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Crafting a compelling and scholarly research paper on the topic of lowering the drinking age to 18 is

no small feat. This subject requires a nuanced understanding of legal, social, and health-related
dynamics, making it a complex and challenging issue to explore. The process involves extensive
research, analysis, and synthesis of data from various sources, including scientific studies, legal
documents, and sociological research. Moreover, the writer must navigate the delicate balance
between advocating for policy change and addressing potential concerns regarding public health and

Given the intricacy of this topic, it's understandable that students and researchers might find
themselves overwhelmed. The task demands not only a deep dive into the current legal frameworks
and their historical contexts but also a critical examination of the impacts of such laws on society.
For instance, examining the correlation between drinking ages and alcohol-related incidents requires
careful analysis of data and trends. Additionally, the writer must consider the psychological and
cultural factors that influence drinking behaviors among young adults.

Furthermore, constructing a persuasive argument for lowering the drinking age to 18 involves
addressing counterarguments and debunking common misconceptions. This includes evaluating the
effectiveness of existing laws in preventing underage drinking and their unintended consequences,
such as the prevalence of unregulated drinking environments. The writer must also explore
alternative approaches to alcohol education and prevention that could accompany a lower drinking
age, presenting a comprehensive and well-rounded discussion of the issue.

Given the breadth and depth of research required, and the critical thinking skills necessary to present
a well-argued case, it's understandable why many may seek professional assistance. For those
looking to ensure their research paper is of the highest quality, enlisting the help of experienced
academic writers from ⇒ ⇔ can be a wise decision. This platform provides expert
guidance and support throughout the writing process, from initial research to final revisions, ensuring
that your paper is not only well-crafted but also compelling and informative. Whether you're aiming
to make a strong case for policy change or simply seeking to contribute to the academic discussion
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That is why underage drinking can be stopped if the law were changed. Other Countries. USA!. The
United States has one of the highest legal drinking ages in the world. The issue of alcohol-related
suicide among young adults in the US has greatly increased over the years which studies have shown
it has increased has on the rise ever since the legal drinking age was increased from 18 years to 21
years. Parents don’t blink when a student mentions going to a party with beer because it’s an
assumed convention. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
The piece will explore research findings on alcohol-related harm and the effectiveness of the current
drinking age in reducing accidents and health issues. Essays Related to Argument Essay On
Drinking Age. S. If significant results were being shown and could be proven, then I and others
would not have a problem with it. The mortality rates for this part of the analysis are estimated from
the National Vital Statistics death certificate records. The black market has and continues to be a
problem to the US government up to date. I believe that considering twenty-one as the legal age of
maturity is foremost ridiculous. Mostly it is just fun, but it can also lead to serious trouble for
everyone involved. This will make them mature adults at a very early age and also give them career
options in a very fulfilling capacity. The 21 year-old drinking age is an abridgement of the age of
majority. Banning of alcohol sale to persons below the age of 21 years has highly contributed to
binge drinking especially among College students. If young adults from the age of 18 years can
drink, they will do so without fear. Displays drinking solely to get drunk rather than to enjoy the
drink. JULIANNA MAGEE, Evergreen columnist October 29, 2018 A drinking age of 21 is unjust,
inconsistent and ageist. The mere fact that these young adults are experimenting with alcohol through
illegal means pose trouble for both the government and parents alike. According to the NIAAA there
are over 88,000 alcohol related deaths annually making it the third most preventable cause of death
in the United States. Because of these reasons, Write- Cheap- Essay has decided to enter the. It can
cause neural toxicity and lead to alcohol poisoning. Ives, N. (2008). Minimum Drinking Age: Does
Evidence Support Lowering it from Age 21. The original drinking age was 18 years old, it was
changed because scientists discovered the brain doesn 't fully develop until the age of 21. If one is
considered responsible enough to fight for the U. S. Congress, stated that if the minimum legal
drinking age was not changed, he was going to propose that those turning eighteen joining the armed
forces could still join, but they would not be allowed to fight in combat until reaching twenty- one.
New York: Plenum Press, 1979. Print. Felsted, Carla Martindell. As such, those aged 21years and
above can get alcohol drinks to the freshmen and sophomore students. The extreme and dubious
ways accessing alcohol will including the young adults going to the black market to buy the alcohol.
By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Short-term effects can include elusive
behavior, making wrong decisions, being more likely to drink and drive, as well as more likely to be
the victim of sexual assault behaviors. The Evaluation Problem in the Context of the Minimum Legal
Drinking Age Determining how the minimum legal drinking age affects alcohol consumption and its
adverse consequences is challenging.
There have been many vehicle crashes among eighteen year olds than twenty-one year olds after the
drinking age was raised to twenty-one. As such, lowering the legal age for alcohol consumption can
assist to reduce fatalities reported in colleges and associated with alcohol consumption by persons
aged below 21(Ives, 2008). In twenty- nine states drinking is allowed to be done privately and on
private property with parental consent. Those who are most affected have the least political power.
For example, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that MLDA
21decreased the number of fatal traffic accidents for 18- to 20-year-olds by 13% and saved
approximately 27,052 lives from 1975-2008. Parents don’t blink when a student mentions going to a
party with beer because it’s an assumed convention. I believe that considering twenty-one as the
legal age of maturity is foremost ridiculous. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. It
can cause neural toxicity and lead to alcohol poisoning. A true story about a young lance corporal’s
choice that set back his career. As a Froma Harrop, nationally syndicated columnist wrote in her Feb.
9, 2010 article “Age Discrimination for the Young” “Being adult who cannot have a beer is highly,
absurdly inconsistent. “ According o her, in our imperfect world, the law has to draw lines, however
arbitrary. As such, this age group often experiment with many things including alcohol and drugs.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Even the term
“minor intoxication” is a misnomer, because those in question are not minors — they are legal adults.
Making the same adult not to consume or not to freely buy alcohol becomes a psychological trauma
to the same adult. Brain Development. Critical between 18-21 Negatively affected by 10% from
alcohol Age influences effect of alcohol on brain. As a result, chances are high that many young
adults will end up in trouble with the law, which is costly to the government and parents of the
young adults in terms of court processes. If there is that much of our world with a drinking age the
same, then it must be more efficient than the others. Even though there are many laws that prevent
underage drinking there are many who still have access to it. The level of tolerance between a person
aged 18 and the other 21, might be the same, hence; level of tolerance should not be used as an
excuse to illegalize drinking below the age of 21 years. Alcohol is harmful to the development of
younger people. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. But laws that only appear to
address a problem by burdening young people aren’t wise, and they aren’t fair. According to
(Coghlan 6), many studies conducted on the effectiveness of legal drinking age of 21 years have
appeared to show that it has not been helpful in controlling underage drinking as it was much
anticipated. Stories about drinking on college campuses and high school parties are very easy to find.
D5: Lowering The Drinking Age to 18 By: Ludmila Koltunova 2. 3. 4. 5. Others Personal Opinions “
Lowering the drinking age is absurd. Measuring Quantity, Frequency, and Volume of Drinking.
Furthermore, most young people aged 18 years still receive support and live with their parents. The
writer suggests that if 18 years old teenagers can be trusted enough to go to war, jail and start a
family, they should also be trusted to be responsible enough to drink. Lowering the drinking age will
not only give 18-year-olds the rights and recognition they deserve as adults, but will also obliterate a
largely ineffective law that only serves to create more red tape.
This is because irresponsible drinking from a younger age may worsen when a person reaches the
middle age. According to (Hallgren, et al. 471) since a person is considered as an adult when he or
she attains the age of 18 years, he or she has the mental understanding he deserves to be treated as
an adult. We all know that alcohol has many effects on the human body. Stories about drinking on
college campuses and high school parties are very easy to find. Because the teens get drunk faster
they are less likely to know when to stop and to go past their limit, causing harm to themselves and
others. The 21 year-old drinking age marginalizes the role of parents in the process of teaching and
encouraging responsible decisions about alcohol use. In addition, allowing 18 year olds to access
alcohol might not keep them from trouble and this could cause problem in future life. In conclusion,
the legal drinking age should be lowered from 21 years to 18 years, as it would reduce the sale of
alcohol illegally to minors. By the time they figure out the ropes in American political life, they are
turning 21 and so no longer have to deal with the problem. For example, the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that MLDA 21decreased the number of fatal
traffic accidents for 18- to 20-year-olds by 13% and saved approximately 27,052 lives from 1975-
2008. For example, according to Sunrise House an American Addiction Center, they say that Vodka
is 40-95% alcohol, Gin, Rum, and Whiskey are all 36-50% alcohol, and beer is 4-8% alcohol. For
example, many have fake identification cards, steal alcohol from their parents’, or even put another
person in jeopardy by asking someone who is twenty-one to illegally purchase the alcohol for the
underage drinkers. That is why underage drinking can be stopped if the law were changed. In
today’s world alcohol is and always going to be a problem no matter what age we are. The fact that
18 years is a legal age to vote means that such an individual is an adult and responsible for his or her
own decisions. Works cited Blane, Howard T, and Morris E. Chafetz. Youth, Alcohol, and Social
Policy. The drinking age in the United States (21), adopted in 1984, is one of the highest in the
world. Many citizens, including myself, believe this to be preposterous. Teens should be able to
drink alcohol at 18 or 19 without getting in trouble. Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 Years Across
the globe, most countries consider 18 year olds as adults and need to be given autonomy as stated by
the law. Once those chemical arrive to the brain they basically stop the transfer key chemicals,
glutamate and GABA, which makes the brain slow down because they are not getting the chemicals
they need. This is a problem because many of the young people who get hooked to alcohol addiction,
is as a result of peer influence. Bob Lynn the state representative of Alaska also argues that the
drinking age should be lowered for at least 18 year olds in the military. But laws that only appear to
address a problem by burdening young people aren’t wise, and they aren’t fair. You can use essay
samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. It cannot be both ways (Rainforth 1).”At the age
of 1. The Califonia State Supreme Court recently gave prosecutors the authority to charge minors as
young as 1. It will discuss concerns related to public health, safety, and the developmental impact of
alcohol consumption on young adults. Therefore, it can be viewed that the work of legal drinking age
is at 21 years have not yielded the expected results. It is important to note that many countries in
America, Europe and Africa have put legal drinking age at 18 years. However, the 18 year olds still
find other illegal means to access alcoholic drinks, thus, the law does not achieve its objective of
barring 18 year olds from drinking; consequently, it is important for the government review the law
and lower the drinking age to18 years.
In terms of transition into adulthood, the young people may regard freedom to access alcohol as an
acceptance by adult members of the society to their coming of age. There are chances which will
crop up every now and then which will make the above-mentioned proposal sound illogical and
insane yet the outcome is for the betterment of one and all, and especially the youth of present times.
United States should observe other countries that consider 18 years as the legal drinking age. She has
an interesting take on whether this would mean that the state would have to give up 10% of federal
highway funds (the threat that the feds used to force states to raise their drinking ages). It’s a way to
get around the preposterously high drinking age. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration
and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Lowering the drinking age to 18 years implies
that there will be more family problems. This includes stealing to sustain the habit of drinking,
school dropout or unwanted pregnancy. Some may point out there are still drunk drivers out there
and that are even more drunk driver arrest today than before they act of 1984 which set an age limit
to drinking (Fell). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 7, 2001. In reality with the
laws that have been instilled car accidents related to drinking and driving have been reduced. That
sense of responsibility should not be imposed on somebody especially when one attains the age of 18
years in matters to do with alcohol consumption. There have been many vehicle crashes among
eighteen year olds than twenty-one year olds after the drinking age was raised to twenty-one. This
will make them mature adults at a very early age and also give them career options in a very
fulfilling capacity. It does not give any idea about a teenager’s mental and physical maturity. Keep
on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Although the research
summarized here convinces us that an earlier drinking age alone would increase alcohol-related
harms, we do not think there is enough evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of alcohol education
and alcohol licensing, either in isolation or in combination with a lower minimum drinking age. And
though many might say that these effects can happen to anyone, that is true, and that but those who
start drinking at younger ages are more statically likely to become chronic users of alcohol, and
chronic users are more likely to develop problems in these areas. In 2012, a Supreme Court ruling on
Medicaid clearly stated that the federal government could not coerce states by withdrawing funding
to force legislative action at the state level. Prohibition didn’t work, and it doesn’t look like this idea
of the U. One of the worst things for any family to experience is getting a phone call and hearing a
police officer say their child got into a wreck especially if that wreck cost them their lives or if they
took someone else’s life. Economists say this is a good move for decreasing our fast-growing
national deficit. The one thing people cannot get back from drinking is their life. Parents don’t blink
when a student mentions going to a party with beer because it’s an assumed convention. Scarica il
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Shouldn’t a bride and groom who were considered old and mature enough to get married be
considered as such to consume an alcoholic beverage or two. The younger they start, the more likely
they are to continue to drink and to drink larger amounts” (“Binge Drinking”) This evidence shows
alcohol has a stronger effect in adolescents than it does in adults. Give us your email address and
we’ll send this sample there. Once 18, a person is legally considered an adult and therefore should be
able to drink. As said, “curiosity killed the cat”, and in preventing young adults below the age of 21
not to consume alcohol will be doing more harm than good. Because of these reasons, Write- Cheap-
Essay has decided to enter the.

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