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Science of the Total Environment 656 (2019) 331–337

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Daphnia magna filtration, swimming and mortality under ammonium,

nitrite, nitrate and phosphate
Teresa Serra a,⁎, Marçal Soler a, Narcís Pous b, Jordi Colomer a
Department of Physics, University of Girona, 17003 Girona, Spain
Lequia, Institute of the Environment, University of Girona, 17003 Girona, Spain


• Nitrite concentration above 6 ppm pro-

duces inactivation in the Daphnia
magna filtration.
• Ammonium concentration above
40 ppm produces inactivation in the D.
magna filtration.
• D. magna inactivation increased with
the exposure time to the chemical con-
• D. magna swimming velocity, mortality
and filtration were used as
• D. magna filtration was not altered
when exposed to nitrate or phosphate.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biological methods are a promising approach to treating wastewater in order to produce water of an appropriate
Received 24 September 2018 quality for sub-potable water purposes, thus reducing pressure on potable water sources. Daphnia magna are or-
Received in revised form 20 November 2018 ganisms that filter on small suspended particles and bacteria and so may be able to clarify and disinfect wastewa-
Accepted 25 November 2018
ter. However, Daphnia magna are sensitive to common chemicals and might be vulnerable to the quality of the
Available online 26 November 2018
wastewater. This study analyses the filtration, mobility and mortality rates of Daphnia magna exposed to seven
Editor: Henner Hollert days of changing concentrations of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate. Inactivation increased with the
time of exposure for both nitrite and ammonium, with a 50% inactivation in Daphnia magna filtrations after
Keywords: 7 days of exposure at nitrite concentrations above 6 ppm and ammonium concentrations above 40 ppm. The
Daphnia magna Daphnia filtration remained unaltered in the nitrate and phosphate concentrations. Mortality increased with ni-
Wastewater reuse trite and ammonium concentrations, but not with phosphate or nitrate. The swimming velocity of Daphnia
Daphnia magna filtration magna individuals decreased when both nitrite and ammonium concentrations increased and also with phos-
Bio-indicators phate concentrations above 30 ppm. However, Daphnia magna swimming velocities remained unaltered in the
presence of nitrate concentrations below 100 ppm.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Wastewater reuse is an alternative potential water source that might

reduce pressure on drinking water resources (Bouzit et al., 2016).
⁎ Corresponding author. Treated wastewater needs to meet established water quality standards
E-mail address: (T. Serra). to be used for irrigation or urban cleaning, (among other applications
0048-9697/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
332 T. Serra et al. / Science of the Total Environment 656 (2019) 331–337

(Ait-Mouheb et al., 2018)), however, the high capital and operating 4–15 ppm, respectively. However, the effect the most common com-
costs of conventional tertiary treatments can make this unaffordable pounds found in wastewater have on the Daphnia filtration efficiency
for some communities. Moreover, most conventional tertiary treat- has scarcely been studied, this study explores the effect the main waste-
ments rely on the use of chemicals, which might also produce some water compounds found in the tertiary treatment (N-NH4+, N-NO2−, N-
non-desired by-products that could be released into the environment NO3− and P-PO43−) have on Daphnia activity. With this information,
(Jaramillo and Restrepo, 2017). Since water reuse is a promising alter- the applicability of Daphnia magna as an organism for wastewater treat-
native to using natural water resources in zones where water is scarce, ment will be known and in addition, the level at which this system will
it is important to continue researching alternative low-cost, be suitable (after primary or secondary treatments) will be determined
environmentally-friendly tertiary treatments. One such alternative to for each type of wastewater and in terms of these contaminants.
explore is the use of natural depuration systems. For instance, filter- The toxicity effects biotic and abiotic parameters have on Daphnia
feeder organisms such as Daphnia could be used as an alternative magna have been evaluated in terms of their behaviour, that is, filtering
method to remove particles found in secondary effluents. rate (Serra et al., 2018), heart beat (Lari et al., 2017), mortality and
Removing small suspended particles (with diameters below 30 μm) swimming velocity (Serra et al., 2018; Wickramarathna et al., 2014).
from wastewater poses a challenge because they can go through Swimming activity has recently received special attention because it is
meshes, filters or settling tanks without being separated from the a sensitive biomarker that can easily be affected by chemical substances
water phase. Furthermore, as these small particles make the water ap- (Bownik, 2017). Therefore, Daphnia mobility is widely used in toxicol-
pear cloudy, this complicates disinfecting it with UV-based technolo- ogy tests (Bownik, 2017). In this study the filtering rate, mortality and
gies. Therefore, it is crucial to find alternative ways to reduce the swimming velocity will be considered in order to analyse the effect of
concentration of these small particles in wastewater. The genus Daphnia ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate on Daphnia activity. Different
is a zooplanktonic population of Cladocera whose ability to disinfect concentrations of each chemical will be tested separately and will be
wastewater (Burnet et al., 2017; Serra et al., 2014; Shiny et al., 2005), re- compared to the experiments without the presence of the contami-
move emerging contaminants (Matamoros et al., 2012) and prey on nants. One expects that if Daphnia filtration rate and swimming velocity
wastewater particles with diameters below 30 μm (Pau et al., 2013; does not differ from that without the contaminant, Daphnia can then be
Serra et al., 2018; Serra and Colomer, 2016) has already been considered effective in removing small particles from wastewater.
However, Daphnia might be sensitive to some compounds. For this 2. Materials and methods
reason they are sometimes used to test water quality (Heger et al.,
2018; Van de Perre et al., 2018) because many compounds are toxic 2.1. Daphnia magna characteristics
for these organisms (Sladkova et al., 2016). Nitrate (NO3−) concentra-
tions above 56 mgN-NO3− L−1 (250 mgNO3− L−1) together with a The Daphnia magna population was obtained from a laboratory cul-
water temperature of 26 °C proved to have lethal effects on a Daphnia ture kept in a 40 L container at 20.0 ± 0.5 °C and natural daylight pho-
population (Maceda-Veiga et al., 2015). In addition, ammonia (NH3) toperiod for one year at the University of Girona. A gentle supply of air
concentrations over 0.81 mgN-NH3 L−1 were found to reduce the inges- ensured the water container was oxygenated and the Daphnia in the
tion rate of E. coli by Daphnia (Norgaard and Roslev, 2016). However, in container were fed twice a week with a mixture of commercial spirulina
the same study, Daphnia filtration had already been reduced by 40% powder and Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Thirty percent of
when the concentration level of ammonia was 0.1 mgN-NH3 L−1; in the water from the container was renewed once a week.
comparison with the control experiments which had no ammonia. Fur- For each experiment, Daphnia individuals were collected from the
thermore, high levels of nitrite in water have been found to have toxic container using a 1.5 mm mesh in order to be able to discard individuals
effects on aquatic organisms, producing physiological disturbances smaller than 1.5 mm long. Individuals retained in the mesh larger than
(Jensen, 2003). Daphnia obtusa exposed to nitrite concentrations 2 mm were also discarded and returned to the container. Therefore,
above 2 mgN-NO2− L−1 have a reduced survival time compared to the only 1.5–2.0 mm-long Daphnia individuals were considered for the
case without nitrite (Xiang et al., 2012). Similar results were obtained study. Using ImageJ software, the mean size of the Daphnia individuals
after Daphnia similoides were exposed to the same nitrite concentration was analysed from a video recording of 25 individuals and was found
(Xiang et al., 2011). The presence of clays and cadmium have also been to be 1.6 ± 0.3 mm.
found to reduce the heartbeat of Daphnia (Lari et al., 2017), which
would be an indicator of adverse environmental conditions for Daphnia. 2.2. Experimental method
Low food concentrations have also been found to reduce their heart rate
(Lari et al., 2017). Four chemicals were considered for the toxicology analysis:
Therefore, Daphnia vulnerability makes their application as a tertiary ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate. The effect each chemical
treatment challenging. Even though Daphnia remove small particles, re- had was tested using a range of concentration levels in align with real
duce microbial loads and polish nutrients in secondary effluents, their levels expected to be encountered in urban wastewater treatment
applicability in wastewater treatment plants might be complicated plants (Metcalf and Eddy et al., 2002). Nitrogen dosages in the form of
under the presence of some chemical compounds. nitrate (N-NO3−) with concentrations of 0, 5, 10 25, 50, 75 and
It must be noticed that the most common nutrients in wastewater 100 ppm N-NO3− were obtained from NaNO3. Nitrogen dosages in the
such as ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate have a great variabil- form of nitrite (N-NO2−) with concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 5, 10 and
ity during the water treatment in the system, from the inlet to the out- 20 ppm N-NO2− were obtained from NaNO2. Nitrogen dosages in the
let. For instance, in secondary treatments N-NH4+, N-NO3− and N-NO2− form of ammonium (N-NH4+) with concentrations of o, 5, 20, 30, 35,
attain low values of 12 mg/L, 0.4 mg/L and 19 mg/L in settler effluents 40, 50, 80 and 100 ppm N-NH4+ were obtained from NH4Cl and the
and somehow lower in membrane with non-detectable values of N- dosage of phosphorous in the form of phosphate (P-PO43−) with
NO2− and N-NH4+ (Paredes et al., 2018). For the same wastewater treat- concentrations of 0, 1, 5, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ppm P-PO43− were
ment plant, the inlet presented higher nitrite concentrations with max- obtained from NaH2PO4. The concentrations were obtained with a
imum values of 0.9 mg/L. Higher nutrient concentrations can be found maximum uncertainty of 10% when considering the error made in the
at the primary effluent of a wastewater treatment plant with N-NH4+ mass of each compound and the volume of water measured.
of 98.2 mg/L, P-PO43− of 17.3 mg/L and N-NO3− of 23.5 mg/L (Praveen Therefore, the desired concentration of each specific chemical was
et al., 2018). Other authors state that the total nitrogen and phospho- introduced into a beaker which had been filled with 950 mL of mineral
rous in untreated wastewater can range from 20 to 85 ppm and water (chemical composition: total dissolved solids = 206 mg/L
T. Serra et al. / Science of the Total Environment 656 (2019) 331–337 333

bicarbonate (HCO3−) = 165 mg/L, sulfates (SO42−) = 3.7 mg/L, chloride and a mean value for the velocities was obtained with the software.
(Cl−) = 18.8 mg/L, calcium (Ca2+) = 78 mg/L, magnesium (Mg2+) = For the analysis, only some of the chemical dosages were considered.
16.5 mg/L, sodium (Na+) = 8.3 mg/L and silica (SiO2) = 27.1 mg/L) The trails were recorded on days 2, 4 and 7.
and 50 mL of spirulina suspension. The spirulina suspension had been
prepared by diluting 1 g of spirulina powder in 1 L of mineral water, 2.5. Calculating Daphnia filtration without chemicals
which was then mixed for 30 s at 120 rpm and left for 1 h so that
large spirulina particles would settle. The supernatant was used as the The temporal evolution of the suspended particle concentration can
spirulina suspension for the experiments. After introducing the spiru- be described through a first order equation with time t and a decay con-
lina suspension into the beaker, 50 Daphnia individuals were collected stant k from which the Daphnia magna filtration (F) can be determined
from the laboratory culture and gently introduced into the experiments, (see supplementary material for a complete derivation of the
thus obtaining a final Daphnia concentration of 50 ind L−1. Three repli- equations).
cates for each chemical concentration were carried out. All the experi- The Daphnia filtration inactivation (INACT) at a certain chemical
ments were carried out employing the same laboratory light concentration cx was estimated as,
conditions and temperature (20 °C) as the initial laboratory Daphnia  
culture were used to, in order to avoid any external effects on their be- F ð0Þ
INACT ¼ log ð1Þ
haviour. Control experiments without Daphnia and control experiments F ðcx Þ
without chemicals were also carried out to account for the removal of
spirulina due to sedimentation. where F(0) is the Daphnia filtration without chemicals and F(cx) is the
Daphnia filtration with the presence of a concentration cx the
2.3. Daphnia magna filtration capacity chemical × studied (x = NH4+, NO2−, NO3− or PO43−). Therefore, cases
with lower Daphnia filtration rates under a certain concentration of a
The spirulina particle size distribution in each beaker was measured chemical compared to filtrations without chemical (F(cx) b F(0)),
with the Lisst-100× particle size analyser (Sequoia Inc.). The Lisst-100× would result in inactivation values (INACT) N1. In such conditions,
consists of a laser beam and an array of detector rings of progressive di- the presence of a chemical incapacitates Daphnia filtration. In contrast,
ameters which allow the light received at the scattering angles of the cases with INACT = 0 mean that the presence of the
beam to be analysed. The device measures particle volume concentra- chemical does not produce any effect on Daphnia filtration and
tions for 32 size-classes, (logarithmically distributed in the size range therefore F(cx) = F(0).
of 2.5–500 μm), using a procedure based on the diffraction theory of
light. The Lisst-100× has been found to perform well when determining 3. Results
particle size distribution and concentration for both organic (Serra et al.,
2001) and inorganic particles (Serra et al., 2002a, 2002b) in water sus- The ratio between the suspended spirulina concentration measured
pension. Since Daphnia feed on particles b30 μm in diameter, the vol- at t = 4 h and the spirulina concentration obtained at t = 0 h was plot-
ume concentration of particles within the range of 2.5 to 30 μm was ted versus the chemical dosage for each chemical concentration tested
calculated and used as a proxy to evaluate particle removal. Cladocera and for the measurement days i.e., days 1, 2, 4 and 7 (Fig. 1). The ratio
are known to ingest organic particles when their size overlaps the c/c0 measured during the first four hours of exposure to the chemical
sizes of the organic particles they feed on (Arruda et al., 1983; Gliwicz, on day 1 remains nearly constant with the chemical dosage for all the
1990). chemicals tested. However, c/c0 increases with the chemical dosage
Since the decrease in particle concentration is expected to be expo- for both NH4+ (Fig. 1a) and NO2− (Fig. 2b) on day 2 of exposure and
nential (Pau et al., 2013; Serra and Colomer, 2016), the characteristic also increases with the time of exposure from days 2 to 7 at each chem-
time t at which c/c0 decreased in e−1 = 0.37 was considered as the char- ical dosage. At CNH4+ = 40 mgN-NH4+ L−1 and after 7 days of exposure,
acteristic time for all the experiments. This time was approximately 4 h c/c0 reaches the c/c0 obtained for the control experiment without Daph-
of treatment. Therefore, c/c0 was calculated in all the experiments. From nia (Fig. 1a). For the NO2− tests, at cNO2− = 10 mgN-NO2− L−1 and on day
this ratio, the filtration rate could be determined afterwards. The tests 7, c/c0 attains the c/c0 for the control experiment without Daphnia
lasted for one week. Daphnia filtration measurements were carried out (Fig. 1b). The ratio c/c0 does not present any variation at all,
on four of the seven days (days 1, 2, 4 and 7) that the experiment lasted i.e., neither with the chemical dosage nor with time of exposure to the
to estimate the evolution of Daphnia filtration under each chemical dos- chemicals NO3− and PO43− (Fig. 1c and d, respectively), and remains at
age. On each measurement day, the water was renewed with the same the same ratio as the control experiment without chemicals.
initial chemical dosage and spirulina concentration and filtration rates The ratio between c/c0 for the experiments with ammonium to that
were determined. For this purpose, a new set of beakers with the of c/c0 in the absence of ammonium has been calculated and it is ex-
same chemical dosages and the same initial spirulina concentrations pected to follow a power function of the chemical concentration (cN-
were prepared. Daphnia individuals were collected with a mesh from NH4+, Fig. 1) as,

the old beaker to the new one.  

Daphnia mortality was also determined by counting the number of c0 with chemical e−kChem t 0
  ¼ ¼ ek t ¼ acbN−NH4þ ; ð2Þ
dead Daphnia on days 2, 4 and 7 for each chemical dosage. The results c e−kt
obtained for Daphnia mortality and Daphnia filtration rates are the c0 without chemical

mean of the results obtained from the three replicates carried out for
each chemical dosage. where a = 1 is a constant and the exponent b will vary with the expo-
sure time Texp through a power function of the time as
2.4. Daphnia magna trails and Daphnia magna speed
b ¼ eT dexp : ð3Þ
The velocity of Daphnia individuals was analysed by videotaping
their movements. The camera recorded 25 frames per second and, for From Eqs. (2) and (3), k′ can be solved as a function of both the
each case, the Daphnia trails were recorded for 1 min, thus resulting in chemical concentration cN-NH4 and the exposure time Texp, resulting in:
a total of 1500 frames. These frames were analysed with ImageJ soft-
ware using the mTrack plug-in following Moison et al. (2012) and Pan 0 eT dexp
k ¼ ln ðcN−NH4þ Þ; ð4Þ
et al. (2017). Ten Daphnia individuals were considered in each case t
334 T. Serra et al. / Science of the Total Environment 656 (2019) 331–337

− −
Fig. 1. Ratio c/c0 versus the chemical dosage (c in ppm) and with exposure time for the experiments with N-NH+ 3−
4 (a), N-NO2 (b), N-NO3 (c) and P-PO4 (d). The horizontal dashed line
represents the ratio c/c0 for the control experiments without Daphnia.

where e and d are constants that will depend on the chemical. For the Considering a case where the ratio (c/c0)with chemical/(c/c0)without chemical
case of N-NH4+, e = 0.003 and d = 0.540. Therefore, it is possible to = 1.20, i.e., the (c/c0)with chemicals is 20% greater than (c/c0)without chemicals, k′
write = ln(1.20)/t (from Eq. (2)), where t = 4 h. This 20% increase in c/c0
corresponds to c/c0 = 0.54 of spirulina, which is equal to that obtained
 0 1=d only by sedimentation, i.e., no spirulina particles were ingested by Daphnia.
T exp ¼ ð5Þ In such case, the values of cxmax, Texpmax that inhibit completely the Daphnia
e ln cN−NH4þ
filtration will follow:
ln 1:20
T max
exp ¼ : ð6Þ
e ln cN−NH4þ

Therefore, the conditions (cN-NH4+max, Texpmax) that fall above

the curved line in Fig. 2 will inhibit Daphnia filtration. The same calcula-
tion was carried out for the experiments with nitrite, where e = 0.008
and d = 0.385. For the case of ammonium and nitrite Texpmax versus
cxmax are presented in Fig. 2. For cxmax below 14 ppm of contaminant,
the maximum exposure time for ammonium falls below that of nitrite,
indicating that ammonium has a greater effect on Daphnia ingestion.
However, for concentrations above 14 ppm, nitrite has a greater effect
than ammonium on Daphnia ingestion. These results might indicate
which of these contaminants limit the Daphnia filtration. However,
more experiments should be done to exactly assess whether a combina-
tion of these chemicals would enhance the inhibition effect of Daphnia
filtration compared with the experiments here presented.
The inactivation (INACT) for each concentration and with time was
calculated from Eq. (1) and plotted in Fig. 4. INACT increased with
the chemical dosage and with the exposure time for both N-NH4+ and
N-NO2− (Fig. 3a and b). For these cases, INACT was above 0 during the
first day of exposure and was above 1 in the second day. For the
chemicals N-NO3− and P-PO43−, the inactivation was 0, in accordance
with the fact that c/c0 remained unaltered with the presence of these
chemicals and with the time of exposure (Fig. 1c and d, respectively).
The ratio between Daphnia swimming velocity for each chemical
Fig. 2. Texpmax (in days) versus cmax
x (in ppm) for both ammonium (N-NH+
4 ) and nitrite
dosage cx (for x = NH4+, NO2−, NO3− and PO43−) and the swimming ve-
(N-NO− 2 ). locity for the control experiment without the presence of chemicals
T. Serra et al. / Science of the Total Environment 656 (2019) 331–337 335

Fig. 3. Inactivation INACT calculated from Eq. (1) versus the chemical dosage c (in ppm) and with exposure time (in days) for N-NH+ 4 (a) and N-NO2 (b). The dashed line corresponds to

the evolution on INACT with c after 7 days of exposure to N-NH+ 4 and N-NO2 . The dotted horizontal lines show the position of a 50% of inactivation (INACT50) after 7 days of exposure to N-
− −
NH+ +
4 and N-NO2 and the vertical dotted lines the concentration of N-NH4 and N-NO2 at INACT50.

vDPh(cx)/vDph(0) was calculated (see Fig. 4 for each chemical). vDPh(cx)/ the NO3− and PO43− chemicals, neither in terms of chemical dosage nor
vDph(0) decreased with the dosage and the time of exposure for both exposure time (data not shown).
NH4+ and NO2− (Fig. 4a and b, respectively). vDPh(cx)/vDph(0) remained
constant with the chemical dosage and exposure time for the tests 4. Discussion
with NO3− (Fig. 4c). For PO43−, the ratio vDPh(cx)/vDph(0) showed a slight
decrease for cPO43−= 30 mgN-NO3− L−1, whereas for cPO43− N 30 mgN- By exposing Daphnia magna to the presence of chemicals commonly
NO3− L−1 the decrease was greater, especially at exposure times after found in wastewater treatment plants (NH4+, NO2−, NO3− and PO43−),
day 4 (Fig. 4d). their filtering capacity, swimming velocity and their mortality rates
Daphnia mortality increased for all the NH4+ dosages studied and have been found to be differentially affected.
with the exposure time (Fig. 5a). For the experiments carried out with The continued exposure of Daphnia to ammonium and nitrite in-
NO2−, no mortality was observed for the lowest NO2− dosage studied creased the inactivation of Daphnia filtration. After one day of exposure
i.e., 1 mgN-NO2− L−1 (Fig. 5b). For NO2− dosages above 2 mgN- the inactivation in Daphnia filtration was minimal, but this increased
NO2− L−1, mortality increased gradually with the NO2− dosage and with the exposure time to ammonium and nitrite. That is, levels of am-
with the exposure time. Greater mortality rates were obtained for the monium above 35 mgN-NH4+ L−1 inhibited Daphnia filtration by 0.4
highest dosages tested with NH4+ than for those tested with NO2− after 7 days of exposure, i.e., an 80% reduction in Daphnia filtration com-
(Fig. 5a and b, respectively). No mortality was observed for the case of pared to the case without the presence of NH4+. Although there are no

Fig. 4. Ratio vDPh(c)/vDPh(0) versus the chemical dosage c and with exposure time for N-NH− − − 3−
4 (a) and N-NO2 (b), N-NO3 (c) and P-PO4 (d).
336 T. Serra et al. / Science of the Total Environment 656 (2019) 331–337

Fig. 5. Mortality versus the chemical dosage c (in ppm) for different exposure times (in days) for N-NH− −
4 (a) and N-NO2 (b).

studies reporting the effect of Daphnia inhibition due to the presence of swimming velocity also remained unaltered. Daphnia filtering and mor-
ammonium (NH4+), there are some that present Daphnia filtering inhi- tality rates were also unaltered when exposed to phosphate concentra-
bition due to the presence of ammonia (NH3). The concentration of am- tions in the range from 0 to 50 mgP-PO43− L−1 and compared with the
monia at a certain ammonium concentration was calculated following non-exposed Daphnia. However, their swimming velocity for P-PO43−
the methodology explained by Anthonisen et al. (1976). In our study, concentrations of 50 mgP-PO43− L−1 after 7 days of exposure, decreased
the concentration of 35 mgN-NH4+ L−1 at pH = 7.5 and a temperature by 40% compared to that of the non-exposed Daphnia. Currier and Elser
of 20 °C represents the presence of ammonia (N-NH3) with a concentra- (2017) exposed Daphnia to high PO43− and found that after a period of
tion of 0.3 mgN-NH3 L−1. In this case, the results for Daphnia inhibition one month the Daphnia exposed to high phosphate concentrations
are similar to those of Norgaard and Roslev (2016) who found that am- had lower growth and feeding rates than those found for Daphnia ex-
monia concentrations above 0.81 mgN-NH3 L−1 had an inhibitory effect posed to low PO43−concentrations or those not exposed to PO43−.
on the E. coli removal by Daphnia. From Norgaard and Roslev (2016) Therefore, in the present study, the swimming velocity seems to be
work, such ammonia concentrations produced a 70% inhibitory effect the most sensitive parameter and clearly makes the effect high phos-
on the Daphnia filtering rate, which is close to the 80% found in this phate concentrations have on Daphnia evident. This result is in accor-
present study. Furthermore, in the present study, Daphnia mortality dance with Bownik (2017) who stated that Daphnia mobility is a
for N-NH4+ above 35 mgN-NH4+ L−1 and after 7 days of exposure in- sensitive biomarker affected by various substances. Longer exposure
creased up to 14% and swimming velocities 50% below those for Daph- times at these PO43− concentrations are expected to deviate from
nia individuals not exposed to N-NH4+. Whether the inhibition of those for non-exposed Daphnia.
Daphnia is caused by ammonium or ammonia ionic form would require
further studies at different pHs and a molecular level. In addition, the
crimson color of those Daphnia individuals under high ammonium 5. Conclusions
and high nitrite concentrations faded with time, reaching a white/trans-
parent color at the end of the experiment. The change in their color can Therefore, the use of a tertiary based technology based on Daphnia
be attributed to the impossibility to synthetize haemoglobin, suggesting magna zooremediation might not produce satisfactory results for efflu-
the malfunctioning of important physiological functions (Seidl et al., ents rich in ammonium or nitrites (N35 mgN-NH4+ L−1 and N5 mgN-
2005). Nevertheless, from the engineering point of view the concentra- NO2− L−1, respectively) when they are exposed to such contaminants
tion of 35 mgN-NH4+ L−1 at a neutral pH (7.5) would mean a warning for periods longer than 1 day. However, treated wastewater from a sec-
signal for Daphnia reactor operation. The Daphnia magna inactivation ondary wastewater treatment plant might not have such elevated con-
above a 50% (INACT50) after 7 days of exposure to NH4+ and NO2− can centrations of ammonium and nitrite and, in this case the performance
be calculated (Fig. 4a and b). INACT50 was reached after 7 days of expo- of a treatment based on Daphnia would not be expected to alter. There-
sure to concentrations of N-NH4+ above 40 ppm and N-NO2− above fore, the use of Daphnia as a tertiary treatment can be suitable provided
5 ppm. the levels of the N-NH4+ and N-NO2− remain below 35 and 5 mg/ L, re-
The presence of nitrite above 5 mgN-NO2− L−1 reduced the filtering spectively. In addition, short temporal exposures of one day to these
rate of Daphnia after 7 days to c/c0 = 0.51, representing a 13% reduction contaminants might be overcome by the Daphnia population. Nitrate
compared with the case without the presence of nitrite. In such condi- was not found to produce changes in Daphnia behaviour over the
tions, mortality after 7 days of exposure was 6%. This mortality coincides range of nitrate concentrations studied or during the exposure time
with the 7% found by Xiang et al. (2011) for Daphnia after an exposure of considered. Phosphate did not produce any change in Daphnia mortality
N-NO2− for 21 days in the same nitrite concentrations. In addition, for or their filtering rates either. However, the longest exposure time stud-
Daphnia exposed to N-NO2− concentrations of 5 mgN-NO2− L−1 and ied at the highest phosphate concentrations was found to produce a de-
with exposure times of 7 days, swimming velocities were reduced by crease in Daphnia swimming velocities. This indicates that longer
30% compared to those found for Daphnia non-exposed to the N-NO2− exposure times to such conditions might cause changes in Daphnia be-
chemical. This percentage is lower than the percentage in Daphnia mor- haviour. Therefore, a natural-based tertiary treatment based on Daphnia
tality for the same experiments (with a maximum of a 16% after 7 days could be used based on their activity behaviour under the expected
of exposure). This result indicates that the presence of the chemical af- chemical composition range.
fects Daphnia and that longer exposure times above 7 days might pro- This study presents an evaluation of the Daphnia filtration, swim-
duce greater mortalities. ming and mortality under ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate
Daphnia exposed to the range of nitrate concentrations (N-NO3−) separately. The effect of the combination of these chemicals and other
tested were not found to present greater mortality or lower filtering compounds typical from wastewater treatment plants remains still un-
rates than those for the non-exposed Daphnia. In addition, their known and can be the aim of a future study.
T. Serra et al. / Science of the Total Environment 656 (2019) 331–337 337

Acknowledgements Moison, M., Schmitt, F.C., Souissi, S., 2012. Effect of temperature on Temora longicornis
swimming behaviour: illustration of seasonal effects in a temperate ecosystem.
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This work was supported by the University of Girona funding Norgaard, L.S., Roslev, P., 2016. Effects of ammonia and density on filtering of commensal
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