance. Ultimately, deeply entrenched attitudes towards
women in the nation’s male-dominated society must shift. While a total of 57 cases with 65 victims
were recorded in 2010, in 2012, the figure jumped to 85 cases with 101 victims. Delhi, UP, Punjab,
Haryana and Bihar together accounted for 53% of all victims. Delhi (31) and UP (39) accounted for
27% of all victims in the country between 2010 and 2012. Have you ever thought of reasons why
acid attacks take place. Recommend strict regulation of the distribution and sale of acid and
prohibition of the sale of acid through shop counters. She also runs a Fashion Blog on Instagram and
has been featured by many well-known brands. In this case, the Apex Court gave the state and UT
the direction to regulate acid. Victims of acid attacks often have to undergo multiple operations, as
stated earlier, costing Lakhs of Rupees. Meanwhile, her brother has been bedridden due to an
ailment in his lungs, and relatives have abandoned the family and maintained their distance. Also be
aware if a person is acting in a suspicious manner. 2. Don’t go out alone: Always try to go out with a
friend or group of friends, since most attackers will probably want to attack a person when they are
alone, as they may fear being caught or being recognized by other people. Section 326 which deals
with the voluntary causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means is insufficient. If the injury
is more than 50 per cent, the minimum compensation would be Rs500,000, while in case of rape and
unnatural sexual assault, the victim would get a minimum of Rs400,000 and maximum of Rs700,000.
The Court also provided the solution to the acid victim compensation issue”. “The Court held that
Section 357A provides for the preparation of a scheme to provide compensation for victims of acid
attack or their dependents who have suffered loss or injury”. Throwing acid also results in physical,
psychological as well as societal harm. Earlier the focus was only to prove that whether the accused
has committed the offence and what punishment shall be given to the convict. Section 302 provides
for the punishment for murder. Most acid attackers throw acid on someone they know. The most
common physical harm that is faced by the survivors is disfigurement of body parts, blindness, and
damage of skin tissues. The last attack took place on August 25 in a State-run hospital, in which
seven people were injured. It is painful, depressing and horrifying to know that there are. She used
earn Rs. 5,000 a month and helped support the family. Next post Rupee Settlement Mechanism
draws interest from more nations. This law should provide temporary and final monetary
compensation for victims of certain acts of violence such as rape, sexual assault, acid attacks, etc.
Kindly share your name, contact number and email on the following form so that we can generate
and share a donation link for your monthly donation. Once that faith and that trust is eliminated,
women are on. According to the Acid Survivors Foundation India (ASFI), while at least 106 such
acid attacks were reported in 2012, that figure crossed 500 by 2015. If you are already a registered
user of The Hindu and logged in, you may continue to engage with our articles. But Chandrahas,
who is now a coordinator with the NGO Acid Survivors and Women Welfare, is not ready to give
up. Meanwhile, her brother has been bedridden due to an ailment in his lungs, and relatives have
abandoned the family and maintained their distance. It has been almost nine years and the attacker is
still on bail. Features The Deadly Border Between Bangladesh and India By Saqlain Rizve The two
nations are friendly neighbors. These cookies are used to improve your experience and provide more
personalized service to you. Thus, before the Amendment Act of 2013, the cases of the acid attack
were dealt under Section 302 and 307 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. However, the implementation
of these laws varies in consistency from state to state. She also spearheads research into social norms
of beauty and speaks. Most of these cases were women who are attacked as a form of domestic
violence, for dowries or in response to a rejection (them practising their right to consent). Ritu, 22,
was attacked by her cousin during a property dispute. To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The bill also
suggests that there shall be a National Acid Attack Victims Fund wherein both the Central and State
Government can give grants to this fund. Cases of acid attacks in India show that in these cases there
is normally inadequate punishment. The photo album that she has preserved on her laptop is the only
connection the twenty-three-year-old girl has with her old life. The Impact Of Immigration On The
Diversity Of A Countries. Also, the rehabilitation and compensations shall be made gender neutral
because the offence of acid attack can be faced by anyone, not just women. Have you ever thought
of reasons why acid attacks take place. Juwaley's story of being attacked by her husband would make
students. Rupa's face was doused with acid when she was 15 years old by a stepmother unwilling to
pay her marriage expenses. She also runs a Fashion Blog on Instagram and has been featured by
many well-known brands. Most acid attackers throw acid on someone they know. This is one of the
cases where the accused was granted capital punishment. Revenge was the motive for the crime, as
the victim rejected the main accused Ramesh’s openings. Compare this to 2016, when only 6.63 per
cent of cases were disposed of in courts. Six months into the case, the attacker was out on bail.
AND ROLE OF PRINT MEDIA Muhammad Mujtaba Rashid Being a traditional country Pakistan
has a suffocated environment for women's freedom and liberty.
By Marc Lanteigne Despite lofty declarations of mutual interests in the Arctic, there have been
significant cracks in this regional relationship. Recommend strict regulation of the distribution and
sale of acid and prohibition of the sale of acid through shop counters. Her doctor says she will need
about 30 more to repair the damage, including recreating her ears, which the acid melted off. The
Avon Foundation study found that Bangladesh has seen a decline in the number of reported acid
attacks from 2000 to 2009. Uttar Pradesh came second with 71 victims, and West Bengal third, with
65 injured. Eventually, she decided to file a PIL by seeking a new law or amendment to the existing
laws dealing with acid attacks, besides asking compensation for acid attack survivors. The police
have arrested two men, but one was released after he proved he was somewhere else at the time of
the attack. It is not a wound that one can see but you can imagine how her systems would have been
corroded. Once that faith and that trust is eliminated, women are on. In this case, a PIL was filed by
Laxmi who is an acid attack victim. Sisters Sonam, 22, and Chanchal, 17, were asleep when acid was
poured over them by a group of men who had been harassing them in their village in the northern
state of Uttar Pradesh. Section 326A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, deals with voluntary causing
permanent or partial damage, deformity, disfigures, burns, disables by use of acid. PIL sought
framing of a new law, or amendment to the existing criminal laws. It has been almost nine years and
the attacker is still on bail. The share of cases of acid attacks and attempted attacks disposed of in
courts is very low. He and a female accomplice poured a glass of acid on Laxmi’s face in broad
daylight in the heart of Delhi, inflicting permanent damage to the face of a bubbly young girl.
During ancient time, acid has been used in metallurgy and for etching. The victim suffered multiple
acid burns on her face and other parts of her body resulting in her death as a result of the attack. The
accused was then charged and convicted under Section 302 and Section 307 of the Indian Penal
Code, 1860. Out of spite, he poured mercuric chloride inside her vagina. The incidents of acid
throwing?s in the name of honor, not only bringing depraved and bad name for a country globally
but it shows the existence of barbarism in a country where weak social values and poor legal system
has added troubles for women. In 1879, 16 cases of vitriol acid attacks were reported as “Crimes of
Passion” prevalent predominantly by women against another woman. Further, it called for separate
legislation called the Victim Compensation Fund Scheme for the purposes of rehabilitation of acid
attack survivors. The physiological effects of such an attack involve deformity of the skull, damage
to the ear, eyelids, nose and mouth, and various respiratory related and other issues. As a majority of
acid attacks are aimed at the face, several articles thoroughly reviewed the medical implications for
these victims. The severity of the damage depends on the concentration of the acid and the time
before the acid is thoroughly washed off with water or neutralized with a neutralizing agent.
According to IPC Section 302, the accused was charged and convicted. This fundamental right
includes right to live with dignity. Despite Supreme Court's orders to ban acid, it's freely available.
Due to ignorance of the government and civil society, most survivors find no hope and stay like an
outcast, in solitude.”. There was a spike in 2017 with 9.9 per cent of cases reaching a verdict, though
that number has only declined ever since.
Surprisingly, here, the trial court as well as the HC agreed that mere pouring of acid could not take
away the life of a person and acquitted Rao of attempt to murder charge. Eventually, she decided to
file a PIL by seeking a new law or amendment to the existing laws dealing with acid attacks, besides
asking compensation for acid attack survivors. Corruption in Malaysia: The No Shame Game By
Sophie Lemiere From prison, disgraced former Prime Minister Najib Razak is plotting an unlikely
political comeback. ASFI acts as a forum for advocacy of acid related causes, endeavours to promote
a social environment conducive to elimination of all forms of gender violence and espouses a firm
legal basis for prosecution of offenders and prescription of national guidelines for treatment,
aftercare and rehabilitation of acid survivors. Poor law enforcement In West Bengal, representatives
of ASFI have expressed concern that rules pertaining to the sale of acid are not properly monitored
or adhered to in the State. The study was conducted on 225 reported cases and out of those 122
from Southern Region and 123 from Eastern Region of India. But due to the nature of the act of acid
throwing was more of a criminal in nature rather than tort, thus, by default, the offence of acid attack
was always dealt under the criminal law and not under the tort law. India has no official data, but
New Delhi-based group Stop Acid Attacks says around three cases are reported nationwide every
week.”. While calculating compensation under this Act, any compensation already received by the
victim can be taken into account. The seller of the acid also has to submit that to the police action
within three days. Although the numbers of British victims are increasing and include, most
famously, model-turned-presenter Katie Piper. With the insertion of section 326 B in the Indian
Penal Code, 1860, the attempt to throw acid on a person has been made an offence. The accused was
convicted in accordance with IPC Section 307 and sentenced to life imprisonment. Most
significantly, the organization’s endeavour is to motivate and strengthen the survivors. Shende said
“According to the mitigating and aggravating circumstances, the facts of the case and the recent
acid attack judgments by the Supreme Court, the accused to death”. If you are with friends, usually
the risk is lower. She writes about inhuman acts as well and she scrutinizes the internet and
newspapers to make her articles strong and justifiable. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. Thus, it was completely on the judiciary’s discretion as to what amount shall be
compensated to the victims of acid attack. Her team was able to collect 24 bottles of acid from
multiple shops in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Finally, this issue came before the court in the case of
Laxmi vs Union of India. The incidents of acid throwing?s in the name of honor, not only bringing
depraved and bad name for a country globally but it shows the existence of barbarism in a country
where weak social values and poor legal system has added troubles for women. In last 25 years the
acid throwing crime had emerged and terrorizes the women who speak out for their rights in relative
circumstances. In 1879, 16 cases of vitriol acid attacks were reported as “Crimes of Passion”
prevalent predominantly by women against another woman. The data also shows that arrests and
prosecution have had no deterring effect, making it a problem of social attitude rather than law and
order. Features The Deadly Border Between Bangladesh and India By Saqlain Rizve The two nations
are friendly neighbors. How was I supposed to pay for such a long stay in hospital?”. The victim’s
physical deformities make it difficult to lead a normal life. She wears an indigo-dyed hospital gown
and a thin shawl that does little to conceal her injuries. Because of the acid attack, her face’s colour
and appearance changed, leaving her blind.

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