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5, 2011 DATE

NR # 2578B

Pass anti-cyber bullying bill, Congress urged

Charice Pempengco, a singer and young actress, has experienced cyber-bullying in her Twitter and Facebook accounts, and so have thousands of children all over the world. Pempengco is just one of the many victims of these faceless cyber-bullies who can hurt and destroy people through their negative messages. Others who were not lucky enough, were even raped by a cyber friend in an eye-ball encounter, others, committed suicide, Rep. Christopher Co (Party-list, Ako Bicol) said. Co urged Congress to fast track the approval of his measure, House Bill 5391 or the proposed Anti-Cyber-Bullying Act of 2011, to deter, prosecute, and eliminate cyber-bullies from the cyber world and create a culture of free and unfettered exchange of information, opinions and ideas based on mutual respect and sensitivity towards the feelings of others. With the rise of technology and the growing need for cyberspace interaction and communication, there is also a corresponding growth and the need for protection of its users, most especially minor children who suffer additional risks of being bullied, Co said. Rep. Rodel Batocabe (Party-list, AKO Bicol), a co-author of the bill, said unlike physical bullying, electronic bullies can remain virtually anonymous using temporary email accounts, pseudonyms in chat rooms, instant messaging programs, cellphone text messaging and other internet venues to mask their identity. Covered by the proposed anti-cyber bullying bill are electronic devices that include telephones, and mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets, or any other device, tool or implement that may be developed for instant messaging, text messaging, chatting, emailing, video chatting, interaction in social networking websites, or other virtual interaction. Cyber-bullying is a new social disease which results in dire consequences that threaten to tear the social and moral fabric of the society, Rep. Alfredo Garbin (Partylist, Ako Bicol) said. The unique characteristic of cyberspace makes a person enjoy the benefit of anonymity and multiple personalities, making this realm the perfect venue for abuse and malicious conduct, added Garbin, also a co-author of the bill. The bill imposes a fine of not more than P100,000 or imprisonment of 6 months to six years, or both to any person who commits a series of acts directed towards another person that causes substantial emotional distress through the use of electronic devices. (30) jsc

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