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Title: Exploring the Complexity of Crafting a Water Birth Research Paper

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is akin to navigating through a labyrinth of challenges
and intricacies. Amidst the vast sea of research topics, delving into the realm of water birth demands
a meticulous approach and a deep understanding of both the subject matter and academic

Crafting a water birth research paper requires not only comprehensive knowledge of the topic but
also a keen eye for detail and a systematic methodology. From conceptualizing the research question
to conducting rigorous literature reviews, every step demands dedication and precision.

One of the primary challenges lies in synthesizing existing research while offering novel insights.
With the ever-expanding body of literature on water birth, distinguishing between relevant and
outdated sources can be daunting. Moreover, interpreting complex data sets and analyzing findings
add another layer of complexity to the process.

Another aspect that adds to the complexity is ensuring ethical considerations and maintaining
academic integrity throughout the research. Adhering to ethical guidelines, obtaining necessary
permissions, and accurately citing sources are essential components that cannot be overlooked.

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For many families, the only way they can access waterbirth is through home birth or a freestanding
birth center. For on, the potential increase in maternal and neonatal infection has no basis for it has
yet to be proven. If such a practice is to be accepted on a larger scale, midwives in Scotland must
take the initiative to conduct researches and studies to help establish births in water as an accepted
clinical practice. Implementing and scaling up new health care interventions is very challenging and
often demands intensive training or retraining, especially when the objective is to reach a health
system on a provincial or national level. Most case reports did not describe the pregnancies, labors, or
protocols followed during the water immersion. In the context of vaginal birth after cesarean, this is
treated as a major childbirth complication or VBAC (RCM, 1998). Brown (1999) also terms vaginal
birth as quick and more comfortable compared to cesarean. Three of the trials in the Cochrane
review (mentioned above). Other signs to watch for during waterbirths include, temperature changes,
significant changes in mother’s heart rate, incase of meconium from the baby or feeling of
overwhelmingness for the mothers. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. This is another reason why providers skilled in waterbirth
watch to make sure there are no signs of complications before proceeding with a waterbirth (Nutter
et al. 2014b). Such roles are deemed critical to the success of the procedure. The paper discusses
testicular torsion that can occur in undescended testis which is intraabdominal. Their opinion was,
“Families should be cautioned against water birth during and past the second stage of labor, in the
absence of any current evidence to support maternal or neonatal benefit, and with reports of serious
and fatal infectious outcomes in infants.” As long as the AAP retains their bias against waterbirth, it
is likely that they will continue to ignore the many peer-reviewed studies that have been published on
waterbirth. On the role of maternal choice, Garland, and Jones, (2000), suggests that, mothers must
be given the correct information on the issue of waterbirth. Such a role is especially critical in the
Scotland setting. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. China (Ghasemi et al. 2013;
Gayiti et al. 2015). The 2013 Iranian trial randomly assigned 100. In a study on the safety of
waterbirths, Beech, (2000), concluded that, waterbirths delivered by professionals were as safe as
the normal vaginal deliveries and did not pose any increased danger to the baby nor the mother.
Nursing your baby after he or she is born will help the uterus to contract and expel the placenta, but
most come within an hour after birth, usually within a few minutes. Different Types of Heart Surgery
Offered at Gokuldas Hospital Exploring Treat. Harper mentioned that the risk of infection for both
the mother and the baby is wrongly assumed (Harper, 2000). Since such practice is considered as
part of the realm of midwifery, the responsibility of making further research on the issue is given to
midwives. For one, midwives play a significant role in helping women make a decision on whether
to use water births or not. In a study to determine the length of time taken by waterbirth, Schorn,
McAllister, Blanco (1993) found out that there was a significant time reduction in labor, especially
the first part, the report further added that episiotomies and perineum lacerations were found to be
significantly in waterbirths. If the cord snaps, someone should immediately clamp the newborn’s end
of the umbilical cord and assess the newborn for signs of shock. Most of the time, such assertions
have been backed up by studies whose results support the use of water births. In the end, 83 people
ended up staying in the waterbirth group. The only study we found on waterbirth and the newborn
microbiome did not show any difference in the newborn microbiome between babies born via water
vs. New England Journal of Medicine, (2001) further notes that caregivers as well as mothers should
watch out for the above and arrange for an emergency cesarean to salvage the fetus.
Certain qualifications for the role of midwife began to evolve during this time - for example,
midwives in Greece were required to have given birth themselves before they could begin working
with other women. An Australian feasibility study.” Birth 49(4): 697-708. Midwives not only help
women decide on whether to go about water births, they are likewise the facilitators and assessors in
the process. Water Birth Nursing March 30, Water birth is the process of giving birth in a pool of
warm water under controlled andcareful conditions, requiring extensive planning and patient
education. The main focus is the role that midwives play in the issue. The delivery has to be a
singleton fetus with cephalic presentation. Neonatal water aspiration; at least two cases have been
recorded. The calm, peaceful, and relaxing environment which is associated with water birth reduces
blood pressure, improves the mother’s concentration, reduces stress hormones which inhibit oxytocin
and the need for an epidural is reduced due to the increased release of hormonal endorphins which
make contractions less painful. Don't worry this one has no bones and is much easier to push out.
However, Nikodem, (2000) warns that safety is only expected in cases whereby, the procedure of
waterbirth is done properly. This essay gives detail information regarding statistical facts of teen
pregnancy state wise information along with the implication of nursing. If you are having a low-risk
pregnancy and birth, have a desire for an unmedicated, low-intervention birth, and there are
experienced staff who are trained in attending waterbirths, then evidence supports this birth method.
Their concern was that modern maternity care, with all of its interventions, was making. This is a
process called prospective logging, which protects against a type of bias called selection bias. The
key role of a physician is that of advisory (UKCC, 1992), in matters of maternal choice, it is the
prerogative of physicians to create room and prepare for emergency situations no mater the birth
mode chosen by the mother since as noted by Steer and Deans, (1995), all modes consist of potential
danger to both the mothers and child life. This would be a rareoccurrencebecause babies do not
normally inhale until. This would help expectant mothers to make an informed decision regarding a
suitable procedure of giving birth. While examining the research, four common themes emerged. The
study established that the risk of rupture was 1 in every 625 women going for repeat cesarean
without labor, but significantly, only1 out of every 192 women opted for VBAC, the study further
added that, the risk was 1 out of every 129 women who had labor induction without prostaglandins,
and 1 out of every 41in cases whereby prostaglandin was used for induction. The findings of the
different reviews are expected to provide conclusive results on the relevant subject. Therefore, her
primary role would be to serve as an educator and trainer in the whole process. Let us write or edit
the research paper on your topic. Their heartbeat will be normal and when you gently rub their back.
The person many recognize as the man responsible for popularizing water births in today's time is
Odent (RCOG, 2001). Despite the numerous benefits of water birth that have been cited by various
practitioners, there are still probable disadvantages or risks that are associated with water immersion
during labour and birth. When the contractions starts, the warm water soothes and calms the
labouring mother. The Royal College of Midwives noted the following potential disadvantages of
water immersion. Royal College of Midwives (2000) The use of water in labour and birth, Position
Paper 1a RCM, London. Improved perennial stretching may reduce trauma; and. When this phase is
done you will be completely dilated.
It is extremely rare for neonates to contract tetanus. Their concern was that modern maternity care,
with all of its interventions, was making. Leboyer's approach was to use a warm bath for the
newborn baby a short time after the. Among states, we rank 35th in infant mortality and 31st in
prematurity. Water birth represents a unique way of giving birth and marks a departure from the
traditional labor procedure. Buoyancy promotes more efficient uterine contractions and improved
blood circulation. They appeared more relaxed and were eager to have eye. It was Bradstreet's
analysis about the relationship to nature and this poem was deeply considered by the critiques. Drink
to thirst. Ask your partner to remind you to drink at least 300mls of water every. Therefore the
research observed that women were in a better place to control their pushing during waterbirth. In
her article, Harper discussed the various issues that have been mentioned with regards to water
births. Midwives should conduct further research on the issue especially since there is a lack of a
substantial body of evidence regarding the said topic. Harper, RN, B. (2000). WaterBirth Basics.
WaterBirth Org. Retrieved April 3, 2012, from. Reasons for leaving the pool were various and
included slowing down contractions when immersion was completed too quickly. Inasmuch, the
practice of labouring in water is equally as old, as stories of Egyptian Pharaoh's being born in water
and South Pacific Island women giving birth in shallow tide pools (Balaskas, 2004). Participants
believed that the evidence so far shows no increased risk to babies regarding infection or mortality.
These pioneers helped increase confidence in birth pool. The process they used to match participants,
called propensity scoring, resulted in the two groups being as similar as possible at baseline—except
that one group was exposed to waterbirth, and the other was not. To achieve this, the author
conducted a comprehensive literature search using several medical literature databases, as well as
internet search engines. In the second stage, descent and birth of the baby occurs. Most of the time,
such assertions have been backed up by studies whose results support the use of water births.
According to an article written by the Royal College of Obstetricians and. Everyone who was
randomly assigned to the waterbirth group gave birth in the water. Therefore, her primary role would
be to serve as an educator and trainer in the whole process. After being brought out of the water, the
baby takes a first breath of air. Some practitioners prohibit the mother to labor in the pool if her
membranes have ruptured. Proper infection control techniques must be followed between births and
the pool must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to include pumps, hoses, and filters. The baby
goes from the fluid in the womb, into the warm water of the tub. Only 14 of the case reports were
published in the previous ten years—and so most of the articles did not reflect current waterbirth
protocols. Burns and Kitzinger (2000) observed that VBAC main theme is to minimize cases of
surgical deliveries, therefore reducing cesarean section.
Other main reasons for leaving the pool were a prolonged second stage of labor, fetal heart rate
deceleration, meconium staining, poor contractions in the first stage of labor, need for
pharmacological analgesia, and maternal choice. Neonatal hypothermia is possible if water
temperature is too cool. Nursing Care. Stage 1 -- Latent Phase Signs and Symptoms. Many women
experience rapid second stages, with the baby. NOTICE All content, images, materials, and works
are the copyrighted or licensed works of EBB. In this study, there were 6,534 waterbirths, 10,290
land births, and 1,573 intended waterbirths that ended up as land births. This option allows the birth
to be an event that can allow the entire family to become involved. Postgraduate Diploma in
Hospital Management and Operational Excellence - Broc. ? ???? ??????? Different Types of Heart
Surgery Offered at Gokuldas Hospital Exploring Treat. Moreover, a British study of 541 water births
over a three-year period revealed no serious infection for both mother and baby (Brown, 1998).
Since most people didn’t stay in their assigned groups (this is called crossover), we cannot draw any
conclusions from this study. The baby doesn’t breathe until after its face leaves the water. Finally,
the supervisor should take charge in implementing policy changes and in laying out plans for the use
of water immersion in both labour and birth. In a waterbirth, you remain in the water during the
pushing phase and actual birth of the baby (Nutter et al., 2014a). The baby is then brought to the
surface of the water after birth. In the second stage, descent and birth of the baby occurs. The
preparedness items include money for transportation, availability of skilled birth attendants, and
maternal nutrition (Barlett et al, 2005). This is aimed at assisting mothers to make decisions in full
knowledge of risks and benefits associated with the birth method. Waterbirth VBAC has only
recently been seen in the midwifery literature, with a 3-year trial in Maidstone (Garland 2006)
however, anecdotally, it has been happening for many years. Chances of advanced complications
during pregnancy or such as uterine rupture, excessive bleeding, and caesarean section, are all
possibilities in VBAC. They care for women during labor and childbirth, monitoring the baby and
the mother, coaching mothers and assisting doctors. The main focus is the role that midwives play in
the issue. On the role of maternal choice, Garland, and Jones, (2000), suggests that, mothers must be
given the correct information on the issue of waterbirth. The researchers assigned 53 people to
waterbirth and 53 people to land birth (Chaichian et al. 2009). Everyone in the waterbirth group
gave birth in water. Many midwifes specialize in home birth, allowing the mother to labor in deliver
in their own home if the pregnancy shows no signs of complication. A study completed from March
2001 through April 2004 at a British birthing center evaluated a number of factors in a comparison
study. Let us write or edit the dissertation on your topic. As an award-winning trial attorney and
founder of Delvaux. Although there are certain hospitals that support water births, there are still
those that do not agree with it. This is the reason why the College of Midwives released a set of
guidelines aimed at assisting midwives and women in deciding whether to go about birth in water or
not. Other signs as noted separately by Nikodem, (2000) include, an unusually heavy bleeding,
feeling of unwell for the mother or the baby. What are the chances that I can get a room with a tub.
If the baby is experiencing stress in the birth canal or if the umbilical cord. Harper, RN, B. (2000).
WaterBirth Basics. WaterBirth Org. Retrieved April 3, 2012, from. They were also interested in a
lower chance of perineal tears and a shorter labor. There is an absence of research conducted on water
births especially in Scotland. The preparedness items include money for transportation, availability of
skilled birth attendants, and maternal nutrition (Barlett et al, 2005). Technological interventions are
minimized and the process strives to be as natural as possible. This is normal. Remember that this
stage usually doesn't last more than an hour or two. Their concern was that modern maternity care,
with all of its interventions, was making. If preterm labor is expected: If a baby is pre-term (two
weeks or more prior to due date). Obstetrician Gynecologist (OBGYN): the doctor trained to deliver
the baby Midwife: registered nurse with additional training OR person with formal training in
childbirth. There was no evidence of harm to the mother or baby. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The buoyancy of water enables the mother to move
more easily. The group that fared the worst were those who intended to have waterbirths but left the
pool before giving birth. Therefore, the moves to create more understanding and to widen the scope
of evidence fall in the hands of the midwives in Scotland. Moreover, the movement that supports
such child birth method has picked up in the United States (Harper, 2000). As a result, waterbirth
also leads to less use of epidurals and injectable opioids for pain relief during childbirth (Nikodem
1999; Chaichian et al. 2009; Ghasemi et al. 2013; Gayiti et al. 2015; Burns et al. 2022). There is
nothing wrong with having an epidural or pain medication during labor—but some birthing people
wish to avoid these interventions for personal reasons, or because of potential side effects. Her
classes on Childbirth, Baby Care, Basic Life Support, Breast-feeding and Hypno-Birthing have.
Read more. In a study involving mothers with a history of low transverse cesarean it was observed
that uterine rupture could occur before or in the process of labor. The articles this paper will consider
are: Positive effect of kangaroo mother care on long-term breastfeeding in very preterm infants and
Rapid effects of neonatal music therapy combined with kangaroo care on prematurely-born infants.
The paper 'The Aspect of Using water in the First Stage of Labour' presents the birthing process
which can be a long and difficult experience for the mother, and consequently for the baby.
Furthermore, midwives serve as facilitators in the process. Water minimises the pain so effectively
for most women that it. Other signs as noted separately by Nikodem, (2000) include, an unusually
heavy bleeding, feeling of unwell for the mother or the baby. Also, if they had included people with
transfers during labor, this would have tilted the results in favor of waterbirths at home (because
people who transfer and have a hospital land birth typically do so for medical reasons). The said
practice falls within the realm of midwifery. Forceps are most commonly used when the baby is in
the lower portion of the vaginal outlet (low forceps delivery). An Australian feasibility study.” Birth
49(4): 697-708. Baxter, L. (2006). What a difference a pool makes: Making choice a reality. Vaginal
Birth after Cesarean (VBAC). (Burns, and Kitzinger, (2000) reported that, mothers with a prior low
transverse cesarean have only three options of birth modes.

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