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Golem and Empire

Created by Caleb Hutchins

A 5E campaign suitable for
beginning players and
beginning Dungeon Masters

Cover image and photo by Caleb Hutchins


About this campaign

This campaign originally started as a simple one-shot, “A Golem Comes to Town.” I designed it as a father who hadn’t
DM’d a game in twenty-odd years, for my son and a group of his pre-teen friends, who had never played D&D but were
curious about it after seeing it referenced in certain pieces of popular media. I took a bit of inspiration from Isaac
Asimov’s Robot books, a bit of flavor and tone from Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books, some elements from the works
of Hayao Miyazaki, a bit of wish fulfillment for my son, and subconscious influences too numerous to count.

Those kids instantly fell in love with Teacup the Iron Golem, and begged to continue the adventure. I gradually fleshed
out a larger story in which to fit Teacup. I had some rough ideas of where the plot could go, but many of the pivot points
came from player decisions made in the session before. I threw out ideas and items and characters without knowing
where they might eventually fit. I’m fairly happy with how most of those parts ultimately worked themselves out.

This ended up being a relatively linear story, due to their inexperience roleplaying and my own inexperience dungeon
mastering. I understand that this sort of D&D is often disparaged as being “on rails.” If you don’t care for that kind of
experience, then this campaign is probably not for you. Still, you might find some utility in my maps, items, texts and
interactives that could be adapted to your own world.

When organizing and designing this document, I realized that it was as much a diary of my own learning curve as it was a
campaign. I had a number of spots in some sessions where I had vague notes like “road encounter goes here??” and
“encourage some roleplay here!” There are also a few plot threads that are teased early but not followed up on, the roads
not taken by my players, and thus not fully fleshed out. I’ve left some of these spots largely untouched for now, though I
may go back and fill some of them out in the future. I’ve also added some suggestions that I wish I had known when I first
started building this campaign. I hope that some people will find them helpful.

I also greatly enjoyed creating tangible experiences during this campaign. Scraps of paper. Parchment maps. Simple
puzzles made of cardboard and plastic. Invisible ink messages. Where appropriate, I’ve added notes and about these
projects and pictures of my own amateur arts and crafts. Perhaps these will inspire you to take some creative risks of your

I’ve done my best to retcon and reconcile any inconsistencies that cropped up over the course of building and playing this
campaign, but some may still be hiding. Since this is being hosted as a Google Doc, it exists as a living document and I
plan on making corrections and additions over time.

I love receiving constructive feedback and hearing from others who have used my work, so I hope that you’ll share your
thoughts with me at You can also find me on Reddit at
I don’t share these adventures to make a profit, but if you’d like to buy me a coffee it would make my day. You could do so
at my PayPal Donation page.

This document is being released under a Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial 4.0 license. You’re free to use
this content, copy and share it in other mediums or formats, and remix, transform, and build upon the material, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author, and do not use the material for commercial purposes. This work uses
material from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Chapter 1: A Golem Comes to Town

In this session a mysterious Iron Golem will arrive in town and cause fear and concern. It was created centuries ago by a
particularly eccentric and absent-minded wizard. The wizard died years ago, and the golem continued following its
peculiar set of instructions and commands until something short-circuited its program. Now it has come to town to
seek… something. Through deduction and questioning, the party can gradually discover what the Golem is after, and
help it fulfill — or break free from — its programming.
The second small sign looks like it was added more
The Gilded Unicorn recently, and says “Kezal Faz Etanrik.”

If anyone in the party speaks Dwarven, they can read:

It’s not the biggest public house you’ve ever seen,
“Mountain Kin Welcome.”
but in these rough lands it’s the largest building for
many miles around. It’s two storeys tall. The ground
level is built out of large, unusual pale stone blocks.
The Metal Monster

An Investigation or Perception DC 10 will show that the

As the largest (and only) tavern in Oakheart, the
stones are big chunks of carved marble that have been
Unicorn has been your temporary base of operations
re-used from some earlier construction.
since you arrived. The innkeeper is cleaning some
mugs behind the bar, while a handful of locals and
On a further Investigation or History DC 16, you can
travelers eat, drink, and chat quietly. It’s still early
notice some ancient carved decorations still faintly
morning, and you can hear the gentle bustle of
visible on a few of the marble blocks. They seem to
townsfolk going about their day outside.
depict a crowd kneeling before a figure on a throne, but
any further details have been weathered away.
You’re finishing your breakfast when the City
Constable — Oakheart’s only professional law
The second storey is built of heavy oak timber, no enforcement — bursts through the door. Constable
doubt harvested from the vast forest outside the city Fredricks is a bit pear-shaped, and has a big bushy
walls. The second storey is painted bright blue, and mustache. He spends most of his time retrieving lost
the roof is sharply pitched and tiled in gray slate. chickens and opening the city gates each day, but
right now he looks nervous and harried. He lays eyes
Hanging above the front door is a large wooden sign on your party.
with a carving of a unicorn, decorated in gold leaf.
Below the carving are letters, also in gold, spelling “You! Adventurers! We have a problem… a big problem.
out “The Gilded Unicorn.” Large-ish. In size. I could use some assistance, and after
that business with the werewolves last month, I think
Two smaller planks of wood are attached by chains maybe your skillset could help.”
to the larger sign.
Constable Fredricks is a bit of a coward and a bumbler,
The first smaller sign is old and weathered, and says but he’s not evil or corrupt, and he’s very proud of his
“Aetarra Uldan Vi Ion Alhaive.” job. If players try to ask questions, Constable Fredricks
just sputters and stutters and says something like
If anyone in the party speaks Elvish, they can read: “I think you should see for yourself.”
“Welcome Children Of The Forest.” If the party agrees to follow him…

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


broken any laws yet. Maybe you can get rid of it before it
Map of the town of Oakheart
causes a panic?”

You follow Constable Fredricks out of the Unicorn Give the party some time to think about the situation,
and onto the street. You can already hear a ask questions, and investigate the scene more closely. If
commotion building to the north, toward the center the party tries to get a closer look:
of town.

You arrive at the town square, where the south road The cart that the [creature/golem] seems interested
and the east road meet. The town square is paved in in is an enclosed wagon, painted blue and purple,
stone. To the north is City Hall and a bubbling with a serving window open on one end. A
fountain. To the west is the road leading down to the hand-painted sign over the window reads, “Burget’s
docks. Scattered around the square are stalls, carts, Finest Tea, Packaged for Home or Brewed While You
and wagons of merchants selling snacks and Wait!” in Common, written in an oddly shaped script.
An Investigation or Insight DC 10 will notice that the
A crowd has started forming at a safe distance, and writing is angular and full of sharp corners. A roll of 15
people can be seen peeking from the windows and or higher (or a Dwarf in the party) will hint it was most
doors of nearby buildings. Their attention is on an likely painted by a Dwarven hand.
imposing figure standing in the square. It towers
over the mostly human crowd, ten feet tall at least.
It’s roughly humanoid, and appears to be made Hanging from the window is a basket filled with
entirely of metal. scraps of paper. Each piece of paper has a number
written on it. Next to the basket is another small,
hand-painted sign. It reads, “Please take a number and
An Arcana DC 13 shows that it is an Iron Golem. Iron wait to be called.”
Golems are created by powerful wizards to serve as
servants or guards. They are extremely strong, and The [creature/golem] carefully puts two enormous
resistant to most forms of damage. They are usually metal fingers in the basket, and retrieves a slip of
imbued with a set of instructions by their creator, which paper.
they will follow unerringly. If no one can pass the check,
just refer to it as “the metal creature” for now.
If the party tries to attack the golem, their attacks are
completely ineffective. Any attack, or other attempt to
The [golem/creature] is looming over a merchant’s interfere with the golem will prompt:
wagon. The owner of the wagon is nowhere to be
seen. The wagon has a thatched roof and is painted
The [golem/creature’s] slowly turns to face you. Now
blue and purple, with a serving window in the side.
that you’ve gotten closer, you notice that its armor
A sign hangs over the window, but you’re too far
plating is decorated in blue enamel with white
away to make it out. Constable Fredricks catches up
filigree designs. It has no visible mouth, but a sound
to you, huffing and puffing.
emanates from its expressionless head. A deep,
metallic rumble, like a cross between a pipe organ
“This… this… THING came up the east road out of the
and an earthquake.
forest, stomped right through the East Gate, and stopped
here in the town square! I would’ve pulled out my sword
and given it what-for, but err… well, I’m not sure that it’s

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Talking to Teacup Teacup was created to assist Egdod, but the wizard was a
bit absentminded and only ever gave Teacup a single job.
If the party tries to talk to the golem, begin a
conversation. The golem has a secret set of rules Teacup is not allowed to talk about its job, because doing
programmed into it by its creator. It will answer so would break Rule Two.
questions truthfully, as long as the answer would not
violate any of its rules. The rules are as follows, in Teacup’s maker grew tired of arguing with it about the
descending order of importance: Rules he created, and added Rule Two 84,751 cups ago.

Teacup has taken a ticket, and is waiting for its number to

Each Rule must be followed, unless doing
1 be called.
so would contradict a more important Rule.
I must not discuss, describe, or explain any of my Rules Teacup must acquire some tea.
2 with the exception of Rules 2 and 1, unless someone
else refers to that rule first. Prior to today, Teacup was able to harvest its own tea
[Secret] I must make a cup of tea every morning, and leaves from a garden of tea bushes. Teacup took care of
deliver it to Egdod’s study. the garden to the best of its ability.
[Secret] I must not intentionally harm any
4 Due to an infestation of pests, the tea shrubs have been
living creature.
[Secret] I must not intentionally damage any eaten bare. Teacup cannot handle the pests on its own.
5 (Because of Rule 4)
constructed object.
[Secret] I may take initiative outside of my Rules in
6 Teacup does not know what the pests are, it has not been
order to be helpful.
trained in entomology.
The following are notes to guide the conversation. Try Teacup lives in Egdod’s tower, to the south-east. It
not to reveal all of these details right away, unless the followed a narrow path north until it reached the eastern
players deduce them through questioning. trade road, then followed the road until it reached
Teacup speaks slowly and precisely, and will tend to
take everything very literally. Many players love this
section, so take your time and have fun with it! Ultimately, the adventurers need to deduce that
Teacup needs to acquire some tea, and then return with
it to Egdod’s tower. It will not leave Oakheart until it has
The creature is an Iron Golem named Teacup.
acquired a bag of tea leaves. The most lawful solution is
to find the owner of the tea cart, Burget.
Teacup does not have a gender identity, and prefers to be
referred to as it/its/itself.
Burget is a red haired dwarf woman who fled when
Teacup marks time in daily “cups,” because that’s the only Teacup started approaching her cart. She’s hiding in the
measure of time relevant to its programming. Teacup crowd, and won’t immediately reveal herself.
was created 167,942 cups ago. (About 460 years)
The party could search for a Dwarf in the crowd, the
Teacup was created by a powerful Wizard, Egdod The town is mostly inhabited by humans. They could ask
Wise. No one else called him The Wise, that was Egdod’s Constable Fredricks for help, he can identify residents
self-appointed title. from visiting merchants. Or let them improvise a
different solution. If found, Burget will hesitantly agree
Egdod rarely leaves his tower, and rarely has visitors. The to sell you a bag of tea for 5 silver, or your party could try
last visitor was 50,306 cups ago. (About 138 years) to convince or intimidate her into giving it for free.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Alternatively the party could try to steal some tea from objects (Rule 5), but can assist in other ways if asked
the cart, but make it clear that Constable Fredricks is (Rule 6). It could clear a road obstruction, push a cart,
watching closely and will not tolerate any lawbreaking. block arrows, carry a body, serve as a distraction, stomp
Perhaps the players could distract him or use stealth? out a fire, etc. Encountered monsters might try to
attack Teacup, but should quickly turn their attention
One way or another, if the party acquires some tea and to the players.
gives it to Teacup, it will thank them.
After the encounter the party can take a Short Rest if
needed. Teacup will be willing to wait for them for an
hour, but then will insist on continuing in order to get
APPRECIATED. THIS BAG OF TEA SHOULD back to Egdod’s tower before sunset, and will continue
LAST FOR FOUR OR FIVE CUPS, THEN I SHALL on with or without them.

The party continues east for a while longer without

Teacup turns without another word and begins
incident until Teacup stops without warning in the
walking east. Its movements are slow and deliberate,
middle of the road. It turns to the south, where you
but its legs are long and it covers ground quickly.
see nothing but thick forest. It makes a sound, deep
and metallic, oddly musical.
If the party doesn’t follow Teacup or offer help right
away, Constable Fredricks can intervene and say: “What The trees and underbrush in front of Teacup
did it say? Does that mean it’ll be back in four or five days? shimmers and fades, revealing a cobblestone path
No no, that won’t do, can’t have it! You’ve got to find a more leading south off of the road. The path is completely
permanent solution, I can’t have that thing stomping clean and strangely smooth and polished, without a
through town every week causing a riot just because it needs piece of grass or speck of dust.
to buy groceries!”

If asked, Teacup will reluctantly admit that it has been

Traveling with Teacup sweeping the path for the last 51,140 cups (about 140
years). It is slightly embarrassed, as this was not a task
ordered by Egdod. It will not immediately elaborate
If the party offers to help deal with the garden
(Rule 6) unless players question it further.
infestation, or if they just follow at a distance, Teacup
will lead the party to Egdod’s Tower in the southern
forest. It will walk along the east road for about five Garden Infestation
hours, then will turn south to a magically hidden path.

A map of Oakheart Frontier. You follow the cobblestone path into the woods. The
tree canopy looms over the path like a soft green
The walk from Oakheart to Egdod’s Tower takes about tunnel. The air is still and thick, and you hear the
six in-game hours. Feel free to add one or more road faint buzzing of insects.
encounters along the way, depending on how long
you’d like the session to last. An easy addition here After walking for about twenty minutes, the canopy
would be an adapted version of the classic Goblin begins to open up and you approach a clearing.
Arrows ambush from Lost Mines of Phandelver. Or Flowers and small bushes line the sides of the path,
choose or build another encounter of your preference! sparsely and randomly at first, but then becoming
Remember that Teacup will not attack any living regular, and showing signs of cultivation. You realize
creatures (Rule 4), and will not break any constructed that you’re entering a carefully maintained garden.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


A Stealth DC 15 would allow a character to sneak past

At the far end of the garden you can see a stone
the moths by going around the west side of the
tower with a slate roof rising into the air. It’s about
six stories tall and overgrown with vines. There is a
stone balcony jutting from the top floor of the tower.
If the party wants to make use of the bell on Egdod’s
On the balcony you can just see the glinting of
tower, they could strike it with an arrow or a thrown
something metal, reflecting the rays of the setting
object (70 feet from the north edge of the garden map,
30 feet from the path’s bottleneck) (Athletics DC 11),

Map of Egdod’s Garden A rogue could sneak into the tower by picking the lock
on the front door. If so, describe the ground floor of the
Teacup will stop here for a moment, so that the party
tower (see below). Up the stairs is a balcony leading out
can scout out the scene. A Perception DC 11 check on the
to the bell, but the door to the study is magically locked
tower will reveal that the balcony holds a high wooden
and cannot be picked.
stool, a telescope, and a shiny brass bell hanging from a
wooden frame.
If attacked, a moth will flap its wings and fly upwards 15
feet. If it swoops down to attack a grounded target, it
As you approach the tower, you hear a dry rustling will be vulnerable to melee attacks for one turn before
sound. It’s the fluttering of giant wings. Five Giant flying out of reach again. If it takes more than 50%
Moths are milling around near the east side of the damage, it will come down to the ground and won’t be
fountain in the center of the garden. They are able to fly again.
gathered around a bush, plucking off the few
remaining leaves with their long, insectile tongues. After dealing with the moths one way or another,
It’s a tea leaf plant, and it’s nearly bare. You can see Teacup will walk toward the tower and head inside
other bushes planted around the fountain, all picked without another word. Do you follow?
completely clean, down to the stems and sticks.

Teacup rumbles, “THIS IS WHY I WAS FORCED


The moths don’t immediately notice your presence,

they are so engrossed in feeding. The party can choose
to fight the moths head on, or plan a more elaborate

A wisdom, intelligence, nature, or animal handling

DC10 would remind the party that giant moths are
blind, but use echolocation to sense their environment.

They can be distracted by loud noises, and if you

manage to deafen one it will act as if blinded.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,



Teacup stoops down and gently fits its bulk through
the doorway. The space is an open circular room, 3,820 CUPS AGO I CAME UP THE STAIRS TO
with stone walls and a 12-foot-high timber ceiling.
There is a spiral staircase set in the wall farthest
from the door. Along one quarter of the wall you see
a rustic kitchen with a water spigot, a coal stove, an
iron kettle, and cupboards that stretch from the floor FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS I CONTINUED TO
to the ceiling. The cupboards are mostly empty, but a FOLLOW MY RULES, UNTIL THE TEA LEAVES
few shelves are stacked with tiny porcelain cups. WERE GONE. UNTIL NOTHING WAS LEFT BUT
Teacup busies itself boiling water in the kettle, adds
the leaves, and gently takes a cup from the
Once the tea is ready, it pours the steaming, fragrant ENOUGH TEA TO CONTINUE MY WORK WHILE
liquid into the cup. Holding the cup’s tiny handle in THE BUSHES RECOVER. PERHAPS ONE DAY
its giant fingers, the iron golem plods up the stairs to EGDOD WILL AGAIN ACCEPT HIS CUP OF TEA.”
the top of the tower. The wooden stairs creak and
bend under Teacup’s immense weight.
The party could try to convince Teacup to free itself
from its obsolete programming. If so, RP this
Upstairs you find a circular room filled with dust,
interaction however you wish. Does Teacup understand
with beams of sunlight streaming in through
that Egdod is dead? How do you explain death to an
cracked and broken windows. Against one wall is a
immortal metal golem? Does the party want to
bed. Surrounding the bed on all sides, stacked in
convince Teacup to join them as an NPC, or encourage it
precarious piles, are hundreds and hundreds of
to do something else? It’s up to the players and you.
teacups, each stained with the dried residue of tea.

Teacup should ask what is to be done with Egdod’s

Laying in the bed is a tiny figure, the skeletal
remains. If the players don’t decide on their own,
remains of a gnome.
Teacup could suggest laying him to rest outside in the
garden’s flower beds.
An Investigation or Medicine DC 10 will show that the
body has been there for at least a decade. You can also provide some loot rewards at this point, in
a chest near Egdod’s bed or on the ground floor. Some
items are described in the next chapter if you want to
use them at this point, or wait until the next session.
Teacup rumbles quietly, its voice like a distant Keep in mind that an Iron Golem has a 16 challenge
thunderstorm. rating, and would be an incredibly powerful NPC ally
for a level 1-3 party. If Teacup stays on as a recurring
“FOR 164,122 OF THOSE CUPS, HE WOULD SIP character, you should maintain its “Don’t harm living
HIS TEA WHILE HE WORKED AND STUDIED creatures” rule, or find other ways to limit its combat

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Creatures Giant Moth

Large Beast, Unaligned

Teacup, Iron Golem Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Large Construct, Lawful Neutral Hit Points 22, Speed 10ft, Fly 30ft

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 200, Speed 20ft 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses Blind, Keen Hearing, Echolocation
24 (+7) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Challenge 1/4 CR
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion,
Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Languages Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish Proboscis Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 piercing damage.
Fire Absorption. Whenever Teacup is subjected to fire
Powdery Wings. Once a day, a 10-foot radius cloud of
damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a
fine moth dust disperses centered on the moth. Each
number of hit points equal to fire damage dealt. creature in that area must succeed on a DC 11
Immutable Form. Teacup is immune to any spell or Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end
effect that would alter its form. of its next turn.
Pacifist. Teacup will refuse to attack any living
creature, or any constructed creature.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 2d8 bludgeoning damage.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Chapter 2: Secrets of Egdod’s Tower

In this session the adventurers will discover that Egdod’s tower was not only the home of an eccentric wizard and his Iron
Golem. It was also a repository for a powerful and dangerous relic, The Eye of Adia. Egdod’s tower was enchanted with
wards and seals to keep it hidden from those who would seek the Eye. When Egdod’s body was removed from the tower,
it broke the last of those wards. Now the remnants of an ancient empire is stirring, and seeks to take back the Eye for
their evil purposes.
The ground floor of the tower is an open circular
Exploring Egdod’s Tower room about 12 meters wide, with stone walls and a
12-foot-high timber ceiling. The floor is mostly stone,
but a colorful circle of glass stones are set into the
Egdod the Wise has been laid to rest. His Iron Golem, floor near the door in a pattern that reminds you of
Teacup, having been freed from its programming, snowflakes. There is a spiral staircase set in the wall
has agreed to join your party for a time, as it decides farthest from the door.
what to do with its existence.
Along one side of the wall is a rustic kitchen with a
With Teacup’s permission, you’ve decided to make water spigot, a coal stove, an iron kettle, and
Egdod’s tower your base of operations, and cupboards that stretch from the floor to the ceiling.
makeshift home. But before you settle in, you need The cupboards are mostly empty, but a few shelves
to explore the tower more carefully. are stacked with porcelain cups.

Along the opposite side of the room is a workshop

Egdod’s Tower consists of a series of circular rooms
area. There is a forge, an anvil, some tools scattered
connected by a spiral staircase.
around, and a rack of weapons and other items.
Unfortunately the weapons are all rusted beyond
Egdod’s Tower Map, Ground Floor
Egdod’s Tower Map, Top Floor
Egdod’s Tower Map, Middle Floors
Detect Magic will reveal that the glass mosaic on the
When the players first find the tower, the ground floor floor contains a built-in automated Detect Evil
and the top floor are seemingly normal, static rooms. (Divination) spell, which will come into play later.
Through investigation and experimentation, the Searching the kitchen area will not reveal any items of
players can discover that the tower is actually a interest, but the water spigot is also enchanted with a
mutable space that can accommodate an unknown permanent Create Water (Transmutation) spell, and
number of floors and rooms, which can change will produce up to 10 gallons of fresh water each day.
contents and configuration for those who understand The workshop area has a forge, an anvil, and a variety of
the magical mechanisms. basic crafting tools.

Egdod’s Tower is an extremely powerful artifact, so The ground floor includes the front door, which is the
think about how you want to integrate it into your story. only entrance/exit to the tower. It contains a kitchen
It can serve as a useful Deus Ex Machina any time a area with an oven, a water spigot, and storage cabinets
campaign gets stuck, but players may find unexpected containing about 100 tiny porcelain cups, but nothing
ways to abuse its power. Feel free to add limiting else of value.
mechanics to it as necessary, but I’ve found that the
unpredictability of the tower is a lot of fun.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


You ascend the spiral staircase and enter Egdod’s The Map
former study, and are shocked to see a very different
scene from the last time you were here. Previously The map on the table is a Map of the Oakheart Frontier.
the room was empty save for stacks of porcelain There are symbols showing settlements and ruins,
cups, a layer of dust, and a small bed holding Egdod’s some of which are labeled.
mortal remains. But now it’s been transformed. The
bed is gone, as are the cups. In its place is a fully The map is enchanted with a permanent, unbreakable
furnished study befitting a wizard. Illusory Script. The illusion could be seen through by a
creature with Truesight, or by shining a Lantern of
Revealing on it.
Off to one side of the room you see a large wooden
desk, cluttered with books, scrolls, quills and half-used
If the illusion is broken, a series of
glyphs appear in different
locations on the map: a lidless
To the right side of the desk is a workbench covered
spiked eye.
with a colorful rainbow-like tablecloth. On top of the
table is a small object made of colored glass.
There’s also one
On the other side of the desk is a bookstand holding a
glyph that is different, a stylized
large book open to a half-written page. The letters on
diamond-shaped lantern. Here’s a
the page glow and pulse faintly.
reference map for the glyphs.

On the other side of the room is a wooden table

surrounded by six simple wooden chairs. On the table is
a map.
Arts & Crafts
There is a door leading out to a balcony. On the balcony
I printed the Oakheart Frontier map on textured
is a brass telescope. Next to the door is a wooden chest.
resume paper, and then used an invisible UV ink pen
to draw the glyphs on the map.
Detect Magic will sense Illusion spells from the open
book and from the map laying on the table; and
I also drew a larger version of the diamond glyph on
unknown magic auras from the glass object on the
top of the journal page.
workbench and from inside of the chest.

I kept a UV flashlight hidden in my props box until

The chest is locked (DC 16) and contains:
the party decided to try using the Lantern of
● 400gp
Revealing, then dimmed the lights in the room and
● 1 liter of oil in a jar
handed them the flashlight.
● A Lantern of Revealing
● A set of magical Bone Dice
It made the previously invisible icons instantly
● A Dagger Made of Bone
become visible and shiny. Here's a picture of the
invisible ink map in action.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


The Open Book middle floor and someone tries to remove the disk
representing the floor, they’ll find it solidly attached.

If a disk is placed into an empty slot, the tower will

The book on the bookstand is a thick journal with a
immediately start to rumble and shake for about
blue leather cover. About half of the book is filled
twenty seconds, and anyone inside the tower will feel
with tiny handwriting, but it seems to be written in a
an unnerving sense of stretching. The newly inserted
code or language you can’t understand. The other
disk will glow briefly and then fade to normal. There
pages are blank. However, the last written page is
will now be a new floor within the tower, initially empty
hastily written in Common, and glows and pulses
but potentially equipped in the future with whatever
the party wants to acquire and place there. The exterior
dimensions of the tower won’t change as floors are
See Egdod’s Journal Entry at the end of this chapter. added or removed. The exterior dimensions of the
Egdod’s Journal Entry also has the lantern glyph drawn tower are 20 feet across and 50 feet tall.
in Illusory Script near the words “Night Caravan.”
If the cylinder and box is taken outside of the tower,
The Glass Object and the lid of the box is closed,the tower will instantly
disappear along with everything (and everyone) inside.
Everything will be put into stasis in a pocket dimension,
The glass object on the table is a small cylinder and no time will seem to pass within the tower. If the
about two inches tall and one inch wide, made of box is opened while outside, the tower will reappear
translucent milky glass. Both ends of the cylinder are following Instant Fortress mechanics. If you think
capped with gray glass. There are two slots cut in the allowing creatures to be contained in the tower is too
glass at regular intervals. OP or hackable for your table, feel free to use more
standard Instant Fortress rules.
Next to the cylinder is a wooden box, a cube a little
more than 2 inches in each dimension. The lid of the Give the players some time to explore the study and its
box is inlaid with a silver design, shaped much like items, and experiment with the mechanics of Egdod’s
Egdod’s tower. The inside of the box is divided in half Portable Tower.
and lined with soft blue felt. One half is empty, but
looks like it would perfectly hold the glass cylinder. If they decide to leave the tower (or if you decide
The other half holds five glass disks, each a different they’ve had enough time), begin the following
color. They look like they could fit into the empty encounter.
slots on the cylinder.
Deathless Agents
The glass cylinder is a control mechanism for magically
reconfiguring the tower for different purposes. Placing
a disk into one of the slots will cause an entirely new You hear a sound like a low note played from a glass
room to appear within the tower. As-is, each of the flute. It’s coming from the cylinder (or box, if they’ve
un-slotted disks create empty rooms. Any equipment, already put it in the box). The cylinder is pulsing an
furniture, inanimate objects or animate creatures angry red.
placed in a room will remain intact and in stasis if the
room disk is removed or repositioned. The disks If any players think to look out from the balcony, skip
representing the top floor study and the ground floor the next box. If they head downstairs to the ground
kitchen are solidly attached to the cylinder and can’t be floor first:
removed or replaced. If the cylinder is currently on a

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Don’t let the players just rely on Teacup to tank the

The glass mosaic on the floor is pulsing with light.
whole battle. Have most of the skeletons try to bypass it
The branch of the snowflake design pointing toward in favor of attacking the players.
the front door has changed to a bright angry red.
If the players get Teacup to block the entrance or a
Outside the tower is Egdod’s garden, where you stairwell, have most of the skeletons climb the exterior
previously fought off an infestation of giant moths, of the tower and attack through the balcony.
and where Egdod’s skeleton is now buried.
A skeleton will take two turns to climb from the ground
to the balcony, and will fall if hit by a ranged attack.
At the far end of the garden, from the forest path, Don’t hesitate to add a second wave of reinforcements
you see movement. Shambling figures are if players and Teacup are doing too well. Be cinematic,
approaching slowly but deliberately. Skeletons in think World War Z, Battle of Helm’s Deep, RRR police
rusted armor and rotting leather. Leading the group station fight.
is a skeleton with a tattered red cape. It stops and
peers at an object in its hand, then points at the If the players try to exploit the Tower’s floor mechanics,
roll with it. Can they trap some skeletons in stasis?
tower and utters words in a language none of you
What if a player or Teacup gets trapped with them? If
understand, its voice cold and dry like the sound of they end up with a glass disk holding a bunch of
dead crinkling leaves. skeletons, what will they do with it? Keep them in stasis
forever? Fight them at their leisure after a rest or after
setting up traps? Egdod’s Portable Tower is likely to
Map of Egdod’s Garden
cause some weird emergent situations, so be prepared
to improvise.
If the players discover the mechanics of Egdod’s Instant
Tower just as the battle begins, you may need to have
Teacup give them a hint to open the box and re-activate Conclusion
the tower. Just put it back where it was and don’t worry
about positioning rules for now.
The Skeleton Captain is carrying a Witching Compass
that guides them toward the Eye of Adia. Rather than
There are three Skeleton Archers, one Deathless
pointing North, the compass will point toward the Eye,
Knight, two Deathless Soldiers, and a Deathless
which is secretly embedded inside of Teacup’s body.
Captain. They will start from the far end of the garden
map, approach the tower, try to gain entry, and attack
If a player picks up the compass, it will point toward
the players.
wherever Teacup is. Describe it only as pointing in a
direction, and let them figure out the situation
Players or Teacup could bar the front door to gain some
through hotter/colder trial and error. Teacup has no
time, but they will attack the door which has 25 HP and
idea that the Eye is inside of it, no idea why it’s there,
an AC of 10.
what it does, or how to remove it.
Players could use ranged attacks from the balcony,
which will give them +2 to AC and +2 to attack against You aren’t sure exactly where these undead
targets on the ground. monsters came from. You don’t know what this Eye
of Adia is. You’re not sure what the exact nature of
Teacup will roll initiative and be present during the
Egdod’s Tower is. You have only one clue to go off of…
battle, but will not initially choose to fight. On its turn it
will ask the players how it can assist, and will follow Find The Night Caravan.
orders within the boundaries of its programming (it
won’t harm living beings or intentionally damage
constructed objects). However, it could be convinced to
attack if reminded that skeletons are not alive and thus
are not covered by Teacup’s rules.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Creatures & Items Deathless Soldier

Medium Undead, Lawful Evil
Skeleton Archer Armor Class 15 (Rusted Armor)
Medium Undead, Lawful Evil Hit Points 20, Speed 10ft
Armor Class 13 (Armor Scraps) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 13, Speed 10ft 16(+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses Passive Perception 10
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) Damage Immunities Poison, Exhaustion
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 9 Damage Resistances Fire
Damage Immunities Poison, Exhaustion Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Damage Resistances Fire
Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning Actions
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Actions target. Hit: 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
Short Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
10ft. to 80ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+2 piercing damage.
Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 Deathless Knight
ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+2 slashing damage. Medium Undead, Lawful Evil

Armor Class 17 (Rusted Plate)

Hit Points 40, Speed 20ft
Deathless Captain
Medium Undead, Lawful Evil STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16(+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
Armor Class 17 (Rusted Splint)
Hit Points 40, Speed 20ft Senses Passive Perception 10
Damage Immunities Poison, Exhaustion
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Resistances Fire
16(+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Senses Passive Perception 12
Damage Immunities Poison, Exhaustion
Damage Resistances Fire Great Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning one target. Hit: 1d12 slashing damage.

Multiattack. Deathless Captain makes two Longsword
attacks each turn.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 1d10+2 slashing damage.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Bone Dice Ancient Bone Dagger

Wondrous item, uncommon, 1lb Magical Cursed Dagger, 1lb
Allows the party to play Gambit during rest periods, Always has Advantage to hit, 1d4 piercing damage.
if desired. Or can be used to play gambling games (This advantage does not automatically trigger a
with NPCs. Rogue’s Sneak Attack.)

The first time the bone dice are used to play Gambit, The first time the Ancient Bone Dagger is used in
and each time after that, after the game each player combat, its owner becomes cursed with attachment
will have “misplaced” one coin of the value they and will be unwilling to let the knife out of their
played with. The coins will magically appear in the possession. Every time the owner takes the knife out
dice bag. of its sheath, they must pass a DC13 Dexterity check
or they will “accidentally” cut themselves and take
A gray cloth bag containing a set of dice, carved of bone 1d4 damage. If they try to keep it unsheathed when
and inlaid with silver. The symbols on the dice are not in combat, they’ll have to make another saving
strange, but it’s still clear what the value each face throw every hour that it’s unsheathed. The dagger’s
represents. curse can not be dispelled by any known means, and
is also undetectable by normal means.

Lantern of Revealing The dagger’s blade is about 6 inches long and slightly
Wondrous item, uncommon, 1lb curved. The blade is made of bone of unknown origin, and
While lit, this hooded lantern burns for 6 hours on 1 engraved with a strange flowing pattern. The handle is
liter of oil, shedding light in a 30-foot radius. made of ebony wood. It’s slightly cold to the touch. It’s
Invisible creatures and objects are visible as long as held in a leather sheath.
they are in the lantern’s light.

Witching Compass
Egdod’s Portable Tower Wondrous item, uncommon, 1lb
Wondrous item, rare, 1lb The compass needle is enchanted to always point
A 2-inch square wooden box, with a silver inlaid image of toward the Eye of Adia. The farther away from the
a stone tower set into the lid. The inside of the box is Eye it is, the more it will twitch back and forth,
divided in half and lined with soft blue felt. One half holds becoming more steady as it gets closer. If the
a cylinder about two inches tall and one inch wide, made compass is directly above or directly below the Eye, it
of translucent milky glass. Both ends of the cylinder are will spin wildly.
capped with gray glass. There are two slots cut in the
glass at regular intervals. The other half of the box holds
five glass disks, each a different color. They look like they This small, round compass fits comfortably in the palm of
could fit into the empty slots on the cylinder. your hand. It’s made of polished brass with a glass face.
Underneath the glass is a needle made of ivory, which
Egdod’s Portable Tower mechanics are described twitches and vibrates. The needle seems to be pointing
above. toward a target, but not North.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Egdod’s Journal Entry

I suggest printing this on textured paper and cutting it out, or even writing it in a real journal!

My time is short.
I made a mistake, and now I pay the price.
I have placed a ward of concealment over the tower,
the garden, and this room.
It will last for as long as my body remains within the
tower. Hopefully my golem will just become dormant
with my death, and the wards will last indefinitely.
but some day, one way or another, it may fail. If that
happens, agents of the Deathless Empire will awaken.
They will come for the Eye of Adia.
My tower, my golem, and the Eye must be protected.
If you’re reading this, the worst has already happened.
The Night Caravan can help.
Take the tower with you.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Chapter 3: The Night Caravan

In this session the players will be introduced to members of The Night Caravan. They’ll learn more about this mysterious
organization, as well as the history of the campaign setting, the Deathless Empire, and the Eye of Adia. Then they’ll be
asked to undertake a dangerous mission for The Night Caravan.

Kiara’s Chapel Inside is an old woman in a light blue robe. Her name is
Mother Godwin, she’s a Cleric of the goddess Kiara and
secretly an agent of the Night Caravan. Godwin has
The party must learn more about the
been using the chapel as a waypoint and staging area
Deathless Empire, the Eye of Adia,
for Caravan operations. She’ll ask the party what their
and why the Empire’s undead agents
business is here, and will play dumb if the players
are after it. The only clue you have is a
mention the Night Caravan, the Eye, or the Deathless
cryptic note saying, “The Night
Empire. She’ll only reveal the truth if a player mentions
Caravan can help,” along with a
Egdod, shows Egdod’s letter, or reveals or draws the
glowing sigil of a diamond-shaped
Lantern sigil. Feel free to follow the script below, or
unravel elements of it gradually through questioning or
The same symbol appears on the map in Egdod’s tower,
marking a clearing in the Reclaimed Forest, northeast
of Oakheart. “Very well,” Mother Godwin says, “You deserve to
hear the truth… or at least as much of it as I can
Assuming the party chooses to head toward that share.”
location on the map, you may want to remind them to
“take the tower with you,” if they haven’t already “You have indeed found the Night Caravan, or at
figured out the nature of Egdod’s Portable Tower. least one of its safe houses. We have a hidden
network of allies and safe houses all across the
You can “Fast travel” to Kiara’s Chapel, or you can add Frontier. The Night Caravan has existed, in one form
your own road encounters along the way to extend the or another, for nearly a thousand years.
session. Perhaps a smaller Deathless Empire patrol that
could be fought or avoided? Long ago, this land was home to a powerful
kingdom. It was a realm of wondrous cities, and tall
white marble towers, and awe inspiring pyramids,
Following the map into the forest takes you to Kiara’s
and its inhabitants were masters of both magic and
Chapel. A clearing in the woods, a simple path
technology. The kingdom had no name, because it
leading up a low hill. A modest building made of
needed no name. It had no rivals or enemies, save for
whitewashed wood, with a pitched roof and a small
entropy and time. It was ruled by a lineage of
belltower. Stained glass windows, each representing
powerful wizards, the last of which was Adia.
a parable or story about lost travelers finding shelter,
slaves being released from bondage, or wanderers
being given aid. In order to power the machinery of her empire for all
eternity, Adia created a mysterious artifact that
If any players cast Detect Magic, they’ll sense a ward of produced endless arcane energy. She called it the Eye
protection around the chapel and surrounding area. of Adia, and it was her greatest creation.
The front door of the chapel is unlocked.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


But the Eye held a fatal flaw, and the energy it “Egdod was known to the Night Caravan, I myself
produced came at a cost. It could power an empire’s met him a handful of times when I was a younger
worth of machinery and magic, but it drained the life woman! He would occasionally provide useful
essence of those who used it. It gave Adia equipment or magical expertise to the Caravan, and
immortality, but corrupted her mind and body, in return we would share knowledge of the
turning her into a Lich. Deathless Empire for his historical research.

To maintain her immortality she drained the life We had no idea he was even seeking to recover the
from her most loyal advisors, generals, and Eye of Adia, let alone that he succeeded! And you
governors, turning them into undead soldiers. She mean to tell me that the Eye is here, inside this
christened her realm the Deathless Empire. And Golem?!
when willing volunteers were depleted, the Empire
began conscripting unwilling sacrifices. This is beyond the realm of my knowledge or ability.
I fear that more remnants of the Deathless Empire
A resistance movement worked to sabotage the will continue to wake up, drawn by the Eye’s power. I
Empire’s corrupted machinery and help doomed couldn’t say for certain what you should do next, but
conscripts escape their fate. They called themselves I can suggest a few possibilities.”
the Night Caravan, and for many years they fought a
losing battle, while the land itself was corrupted and
tainted. Out of desperation, a small team of rebels
infiltrated Adia’s sanctum and stole the Eye. I suggest that you first head to the village of Eastguard.
It’s the closest settlement, and the Night Caravan has a
Without the Eye, the Deathless Empire’s machines safehouse there where you can rest and prepare. There
ground to a halt. Its countless undead minions is also a Human historian that lives in Eastguard, and
collapsed into bones and dust. Adia disappeared, sometimes makes expeditions into the desert. She
never to be seen again. The few living survivors might have some further knowledge of the Empire and
gradually drifted apart and rebuilt their lives. The their secrets.
eastern desert buried some of the Empire’s ruins,
and wild forest reclaimed the rest. The Elven Circle might be able to help. They live a
nomadic lifestyle, replanting trees and trying to heal
We don’t know what happened to Adia, or her Eye. the broken land of the Frontier as they travel. I believe
Descendants of the Night Caravan have continued they currently occupy a camp three days’ travel up the
our work ever since. Fighting corruption, protecting North Road.
the innocent, keeping watch for any signs of the
Empress' return.” The Dwarven Smiths of Akrul could offer advice. They
keep to themselves, living in a mountain fortress to the
North, beyond the crater lake.
Depending on what the players tell or share with
Mother Godwin, you can play up different aspects in There’s a group of archeologists and explorers that
her response and monologue. The overall gist should work in Ruinshore, digging machinery and artifacts out
be: of some Deathless Empire ruins on the south edge of
the crater lake. Perhaps their expertise could help?

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


The party should decide what they want to do next.

They should consult the regional map, and plan out a
Mother Godwin begins to bid you farewell and good
route to their desired location.
luck, then suddenly stops. She looks past you, and
Mother Godwin should encourage them to make
her gaze softens and unfocusses. Suddenly she snaps
Eastguard their first stop, because it’s less than a day’s
back to attention.
march. If the party insists on a different route, you can
adapt the rest of this chapter to have a different
“Something is coming. I sense great evil
destination, but keep the broad strokes of the chapter
approaching, more than I can count. Their attention
is on you,” She points to Teacup. “You must go now.
Move quickly, and don’t look back. Make your way to
Before you leave on the next step in your journey, I Eastguard, be careful who you trust, and don’t speak
must ask you for a favor. If the story you’ve told me is the name of the Night Caravan lightly. Look for the
true, the Night Caravan will have dire need of hidden sign of the Lantern. Find Finn, deliver the
something I have here in the chapel. I need you to package, keep this Golem from harm until you can
deliver a package to a Night Caravan safe house. Our figure out what to do with the Eye. Kiara’s blessing
agent in Eastguard is named Finn. They can give you be upon you. Now run!”
shelter and help you on your way after delivering the
The Chase
Mother Godwin takes the adventurers to a backroom in
As soon as the party sets out, a large group of undead
the chapel, and shows them a coffin made of dark
soldiers — far too many for the party to handle — are
lacquered wood, wrapped in chains. She says that she
going to start chasing them. Any spells or abilities that
can’t tell them what is inside, and asks that they not
detect Evil, Law, Undead, etc. will sense a horde of
attempt to open it.
unnumbered enemies approaching from the forest,
slowly but steadily.
The coffin is extremely heavy, and requires at least
three party members to carry it. Godwin says there’s a
If the players need a further hint, you can describe an
hand wagon currently sitting outside the chapel that
army of skeletal soldiers slowly walking out of the
the party can take if they want.
forest. Time to run!

Detect Magic will sense that something magical is

For this chase sequence, we’ll use a Progress Clock
inside the coffin. If the party gets curious and tries to
adapted from the Blades in the Dark RPG. Show the
open the coffin, they’ll have to pick a lock with a DC of
players two circles, each divided into 12 segments. One
17. If they manage to get it open, you can read the
circle represents the party’s progress to reach their
description found later in this document.
destination, the other circle represents the Deathless

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


You’ll run through a series of checkpoint encounters, encounters to fit your style, party power levels, or to
skill tests, and short battles. Depending on the results increase tension or provide space as needed. Ideally the
of each encounter, you’ll fill in a segment for either the party will end up feeling like they just barely made it to
adventurers or the Deathless, beginning at the safety by the skin of their teeth.
segment marked “Start.”

Whenever you color in a Deathless progress segment Run for it!. 3-minute timer to determine how the
with an Eye sigil, the pursuing army fires off a volley of party will transport the wagon. Two characters
arrows and each party member takes 1d4 unblockable could pull the wagon with a teamup check, the
damage. strongest character makes a Strength DC of 12 with
1 Advantage. Or the party can ask Teacup to pull the
If the adventurers fill their progress clock first, they wagon. It can do so easily, but this will make it more
reach the safety of their destination. difficult for Teacup to assist with other tasks going
forward. Either way, A+1 (fill in an Adventurers
If the Deathless fill their progress clock first, the army segment.)
surrounds the party.
Running through the forest. Navigate rough forest
If a party member is rendered unconscious outside of a terrain, each player makes a Survival or Nature DC
battle, immediately fill in a segment for the Deathless
2 14, their choice. On a group success (if half the party,
while a party healer revives them. rounded up, succeeds on their checks), A+1.
Otherwise, D+1 (fill in a Deathless segment.)
You may want to use a timer for some of the following
encounters, to heighten tension and force quick player
Fallen logs block your path! 3-minute timer to find a
decision making. A phone timer will be fine, but a
3-minute sand timer is a nice tangible option. Feel free
3 solution. Could ask Teacup to move the logs, or a
character could pass an Athletics DC 14, or other
to rearrange, modify, or improvise any of the

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


problem-solving. A+1 if they succeed before the wear it like a backpack, for example.) A+1 if they
timer runs out, A+2 if they figure out a way to hinder succeed before the timer runs out, otherwise:
the army behind them, otherwise D+1. “Sensing the approaching Deathless, Teacup lifts the
coffin out of the useless cart and balances the coffin on Its
Hunters Attack! Two Deathless Hunters burst out of shoulder.” D+1.
the undergrowth, combat encounter. After
4 resolution, A+2, A+1, D+1, or D+2 at your discretion You’ve lost valuable time, improvise! 3-minute
based on battle performance. timer to do something to move faster or slow the
13 enemy’s advance. Spells, traps, distractions, etc.
Ford the river! You must cross a small but swiftly Must be different from their #10 decisions. A+1, +2,
moving stream. The wagon is in danger of being or D+1 at your discretion.
swept away, 3-minute timer to find a solution. Use
ropes? Cast a spell? Chop down a tree? Ask Teacup if Don’t give up! Group Constitution DC 12. Group
it can just pick up the cart and carry it over its head? success, A+1. Group fail, D+1. Repeat any previous
5 A+1 if they succeed before the timer runs out, A+2 if 14 skill checks at your discretion, until the party or the
they figure out a way to hinder the army behind Deathless are within one step of completing the
them, otherwise: “Teacup wordlessly picks up the cart, race.
lifts it over its head, and calmly walks across the river.
The water comes up to Teacup’s knees.” D+1. The final stretch. A Deathless Goliath and a
Deathless Huntbeast block your path, combat
6 You’ve made it to the road! A+1. encounter. After resolution, A+1 or D+1 at your
discretion based on battle performance.
Hard run. Group Constitution DC 11. Group success,
7 A+1. Group fail, D+1.

Harder run. Group Constitution DC 13. Group

8 success, A+1. Group fail, D+1.

Hardest run. Group Constitution DC 15. Group

9 success, A+1. Group fail, D+1.

Round a corner, catch your breath. Three-minute

timer for players to heal, and to plan any sort of
10 distraction, obstruction, trap, etc. If they implement
a plan, A+1 or +2 at your discretion. If they run out of
time before making a decision, D+1.

Try to hide your tracks, Each player makes a Stealth,

11 Survival, or Deception DC 13, their choice. On a
group success , A+1. Otherwise, D+1.

A cart wheel cracks! 3-minute timer to find a

solution. Mending spell? Levation? Try to repair it
12 with available tools? Abandon the cart and carry the
coffin? (Three players could carry it, or Teacup could

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Deathless Hunter If the Deathless fill in their clock before the

Large Undead Beast, Unaligned Adventurers do, read the next segment. Otherwise, skip
to the following segment.
Armor Class 14 (Natural armor)
Hit Points 40, Speed 45ft
You can’t keep up this pace, you are exhausted. You
17(+3) 15 (+2) 13(+1) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 8 (-1)
can see an army of Deathless skeletons round the
Senses Passive Perception 12 corner and continue their relentless, plodding
Damage Immunities Poison, Exhaustion march. There’s no way you can defeat this many, all
Damage Resistances Fire hope is lost.
Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Teacup looks at each of you, and you can literally
Actions hear the faint grinding and clicking of gears turning
Multiattack. Deathless Hunter makes two attacks in its great iron head.
each turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one “MY FRIENDS, I AM AFRAID THAT THIS IS
target. Hit: 1d8+3 piercing damage. WHERE I LEAVE YOU. PLEASE DELIVER YOUR
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one CARGO TO ITS INTENDED DESTINATION,
target. Hit: 2d6 slashing damage. PERHAPS IT WILL BE PUT TO GOOD USE.
Charge. If the hunter moves at least 20ft toward a JOURNEYING WITH YOU HAS BEEN MOST
creature and hits it with a claw attack on the same
turn, the target must succeed a Strength DC 13 saving
throw or be knocked prone. THIS FASHION.”

Deathless Goliath With that, Teacup turns around and walks directly
Large Undead, Lawful Evil toward the skeleton horde. Arrows plink and bounce
off of its iron skin. Soon the golem is surrounded by a
Armor Class 14 (Natural armor) wave of death as skeletons surround it, climb over it,
Hit Points 40, Speed 45ft and engulf it completely.
17(+3) 15 (+2) 13(+1) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) You cry out in horror. Skeleton archers take aim and
begin firing volley after volley of arrows in your
Senses Passive Perception 12 direction, out of range at first but inching closer and
Damage Immunities Poison, Exhaustion closer, until you have no choice but to flee. You drag
Damage Resistances Fire the coffin along with you, limping the final mile to
your destination. After a while the skeletons stop
Actions their pursuit, and you are alone.
True Resistance. Has advantage on saving throws
against any Turn Undead effect. Teacup has been captured, its fate unknown for now.
Regeneration. Regains 10 hp at the start of its turn if it Hopefully someone in the party has the Witching
has at least 1 hp remaining. Compass, and could potentially track Teacup once
Multiattack. Makes two skull mace attacks. they’ve rested and healed of their wounds. This will
require some creative improvisation on your part, good
Skull Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 luck! For now, continue to the next segment, removing
ft., one target. Hit: 2d6+3 bludgeoning damage. any references to Teacup’s presence.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


If the party safely reaches Eastguard:

Success Eastguard City Map
By now the sun has begun to set, and the sky is
darkening. Just when you feel like your legs are The trade roads are each blocked by toll gates, and
going to give out, you turn a corner and see glimmers the guard looks over your party and strange cargo.
of light in the distance. There’s a rough wooden gate
barring the road, and a guardhouse and watchtower “What’s in the box? Can’t allow any cargo, trade
are set with lanterns. Beyond the gate you can see goods, valuables or hazardous materials into town
wisps of chimney smoke, and hear the quiet sounds without an inspection and the approval of the
of a village beginning to close up for the night. It may Mayor.” Then the guard winks at you evilly and says
just be your imagination, but you think you can even “Unless of course you want to pay the… ah…
smell the scent of chicken stew wafting from beyond Expedited Entry Service Fee.”
the gate.

A city guard lifts a hooded lantern toward you The guard will accept a bribe of 10gp to let the party
pass without inspection. Players could also try to trick,
suspiciously and says “Halt! Who approaches
intimidate, distract, etc. to avoid the bribe. The guard
Eastguard?” has +0 bonuses for all skill checks or saving throws. In
the event that the players allow the guard to inspect
the coffin, he’ll find that it’s locked, will confiscate it
If the players try to explain that they’re being chased by
and keep it in the guardhouse for now. Players will have
a horde of undead, the guard peers beyond the party
to problem solve a solution to get it back.
down the road and listens intently, but sees and hears
Eastguard is a dire and dreary looking place. Forest
and hills close in around it, creating a sense of
“Ah yer pullin’ my leg. Nothing out there but deer claustrophobia.
and foxes, maybe the occasional goblin bandit at
worst. You’re tellin’ me that you big strong The buildings have an aura of neglect, and bits of
adventurers and that Iron monster of yours can’t refuse and debris are collecting in the alleyways and
handle the trade road? Hah.” corners. The few villagers on the streets look at you
with suspicion, and quickly move on to avoid
You look behind you, and sure enough there’s interacting. Cruel looking guards lounge around
nothing. No sound, no movement, no sense of evil. It major intersections in pairs and threes, leering at the
seems the agents of the Deathless Empire are not women and scowling at the men.
keen on revealing themselves to the wider world just
yet. In any event, you’ve made it to Eastguard alive. The town square is centered on a fountain, but next
Barely. to it is a hangman’s gallows. Thankfully, it’s currently

You notice some ruined houses on the east edge of

town. They appear to have burned to the foundation
some time ago, and never repaired or rebuilt.

There are a handful of businesses open to travelers, a

smith and a general store, an herbalist and an inn.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


The party needs to find someone named Finn, and the If the party mentions the coffin, Finn will produce a key
secret safe house of the Night Caravan. They could ask that fits the lock perfectly, and unchain the coffin. They
around for them, and/or use the Lantern of Revealing to say that the party has earned some trust after all this,
look for secret Caravan markings.
and then opens the coffin.
If the players ask around, most of the villagers will be
cold and very suspicious. Eastguard is not a friendly Inside the coffin lies an object you can’t identify. The
town. Spending some money at a shop or the tavern largest part of the object is a bundle of seven metal
might loosen some tongues, charm or intimidation
rods, about four feet long, bound tightly together
could work as well. Eventually the players can be
directed to Finn’s shoe shop, one of the buildings at the with metal bands, like the staves of a barrel.
edge of the town square.
The rod in the middle of the bundle is solid and the
If the players try using the Lantern or detect magic or a six rods surrounding it are hollow. They connect to
revealing spell, they wander around town for a while the central rod with an axle, like a small wagon
until they find the Night Caravan’s sigil glowing on the wheel. On the other end of the bundle is a handle
door of the shoe shop. made of wood, and a turning crank like one from a
hand-turned flour mill. There’s a bracket along the
The building is modest, thin and narrow, three bottom of the object, as if it’s meant to be mounted
stories high. The ground level is a cobbler’s shop, and onto something.
you can see shoes and boots on display through the
leaded glass windows. A sign hangs over the There’s also a stack of hollow, rectangular metal
entrance that reads “The Fleet Foot.” The door is frames, about a foot long. Each frame holds a stack
shut, and no lights are on. of smooth metal cylinders, flat on one side and
pointed on the other.
You knock on the door, and hear quiet movement
inside. The door opens to reveal a tall thin elf, with It’s a magical gatling gun, but don’t spell that out for
dark gray skin and short hair. They are a Drow, a Dark the party. Even if they guess what it is out-of-character,
Elf. none of the characters should have any idea what it is or
how to use it. Attempts to identify, investigate, etc.
“Terribly sorry, but we’re closed for the evening. Any might tell players that the weapon is over a century old,
shoe or boot emergencies will have to wait until and is of Dwarven craft, but that’s all for now.

Finn whistles admiringly, and says “There are rumors

Finn will be polite but won’t give away any secrets until and stories that circulate through the Night Caravan
a party member mentions the Night Caravan, or network, that Mother Godwin had some powerful
references the Lantern symbol in some way. Once that weapons stashed in that dusty old chapel of hers. I
happens, Finn looks around to make sure noone is always figured they were just tall tales to entertain
eavesdropping, and quickly ushers the party inside the the new recruits. But I guess they were true. Let’s
shoe shop, locking the door behind them. hope we never have to use it.”

They’ll interrogate the players to explain themselves Finn locks the coffin back up, and with your help puts
and recall the campaign so far. it in a storage room, covers it with a canvas cloth, and
stacks some boxes and barrels around it.
They express shock that the Eye of Adia has been found
and is embedded in the chest of an Iron Golem pacifist, “I need to make contact with some of the other
but says this would explain some of the alarming events agents in the area, and see if we can come up with a
that have happened lately.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


plan for Teacup and the Eye. It might take me a few

days, so you may as well make yourselves
Arts & Crafts
comfortable here in Eastguard until I return. There
are a few tasks in the area where your skills might I bought a small, coffin-shaped wooden box at a
come in handy. In the meantime, I think you’ve crafting supply store, for use as a prop. Many years
earned these…” ago I had a batch of custom lapel pins made for an
unrelated project, and re-used the pin’s design to
Finn pulls their hand from a pocket and reveals a serve as the Night Caravan symbol.
handful of metal pins, fashioned in the shape of the
Night Caravan’s sigil. “Hold out your hands, if you I put a pin for each party member in the coffin box
please.” before the session, and placed it on the table when
the chained coffin was first mentioned. When Finn
With a quick motion, Finn pricks the skin of your opened the coffin, I told the players to open the box,
palm with a pin, drawing a drop of blood. [Take 1 revealing real pins for each of them.
damage] You feel a sharp pain for a moment, and
then a strange tingling sensation. You suddenly Here are pictures of the box and pins.
notice that Finn has been wearing an identical pin
the entire time, and it’s glowing faintly.

“Welcome to the Night Caravan, adventurers. These

pins are enchanted, invisible and undetectable to
anyone but other agents. Wear them and we will
know you as allies, and you’ll know us.”

Welcome to the Night Caravan.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Chapter 4: Mists of Eastguard

In this session the party will have some time to kill in Eastguard, waiting for Finn to send some messages and make some
arrangements to help you. While waiting, the players will gradually start to realize that something is very wrong in
Eastguard. This chapter is largely based on content from Arnold Kemp’s now-iconic False Hydra homebrew creature
concept, which he has released to the public for any use. I’ll link to Kemp’s work so that he gets full credit, and then
supplement with my own campaign notes. This can easily be adapted as a one-shot without any prior campaign context!

Pre-Session Reading: may as well make yourselves comfortable here in

Eastguard until I return.
The False Hydra
You should prepare for this session by first reading There’s an inn here in town where you can spend the
Arnold Kemp’s iconic 2014 blog post, Goblin Punch: night. The owners are sympathetic to the Night Caravan
False Hydra. A good supplemental resource is from Ben and will give you a free room. There are some shops in
Lawrence of Dungeon Mister, The False Hydra in D&D town where you can re-supply in the morning.
5E. The stat block I use for the False Hydra is partially
based on Lawrence’s. I also took some inspiration from Keep your eyes open and your ears keen, though.
Rachel Morgan’s False Hydra encounter. Something is happening in this town, something I can’t
put my finger on. I’ve been trying to investigate, but I
As players explore Eastguard, sprinkle in clues of the haven’t made much progress. Stay safe, I’ll return soon.”
False Hydra’s existence, including atmospheric and
environmental details and random villager
By now it’s late in the evening, so there will be few
people on the streets and most shops will be closed for
the night.
When prepping any mystery-based session like this
one, I highly recommend Justin Alexander’s 2008 piece,
Three Clue Rule. I’ve tried to take this to heart and You head to the Eastguard Inn for the night. The Inn
include clue redundancies throughout this chapter. If is owned by a kind elderly gnomish couple, Fiv and
your players aren’t adept at mystery-based sessions, Liv Bedmaker. They show you to a large shared
you may want to briefly remind them of how searching room, with one bed for each of you. Teacup cannot fit
and investigation works. through the low doorways of the Inn’s bedrooms, but
since It doesn’t need to sleep anyway, It gladly stays
Eastguard in the lobby and peruses the books. You settle in for
the night, and quickly fall asleep.

Finn locks up the coffin that you risked your lives to The next morning, you get up and start to pack up
deliver, and with your help puts it in a storage room, your gear. But as you’re about to leave the room, you
covers it with a canvas cloth, and stacks some boxes realize that there is an extra backpack sitting on an
and barrels around it. extra bed. The bed’s blankets are rumpled and used.

“I need to make contact with some of the other agents in Searching the backpack will reveal:
the area, and see if we can come up with a plan for Teacup A coin pouch containing an amount of gold
and the Eye. It might take me two or three days, so you similar to what your players have earned.
A set of starting gear for a class not already
represented in your party.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Eventually the players should figure out that this pack on the map of Eastguard, in any order they wish. They’ll
belonged to a forgotten member of their party, who have time to visit three or four locations in a day, before
had been with them from the first chapter. needing to return to the Inn for the night. They can also
revisit locations if needed, but if they revisit a location
on a subsequent day, consider having any NPCs at that
Arts & Crafts location disappear overnight.
I created and printed out a full character sheet for
this missing character, using the same character At each location, start by giving the basic description
sheet template my players had been using. and then encouraging players to ask clarifying
questions, talk to the people there, or make skill checks
The party didn’t include a Cleric, so I created an Elf as desired. Improvise!
Cleric named Eleanor, making her the same level as
the players. I marked up the sheet as if it had been Eastguard Streets
used in a session, including evidence of lost health,
used spell slots, and failed death saving throws. Eastguard is a dire and dreary looking place. Forest
Then I ripped the character sheet into pieces, being and hills close in around it, creating a sense of
careful to make each piece only reveal key bits of claustrophobia. The sky is overcast and dim, and the
information when needed. air is thick with fog.

When the players investigated the backpack, I The town is strangely quiet, and you see very few
handed them a piece of the character sheet showing people in the streets. The buildings have an aura of
Eleanor’s inventory that included a prayer book, her neglect, and bits of refuse and debris are collecting
holy symbol, and some other clerical accessories. in the alleyways and corners. Stray cats stalk
between buildings, but they seem unusually skittish
I left the piece of the character sheet with Elanor’s and will occasionally arch their backs and hiss at
name for last, and it created a genuinely emotional nothing in particular.
moment for my players.
Here’s a picture of the character sheet. There are some ruined buildings on the east edge of
town. They appear to have been burned to the
foundations some time ago, and never repaired or
When the players head downstairs, they are greeted by
Liv Bedmaker, the owner of the Inn. If asked about Liv’s
partner Fiv, Liv will be confused and say that there’s
only ever been him running the Inn, and he doesn’t Players make think to use a spell like Detect Evil, a class
know anyone named Fib. He starts crying quietly, but feature like Primeval Awareness, or their Lantern of
doesn’t seem aware that he’s crying. Revealing. Revealing too much about the False Hydra
too early may ruin the mystery, so you may want to
Teacup has been up all night reading from the Inn’s avoid giving any definitive results until the party has
small collection of books. It found the book “Meeting investigated several locations and are starting to piece
Minutes of the Eastguard City Council, January things together.
through March, P.E. 360” to be particularly interesting,
as it included an extended discussion on the merits of When you feel the time is right, you could disclose the
approving the opening of a new tea shop. vague presence of an Aberration nearby, or you can
describe a long, thick, white tentacle slithering
Finn told the party not to expect them to return for at between two buildings before quickly disappearing out
least a couple of days, so you have time to kill. The of sight.
players can visit a number of locations in town as listed

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Eastguard Inn Aberrations and other monsters, but she can’t find
them in the stacks.
This cozy inn is run by a kindly, middle aged Gnome
couple named Fiv and Liv Bedmaker. Volkov’s Blacksmithy
There’s a small common area with a fireplace and some A fairly unassuming blacksmith, run by a human
tables, and a bookshelf with a hand-painted sign that woman named Ludmila Volkov. Atala looks exhausted,
reads “Fiv’s Little Free Library.” The library includes: and has deep bags under her eyes. If asked, she says she
keeps waking up from nightmares of a strange pale
A few children’s books, all covered with small
face watching her through her bedroom window.
bite marks and crayon scribbles.

“Stews, Stews, and more Stews,” a cookbook, the There’s a large copper mirror near the entrance, but it’s
contents of which are fairly self-explanatory. been bashed with a hammer and scratched with a knife
until it’s unusable. Atala doesn’t know how it got that
Multiple thick, dusty, old volumes of way. Shop Inventory listed at the end of this chapter.
“Meeting Minutes of the Eastguard City Council”

A leather-bound book called “Dangerous Nook’s Knicknacks

Aberrations: A Compendium of Unnatural An antique shop owned by an elderly male gnome,
Creatures.” It looks like a chunk of pages have been
Nook Luckhold. The shop is stuffed floor to ceiling with
violently ripped out of the middle of the book. The
pages before the missing section are about random antiques, dining sets, full furniture sets,
Ettercaps. The pages after the missing section are wardrobes full of clothes, as if entire households were
about Froghemoths. emptied out and sold off all at once. Far more items for
sale than you would expect for a town this size. He also
has a large inventory of old books, if players happen to
Town Hall & Library search for a copy of Dangerous Aberrations, give them
A modest municipal building with two wings. In the the book excerpt if they haven’t already found one.
Town Hall wing there are portraits of dour looking
people on the walls. In the offices there are desks and If asked where he got so much inventory, Zook will
tables and chairs, basic office supplies and mundane shrug and say that there are a lot of empty homes in
city documents laying around. There’s a wall mirror in Eastguard, lots of estates that need to be sold off. He
one of the offices, but it’s been smashed to bits. There can’t explain why that would be.
are no city officials or other people anywhere to be
found. If anyone is asked, they will adamantly claim If asked about a visitor, he remembers selling a Silver
that Eastguard doesn’t have a city council or mayor, and Hand Mirror to someone yesterday, but can’t recall
never has. anything about them. Hand the players another piece
of the ripped character sheet.
In the Library side of the building there are rows of Shop Inventory listed at the end of this chapter.
shelves stacked with books, and a handful of patrons.
The librarian is a human woman, Olna Białystok. Eastguard Clinic
A small clinic for treating simple aches and ailments.
If players ask to look at any books, improvise as needed.
The healer and herbalist on staff is Alexei Lysenko.
Any books on Eastguard’s history or census will suggest
Alexei seems very distracted and anxious, always
that there should be close to 500 people in Eastguard,
looking over his shoulder or glancing at the mirror in
but you’ve seen evidence of less than a hundred. If
his waiting room. He’s not able to articulate why he’s so
asked, Olna swears there should be several books about
nervous, just that he has a vague sense of being

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


the hole, they’ll only see a shallow depression filled in

If asked about a visitor, he remembers brewing a with rubble.
Deafness Potion for someone yesterday, but can’t
remember anything about them, or why someone The Hydra’s Tunnel
would want to deafen themselves. Hand the players
The shallow sinkholes found throughout town are
another piece of the ripped character sheet. Shop
actually entrances to the False Hydra’s lair. The Hydra’s
Inventory listed at the end of this chapter.
song is obscuring the entrance.

The Secret Ingredient If a player uses a Potion of Deafness or Clarity, the

An herbalist shop, ruined and abandoned. The roof has Lantern of Revealing, or any appropriate spell; or if they
collapsed, and there’s a large sinkhole in the middle of try looking at the location through a mirror; they’ll
the floor. If players try to inspect or enter the hole, realize that the sinkhole is actually a tunnel.
they’ll only see a shallow depression filled in with
You climb down into the tunnel from the hole in the
Secret Ingredient’s ruined floorboards. Teacup is too
If the party investigates, they could find the following
large to fit, and waits outside.
items depending on their highest Investigation rolls:
A page ripped from Dangerous Aberrations. The tunnel is pitch black, and just barely tall enough
>10 See excerpt at the end of the chapter. for the tallest party members to walk through while
stooped over. It curves back and forth for about fifty
>12 Another piece of the ripped character sheet.
yards, before opening into a larger underground
Two Potions of Deafness, unlabelled. chamber. Other tunnels branch off from this
>14 White milky liquid. chamber in all directions.
A Potion of Clarity, labeled.
>16 A swirling black liquid with suspended golden In the center of the chamber is a horrible sight, an
flecks . undulating mass of pale white flesh, ten feet tall,
like a giant pulsing maggot. Growing from the
Eastguard Chapel thing’s sides are several long, double-jointed,
grasping arms.
A non-denominational chapel, meant to host services
and ceremonies for a variety of local religions. There’s Growing from the top of the body are five twisted,
no one around. Judging from the layer of dust, nobody elongated necks, and atop each neck is a large head,
has sat in the pews in quite a long time. However, there vaguely humanoid, but hairless and maggot-white.
is a single set of recent footprints in the dust, leading It has empty, shadowy crevices where the eyes
up to the altar. Following the footprints or investigating should be, and its extended jaws and wide mouth
the altar will reveal: show tall, pearly white teeth.

The melted remains of a candle The heads turn their eyeless gazes upon you, and
A stub of used incense their mouths start to sing an unnerving wordless
A page ripped from Dangerous Aberrations song.
(if not already found elsewhere)
A piece of the ripped character sheet You wake up in your shared room at the Eastguard
Inn. It’s morning, but you all feel exhausted, like you
Behind the altar the floorboards have collapsed, and a haven’t slept a wink.
sinkhole has opened up. If players try to inspect or enter

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


If the party tries to go back to the Tunnel, they’ll Some spells like Detect Evil, Protection from
experience the same thing. A brief glimpse of the False Memory Evil, Arcane Eye, Foresight, etc. could break the
Hydra, fragments of the Hydra’s song, and then a gap in song’s charm.
their memory. Although the players obviously
Spells, potions, or items that reveal hidden or
remember this experience, their characters do not. If Sight invisible things will reveal the False Hydra.
they haven’t already found it, one of the characters
wakes up clutching the Aberrations book page in their
hand, and has no memory of how they got it. Once the players figure out one or more of these
solutions, they can go back and face the False Hydra.
Resisting the False Hydra
You can scale the False Hydra’s difficulty by adding
False Hydra heads equal to the number of party members, or add
one or two more if you feel like making it more difficult.
Huge Aberration, Neutral Evil
The difficulty rating of a False Hydra is hard to calculate
Armor Class 16 (Natural armor) because of the scaling nature of its heads, so be
Hit Points 100, + 25 for each head. Speed 15ft prepared to adjust on the fly if players are finding it too
hard or too easy. You could count any critical hits as
lopping off a head, or you could allow it to regenerate a
16(+3) 10 (+0) 16(+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 20 (+5)
head as an action.
Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 15
Condition Immunities Blinded, charmed, deafened, After defeating the False Hydra, the party finds a pile of
grappled, prone, stunned, knocked unconscious clothes appropriate to the “missing” party member,
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire along with a Silver Hand Mirror. Give them any
remaining character sheet pieces, including the piece
Actions that has the character’s name, and the piece that tracks
Song of Forgetting. All creatures that can hear the False their health and death saving throws.
Hydra sing must make a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw at
the start of their turn. Subtract 1d4 from their saving The characters never regain any memories of the lost
throw for each active head. On a failure, the creature party member, save for the remains of her equipment.
forgets the False Hydra is there until attacked by it.
Finn arrives back in Eastguard just as you’re crawling
Multiattack. Makes a bite attack for each active head.
back out of the tunnel. They’re shocked at what you tell
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15 ft., one them, and had no idea they had been under the
target. Hit: 1d8 piercing damage.
influence of the False Hydra all this time.

There are several ways to resist the False Hydra’s song Finn has sent messenger pigeons north to Ruinshore,
and remember its existence. and a Night Caravan agent will be awaiting your arrival.
Finn is going to stay behind in Eastguard and help clean
Plugging their ears would work to block out the up the False Hydra’s mess. They wish you luck on your
Silence song for a few minutes. Spells or potions that journey, and give you a care package of supplies and
cause deafness would work for longer. gold.

If a character looks through a mirror or other

reflective surface, they’ll see things as they truly
are. If a character tries to fight while using a
mirror, they get a 1d4 penalty to attack rolls.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Excerpt from “Dangerous Aberrations”

Cut this out, and rip the left edge so that it looks like it was ripped from a book.
Text partially excerpted and adapted from Arnold Kemp’s False Hydra (Goblin Punch, 2014).

Dangerous Aberrations: A Compendium of Unnatural Creatures P. 242

The False Hydra (Pseudohydra Mendacem)

Common wisdom holds that false hydras come from the ground. They spontaneously originate
as undifferentiated masses of flesh, like potatoes that sprout from no seed. Supposedly, they
germinate in response to lies, and that each falsehood causes a false hydra to swell larger.
Scholars agree, because they have no better idea. In fact, so much about these abominations
boggles the mind that scholars really don't know where to begin. Paranoia dominates any
discussion about it. Everyone wants to know: “Is it here? Is it in my town? Is that long, flaccid
face watching me through the window even now?”

The false hydra enters a town through a humble enough method. Fattened on worms, it has
been growing upwards these last few days (weeks? years?), but has only now broken through
the soil. It often emerges beneath a building or in a basement, residents may begin to
complain about the sinkholes that have been opening up lately. And then it begins to sing.

While it sings, it is ignored. It just creates gaps in your attention and then slips through them.
Like the feeling of forgetting a task when you walk through a doorway. It is subtler than
invisibility, and more reliable.

At this point, the false hydra is only a torso, buried in the ground. The neck grows up, up until
the head emerges from the ground. It roughly resembles a man's head, but white, hairless, and
with inhuman proportions of the jaw and mouth. The eyes are empty black holes.

But of course, none of this is noticed. While it sings, the hydra exists in our blind spot.

A man is walking along a dark silent street. Suddenly he realizes that the silence is more
profound, as if a loud noise had just ceased. There is a rattle as a sewer grate slides over rough
stone. In that darkness, a fleshy face, leering with undisguised hunger. It lunges forward on a
thick neck that slides out of the darkness, three feet, six feet, ten feet long. It bites him on the
arm and drags him down that narrow gap, yanking and twisting to fit the man's body through
that too-small space. And when the sounds of eating have ceased, the song resumes.

The man has family, friends who will notice his absence. But the song of the hydra massages
their mind, smoothing the wrinkles on their brain. The hydra has eaten the man, who is now
known to the hydra. The song erases the memories from their soft heads. They will not notice
his absence, nor remember him. And in this way, the hydra grows. Its neck stretches longer.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Eastguard Shop Inventory

Volkov’s Blacksmithy Inventory

Name Cost Properties
Studded Leather 45 gp Light Armor, 12 AC +Dex
Chain Shirt 50 gp Medium Armor, 13 AC + Dex (max +2)
Scale Mail 50 gp Medium Armor, 14 AC + Dex
Ring Mail 30 gp Heavy Armor, 14 AC
Chain Mail 75 gp Heavy Armor, 16 AC
Buckler 5 gp Shield, +1 AC, one-handed
Dagger 2 gp Light 1-handed, 1d4 piercing
Light Hammer 2 gp Light 1-handed, 1d4 bludgeoning
Mace 5 gp 1-handed, 1d6 bludgeoning
Battleaxe 8gp Versatile 1-handed, 1d8 slashing
Longsword 12 gp Versatile 1-handed, 1d8 slashing
Greatsword 40 gp Heavy 2-handed, 2d6 slashing
Shortsword 8 gp Light 1-handed, 1d6 piercing

Zook’s Antiques Inventory

Name Cost
Chest 5 gp Could be used to furnish Egdod’s Portable Tower!
Beds, tables, other simple furniture 3 gp Could be used to furnish Egdod’s Portable Tower!
Musical instruments 5 gp Could be used to furnish Egdod’s Portable Tower!
Arrows (20) 1 gp
Crossbow Bolts (20) 1 gp
Silver Hand Mirror 5 gp
Candle (10) 1 gp

Eastguard Clinic Inventory

Name Cost Properties
Glass bottle 5 sp
Potion of Healing 40 gp Regain 2d4+4 HP
Potion of Swiftness 10 gp Increase speed by 10ft for 10 minutes
Potion of Resilience 10 gp +1 to AC for 10 minutes
Potion of Deafness 10 gp Makes the user deaf for 10 minutes
Potion of Blindness 10 gp Makes the user blind for 10 minutes

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Interlude 1: Road to Ruinshore

In my original campaign there was a short filler session between Eastguard and Ruinshore. Some of it was not worth
recording, a couple of small improvised combat encounters. However, I did use this session as an opportunity to help my
players engage in a little more roleplaying than they had done so far. If you find your players struggling to raise their
level of roleplaying and characterization, this might be helpful. The Cursed Blade portion will pay off later in the
campaign, so if you choose to skip doing this as a road travel session, you may want to integrate some of it earlier or later
in your sessions.
any evil creatures. The party could knock, say hello,
The Fortune Teller investigate further, etc. Or if they decide to pass by…

The little red door creaks open. A frail female voice

Your first morning of travel takes you through dense speaks from the hut, “Well hello, dearies! It’s not
forest, which grows right up to the edge of the road. often I see such a large group of strong young
travelers on this road. Perhaps you’d like to stop for a
Sunlight filters through the towering tree canopy, moment and rest?”
and you hear birdsong. The only movement you see
is the occasional squirrel or other small creature
scampering across the road. Once you see a young If the party refuses and keeps walking, they travel for
elk peer out of the woods, before turning and another mile and then turn another corner, to find an
bounding away. identical hut alongside the road. A voice again
welcomes them in.
You walk in peaceful contemplation for several
hours, thankful for the respite after your recent
horrific experiences. The hut is barely big enough for all of you to enter.
Teacup is far too large to fit through the door, but
walks around to one of the windows and peeks
Ask players to make their choice of Nature, Perception, inside.
or Survival DC 16. On success, “You realize that the
sounds of birds and squirrels have been lessening for a The inside of the hut smells of herbs, dried flowers,
while, and are not completely silent. No animals, no and firewood smoke. There is a tiny fireplace with a
breeze, no rustling leaves.” tea kettle and cookpot. Beneath one of the five
windows is a small straw bed covered in a tattered
quilt. In the center of the small room is a round table
As you follow a bend in the road you see a clearing with a few stools. And across from the table, in an
up ahead. To the left of the road is a small wooden ancient rocking chair, sits an old woman. She
hut. It has a thatched roof with deep overhanging appears to be human, with long gray hair, a sharp
eaves, and six gray wooden walls in the shape of a nose, wrinkled lips and reading glasses. She’s
hexagon. Four sides of the hut have tiny, shuttered knitting something and humming a strange tune as
windows. A fifth side has a small stone chimney everyone crams into the hut.
letting out a thin wisp of smoke. The sixth side has a
small, red wooden door, decorated with painted “Come in, come in! I don’t get many visitors, so it’s
white vines and flowers. Hanging from the eaves of nice to exercise the old vocal cords. So what brings
the roof are a variety of trinkets, wind chimes, and you through my woods?”
satchels of herbs.
The old woman tells the party to call her Auntie Dee.
Detect Magic will sense a general aura of magic, but Her true nature is hidden for now, but it’s fairly obvious
nothing specific. Detect Evil will not sense that she’s a witch, or something like it. Some notes for

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


The idea is to make an experience that feels

Dee won’t tell you how old she is, only that she is old authentically mystical and unique.
enough to remember when there was no Oakheart
How you engage in this encounter is up to you. I
Before the forest was ruins and wasteland. Before that, “shuffled” the Tarot deck but stacked the top card so
vast cities of gold and white marble. And before that… that I could control what each character was going to
well… few remember. draw. I planned out some cryptic and simple fortunes
for each character, ones that felt personal but were
Auntie Dee offers you tea. Teacup seems interested, and vague enough to be interpreted in a number of ways.
asks her some specific and technical questions about her For example, the Orc Druid in my party drew the
tea blend and her brewing methods. Temperance card, and Auntie Dee read him the
following fortune:
Dee knows all about the Deathless Empire, but she finds
the topic dull and dusty, and doesn’t have much to say.
“You are thoughtful and deliberate, a voice of care
She knows that there are undead creatures out on the and reason to hotter tempers. But your love of peace
roads, but she assures you that they will not bother you and nature is in conflict with your orcish fury. One
while you’re in her presence. day you will have to choose one path or the other,
and pain will inevitably follow that choice.”
If asked about her hut, she just says that it’s quiet cozy,
and suits her modest needs perfectly. She’ll politely
ignore any questions about it appearing in more than The simple roleplaying twist that I played was:
one location. I left the room where the main party was sitting, and had
them join me one at a time in another room.
“Well, this has been lovely, but I can see that you’re
I had them draw from the top of the Tarot deck, and then
antsy to continue on your quest, and I don’t wish to
keep you. But before you go, perhaps I can read your read them the fortune that I had pre-written.
fortunes? I have some small divining ability that you
may find amusing.” I let them keep their card to do as they pleased with it.

I told them that they may share as much or as little of

Auntie Dee pulls out a deck of scrying cards and begins their fortune with the other players as they wished, but
to shuffle it. She asks you all to leave the hut and come that they could only talk about it in character.
in one at a time for your fortunes.
The results were extremely satisfying for the players,
She doesn’t have a fortune for Teacup, as she can’t and gave them a useful framework for taking more
predict the fate of a non-living being. However, she roleplaying risks. If RP is a challenge for your players,
does compliment It on Its impeccable taste in tea. consider giving something like this a try!

Arts & Crafts

I used a real physical Tarot Card deck for this
encounter, which can be purchased cheaply at any
local bookstore or witchy shop, or online. You could
also use a different thematically appropriate set of
cards, like a Deck of Many Things, a Tarokka Deck, or
even just a simple set of playing cards.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


The Cursed Blade I’ve been slowly waking up ever since you first
unsheathed me. Every drop of blood gives me more
energy and life, especially yours. And now I’m awake
In Chapter 2, one of the items found by the party was an again, and ready to talk.”
Ancient Bone Dagger. Hopefully one of the party
members was tempted to use it, and activated the curse Let the dagger’s holder ask questions and RP with the
so that they’re unable to get rid of it. dagger. The dagger is generally sarcastic and
mischievous. Some notes to guide the interaction:
If you also do a fortune telling scene, it might be a good
idea to tease the importance of the dagger. For
Egdod knew I held great power, but he was too scared to
example, in my campaign the dagger was claimed by a use me. Kept me locked up in that box for years.
Tiefling Rogue. His Tarot Card was The Hanged Man,
and his fortune was: Sure, I was part of the Deathless Empire. And part of the
Night Caravan after a rebel took me in battle. And part of
the Bronze Kingdom before the Deathless Empire, and
“And you, my devilish friend. You stand on a knife’s the Wandering Tribes before that, and civilizations
edge, between darkness and light. I sense a burden before that with names you can’t pronounce, held by
on you. You will be tempted by a dangerous offer. I hands not shaped like your hands. I’m old, very very old.
cannot tell you if you should or should not accept
that offer, but there will be a price to be paid either No, you can’t put me down. Or throw me away, or sell me,
way.” or trade me, or break me. You are my vehicle, my arm and
my feet, until you die or until I’m done with you.
The Bone Dagger will eventually play a key role in the What do I want? I can’t tell you. Literally can’t, I’m under a
campaign, so if none of your party members have geas. It’s kinda like a curse. I have a task that I must
awakened it, you’ll want to plan on an alternative accomplish so that I can finally rest. But I can’t ask for
solution. In my case, the dagger begins speaking to the help accomplishing my task, and I can’t share my task
Tiefling Rogue one night… with anyone. I can only nudge my holder in subtle ways,
and hope that someday I’ll accomplish my goal.

You bed down for the night, and try to get some The only reason I’m telling you this is so that you’ll
sleep. Just as you’re about to doze off, you hear a consider accepting my hints and nudges once in a while.
voice in the darkness, quiet but clear, like cloth being Oh yeah, and I’ll need a bit of blood every so often to
ripped by a blade. maintain my wakefulness.

“Wake up, demonchild, I think it’s time we had a

chat.” The blade says, “Enough for now, we’ll talk again
when the time is right. Get some sleep, you still have
The voice seems to echo in your mind, with no clear a long journey ahead of you.”
source. But you know the source. It’s coming from
the dagger at your side, the one made of bone that
you’ve found yourself unable to let out of your sight.
You feel compelled to unsheath it, to feel the hilt in
your palm.

“Yep, It’s me. The blade in the dark. I’ve been called
many names by many holders. Ivorybane,
Shadowfang, Whisperthorn, Marrowstrike… none of
‘em are my real name though. That’s just for me to

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Chapter 5: The Pyramid of Ruinshore

In this session the party arrives in the outpost of Ruinshore, where explorers, scavengers, and “archeologists,” delve the
depths of the Deathless Empire’s ruined pyramids. The introductory narrative is a bit long, so feel free to break it up as
you see fit if your players don’t like being read to for that long. This is also my first attempt at a traditional dungeon crawl.
This attempt stemmed from my frustration with most existing dungeon crawl resources, which I find too vague and
disjointed to be very useful. I should also note that this session took my party about 5 hours total to complete, and ended
up being split into two sessions. A group more experienced with room-to-room dungeon play would no doubt be faster.

Ruinshore Just past the southern gate is the Explorer’s

Guildhall, with a conspicuous sign reading “Licensed
Adventurers Only.”
As dawn begins to break, you realize that you’re
passing beyond the borders of the Reclaimed Forest. Most of the buildings in Ruinshore are terraced
Trees give way to dense brush, which give way to houses made of scavenged marble blocks and stucco.
scrubland, then to sparse dry grass, and finally to red There is a small square surrounding a bubbling
desert sand. fountain, shaded from the desert sun by colorful
fabric panels. The market square includes a smith,
In the distance you can see the glint of sunlight on an adventuring supply store, a cobbler’s shop, and a
water. A huge circular crater lake, with a single well.
smoking peak rising from the center. You continue
following the northern trade road, and eventually a North of the square is a large terraced building
small desert village comes into view. The southern decorated with streamers, it appears to be the
edge of the town is protected by a low wall made of Ruinshore Inn. Farther north beyond the city, you can
dried mud bricks. see the remains of a large stone bridge that once
spanned a deep canyon, now broken and impassible.
To the east of the village is a startling sight, three Two rough wood and rope bridges have been built to
huge pyramids. They’re made of weathered gray span the gap.
marble, and are topped with golden capstones. One
of the pyramids is partially submerged in the crater The players can take some time to shop or explore as
desired. When ready:

Ruinshore City Map

A Gnomish woman approaches you, and walks
alongside as you pass down the street. She’s wearing
You approach the town gate, and are greeted by a a light linen robe and hood to shade herself from the
pair of sunburned guards, a human and a gnome. sun. It’s difficult to determine the age of gnomes,
“Welcome to Ruinshore!” The gnomish guard says she could be anywhere between 30 and 200 years
cheerfully. “Travelers, traders and researchers are old. “Fine weather today, young travelers! Your
welcome, but scavenging, dungeoneering, or caravan must have traveled all night to get here.”
ruin-diving are prohibited without a license from the
Explorer’s Guild. She emphasizes the words “caravan,” and “night.”
She gives you an exaggerated wink, and then shifts
The human guard eyes your party with a little more her cloak just enough to reveal a glowing pin on her
professional suspicion than his tiny partner. “We shirt.
don’t want trouble here, we have enough problems
with those tree huggers across the bridges.”

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“The name’s Nefti, Nefti Nimbledimple. Finn sent a The Explorer’s Guild
messenger raven ahead of you, and it told me your
whole story. That golem of yours, the Eye of Adia, the
Empress’s minions chasing you… and my old friend
Egdod.” Nefti sighs sadly. “The Night Caravan needs you to investigate. You’re
going to need approval from the Explorer’s Guild,
“Egdod was always a flighty one, sometimes he’d go their guards won’t let you through otherwise.
decades without making contact with the Night
Caravan, then show up on your doorstep like he’d I also suggest that Teacup stay here with me. If what
seen you just yesterday… But I guess that’s that. Finn relayed to me is true, the worst thing that could
Nobody lives forever, not even crazy old Gnomish happen is if it fell into the hands of the Empire. We
wizards.” don’t know who or what’s going on inside that
“Anyway, you’re here now, and we could use your
help. See those pyramids over yonder?” Nefti points The Explorer’s Guild is housed in a sprawling walled
at the three pyramids towering over the modest city compound made of sandstone and stucco. The main
wall to the East. “About two weeks ago, something entrance is a large wooden door in the mud brick
weird happened to the tallest one there in the wall. A metal plate affixed next to the door reads,
middle. It started glowing, and then a reddish beam “Licensed Adventurers Only.” In smaller print it
of light shot straight out the top of it, woosh! Started continues, “Aspiring explorers who can provide proof
glowing around sunset, stayed lit up like a beacon all of exploits or artifact retrieval may apply within.”
night, faded away in the morning.”
Knocking on the door will cause an Explorer to open
“Now, this got the Explorers’ Guild all wound up. a sliding hatch at eye level… Gnomish eye level. A
They’ve sent teams into the pyramid over the years, bored looking Gnomish man with thick glasses
looking for treasure. They found some bits and bobs, peeks out of the hatch. He rolls his eyes and says,
but mostly just a buncha dusty, empty corridors. But “The Explorer’s Guild is not open for tourists. We’re
one of the explorers took a peek inside after the also not giving out new delving licenses to
beacon activated, and everything was different! It inexperienced explorer wannabees. Can you prove
was like the inside of the pyramid reconfigured your experience with ancient relics? Deathless
itself, rearranged like a rubix cube! First guy came Empire-era or earlier.”
out to report his discovery, and then they organized a
team of three to fully explore the place. That was five The party should have several Deathless artifacts
days ago, and they never came back out. These Guild available to them: The Witching Compass, the bone
folks are a buncha bureaucrats, so any time
dice, any other items they’ve looted from Deathless
something doesn’t go according to plan it takes them
forever to react. They’re still debating who’s gonna minions. The cursed bone dagger is also clearly ancient,
go in after them.” though its origins are uncertain.

“Now, if I thought those three poor souls were still

“Now we’re talking! Those are some excellent
alive in there, that would be a good enough reason
artifacts, would you be willing to part with them?
to check the pyramid out. But we also need to figure
The Guild will pay generously…”
out what’s going on inside that triggered the beacon
in the first place. Is it a mechanism? A spell? Or has
Anyway, you’ve proven your experience, I can sell you
something awakened in there?”
a group delving license for 20 gold pieces. Just need
you to fill out this form.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


no flesh, no evidence of rot, no scraps of clothing.

Alongside the skeletons you find a wooden lute; a
Arts & Crafts
longbow; a quiver of arrows; and a crumpled scrap of
Print out the Guild License on textured card stock. paper.
Make your players fill it out in full. For my players,
this was a helpful exercise to prompt them to give +1 Longbow
their party a name.
5 Silver-Tipped Arrows (1d6 extra Radiant damage
And of course, it was very impactful later on when against undead and werewolves.)
their Guild card got ripped up in front of them.
3 Poison Arrows (a poisoned creature has disadvantage
Pyramid, First Level on attack and ability rolls.)

3 Flare Arrows (does no additional damage, but can

Map: Ruinshore Pyramid, First Level also be fired into the air to create a bright light for ten

You enter the pyramid. It is pitch black inside, the air

The scrap of paper reads “BEWARE THE SCARABS, CUT
is hot, stale, and smells of dust.
The entrance opens into a narrow corridor. The THEM OUT,” in erratic script.
ceiling is low, and the taller members of the party
feel like they need to stoop slightly or risk scraping Room 1B
their head on the massive stone blocks above. It is
completely dark. This circular chamber contains two stone
sarcophagi. One has been pried open, and seems to
be empty. The other sarcophagus is sealed shut.
Players with Darkvision can see dimly a short distance
ahead, everyone else is completely blind without a light
source. The sarchophagus can be pried open with a tool or
weapon, Athletics DC 15. If opened:

The walls are mostly blank, undecorated, rough

stone. But occasionally you notice a repeated symbol The sarcophagus appears to be filled to the brim
carved into the walls or floor: A spiked eye. The with shiny, smooth brown stones about the size of a
symbol of the Deathless Empire. gold coin. Then, the stones begin to shift and move.
With a clicking, chittering noise each “stone” splits
You walk forward for about 25 feet before coming to down the center, revealing insectile wings and
a four-way intersection. The corridor continues wiggling claws. A swarm of scarab beetles pours out
north, and two narrower corridors branch off to the of the sarcophagus and surrounds you!
east and west. You can’t see anything to the west yet,
but to the east you find a small, sharp knife on the Combat encounter with two Scarab Swarms.
ground. There’s a small splatter of old, dried blood
with the knife, and a trail of blood leading into the
darkness. At the bottom of the now empty sarcophagus is an
object wrapped in crumbling ancient cloth. It is very
Room 1A thin and square-shaped, roughly 12 inches tall and
wide. It’s a square of crystal glass, about a half-inch
You enter a circular chamber. The room itself is bare thick. Most of the glass is clear, but parts of it are a
and unremarkable, but there are two skeletons laid milky opaque blue.
out on the floor. [Investigation or Medicine DC15] the
bones are completely clean. There is no dried blood,

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


potentially ambush the knight and soldier within. Or

Arts & Crafts they could try to dig/explore upwards, and bypass
I wanted to create a tangible activity to represent the several rooms and end up in Level 2 Room C, but risk
Glass Plate puzzle. I printed out a grid of six symbols missing one of the glass plates.
on paper (I used Shieka glyphs from Zelda: Breath of
the Wild, because I liked their square shapes, and Room 1F
they were similar enough to make a small challenge,
but distinct enough to allow only one solution. The small rectangular room has two doors, the one
that you just entered through and another closed
I cut out three squares of clear plastic, and then used door to the north. There is an ancient chest on the
an opaque glass marker to fill in components of one south wall of the room. It’s locked.
of the glyphs on the three squares, so that when
they're overlaid on each other the full glyph will be
displayed. Detect Magic shows faint magic in the fountain.
Drinking it heals 1d4 HP, but only once per character.
Here are some pictures of what it looked like at the Taking water out of the room causes it to lose any
table. healing magic and turn to mundane water.

Corridor Split 1C Room 1G

The corridor splits in half up ahead. On the path to The small rectangular room has two doors, the one
the north-east, you can hear a faint sound of stone that you just entered through and another door to
grinding on stone. On the path to the north-west, the east. The door leading east has been barred shut
you can hear the faint sound of trickling water. with hastily nailed planks of wood, as if to keep
something from coming through from the other
Room 1D side. Crouched in the far corner of the room is a
skeleton. Its bones are clean and bare like the others
The small rectangular room has two doors, the one
that you just entered through and another closed from before, except that it’s still wearing a leather
door to the north. There is an ancient chest on the chestpiece which seems to be in perfect condition.
south wall of the room. It’s locked.
+1 Leather Armor of Acid Resistance
Lockpick DC 15 (Thieves tools, +Dex, +Proficiency), or
Athletics DC 18 to smash it open. Inside you find:
Sitting in the skeleton’s lap is another glass plate
similar to the one you found in the unopened
50 gold coins
sarcophagus. It’s the same size, but it appears to
A ruby worth 50gp
have slightly different colored shapes from the first
A Ring of Feather Falling
Room 1E
Strength DC 15 to pry off the boards, or other solution.
Another small rectangular room.The ceiling appears
There are seven planks of wood, each about five inches
to have collapsed, and massive stone blocks fill half
wide and five feet long.
the room. You can feel a faint current of air blowing
through the pile of rubble. Room 1H
You enter a long room. Massive stone columns are
Searching the room will turn up a rotting leather bag
spaced evenly throughout the room, casting
containing 20gp. A spell or wild shape might allow a
complex shadows down the length of the room.
character to squeeze through the rubble. They could
There is another door to the south. The east end of
enter Room H from the east and scout out or

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


the room is filled with rubble, where the ceiling has The door behind you slams shut. Suddenly, water
partially collapsed. From the far end of the room, begins pouring into the room from three spouts in
hidden in the shadows, you hear a scraping sound, the ceiling! The room quickly begins filling with
like metal being dragged on stone. The scraping water.
sound gets closer, and a figure materializes from the
If you want to increase tension, you could use a 3
minute timer before the room is filled to the roof
Battle encounter with 2 Deathless Knights, and 2 without any breathing room. Characters could try
Deathless Soldiers. picking or smashing the north door, opening/breaking
the grate in the floor, or searching for a hidden
The skeletons leave behind nothing of value, all of their mechanism to drain the water, all DC 15s at your
armor and weapons are crumbling to rust. discretion.

Room 1I If the timer runs out, everyone takes 1d8 suffocation

damage, and restart the timer. If they open or break the
You enter an octagonal room. There’s not much to
see here, except for a set of stairs leading upward to door, water floods out and washes them through the
the next level of the pyramid! corridor until they slam against the door to 2C, 1d4
damage. On other solutions the water drains through
the floor and both doors unlock.

Pyramid, Second Level Room 2C

You enter another circular room, but there’s a
Map: Ruinshore Pyramid, Second Floor problem. The floor appears to have caved in,
dropping a great distance to the level below. Only a
small ledge of uncollapsed floor remains. You can
see another door to the West, across a 25-foot gap.
Room 2A
You find yourself in another octagonal room,
seemingly identical to the one below. A corridor to Allow for creative problem-solving. The planks of wood
the south bends to the east, obscuring what lies and nails from Room 1G might come in handy, or ropes
ahead. could be used, or some other solution. Use skill checks
as needed.
Room 2B
Falling while attempting to cross the gap will cause the
You enter a circular room with a 12-foot-high ceiling.
character to take 2d6 bludgeoning damage, and they’ll
There are two doors, the one you just entered from
end up back in room 1E.
and another door to the North. There is a metal grate
in the floor. Corridor 2D
You enter a long corridor. There’s another door at the
The north door is rigged to trigger a trap when
far end.
someone attempts to open it. Perception DC 15 would
discover the mechanism. Thieves Tools DC 15 could
disarm the trap, but a failure triggers the trap.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Room 2F Contains two more Scarab Swarms, and the third Glass
Plate. Players could prepare in some way if they suspect
You enter another circular room. There’s another more scarabs. If you want to add further complications,
door to the South. There are two wooden chests you could have the tablet broken at the bottom of the
along the North wall. sarcophagus. A Mending spell or a few drops of
Sovereign Glue could repair it.
The first chest players try to open is locked. Dex DC 15 to
pick the lock (Thieves tools, +dex, +proficiency) or Str
Room 2H
DC 18 to smash it open. Inside you find: You enter a large hall supported by regularly spaced
columns. You don’t see anything of importance or
60 gold coins value in the hall, but the farthest wall is another
A lead token in the shape of an anchor. story. It contains an array of six glyphs, carved into
A tiny glass jar containing four ounces of a milky-white the stone. Around each glyph is a subtle square
liquid. A paper label on the jar reads, “Sovereign Glue, shape inlaid about one and a half an inches into the
Use with Caution!” wall. It looks like each glyph is designed to hold the
three glass plates securely in place.
The second chest is a Mimic.
You reach out to examine the chest. It feels like the Let the players work together to solve the glyph puzzle.
mechanism is locked or stuck, but something is It’s not difficult, but should take them a couple of
wrong, you can’t move your hand away from the minutes.
chest. You’re stuck. Suddenly, the lid of the chest
opens to reveal a huge set of jaws filled with sharp
teeth. Three sickly green eyes sprout from the top of The glyph begins to glow and the wall slides
the lid. It’s a Mimic! upwards, revealing a staircase leading upwards.

Corridor 2F
Pyramid, Third Floor
You enter another hallway, but this one is different.
The floor bubbles with a noxious green liquid. It
smells acidic and foul, like rotting lemons. The liquid
appears to be about six inches deep, with a normal The third floor of the pyramid is a single square
stone floor beneath it. chamber. The center rises up in a staired platform. At
the top of the platform is a jet black throne,
seemingly carved from a single huge block of
Anyone stepping through it takes 2d4 acid damage.
obsidian. Oily blood red smoke seeps from the
Players may improvise a solution to avoid taking
throne and tumbles down the platform.
damage. A Perception DC 16 will reveal a round stone
disk in the center of the corridor with a metal handle
A voice speaks, feminine but ancient, quiet but clear,
under it. Strength DC 14 will allow a character to pull
as if someone is whispering directly into your ears.
out the plug, causing the acid to drain through a hole in
the floor.
“How thoughtful, how delicious! The remnants of my
Room 2G empire have been hunting a gang of foolish young mortals
for days, always failing, always letting them escape. And
You enter yet another circular room. This one lo and behold, you walk right into my sanctum!”
contains a sealed stone sarcophagus, like the ones
you encountered on the level below.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


A figure materializes on the throne, a withered A cloud of sand and dust blows out of the Pyramid’s
figure draped in purple and gold robes. A lich. entrance behind you. You look back to see nothing
Adia, Empress of the Deathless Empire. but a solid wall of stone bricks. The sand beneath you
starts to vibrate and shift, and you feel your feet
“I sense that my Eye is close, close enough that I already starting to sink into it like quicksand.
feed on its energy. It seems even you are not stupid enough
to bring it directly to me, but it’s only a matter of time. The Pyramid begins to lift out of the ground. You
Even a fraction of my full power is enough for now. My realize that it’s not a pyramid, but an octahedron,
Sanctum awakens, my army stirs. The Eye will be mine, half-buried in the sand. It raises into the air, slowly
and then my Empire will rise fully from the dust. You can but inexorably. The sand around it settles into the
surrender your lives to me now, or flee and prolong the hole left behind, and you have to run away to avoid
inevitable.” being sucked in.

The floor of the pyramid starts to rumble, and you Soon the hedron is hundreds of feet in the air, and
can hear a sandy grinding noise, of stone blocks floating steadily higher.
shifting and moving. The blocks of the floor of Adia’s
Sanctum start to rise, and the blocks of the ceiling Members of the Explorers Guild rush out of the city
start to sink. gates to watch what is happening. They point and
murmur to themselves. Some of them are glaring at
As you run down the stairs, blocks to either side of you angrily.
you start to shift inwards. The chamber walls start to
close in on eachother. A gray-haired human man in an official-looking suit
walks up to you and says politely, “Excuse me, may I
take a look at your Adventuring License for a
Give the party ten minutes to escape the Pyramid
moment? Standard operating procedure, and all
before it crushes or traps them. Have them work their
way back through the rooms and levels of the pyramid
as quickly as they can. This shouldn’t be difficult for the
most part, they just need to narrate what they do in Take the players’ adventuring license card, rip it to
each room. shreds, and toss it back at them.

Nefti Nimbledimple approaches, with Teacup in tow.

“Hmm… I take it you found something in there?”

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Explorer’s Guild of Ruinshore Provisional Delving License

No. 34266 Issued Post Imperium 467

This is to certify that

are authorized by the Explorer’s Guild of Ruinshore

as a Provisional Adventuring Group, Class 2.

Valid only when

signed by all
associated party

Pyramid image from the Library of Congress, public domain collection

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Ruinshore Shop Inventory

Ruinshore Arms & Armor Inventory
Name Cost Properties
Studded Leather 45 gp Light Armor, 12 AC +Dex
Chain Shirt 50 gp Medium Armor, 13 AC + Dex (max +2)
Scale Mail 50 gp Medium Armor, 14 AC + Dex
Ring Mail 30 gp Heavy Armor, 14 AC
Dagger 2 gp Light 1-handed, 1d4 piercing
Light Hammer 2 gp Light 1-handed, 1d4 bludgeoning
Sling 5 gp 1-handed, 1d6 bludgeoning
Whip 4gp Finesse, 1-handed, 1d4 slashing, 10ft reach
Longsword 12 gp Versatile 1-handed, 1d8 slashing
Light Crossbow 25 gp 2-Handed, Loading, (Range 80/320), 1d8 Piercing
Hand Crossbow 75 gp 1-handed, Light, Loading (Range 30/120), 1d6 Piercing

Lucky Strike Adventuring Gear Inventory

Name Cost
Torches (10) 5 sp
Arrows (20) 1 gp
Crossbow Bolts (20) 1 gp
Sling Bullets (20) 1 gp
Candle (10) 1 gp
Grappling Hook 2 gp
Crowbar 2 gp
Climber’s Kit 25 gp
Chain (10 feet) 5 gp
Hempen Rope (50 feet) 1 gp

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Glass Plate Glyph Puzzle

Glyphs adapted from BotW Sheikah Font by Sarinilli.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Items & Monsters Deathless Soldier

Medium Undead, Lawful Evil

Scarab Swarm Armor Class 15 (Rusted Armor)

Medium Swarm of Tiny Beasts, Unaligned Hit Points 20, Speed 10ft

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 35, Speed 30ft 16(+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses Passive Perception 10

8(-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) Damage Immunities Poison, Exhaustion
Damage Resistances Fire
Immune to Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed,
Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
Challenge Rating 1 (200 xp)
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Challenge Rating 1 (200 xp)
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Actions target. Hit: 2d6 bludgeoning damage.

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s

space, and the swarm can move through any opening Deathless Knight
large enough for a tiny Scarab. Medium Undead, Lawful Evil

Bite. Melee Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0ft. Hit: 4d4 Armor Class 17 (Rusted Plate)
piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC Hit Points 40, Speed 20ft
13 Constitution saving throw or a scarab burrows
under the skin of the target.
16(+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
If a scarab is burrowed inside a creature, at the end of
Senses Passive Perception 10
the creature’s turn the scarab moves closer to the
Damage Immunities Poison, Exhaustion
creature’s brain, dealing 1 additional piercing
damage. If the scarab is not removed after 3 turns of Damage Resistances Fire
being burrowed, it latches onto the brain of the Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
creature and takes control of its body until removed. Challenge Rating 2 (450 xp)

A creature can use one of its attack actions to attempt Actions

to cut out a scarab. The creature makes a DC 13 Sleight
of Hand check, cutting it out of the victim on a success Great Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
and dealing 3 damage to the swarm. Using a dagger one target. Hit: 1d12 slashing damage.
or small knife gives Advantage on the check. Success
or fail, the creature in which the scarab is burrowed
takes 1 point of piercing damage.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Medium Monstrosity, Neutral Anchor Token
Armor Class 12 (Rusted Plate) Wondrous item, uncommon, 1lb
Hit Points 58, Speed 15ft You can use an action to touch the token to a boat or
ship. For the next 24 hours, the vessel can’t be moved
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA by any means. Touching the token to the vessel again
17(+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 5 (-3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) ends the effect. When the effect ends, the token
Senses Passive Perception 11, Stealth +5 loses its magical charge and becomes a mundane
Damage Immunities Acid, Prone object.
Challenge Rating 2 (450 xp)
A small lead token shaped like a ship’s anchor, about the
Actions size of a coin.

Adhesive. Adheres to anything that touches it, target is

grappled (target can’t move, Mimic has advantage on
attacks against grappled targets.) Sovereign Glue
Wondrous item, Legendary, 1 ounce
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach One ounce of the glue can cover a 1-foot square
5ft., Hit 1d8+3 bludgeoning damage. On hit, the target surface. The glue takes 1 minute to set. Once it has
is grappled. done so, the bond it creates can be broken only by
the application of universal solvent or oil of
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., Hit etherealness, or with a wish spell.
1d8 piercing damage + 1d8 acid damage.
This viscous, milky-white substance can form a
permanent adhesive bond between any two objects. It is
stored in a small glass jar that has been coated inside with
oil of slipperiness.

Ring of Feather Falling

Ring, rare
When you fall while wearing this ring, you descend
60 feet per round and take no damage from falling.

This piece of jewelry is shaped like a tiny feather, cast in

silver, curved into a ring.

Leather Armor of Acid Resistance

Armor, rare, 10lb
AC 12, you have resistance to acid damage while you
wear this armor.
This leather armor has been carefully inlaid with blue
Arrowhawk scales.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Interlude 2: The Road to Akrul

Another filler session, there’s not a lot of novel content here, so I’m only including some brief notes and ideas. However,
there is some narrative content that leads into the next chapter. If you decide not to run this in-between session, you can
just add that content to the end of the previous chapter, or the start of the next. The character of Caevara is meant as a
teaser or hint of possible future directions that the campaign could take after this storyline is concluded. If you aren’t
interested in pursuing a Spelljammer or Astral adventure in the future, you may want to modify Caevara or just remove
him entirely.
The Gnoll Wastelands are harsh desert territory, with
Ruinshore is in chaos! Town guards are running little forageable food, no fresh water, and few safe
around frantically, trying to control the city gates resting points.
and prevent any looting or damage. Residents are
leaving en masse, constantly looking fearfully to the Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids. They’re
sky as the massive floating pyramid looms overhead. scavengers, raiders, and cannibals.

Most of the humans are piling their belongings on

horses or wagons, heading south toward the other You can’t help but feel like you’re being watched. You
human settlements. notice a figure nearby, leaning casually against a
wall. They’ve been listening to your conversation all
Nefti Nimbledimple, agent of the Night Caravan, this time.
approaches the party. She’s riding on Teacup’s
enormous iron shoulder, the two seem to have The person is tall and thin. They’re wearing
become friends in your absence. form-fitting reddish-brown leather pants, boots,
jacket and gloves. They are carrying a sheathed
“Ok, here’s the deal. Bringing Teacup and the Eye so rapier. You can’t determine their species, because
close to the pyramid generated enough energy to they’re wearing a strangely shaped helmet and an
fully awaken Adia. No time to beat ourselves up over opaque glass mask that obscures their face. They
it. We couldn’t have known that would happen, and walk over to your party and nod.
we didn’t know that her body was in that tomb. We
need to get the Eye out of ol’ Teacup’s body, “Name’s Caevara. I heard you talking about heading
hopefully without destroying Teacup in the process. to Akrul. I’m headed there as well, and don’t feel like
making the trip alone. Like little Nefti here said, the
I figure the dwarven smiths of Akrul are still your road passes through Gnoll territory, and raids on
best bet. I’m coming with you, I think I know a dwarf travelers are common. I’ll pay my way if you let me
there who can help. I’m not much help in a fight, but tag along, how’s 50 gold pieces sound?”
I can help guide you through the Gnoll territory
between here and there.”
Caevara is secretly an Astral Elf from wildspace. He will
Players can talk to Nefti and ask questions. not reveal this, and will deflect any questions about his
Nefti knows an elderly Dwarven Artificer in Akrul,
named Brenna Bladesmith. If the party doesn’t allow Caevara to join them, he’ll
secretly follow at a distance and show up later.
Brenna is old even by dwarven standards, over four
hundred years old. She is a powerful Artificer, and Caevara starts off as secretive, aloof, and transactional.
has worked with the Night Caravan over the years.
The existence of Astral Elfs, Wildspace, and the Astral
If anyone can remove the Eye of Adia from Teacup Plane in general, is not widely known to the inhabitants
and figure out how to destroy it, it’s Brenna. of Oakheart.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Ahead on the side of the road is a wooden cart. One

Nefti claps her hands and says “Alright, time’s a of its wheels is shattered. In front of the cart are the
wastin’! It’s at least a two day trip from here to Akrul, corpses of two beasts of burden, goats or horses. It’s
and it’s going to be dangerous. Let’s get moving.” hard to be sure, because the poor creatures are being
butchered and cut up by two hulking figures
The route from Ruinshore to Akrul is treacherous. looming over them.
There is a road of sorts, hard compacted earth, but it
is constantly being blasted with sandstorms, and is Two Gnoll Raiders, wearing piecemeal armor and
riddled with cracks, craters, and sand dunes. To your carrying cruel looking weapons. Standing to the side
left is the crater sea. The water is foul and brackish, of the wagon are two other figures, roughly the same
and laps quietly against the desolate shore. To your height but disturbingly thin and brittle looking, like
right is lifeless desert, rust-colored sand and sharp a scarecrow version of a Gnoll.
tearing rocks. The landscape makes you want to
If players pass the Perception check, they have a chance
As you’re walking, Nefti quietly tells you about the to plan their next move, use stealth, etc. If not, the
area. Gnolls notice the party and attack immediately.

“According to the Night Caravan’s history and stories, Either way, when the battle commences, the largest
this was all a lush, fertile prairie. Shepherds grazed Gnoll howls, “Offerings, more offerings for Greenog!
bison and sheep here by the thousands. When Meat for the Bloated One!”
Empress Adia began draining the life from her
subjects, the land started to die as well. Now it’s
nothing but wasteland. The only thing that lives out Caevara will assist in the battle using hit and run Blink
here are Gnolls. tactics, and will try to avoid being surrounded.

They’ll sometimes raid into the inhabited parts of After one of the gnolls is dead and the other is close to
Oakheart, burning and pillaging, killing and eating. death, it will try to escape. The witherlings will fight to
They’ll eat any kind of meat, even humanoid. And the death. One gnoll is carrying a pouch with 40gp.
when they start to run out of food, they’ll turn on
Both gnolls are wearing filthy hide armor, but they’re
each other.
too large to comfortably fit any of the players. One
That’s not even the worst of it! After they’ve eaten would drop a two-handed axe (1d10) and the other has
the flesh from one of their own, they use two hand axes (1d6).
necromancy to bring the bones and sinew back to
life, and turn ‘em into Witherlings. Dried out You find nothing of value in or around the wagon, it
zombies that don’t eat, don’t sleep, don’t compete
must have been picked clean by other gnolls before you
with the tribe for food… but can still fight and kill for
them.” arrived. There is no sign of the wagon’s owner or driver.

Nefti shivers, despite the baking heat. Sandstorm

First Gnoll Attack

You continue your trek. You notice a growing shadow
to the northeast, like a huge approaching
thunderstorm. It’s a sandstorm, a big one, and
In the distance you hear a noise. Like laughter but moving fast! You estimate it will be upon you in less
harsh, shrill, animalistic. than an hour.

Perception DC 15 would let the party see what’s Nefti says, “Not good, not good! The sand in that
happening before engaging in combat. thing is like shards of glass, it’ll tear us to shreds!
Except for Teacup, they’ll probably be fine. They can

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


make sure our sandblasted bones get a decent

burial.” Caevara sits with you, and starts fiddling with his
helmet, unsnapping this, unscrewing that.
According to Nefti, there’s a ruined town at about
the half-way point between Ruinshore and Akrul. If “Well, we’ve faced death together twice now, so I
you start running now, you might make it before the suppose you’ve earned some amount of trust. And
sandstorm rips the flesh from your bones. besides, I have sand in my helmet and it’s driving me
crazy. I only ask that you don’t share this with anyone
According to Nefti, there’s a ruined town at about the
half-way point between Ruinshore and Akrul. If you After loosening the last strap, Caevara takes off his
start running now, you might make it before the strange helmet. At first glance he looks like an elf,
with sharp features, pointed ears, and no facial hair.
sandstorm rips the flesh from your bones.
But his skin is pale green, and his hair is pure white,
cropped short. His most striking features though are
As a group, each player makes a series of constitution his eyes, which are pure black, but seem to spark
checks. After every check, move the party marker with random flashes of gold light, like fireflies in a
forward one space if they succeeded the check. Starting dark glass jar.
with the second check, move the sandstorm marker
forward regardless of the check result. If the sandstorm “Ahh, much better,” he says as he rubs his face and
scratches his scalp. “As you can probably imagine, I
ends on the same space as the party (or passes them),
don’t tend to take this helmet off in mixed company.
everyone takes slashing damage as indicated on the Too many questions.”
clock. Continue until the party reaches the last space on
the clock and makes it to safety.
Caevara is an Astral Elf, from wildspace. His people
The party finds a building that is still reasonably are related to terrestrial elves, but left your planet
sheltered, light a campfire and settle down to wait out many thousands of years ago. They live among the
stars, exploring and trading between worlds that
the storm. Or they might just choose to activate Egdod’s
most on this planet know nothing about.
Tower and head inside to their cozy Wizard’s tower, and
skip this entirely! He has been stranded on this planet for several years
after he crash landed his spelljammer.

Spelljammers are flying ships, powered by magic,

that can traverse the vast distances and vacuum of

His goal is to find passage off world and back to his

people. Oakheart and its residents seem somewhat
primitive to him, but he suspects that there may be
some magic artifacts somewhere in the world that
can get him back to wildspace.

If the players have used Egdod’s Tower, Caevara will

mention that it is one such artifact that might be
helpful. That kind of shapeshifting magic is rare
even off-world.

Eventually Caevara decides he’s done talking. He closes

his eyes, begins his Astral Meditation, and stops
responding to questions.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Sacrifice for Greenog Greenog joins the battle. If any players are swallowed
during the battle, mention that in the slimy darkness
they feel other objects in the stomach, like smooth
The next morning, you continue the journey. Freshly
piled up sand dunes make for slow going, but at least
the storm has passed. The road is uneventful for a The Gnolls carry 60gp, plus some basic weaponry. If
while, until you hear a distant noise up ahead. players think to cut open or search Greenog’s stomach,
they’ll find:
“Let me go you monsters, I don’t want to meet your god!
Help! Heeellllpp!” A chunk of Obsidian
Two Black Pearls
You also hear chanting, faint at first but getting
louder as you approach. A small diamond
A piece of jade
“Greenog! Greenog! Greenog!!” Five shards of ivory

A stone altar sits between the road and the poisoned It seems that Yeenog’s stomach acid will dissolve flesh,
water. There are columns on the four corners of the bone and metal, but gemstones and other spell
altar, though two of them are broken and fallen.
components have accumulated over the years,
Strung up between the remaining two columns are
ropes, and held in the center of the altar is a young undigested in its stomach like bubblegum.
dwarf, tied by his arms.
If the dwarf survives, his name is Kaz Stoutbarrel, and
Surrounding him are Gnolls and Witherlings, he’s just a wagon driver for a brewery in Akrul. He was
stomping their feet, banging their weapons, and supposed to be delivering some casks of ale to
chanting. Ruinshore, when he was attacked by Gnolls and taken
as a sacrifice. If you can help him get back to Akrul, he’s
Begin combat encounter with 2 Gnoll Raiders and 2 pretty sure his parents will reward you.
Witherlings. After any two enemies have been killed or
chased off…
After crossing the Akrul Bridge, you finally leave
behind the Gnoll wastelands. The road becomes
You hear a deep, slimy bubbling sound coming from stone brick, and the elevation rises up into the
the water. The surviving Gnolls stop in their tracks mountains. The air turns colder, and pine trees start
and look towards the water. to crowd the road. As you turn the final corner, you
approach the foot of the mountains. The road leads
“Greenog!!” They scream joyfully. The surface of the directly into a cliff face, where you can see a huge
water breaks to reveal a monstrous frog-like stone gate, arrow slits, and balconies all carved into
creature. the raw stone. You’ve made it to Akrul.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Gnoll Witherling
Creatures Medium Undead, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)

Caevara, Mysterious Traveler Hit Points 25, Speed 30ft
Astral Elf Ranger, True Neutral
Armor Class 15 (Leather Armor) 14(+2) 8(-2) 12(+1) 5 (-3) 5 (-3) 5 (-3)
Hit Points 50, Speed 30ft
Senses Passive Perception 10.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Immunities Poison
11(+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

Senses Passive Perception 10. Darkvision Actions

Immune to Sleep Multiattack. Makes a bite attack and a club attack.
Resistant to Charm
Vengeful Strike. If a gnoll is reduced to 0 hit points
within 30 feet, the witherling makes a charge up to 30
Actions feet and a melee attack as a bonus reaction.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., Hit Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., Hit 1d8
2d8+4 piercing damage. piercing damage, plus 1d4 acid damage.
Spiked Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
Starlight Step. Teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied Hit 2d8 piercing damage.
space you can see.
Astral Trance. Does not sleep, instead meditates for 4
hours while still conscious. Greenog, The Bloated One
Dancing Lights. Cantrip, range 120 feet. Create up to 4 Huge Monstrosity (Froghemoth), Neutral
torch-sized glowing orbs within range. Lights last for
one minute, and as a bonus action can be moved up to Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
60 feet to a new spot within range. Hit Points 175, Speed 30ft


Gnoll Raider
23(+6) 13(+1) 23(+6) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 4 (-3)
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Evil
Senses Passive Perception 19.
Armor Class 15 (Hide Armor)
Damage Vulnerabilities lightning
Hit Points 60, Speed 30ft


14(+2) 12(+1) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) Multiattack. Makes a bite attack and a tentacle attack.
Senses Passive Perception 10. Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 20ft.,
Hit 3d8 bludgeoning damage, on hit target is
Actions grappled (escape DC 16) and pulled to Greenog.
Cannot use a tentacle attack if grappling a target.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., Hit 1d8
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., Hit
piercing damage.
2d10 piercing damage, on hit target is swallowed.
Axe Swing. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
Swallowed creatures have disadvantage to attacks,
Hit 2d10 slashing damage.
and take 1d6 acid damage at the start of Yeenog’s
turn. Yeenog can hold up to 2 medium or smaller
creatures in its gullet. If Yeenog takes 30 or more
damage from swallowed creatures, he vomits
creatures back up, throwing them up to 20 feet away.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Chapter 6: The Forge of Akrul

This chapter marked the culmination of the first part of the campaign’s story arc, and my party had been looking forward
to getting to Akrul for several sessions. I wanted to have a big emotional payoff, and for my group at least, it was
successful. I also had a dilemma of having too much content and was worried about fitting it all in a single session. In
order to have time to cover everything, I decided to try breaking the commonly cited rule, “Don’t split the party.” It also
became an excuse to play with some “hidden information,” gameplay, and I was very pleased with the results.

The Gates of Akrul Nefti says, “Welp, we’re finally here! There are some
merchants and shops in the Trader’s Mall if you want to
do some shopping, while I track down Brenna
The party arrives at the gates of Akrul. Along with the Bladesmith. She’s gotta be pretty old now, even by
adventurers are: Dwarven standards. But before retiring she was a
powerful Artificer, maybe the best there was. She’s
Teacup the Iron Golem
worked with generations of the Night Caravan over the
Nefti Nimbledimple, years, and I have a feeling she can help us with our Teacup
Gnomish agent of the Night Caravan problem.” Nefti scampers off and is soon lost in the
Caevara, crowd of dwarves.
the mysterious Astral Elf from Wildspace
Kaz Stoutbarrel, You enter the gates of Akrul, and into the city. It’s a
a young dwarf that the party rescued from being huge open cave, with a roof of raw stone towering a
hundred feet above you. Within the cavern are
sacrificed to the “God” of the Wasteland Gnolls.
streets and buildings, built around the natural shape
of the cave. Instead of trees or grass, there are giant
Akrul is built into the side of a mountain, in a large bioluminescent mushrooms, and soft moss. Just
open cavern. From the outside you see a set of inside the city gates is the Bedrock Inn, a modest
massive iron gates, thirty feet tall and twenty feet dwarven establishment.
wide. The gates are open to allow traders in and out.
There are stone balconies and arrow slits carved into Map of Akrul
the cliff face, and dwarven guards peer down at you.

Two older dwarves, a man and a woman, come Perception DC 15 to notice some crudely painted graffiti
rushing out and hug Kaz. They thank you for of a snake coiled around a stalagmite.
bringing their son back safely, and they give you a
reward: Give players an opportunity to shop at the Trader’s
Mall, or explore Akrul.
40gp, and Bouncer's Knuckles.
After some time spent browsing in the Mall, Nefti
Kaz and his parents thank you again, and head off to finds you and says, “Good news, friends! I’ve found
their family business, the Bedrock Inn. Brenna Bladesmith. She’s still alive, though she’s been
retired for many years. But when I mentioned our pal
Caevara nods at you, and tosses a bag of 50gp to the Teacup, her eyes lit up and she told me to invite you all
nearest party member. He says he’s got business to over to her place!”
attend to, but says that he’ll be staying at the
Bedrock Inn, and perhaps your paths will cross again. Brenna’s home is tucked away at the edge of Akrul,
He turns and walks through the gates of Akrul. the last house in the row before the tunnel fades off
into darkness. The house is a stout, squat structure
similar to most dwarven homes, but the roof is
adorned with iron weathervanes shaped like birds,

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


bats, and gargoyles. Iron and brass wind-chimes She also helped design Egdod’s Tower, which she
hang from the tiled roof. refers to as his Stone Spelljammer.

Weathervanes and windchimes would seem useless Brenna thinks she may be able to remove the Eye
in an underground city, were it not for the metal from Teacup, and destroy it forever, but she needs
windmills positioned in the corners of the property, your assistance.
spinning with some unknown energy, producing just
enough wind to make the weathervanes sway and Removing the Eye will remove Teacup’s power
the windchimes tinkle. source, but perhaps you can help Brenna come up
with an alternative to keep it alive.
As you approach the house, you’re greeted by the
sound of barking, like a dog but… strangely metallic
and mechanical. A dog-sized golem bursts out of a “Oh… oh dear. So the Empire has awakened, and Adia is
swinging flap in the bottom of the front door. It’s after the Eye. It’s good you came to me… I think I can
made of iron, and some of its panels are painted with remove the Eye. After all… I’m the one that put it there in
blue enamel… the same shade of blue as Teacup’s the first place.
Egdod and I go way back, to the early days of the Night
“Hush now Doorbell, we’re expecting guests!” A Caravan. You see… we were both part of the team that
dwarven woman opens the door and comes out to stole the Eye from the Empress, and felled the Deathless
greet you. She’s clearly ancient, her face is lined with Empire all those centuries ago. At that time we couldn’t
deep wrinkles and her hair is silver. But her figure out how to destroy the Eye, so we decided to hide it.
shoulders are broad and muscular, her back is I built an Iron Golem, and Egdod helped me place the Eye
straight and proud, and her eyes are sharp. in its chest.

“Ahh my dear Teacup, let me take a look at you. Armor’s Golems are little more than robots, simple machines that
in pretty good shape, a few dents and scratches here and can follow simple orders. They have no thoughts, they
there, but that’s to be expected. But where’s your master? don’t speak. The Eye’s power did something to Teacup,
Where’s Egdod?” awakened It. Gave It a personality and a voice. Egdod took
It to live with him, to keep It safe from harm and hidden
RP opportunity with Brenna. Now would be a great behind his spells and wards. I helped Egdod build that
Stone Spelljammer of his as well, though I don’t think he
time to let the players recount the story so far, in their
ever quite got it working the way he wanted…
own words.
Anyway, the Eye. Ever since Egdod got his hands on it and
Brenna Bladesmith is old even by dwarven we hid it inside Teacup, I’ve been pondering how to
standards, though she won’t say exactly how old. destroy it. I think I know how to do it, and destroy Adia
once and for all in the process. First, we need to remove it
She was a powerful Artificer, perhaps the best in the from Teacup’s body. That’s no easy task. I’ve still got most
land, but is now retired. of my tools, but we’re going to need a few things that I
don’t have.”
She has worked with the Night Caravan over the
years on various projects. Brenna pulls out a notepad and starts to scribble
something down. She hands you a scrap of paper and
Doorbell is her guard dog, Brenna built it many years says “Let’s not waste time, I suggest you divide and
ago. It’s not very bright, but it has very sharp hearing. conquer the first two items. The third might take a more
focussed effort, but I’ll leave it to you. Nefti and Teacup
Brenna is not surprised to see Teacup… she helped can stay here with me while I prepare for the operation.
Egdod build it, and helped install the Eye of Adia You finish my list and we’ll meet at the Akrulite Forge.”
inside of its chest.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Print off the following “grocery list,” or write it out by Encourage players to split up into two groups, and
hand on scrap paper: decide who wants to take which tasks. Physically
separate the two groups. If playing online, separate
chat rooms or breakout rooms will work.
Entry Passes to the Akrulite Forge
Need to use the magic forge, It’s possible to DM both groups simultaneously by
I’ll explain more later. hopping between them, but it’s easier and more
Problem is, they don’t let interesting if you can recruit a compatriot to serve as
just anybody in there! secondary DM for the next portion. My wife was

Talk to Mayor Magram Rockheart generous enough to help in, and she had a lot of fun as
someone with no prior DM experience!
or his secretary. DO NOT tell him
I sent you, we don’t get along!
Arts & Crafts
Animator’s Goggles Give each group three sticky notes or index cards to
Enchanted goggles let you see represent the three charges on their Instant
Messenger. Don’t allow them to communicate
through the outer casing of a between groups, except by using up and passing one
construct. Check with Gnomes in of their notes. If you can get black paper notes and
Gnomehome. Maybe try the Totem gold or silver pens, the effect will be even better.

crafter? Jeweler? Spirit Bakery?

Soulsteel Pliers
The Eye isn’t just connected to
Teacup with metal and wires, Gnomehome is tucked away in a far corner of Akrul.
You follow a winding cobblestone street between
Also connected w/spell threads dense stands of the giant glowing mushrooms that
that exist in higher dimensions. dot the cavern. The street gradually gets narrower,
Need Pliers made of Soulsteel to and the mushroom canopy gets lower as you
approach the Gnomish enclave. Rounding the corner
disconnect spell threads. My pliers you see a cluster of odd Gnomish buildings, tightly
were nicked a while ago by thieves packed into an interlocking hodgepodge of round
No idea who, ask around, others towers, balconies, hallways and bridges. All around
are gnomes going about their daily business,
might have a lead! pushing small carts or carrying baskets.

A few gnomes stare at you, especially the larger

Brenna Bladesmith also rummages around in a members of the party, but most are polite and seem
small box near her front door, and hands you two friendly enough. As you wander around you notice a
small objects, rectangles made of dark gray slate. few doorways decorated with signs, they seem to be
shops. Gizmo Grotto, The Tiny Totem, Jexim’s
“These might come in handy, a little project from my Jewelry, and Spirit Bakery.
Night Caravan days. I call them Instant Messengers!
They’ve only got a few charges left in them, but they
might help you coordinate your efforts!” Players can visit and explore the shops in Gnomehome
in any order they want, and can backtrack as needed.

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Gizmo Grotto If asked about Tunnel Snakes, thieves, or gang

Owned by Widget Whizbang, spunky female gnome members, she’ll say “I haven’t had any direct
with small butterfly tattoos on her face and hands. interaction with such unsavory characters, but I’ve
Offers repairs and modifications for a variety of heard dwarven voices causing trouble in the halls of
gadgets, tools and devices. the Gnomehome once in a while, shouting or
threatening. Lately when those troublemakers
wander through, I catch a whiff of something foul,
No Animator’s Goggles here, but Widget would be
like rotten eggs.
very interested in buying a pair if you happen to find
Jexim’s Jewelry
She would gladly pay 200gp for a pair of working Owner is Jexim Gemshine, an old, bearded, cranky
goggles. male gnome. Buys and sells: Jewels, gems, and jewelry.
Mostly mundane but does deal in the occasional
Spectral Pliers? As a matter of fact, I had someone
enchanted or magical items.
come in a while back, trying to sell a box of tools to
me. I told him to get lost, it was obviously stolen.
Had some spectral pliers in there for sure, I know on Grouchy. Currently trying to repair an enchanted
account of them glowing in the dark. Pretty rare Amulet of Nullification, but isn’t having any luck.
item, that’s why I remember. The gem is cracked in three pieces. Because of its
Nullification field, it’s completely immune to magic,
It was a dwarf. Big, bald, muscley fella with a blonde including Mending.
beard. He tried some intimidation tactics on me, but
I knew better, gnomes in Gnomehome got each Does have a couple old pairs of Animator’s Goggles
other’s backs. in back, but isn’t willing to sell them to strangers,
especially non-Gnomish strangers. Maybe if you
I didn’t get his name, but he had a tattoo on his chest, knew any gnomes that could vouch for you…
looked like a snake coiled around a stalactite. Or was
it a stalagmite? I always get those mixed up. Friends of Nefti Nimbledimple? Well why didn’t you
say so! Nefti grew up right here in Gnomehome, her
He messed up my carpet too, left a bunch of stinky parents still run the bakery! Tell you what. I’m not
yellowish mud! interested in gold, but if you can offer something
interesting in trade, I might consider it.
The Tiny Totem
Players can offer a small magic item, anything
Owner is Tess Woodcarver, a young female gnome with
strange and/or magical, use your best judgment.
long black hair and milky white eyes. Sells wood and
ivory charms, totems, and amulets. Not magical, just Alternatively or additionally, if you can help him
cute. Can also make custom carvings while you wait. repair the amulet, he’ll give you a pair as thanks.

Tess appears to be blind, and does all of her totem

carving by touch alone. She speaks very quietly, and
her hands never stop moving.

She smiles if you ask about goggles, and says she

wouldn’t have much use for such a thing.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Spirit Bakery
Owners are Breezie Nimbledimple and her husband Akrul authorities are not providing public access to
Grenli Nimbledimple. Sells baked goods, of both a the forge right now, due to recent gang-related
mundane and magical nature. thefts.

Their specialty is Ghost Cookies. They exist in two They call themselves The Tunnel Snakes. A pack of
planes of existence at once, so you can enjoy the miscreants that are constantly starting fights,
taste and crunch in the material plane, but all the vandalizing buildings, stealing from homes and
calories exist in the spirit realm.
Akrul militia have tried to stop them, but they’ve got
You’re friends with Nefti? She’s here in Akrul?? a hideout somewhere, and they always manage to
Strange that she didn’t just come here right away, or evade capture.
even mention that Akrul is her hometown… Tell her
to come and say hello to her ol’ mom and dad, we You find their hideout or otherwise deal with them,
haven’t seen her in months! and I’ll get you your forge passes.

They’ve been reported causing trouble in

They look like normal chocolate chip cookies, but a
Gnomehome, at the Bedrock Inn, and in residential
pale colorless gray. If eaten by a non-dwarf, heal 1d8 areas.
HP. If eaten by a dwarf, they are stricken with a
Hunger Curse for one hour, and are compelled to eat
and drink anything remotely edible nearby. The Bedrock Inn
Does not have any Animator’s Goggles or Spirit
Pliers, but did you ask Jexim or Widget? A small, modest tavern and inn run by Feb and Irma
Stoutbarrel, and their son Kaz. It’s much like any
Haven’t personally had any trouble with Dwarven other inn, designed to be comfortable for visitors
ruffians, they don’t like the cookies we bake. But you with a variety of heights. There are low tables and
might ask Widget, or Tess. We heard them talking stools for dwarves, taller tables and chairs for larger
races, and some tiny tables for gnomes. The bar
about some weird experiences.
stools have built-in ladders for any smallfolk that
want to sit at the bar.
The Mayor’s Hall Your mysterious acquaintance, Caevara the Astral
Elf, is sitting at the bar. He’s wearing his strange glass
helmet to hide his appearance, but is drinking with a
The Mayor’s Hall is an imposing stone building on straw that fits through a small opening in his
the North end of town, its front doors flanked by helmet.
stone statues of ancient dwarven heroes. The
building is open to the public, and various Dwarves
and the occasional Gnome are coming and going, If asked what his business is, Caevara just says that
paying bills or filing complaints. he’s waiting, and won’t elaborate.

Inside the main doors is a large desk, behind which Players can try to persuade Caevara to help with the
sits the Assistant to the Mayor, Burli Brittlefrost. Tunnel Snakes.
He’s short even for a dwarf, with a pinched face and
tiny glasses, and a stressed out expression on his The Stoutbarrels will complain about the Tunnel
face. Without even looking up from his papers, he Snakes, who keep trying to steal kegs of ale out of
recites, “Mayor Kurgan is not receiving visitors today. the tavern’s storage yard, and keep drawing graffiti
If you’d like to schedule a meeting, I can put you on on their walls.
his agenda. The next open appointment is in four

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


members will fight back but will try to flee if their HP

The graffiti is a crude drawing of a snake coiled
around a stalactite. gets too low, and will surrender if it’s clear they’re about
to lose the fight. The Tunnel Snakes have a collection of
The Tunnel Snakes often leave behind a stink, like stolen gold totalling 250gp, some stolen jewelry,
rotten eggs. trinkets and gems, and a small tool case containing
Brenna’s missing tools, including her spectral pliers.
Kaz is strangely quiet during this conversation,
avoids eye contact. Once the Tunnel Snakes are dealt with, Mayor’s
Assistant Brittlefrost will thank the party and give
If asked, he mumbles nervously that he doesn’t know them a group pass to access the Akrulite Forge.
anything about them.

Persuasion, intimidation, detect lies, etc. will get him

to admit that he knows some of the Snakes, they The Pit of Eyes
were school friends before they became delinquents.
He covered for them a couple of times when they A very brief description, in case players ask or try to
stole beer, and told his parents that he dropped a investigate it.

He thinks they hang out in the mines past the The Pit of Eyes is a deep, roughly circular pit. Lining
Northeast corner of Akrul, but he doesn’t know the edge of the pit are outcroppings of rock, sharp,
exactly where. craggy, and tooth-like. They don’t look like any other
natural rock formations that you’ve seen in Akrul. A
He begs you to go easy on them, they’ve made some
bad choices but they’ve never killed or hurt anyone. spiraling stone staircase has been carved into one
He understands they might need to be punished, but side of the pit by dwarven hands, and there’s
begs you to go easy on them. evidence of old mining works, pulleys and
scaffolding and piles of excavated rubble.

The Tunnel Snakes But whatever project began here seems to have long
been abandoned. The only recent Dwarven activity
At this point, hopefully players will have gathered here is a militia checkpoint, and a handful of
enough clues to deduce that the Tunnel Snakes have a Dwarven soldiers. They’re lounging around looking
hideout in the Sulphur Mines. If they still haven’t put it bored, but they’re fully armored and equipped, and
together, an NPC could offhandedly remark that they have two large ballistas set up and pointed
Sulphur smells like rotten eggs. Alternatively, they toward the Pit.
could convince Kaz to make contact with the Tunnel
Snakes and lure them to a meeting location. A guard yawns and says, “Oh yeah, excavation’s been
off-limits to civilians and outsiders for decades. Story goes
like this. Back in the day, before my time, some miners are
You find The Tunnel Snakes’ hideout in the Sulphur
exploring the Pit, and they find a promising seam of gold
mines. A rude camp with some tents, a fire pit, and a
mess of broken crates and barrels, the remains of ore. They dig out a staircase, start setting up shop. But
their crime spree. Sitting around the fire are four then they find out the hard way, the Pit’s already been
dwarves, drinking, laughing, and talking loudly. Due claimed. There’s some kinda monster down there! Kills
to the darkness of the tunnel, the glare of the fire, some of the miners immediately, drives the rest mad.
and the dwarves’ inebriation, they don’t notice you Miners come pouring out of the Pit raving and screaming.
immediately. The survivors are changed, their faces all twisted out of
shape unnatural-like, and one great big watery eye
Players can decide how to proceed. Sneak, magic, where their normal eyes should be!
intimidate, fight, etc.. If they choose to fight, the gang

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Now I dunno, it all sounds like a tall tale to me. But the Brenna leads you to a smaller building connected to
city elders and mayors have always taken it seriously. one of the turbines. Inside the building is a workshop
We’ve got guards posted here at all times, in case with a large low bench, big enough for Teacup to lay
on like a bed. Hanging from the ceiling near the
anything tries to come up those steps. Hard to complain,
bench are tubes, pipes, and hoses that can deliver
it’s an easy shift! Never had nothing happen in my time. If steam or power to the various hand tools nearby.
there’s really something down there, it doesn’t seem
interested in comin’ up to chat. We leave it alone, it leaves “It’s going to take me a couple of minutes to get prepared,
us alone.” if you’ve got anything to say to Teacup, now’s the time.”

The Akrulite Forge Teacup seems worried about what will happen to It,
insofar as a 12-foot-tall Iron Golem can be worried.

But It understands the danger of the Eye getting into

You approach the front gates of the Akrulite Forge, Adia’s hands.
and find Brenna Bladesmith waiting for you, with
Nefti, Teacup, and Doorbell in tow. Teacup consents to having the Eye removed from it,
hopes that it will still be conscious when this is over,
You present your forge passes to a guard at the gate, but thanks you for the adventure you’ve taken it on.
and he lets the whole strange crew in. The forge is a
sprawling operation with multiple buildings, Brenna doesn’t know for sure what will happen to
warehouses, stacks of crates, and many dwarven Teacup. No other golem is quite like it, difficult to tell
smiths and laborers. To one side of the forgeyard, what is just Teacup and what is from the Eye. “I’ve
half-buried in the earth, is a huge vein of pulsing red got a few ideas of what to do if worst comes to worst,
mineral, which is connected to three conduit but we’ll deal with that when the time comes.
buildings that constantly leak steam. Giant turbines
are connected to one of the conduits, powering Nefti Nimbledimple stays close by, and tries to
hammers, anvils, and generators. reassure Teacup, patting its massive shoulder.

Brenna says, “About a hundred years ago, some miners

uncovered this mineral vein. They didn’t know what it Brenna asks Teacup to lay down on the bench and
was, had never seen anything like it. It’s harder than get comfortable. She puts on the Animator’s Goggles
diamond, it couldn’t be mined, broken, melted, or cut. All and peers at Teacup. Nodding, she digs in her pack of
we could do was chip away at the rock surrounding it, and tools and pulls out the spectral pliers, and a copper
expose part of it. Still don’t know how big it is, or how far rod carved with intricate dwarven runes.
the vein extends. We call it Akrulite.
She gently taps the rod to the middle of Teacup’s
But if you touch it with any kind of metal like iron or stomach, and a pattern in the metal, previously
silver, the metal starts to heat up. Stick one end of an iron invisible, starts to glow. A series of circles inscribed
rod on the Akrulite and the other end of the rod in water, with runes, a magical seal. Above the circles, a panel
and you get steam. It’s an endless, indestructible power in Teacup’s chest unfolds with a series of clicks.
source. I’m the one that suggested they build this forge to
harness its power. But I had another reason for getting Beneath the panel is a cavity, about a foot across. In
them to build it… I think we can use it to destroy the Eye.” the center of the cavity is an object, a gently glowing
red orb surrounded by a cage of unknown metal. It’s
a bit bigger than an apple, but could still fit in the
If you’ve previously hinted at the Ancient Bone
palm of your hand.
Dagger’s sentience, now would be a good time to give a
secret message to the Dagger’s wielder. They hear a
whisper in their mind, the Bone Dagger saying, “This is
the place… we just need to be patient a little while longer.”

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


“There it is… the Eye of Adia. Okay, I’m going to need your Suddenly the room is plunged into darkness.
help for this. Your job is to align these runes, which will Complete, impenetrable darkness that even those
allow me to see the spell threads holding the Eye in place. with darkvision can’t see through. There’s a sound of
As you do that, I’m going to use the pliers to clip the spell a scuffle, and you hear Brenna cry out in pain.
threads one at a time, until I can remove the Eye.”
You hear a small voice. It’s Nefti. “You won’t believe
me, I know that. But I’m sorry. Empress Adia… she got in
Arts & Crafts my head back in Ruinshore. Her voice started whispering
to me, and never stopped. Even now I can hear her.
Some time ago I saw a set of interesting looking
“Rune Dice,” for sale, designed for rune divination. I If I bring the Eye to her, she told me she’ll spare Akrul and
didn’t have an immediate use for them, but I loved Gnomehome. If I don’t, her deathless army will come.
how they looked, and I’ve found that interesting dice Thousands of them, tens of thousands. They’ll come to
and trinkets will often end up being a nice bit of Akrul, and they’ll break down the gates piece by piece,
flavor to add to a game. chip by chip.

At this point in the session I wanted my players to be Adia will take us, man, woman and child, every gnome
completely focussed on a task for a couple of and dwarf. She’ll drain our life force away until we’re
minutes, so that I could be prepared to flip the lights nothing but bones, and then she’ll enslave the bones and
off in the room and narrate the final story moment. I add us to her army.
made a simple design to print out on paper, and then
used a gold-ink marker to put a different rune on I can’t let that happen. My family, my friends, everyone
each circle. For an added complication, there are I’ve ever known lives here. Tell Teacup I’m sorry, if It ever
three different dice in each color, each die has a wakes up. Tell my parents I’m sorry, and that I’m doing
different set of runes on it, and each rune on the this for them.”
puzzle only matches one of the dice.
You hear crying, sniffling, and then nothing. Light
Here’s a picture of the setup I used. slowly returns to the room. On the floor is a Wand of
Darkness, spent and broken.
Let the players complete the rune puzzle. When they’re
Teacup is motionless. The cavity in Its chest is empty.
just about to finish, turn off the lights. Brenna is laying on the ground, clutching her side
with bloody hands. She’s been stabbed, and is
bleeding profusely. Nefti is nowhere to be seen.

Adia, Empress of the Deathless Empire, has her Eye.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


must succeed on a Strength DC 13 saving throw or

Creatures & Items take an extra 1d6 piercing damage and be grappled
(Escape DC 13).
Pack Tactics. Doorbell has advantage on attack rolls if
an ally is within 10 feet of Doorbell.
Bouncer’s Knuckles Keen Hearing.Advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
Simple Melee Weapon, uncommon, 1lb checks that rely on hearing.
Light, Hidden. Deals 1d4+1 Bludgeoning damage. If
an attack with Bouncer’s Knuckles would deal lethal Caevara, Mysterious Traveler
damage to a living creature, instead it knocks them Astral Elf Ranger, True Neutral
unconscious for one hour.
Armor Class 15 (Leather Armor)
Hit Points 50, Speed 30ft
A plain-looking set of knuckle dusters, made of a heavy,
dull gray metal. They can be easily concealed, but feel like STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
they pack an unnaturally strong punch. 11(+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

Senses Passive Perception 10. Darkvision

Instant Messengers Immune to Sleep
Resistant to Charm
Wondrous item, uncommon, 1lb
Instant messengers can use one charge to transmit a
short written message or drawing from one slate to
the other, regardless of distance or plane of Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., Hit
existence. Each slate has three charges. After the 2d8+4 piercing damage.
charges are expended, the Instant Messengers
Starlight Step. Teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied
become mundane pieces of slate.
space you can see.
Astral Trance. Does not sleep, instead meditates for 4
A pair of small rectangles made of dark gray slate. hours while still conscious.
Anything written or drawn on one slate will immediately Dancing Lights. Cantrip, range 120 feet. Create up to 4
be visible on the other slate in glowing golden lines, torch-sized glowing orbs within range. Lights last for
regardless of distance between the two slates. one minute, and as a bonus action can be moved up to
60 feet to a new spot within range.

Doorbell, Iron Defender Tunnel Snake

Medium Construct, Lawful Neutral Dwarf Bandit, True Neutral
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 12 (Chain Shirt)
Hit Points 40, Speed 50ft Hit Points 35, Speed 25ft
16(+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) 17(+3) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)
Senses Passive Perception 13. Darkvision 60 ft Senses Passive Perception 10. Darkvision
Immune to Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Immune to Sleep
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Fire, Poison, Psychic Resistant to Charm
Fire Absorption, Immutable Form, Magic Resistance
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft.,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., Hit Hit 1d12+3 slashing damage.
1d6+3 piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Rune Seal Puzzle

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Interlude 3: How to Power a Golem?

The party has been betrayed. The Eye of Adia has been taken, and the Empress of the Deathless has regained her full
power. Teacup the Iron Golem lays cold and lifeless on a workbench. Brenna Bladesmith lies on the floor bleeding. Can
Teacup be revived? Can the Deathless Empire be stopped? Can the Eye of Adia be destroyed once and for all?

In this session I made heavy use of content from Epic Encounters: Village of the Goblin Chief, so I won’t be relaying the entire
session here. Feel free to use similar pre-made content, or create your own.

The Akrulite Forge If the party could somehow get a shard, they would
also need a specialized casing to hold the shard.
Give the players some time to regroup, react, or
roleplay. The container would need to be made of something
that can secure and moderate the power. Something
Brenna Bladesmith has finally regained her
with an innate magical or anti-magical control field.
composure. “That poor girl… I know you’re mad at
Nefti. Her betrayal hurts. Giving up the Eye to the A spell or charge wouldn’t do it, a spell wouldn’t last
Empress may have doomed us all. But she did it out long enough. No, the container needs a permanent
of love for her family, and fear for their safety.” control field.

“Let’s not give up hope. I don’t think Teacup is dead… If it were spherical, all the better. I could put it into
merely unpowered. If we can find a new power Teacup’s chest cavity without much extra
source, I believe it could wake up. “ modification.

This is outside my area of expertise. Egdod was the

Players could brainstorm or ask questions about
one that handled the major magic work, I did the
potential options. Brenna can help lead the
conversation as needed.
Maybe someone else could give some advice,
Akrulite is an intense power source, even a small someone with experience in high technology or deep
piece would surely be enough to power a golem. magic?

Brenna suspects that the Eye is also made of

Players may think to talk to Caevara, or they might
come up with other plans or ideas. At your discretion
you can improvise some further RP or planning, or
Where did Adia find another source? Who knows?
continue with the following encounter.
The Dwarves don’t even truly know what it is, let
alone how to find more of it.
Suddenly, you hear the harsh clanging of alarm bells.
Brenna thinks she could make another power source Outside, dwarves are rushing away from the Forge.
similar to the Eye if she had a shard of Akrulite, but One stops long enough to yell, “Goblin raid! They came
no known tool or weapon can damage it. For now, up from the mines!”
they only have a single, gigantic, unbreakable vein
of the stuff.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Players can choose to react and investigate. If they

copy some pages, when all hell broke loose! The front door
don’t, Brenna can demand that they check it out.
was smashed open, and suddenly arrows and blades were
flying everywhere. A pack of goblins burst through into
By the time you arrive at the entrance of the mine, the lobby, killed the security guards before they even
the goblins have already left. A few dwarves are knew what happened. Then they went straight for the
nursing wounds, others are setting up barricades in stranger! You won’t believe this, but he disappeared in a
case any attackers return. Brenna approaches a puff of smoke, then reappeared closer to the exit.
dwarf who seems like they’re in charge, and has a
quick conversation, before returning to your group. But before he could escape, one of the goblins did…
something. Cast a spell on the stranger, and he fell to the
“We knew there were goblins that lived deep in the caves ground unconscious. They rolled him up in the lobby rug --
beyond our mining operations. They haven’t bothered us my favorite rug, by the way -- and dragged him out the
in centuries, not so much as a stolen pickaxe or scrap of door!”
The stranger was tall and thin, wore reddish brown
According to the foreman, a horde of them rushed up the
leather covering his whole body, and a strange opaque
mineshaft and forced their way into town. One of them
glass helmet. (It was Caevara, the Astral Elf.)
was riding a giant slimy frog, like it was a horse! Then
just a few minutes later, the raiding party came back
If the players ask what Caevara was doing in the Town
through and back down into the mines. He said that this
Hall Library, Burli shrugs and hands you a page of
time the frog was carrying a big bundle. It could have
parchment. (He does this if they don’t ask, too!)
been a prisoner, or a body, or loot. And then they were
gone, the whole raid was over in minutes.
“He was looking for an old book in our collection,
‘Dangerous Aberrations.’ I told him it was our only copy, I
Now, what are the odds this happens minutes after we
couldn’t let it leave the building. So he asked me for a blank
lose the Eye of Adia? I don’t think this is just a coincidence.
sheet of paper, and then he did… something to it, and then it
You need to figure out what the goblins were trying to
turned into a perfect copy of one of the pages! He made some
accomplish in the raid. I’m going to stay here with
notes on the page by hand, but before he could take it, well…
Doorbell, and help set up a defensive perimeter. Come
he got taken.”
back when you have something to share.”
Burli hands the copied page to the party, an entry on
Brenna whispers to Doorbell, the dog-shaped iron
Beholders. Give them the excerpt page.
defender. It growls metallically, and then begins
pacing back and forth in front of the mine entrance.
Before asking for the book, Caevara also asked a lot of
questions about the Akrulite mineral. When it was
Players can follow a trail of destruction and injured found, what the Dwarves had done to try and mine it.
dwarves, leading to the Akrul Town Hall. The front door
has been bashed in, and two guards lie dead inside. Caevara used an Amanuensis spell to copy the page.
Burli Brittlefrost, assistant to the Mayor, is helping
He didn’t explain why he was interested in this page
clean up the mess. He sees you enter, and stops what specifically.
he’s doing to talk.
When the goblins attacked, they seemed specifically
interested in Caevara.
“Adventurers, am I glad to see you! Here I was, just doing
my job. A stranger had come in, asking to look at some
books in the city’s library collection. I was helping him

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


The lead goblin was strange, it wore a wooden mask that arguing goblins, and you can see the flickering lights
covered its face. It was the one that cast a spell on of torches.
Caevara and disabled him.
You see a single rickety ladder extending from a flat
Before disabling Caevara it said something in rough platform up above.
Common. “That one, the Vein wants him!”

The player holding the Cursed Bone Dagger hears the

The party should return to Brenna Bladesmith and blade whispering to them, “Get ready, this is the place!” I
report your findings. Brenna suggests that you need to secretly passed the player a slip of paper with the
go deeper into the caves and track down Caevara. message, so the rest of the party didn’t know what was
happening yet.
She stays behind to help shore up Akrul’s defenses, but
could allow the players to take Doorbell with them. Caevara is being held prisoner by the Glowforest Tribe
of cave goblins. Feel free to improvise with theater of
Into the Underdark the mind, create your own treetop village map, or use
the map and encounters from Epic Encounters: Village of
the Goblin Chief.
You travel through the dwarven mines, a complex
series of tunnels marked by the dwarves' impeccable The rough sequence of events that I followed was:
craftsmanship, hewn through miles of solid stone.
Eventually you reach the end of the mining works, ● The party must rescue Caevara, either through
and step beyond the mine's boundaries. battle, stealth, or trickery. Feel free to use the
Goblin stat blocks below as needed.
You emerge into a large chamber of natural
unworked stone. A chilling breeze greets you, ● Depending on their success or how long it
carrying with it the earthy scent of the Underdark takes them, the Goblins may take Caevara to
and the faint murmur of distant waterways. the chair underneath the Vein.
● The Vein is Akrulite, and it seems to be
Up ahead you discover an unexpected landscape. influencing or controlling the Glowforest
The huge underground cave isn’t pitch black, but is lit
Goblins in some way.
by bioluminescent mosses and mushrooms clinging
to the high cave roof above. ● If Caevara were to be put under the Vein, his
memory and life essence would be drained
The floor of the cave slopes down to create a valley, until his body is a dried husk.
forested with pale trees. The leaves are ghostly ● At a suitably opportune or climactic moment,
white, and glow faintly. A series of crudely built the Bone Dagger’s holder will hear another
treehouses are nestled within the branches of the message, “Use me to strike the Vein! With all
largest trees, connected by rope bridges and vines.
your strength, do it now!”
Below the treetop village is a large open space, ● If the player does so…
scattered with tree stumps and rough benches. In
the center of the seating area is a large red
crystalline outcropping. It’s curved in a twisted arch, Time seems to slow to a series of still images.
jutting out of the ground in one place, plunging back
down into the ground a few feet away. In the hollow The dagger reaches to strike the blood red mineral.
beneath the arch is a large wooden chair. The closer it gets, the slower it seems to move, as if it
will never reach its target.
You don’t see any activity on the ground. From up in
the treetops you can hear the chattering noise of Then the tip of the blade touches the Vein, and a
flash of bloody light obscures the point of contact.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


The Bone Dagger is shattered. If players attempt to

It’s like matter touching anti-matter, and with a
silent explosion both the dagger and the Akrulite Mend it or otherwise restore it, they’ll find themselves
shatter into countless shards. holding a dull and brittle piece of old bone, incapable of
holding a sharp edge, unsuitable as either a tool or
The explosion of crystal radiates out into the Vein in weapon.
both directions, into the ground where both sides of
the arc extend.
Feel free to distribute treasure or loot from the Goblin
A rumbling is felt but not heard, as the explosion camp as appropriate.
propagates deep into the ground.
Caevara clears his throat, and grumbles, “Well, I guess
Any remaining goblins flee in terror, deeper into the
this is twice you’ve saved my skin.
cave system.
Those Goblins never said why they wanted me. But now
You feel a growing presence, like the sensation of a
that we had that unsettling encounter with an
person standing next to you in a dark room. The
unimaginable ancient horror from the astral realm, I’m
blade’s wielder is intimately familiar with this
thinking it was because of my attempts to get off this
feeling, but it’s new and disconcerting to the rest of
you. The hairs on your neck and arms stand straight
I’m close to a solution to my travel problem, and a
solution to your Golem problem too.”
A faint shimmer appears near the shattered remains
of the dagger, gradually solidifying into a figure. It’s
The Astral Elf picks up a couple of twigs from the
roughly humanoid, but it’s difficult to tell how many
ground. Using them like chopsticks, he lifts up a
limbs it has. Your mind struggles to make sense of
shard of Akrulite.
its face, and when you look away or close your eyes
you have only a vague impression of something like
“This stuff might be ‘dead’ now, but it still holds a ton of
snail shells and insect carapaces.
power. Let’s gather up some shards and take them back to
Akrul, don’t let it touch your skin and keep it away from
“Finally… it’s been so long, and I had given up on
any metal.
completing my task more than once… but now it’s over.
My geas is lifted, and my spirit can rest.
We’ll still need another component to make a real power
source, a moderating case to focus and control it. And I
You probably think that I owe you an explanation, a
think I know where to get that component.
detailed backstory? Trust that you don’t want that.
We’re going to have to kill the Beholder that lives
The Vein, the Akrulite, was the remnant of a nervous
underneath the Dwarven City.”
system, the last pulsing flesh of a thing that you’re better
off not imagining.

My kind warred with it before your soft little planet

knew wind or wave, before your sun was yellow and your
sky was blue. And when it was cast down to this rock, I
was sent to finish the job.

And now, it’s finished.”

The figure disappears, like smoke from a snuffed


CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Glowforest Tree Frog
Glowforest Goblin
Small humanoid, Neutral Evil
Small humanoid, Neutral Evil
Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
Armor Class 15 (leather armor, shield)
Hit Points 20, Speed 30ft
Hit Points 10, Speed 30ft
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)
Languages Common, Goblin
Languages Common, Goblin
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 9
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 9
Leaping. Can long jump up to 30 ft.
Actions Gob Cavalry. Carries a Glowforest Goblin as a mount.
Goblin can make attack actions, and will dismount if
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Tree Frog is killed or incapacitated.
one target. Hit: 1d6+2 slashing damage.
Short bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range Actions
80ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+2 piercing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1d6+1 piercing damage, and target is
Goblin Froglicker grappled until it succeeds on a DC11 STR check.
Small humanoid, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Glowforest Shaman

Hit Points 10, Speed 40ft Small humanoid, Neutral Evil

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Armor Class 16 (braided hair, wooden mask)
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) Hit Points 22, Speed 30ft

Languages Common, Goblin STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 9 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
Condition immunities Charmed, Frightened,
Languages Common, Goblin
Paralyzed, Poisoned, Stunned, Exhaustion
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 13
Actions Spellcasting. Spellcasting ability is wisdom (spell save
DC 13, +8 to hit with spell attacks).
Poisoned Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+2 piercing damage, and At will: Firebolt 120ft, 1d10 fire damage
target is poisoned for one turn (disadvantage on 2 per day, each: Sleep, Charm Person
attacks and ability checks) 1 per day, each: Fireball, Lightning Bolt
Frog Bomb. Once per day, can throw a glob of frog Actions
slime up to 30 ft. Explodes dealing 1d10 acid damage
to all targets in a 15ft area. Bone Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 1d10+4 slashing damage.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Excerpt from “Dangerous Aberrations”

Cut this out, and rip the left edge so that it looks like it was ripped from a book.

Dangerous Aberrations: A Compendium of Unnatural Creatures P. 35

The Beholder (Oculus Tyrannus)

What is the most perfect being in the multiverse? A savage barbarian might name the mighty
Tarrasque, who sleeps beneath the world. A wise cleric or paladin might say that the Celestial
Archons are perfect and good. A learned sorcerer might name Tiamat, God-Queen of dragons.

A Beholder would say that they themselves are the most perfect being in all existence.
Not their species, mind you, but themselves personally. Other Beholders are mere imposters to their
own perfection, and other creatures are jealous of their magnificence.

Biology & Magic

Beholders can take a number of different forms, but all are variations on a theme.
A large, floating head. A single huge eye in the center of its enormous skull.
A crown of tentacles, each tipped with a smaller, secondary eye.

The central Prime Eye is a remarkable object, a hard, crystalline sphere with an aperture that draws
in both light and magical energy. The Prime Eye creates a field of anti-magic, absorbing all arcane
energies and auras within its field of vision. The secondary eyes can each project powerful spells
which may charm, paralyze, or even disintegrate its foes.

Beholders tend to be profoundly paranoid, desperately obsessed with its own comfort, safety, and
power. Some Beholders will strive to amass influence over lesser creatures, or to horde vast treasures
and collections of magical artifacts. Other Beholders will hide themselves away from any other living
thing, terrified of risking exposure to anything that could cause them harm or discomfort.

Dreams & Manifestations

Beholders can bend reality with their minds, and often do so unconsciously. They can manifest
objects from thin air. They can twist and change the bodies of living creatures. They can bring your
worst fears to life.

Most strangely, a Beholder will sometimes change itself into another form, or create a mirror image
of itself, by dreaming or even by having intrusive thoughts about itself. A Beholder’s paranoia and
fear often becomes its own worst enemy, and is more likely to destroy it than any outside force.

Does the Beholder fear having a rival? It may manifest a hateful clone of itself.
Does it fear death? It may change into an undead lich.
Does it fear losing influence and being forgotten? It may disappear entirely.

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,


Chapter 7: Eyes in the Dark

Coming soon!

CC-BY-NC-4.0 by Caleb Hutchins,

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