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Study Contract

Intermediate Reading and

Prof. Mahdum Muhammad
Adanan, Ph.D.
Amira Deani, M.Pd
This course is one of a series of reading and
writing courses as a continuation of the pre-
intermediate reading and writing courses. In
this course, students are trained to use
reading and writing skills to produce writings in
the form of personal reports, headlines and
newspapers, paragraph construction, letters,
biographies, invitations, reports summaries,
text messaging, and small ads.
Course Profile
Study Program: English Education
Course: Intermediate Reading and Writing
Course Code: ING1211
Credits: 3 credits
Semester: 2
Lecturers: (1) Prof. Mahdum, Ph.D., (2) Amira
Deani, M.Pd.
Lessons to be Covered
1. Study Contract
2. Personal Reports
3. Headlines and Newspapers
4. Paragraph Construction
5. Text Coherence
6. Letter Writing
7. Biography
9. Invitations
10. Making Text Work
11. Summarising Reports
12. Text Messaging
13. First Lines
14. Using Acronyms
15. Correcting and Ordering
16. UAS
Assessment Criteria

MID-TEST (30%)
Grading System
Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn
Dress neatly and properly
Be respectful to yourself, your peers, your
lecturer, and your surroundings
Be responsible
Do your best and have fun!
Thank You
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