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To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing this recommendation letter for Grayson Parker. Grayson

student taught with me and has done a fantastic job. He is very confident
in his approach to the classroom, offering several different teaching
styles and methods to each class, devising fun ways to share the content.
He is very knowledgeable about vocal health and technique and exhibits
them in all his lessons. Grayson is very organized, and his lesson plans
are thorough and well thought out. He enjoys teaching and the students
respond well.

Grayson has built a great rapport with the students and the teaching staff,
he is willing to help as and when needed, always willing to help with
and attend after school meetings, duties, and rehearsals. He works hard
at enabling and encouraging all students from all backgrounds and
learning needs and makes the classroom welcoming to all.

Grayson would be a wonderful asset to any school faculty, I highly

recommend him. He is truly a joy to work with. If you have any
questions, please feel free to call.


Pamela Cross
OKMS Choral Director


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