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Understanding Evolution: When did life originate?

From soup to cells: The Origin of Life

When did life originate?

1 Evidence suggests that life first evolved around 3.5 billion years ago. This

2 evidence takes the form of microfossils (fossils too small to be seen without the
3 aid of a microscope) and ancient rock structures in South Africa and Australia
4 called stromatolites. Stromatolites are produced by microbes (mainly

5 photosynthesizing cyanobacteria) that form thin microbial films which trap

6 mud; over time, layers of these mud/microbe mats can build up into a

7 layered rock structure — the stromatolite.

Modern stromatolites in Shark Bay, Australia. Photos provided by Carole Hickman.

8 Stromatolites are still produced by microbes today. These modern stromatolites

9 are remarkably similar to the ancient stromatolites which provide evidence of 10
some of the earliest life on Earth. Modern and ancient stromatolites have

11 similar shapes and, when seen in cross section, both show the same fine

12 layering produced by thin bacterial sheets. Microfossils of ancient

13 cyanobacteria can sometimes be identified within these layers.

Text taken from website of The UC Museum of Paleontology, Berkely University.

A) Reading comprehension - True and False

Read the text again and mark the following statements true (T) or false (F).
Remember to highlight or indicate when you find the answer in the text and write
line number.

1. Microfossils can be seen without a microscope. ______ Line nª: ______

2. The first evidence of life can be found in South Africa and Australia. ______
Line nª: ______

3. The stromatolite is formed by mud/microbe mats. ______ Line nª: ______

4. Stromatolites do not exist anymore. ______ Line nª: ______

5. Stromatolites today are similar to ancient stromatolites. ______ Line nª: ______

B) Antonyms – Match the words with the appropriate antonym. Identify them
in the text.

• ancient o without
• earliest o modern
• thin o latest
• within o thick

Synonyms – Find a synonym for the adjective “thin” in line 11: ____________
Find synonyms for the noun “films” (line 5)
(line 6) l__________
(line 6) m_________
(line 12 ) l___________
(line 12 ) s___________

C) Word search - Read the definitions and find the corresponding word in the

1. To change gradually over a long period of time: ____________

2. a scientific instrument that makes extremely small things look larger:

3. cut in half so that you can look at the inside: ____________

4. a laminated usually mounded sedimentary fossil formed from layers of

cyanobacteria, calcium carbonate, and trapped sediment:

D) Determiners - Look back at the text and complete with the missing word.

1. …….. evidence takes the form of microfossils and ancient rock structures in
South Africa and Australia called stromatolites. (line 2)

2. ……….. modern stromatolites are remarkably similar to the ancient

stromatolites which provide evidence of some of the earliest life on Earth.
(line 8)

Can you find two other examples of ‘these’ in the text?

Determiners are used to refer to a person, thing, idea etc. that has just
been mentioned. This/these and that/ those are used as demonstrative adjectives
here in the text. They point back or forward to a noun or referent.

Singular forms: this – that

Plural forms: these – those

E) Word networks

Find the words in the box below in the text. Next, highlight/underline them.
Finally, place them under an appropriate category.

-suggests -evidence - modern - -shapes -microscope -form -ancient -

structures -microbes - layered -fine -rock – can build up -mainly - provide -

earliest -similar -show – trap -evolved -ago -stromatolites -remarkably - first

– microfossils – are produced – thin – films – microbial – life -still -life


microbial life modern suggests remarkably
Let’s take a look at Verb Tenses now.
Complete the sentences below with a verb from the box.

1. These modern stromatolites _______________ remarkably similar to the

ancient stromatolites.

2. Modern and ancient stromatolites ____________ similar shapes.

3. Evidence _____________ that life first evolved around 3.5 billion years ago.

4. Microbes ___________ thin microbial films.

5. Scientists ____________ several possible locations for the origin of life.

6. Life first _____________ around 3.5 billion years ago.

7. The hypothesis that life ____________near deep sea vents _________far from

certain and the investigation continues.

8. Recently some scientists __________ in on the hypothesis that life originated

near a deep sea hydrothermal vent.

9. Biologists ________ tentatively _________ the most recent common ancestor

of all life to an aquatic microorganism.

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