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Deep-Learning Based Linear Precoding for MIMO

Channels with Finite-Alphabet Signaling
Maksym A. Girnyk

Abstract—This paper studies the problem of linear precod- constellation-constrained mutual information (MI) and min-
ing for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication imum mean square error (MMSE) matrix at each iteration.
channels employing finite-alphabet signaling. Existing solutions Various algorithms to simplify the optimization of the
typically suffer from high computational complexity due to costly
computations of the constellation-constrained mutual informa- precoder have been proposed. In [6], the approach of per-
arXiv:2111.03504v1 [cs.IT] 5 Nov 2021

tion. In contrast to existing works, this paper takes a different group precoding is introduced, performing grouping of mul-
path of tackling the MIMO precoding problem. Namely, a tiple input streams and receiving branches after the SVD
data-driven approach, based on deep learning, is proposed. In of the channel matrix. In [7], the precoder optimization is
the offline training phase, a deep neural network learns the converted into a simpler problem of minimization of a negative
optimal solution on a set of MIMO channel matrices. This allows
the reduction of the computational complexity of the precoder exponential function. Other works have proposed methods
optimization in the online inference phase. Numerical results for simplification of the computation of MI. Thus, [8], [9],
demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed solution vis-a-vis propose entropy estimation methods based on computation of
existing precoding algorithms in terms of significantly reduced the nearest-neighbor distance. In [10], a statistical computation
complexity and close-to-optimal performance. approach, based on an approximation of the distribution of the
received signal, is developed, showing reduced computational
complexity. A constant-gap lower bound to the MI is derived
in [11], enabling faster MI computation. A method for reduc-
Increased communication data rates are an inherent re- ing complexity by using a sphere-decoding based approxima-
quirement of the future 5G-connected world. Multiple-input tion of the entropy of a Gaussian mixture is proposed in [12].
multiple-output (MIMO) technology is of great help for Furthermore, approximations for the computation of MI and
achieving this goal, providing opportunities for antenna arrays MMSE matrix, based on the Gauss-Hermite quadrature, are
to focus the energy in narrow beams, spatially multiplex data proposed in [13], leading to a more efficient precoder opti-
streams or robustify the transmission by means of diversity. mization. An approximation based on the Taylor expansion
Multi-antenna deployments and techniques thus constitute an of the log-term under integral and a subsequent least-squares
integral part of the 5G NR standard [1]. fitting was proposed in [14], simplifying the computation of
In the case of correlated antennas, the achievable data rate MI, while keeping decent accuracy.
can be improved by optimizing the precoder matrix. It is Recently, application of deep learning (DL) techniques
known that the maximum achievable rate is given by the for various wireless communications problems have gained
Shannon capacity of a MIMO channel which is achieved increasing attention in literature. For instance, a deep-learning
through the diagonalization of the channel matrix by means (DL) based end-to-end optimization approach using autoen-
of singular value decomposition (SVD) and subsequent water coders is proposed in [15], showing competitive performance.
filling (WF) over the parallel non-interfering channels [2]. This In [16], a DL-based channel state information (CSI) sensing
solution is based on the underlying assumption that Gaussian and representation framework is developed improving CSI
noise-like signals are used for the transmission. The latter is, reconstruction. Meanwhile, in [17], DL-based hybrid beam-
however, not the case in practice, where signals are instead forming is proposed, demonstrating strong robustness under
selected from a finite-alphabet constellation, e.g., phase shift imperfect CSI. An algorithm based on deep reinforcement
keying (PSK) or quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). For learning for beamforming optimization is proposed in [18],
such signaling schemes, the compact SVD-based WF solution showing nearly-optimal performance.
may not perform well [3]. In this paper, finite-alphabet precoder optimization is com-
An optimal precoding strategy for finite-alphabet signaling bined with DL to obtain a data-driven low-complexity solution
is formulated in [4] and [5]. The solution is based on an for the problem of MIMO precoder optimization. Following
algorithm, optimizing eigenvectors and singular values of the the supervised learning methodology, it is proposed to split the
precoding matrix in an alternate manner. The algorithm does optimization into two phases: offline training and online infer-
converge to the optimal solution, however, it is computation- ence. In the former, the computationally heavy optimization is
ally expensive due to the necessity to empirically evaluate done to train an artificial deep neural network (NN) to learn the
mapping between the optimal finite-alphabet precoder and the
M. A. Girnyk is with Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden (e-mail: capacity-achieving WF precoder. In latter phase, this mapping
This a perprint of an accepted paper available at is used to directly compute the finite-alphabet precoder for new channel realizations. Provided numerical results illustrate

 
|S|M  |S| M
1 X X 
2 2
I (y; x|H, G) = M log |S| − En log exp − kHG (xm − xk ) + nk − knk (6)
|S|M m=1  

that the proposed DL-based approach has near-optimal perfor- H = U H ΣH V H H ), and S G is a diagonal matrix, whose
mance with low computational complexity. entries are water-filled according to
v !+
u 1 1
II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION [S G ]m,m = t − , ∀m ∈ {1, . . . , min{M, N }},
ν [ΣH ]m,m
A multi-antenna communication system is mathematically
described by a MIMO vector channel. Namely, assuming +
where (·) = maxn{·, 0}, and o ν is chosen so that full power
orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is used,
for a given time/frequency resource element the received signal is utilized, i.e., tr GH WF GWF = M .
vector y ∈ CN is modeled as Unfortunately, Shannon’s capacity (3) is hardly achieved
in practice—except for the very low signal-to-noise ratio
y = HGx + n, (1) (SNR) operation mode—since it is based on the assumption
of purely information-theoretical random Gaussian signaling.
where H ∈ CN ×M is a matrix consisting of the channel Practical communication systems are operating with finite-
coefficients, n ∼ CN (0N , IN ) is the noise vector at the alphabet signal constellations, such as, e.g., BPSK, QPSK
receiver, and x ∈ CM is the transmitted symbol vector, where and 16-QAM. The above solution is therefore not optimal for
each entry is picked from a finite-alphabet constellation S. It is practical settings, because a truly optimal solution should aim
assumed that E {x} = 0M and E xxH = IM . Furthermore,

at maximizing an expression of the actual achievable data rate
G denotes the precoder matrix that adjusts the transmission for finite-alphabet signals instead. The latter is given by the
to the given radio environment. constellation-constrained MI between y and x, showed in (6)
Assume that channel H is perfectly known at both the re- on the top of the page, where S represents the set of all points
ceiver and transmitter. In practice, this is achieved by means of of the given signal constellation, and En {·} stands for the
channel reciprocity in time division duplex (TDD) operation. expectation w.r.t. the distribution of the noise vector n.
For instance, in 5G NR, uplink sounding reference signals When using (6), the optimum solution to the optimization
(SRSs) are sent by a mobile device to a base station, so that the problem above is obtained by the iterative algorithm proposed
latter estimates the downlink channel matrix H. Having such in [4] and [5]. The corresponding solution does not exhibit
an estimate, the base station can optimize the precoder G. This a closed-form expression; instead, the algorithm is based on
is in contrast to the frequency division duplex (FDD) case, alternations between gradient-descent updates of eigenvectors
where explicit CSI feedback is unavailable and the precoder and singular values of the precoder matrix until convergence
matrix is selected from a codebook of possible precoders, (see [5, Sec. IV-B]). Clearly, the evaluation of the expression
indicated by a precoder matrix indicator (PMI) that is fed back for MI (6) requires a large number of arithmetic operations for
from the device. multi-antenna setups with even moderate numbers of antennas.
The precoder optimization problem is formulated as follows Moreover, in addition to the computation of MI, one has to
maximize I (y; x|H, G) evaluate its gradient, given by the MMSE matrix [19]
G n o
n o (2) E (H, G) = E (x − x̂) (x − x̂) ,
subject to tr GH G ≤ M.
where x̂ = E {x|y} is the MMSE estimate of x. Hence,
That is, maximization of the achievable data rate, given by the there are further nested computation loops at each iteration of
MI I (y; x|H, G) between the input and output of the MIMO the optimization algorithm, which increases the computation
channel, subject to the total power constraint. time even further. This all makes the precoding of [4] and [5]
The maximum theoretically achievable rate of a MIMO infeasible for real-time operation in multi-antenna systems.
channel is given by the Shannon capacity. That is, under the
condition that the transmit signals are drawn from a Gaussian III. P ROPOSED SOLUTION
distribution, i.e., x ∼ CN (0M , IM ), the MI reads as1
The idea proposed herein is to use supervised DL to train
I (y; x|H, G) = log det IN + HGGH H H . (3) a model (e.g., a deep NN) on a large dataset of channel
observations and pre-comupted (offline) optimal precoders.
The optimal precoder matrix is given by the WF solution [2] Then, in the online inference phase, the optimized finite-
alphabet precoder is obtained for new channel realizations,
GWF = V H S G , (4) yet unseen by the transmitter, exploiting the trained model.
where V H is the matrix consisting of the right singular vectors
A. Training phase
of the channel (obtained from the SVD of the channel matrix:
In the offline training phase, for each MIMO channel matrix
1 Note that to have the rate in bit/s/Hz the logarithm is taken with base 2. from the dataset, an optimal precoder is computed based on a

given modulation scheme and using either true expressions of TABLE I: Computational complexity of the algorithms.
MI and MMSE matrix, or accurate approximations thereof. Algorithm Complexity
The DL model learns the mapping between the WF pre-
O |S|2M N M 

True optimum solution [5]
coder and the optimal precoder for the given finite-alphabet Algorithm of Zhu et al. [10] M 2
O |S| N M 
constellation, solving the problem of multiple-output regres- Algorithm of Zeng et al. [11] O |S|2M NM
sion. Since it is well-known that NNs are universal function Proposed DL-based approach O M4
approximators [20], a deep NN serves as a good candidate for
such a learning model.
Practically, let GWF be the SVD-based WF precoder and and TOL is the maximum number of outer-loop iterations to
Gopt be the truly optimal finite-alphabet precoder for a accommodate the algorithm’s convergence.
channel matrix H. For each H from the available training For comparison sake, let us consider a couple of existing
set, a deep NN with P hidden layers is trained to map their algorithms that perform slightly worse, but have lower compu-
vectorized versions converted to a real-valued representation. tational complexity. The algorithm proposed by Zhu et al. [10]
That is, the input vector for the NN is given by avoids one of the loops for averaging over the input signal
2 vector x. It can be shown that its complexity is upper-bounded
i = [vec(Re{GWF })T , vec(Im{GWF })T ]T ∈ R2M , (8) as O Tn TBLS TOL |S|M N 2 M . Meanwhile, the algorithm
while the output vector reads as proposed by Zeng et al. [11] simplifies the MI computation
2 by avoiding the averaging over the noise vector n. Hence, its
o = [vec(Re{Gopt })T , vec(Im{Gopt })T ]T ∈ R2M . (9)

complexity is shown to be O TBLS TOL |S|2M N M . These
The trained NN then carries all the information needed to algorithms are picked from the list of the references mentioned
obtain the optimal finite-alphabet precoder from the light- in Sec. I due to their superior performance in terms of accuracy
weight WF solution, encoded in a set of weight matrices and computational complexity.
W p ∈ RLp−1 ×Lp and bias vectors bp ∈ RLp , where In contrast to all the above algorithms, the proposed DL-
p ∈ {1, . . . , P + 1}. based approach does not require any outer-loop iterations
at all. Instead, it directly provides a nearly-optimum so-
lution through a series of matrix multiplications and ad-
B. Inference phase ditions within a single forward propagation pass. There-
Once the training is done, in the online inference phase, fore,
 it can be shown that its complexity
 is given by
an optimal precoder is obtained by means of a single forward 2
O M (L1 + LP ) + p=1 Lp Lp+1 , where P is the number
propagation pass. The operation is of very low complexity, of hidden layers in the deep NN, and Lp is the number of
consisting of a number of matrix multiplications and additions. neurons in layer p.
That is, for a deep NN with P hidden layers, To compare the complexities of the above algorithms, fix
ap = gp (W p ap−1 + bp ) , ∀p ∈ {1, . . . , P + 1} , (10) all the iteration numbers Tn , TBLS , TOL , as well as the
NN configuration (i.e., the number of hidden layers, P ), and
where gp (·) is the activation function of layer p. The input and drop the corresponding constants. Assume, furthermore, that
output are obtained as a0 = i and o = aP +1 , respectively. the number of neurons in each hidden layer of the NN is
The finite-alphabet precoder G is obtained by reshaping o via proportional to the size of the input and output layers, L0 =
an inverse mapping to that of (9). LP +1 = 2M 2 . The resulting asymptotic complexity scaling
in terms of system parameters is presented in Tab. I. It can be
C. Complexity Analysis seen that the proposed approach significantly outperforms all
It can be seen from (6) that the computation of MI consists other algorithms in terms of computational complexity3 .
of a matrix multiplication and three nested loops: two for
averaging over the symbol vector and one for averaging over IV. I LLUSTRATION
the noise. Assuming, for simplicity sake, classical matrix To illustrate the idea let us train a deep NN based on
multiplication2 and dropping all constants and non-dominant a dataset consisting of 7000 generated 2 × 2 MIMO chan-
terms, one can get a reasonable upper bound for the cor- nels with i.i.d. Rayleigh fading, BPSK modulation (i.e.,
responding complexity O Tn |S|2M N M , where Tn is the M
xm ∈ {±1} ) and various SNR values given by ρ =
number of iterations required to average over the noise. 1/N E{tr{HH H }}. The trained model is then applied to
Since the computation of MMSE matrix (6) contains sim- new channel matrices to directly obtain the approximation of
ilar operations, although performed in a different order, its the optimal finite-alphabet precoder, avoiding the outer loop.4
asymptotic complexity is the same. Therefore, the compu- The NN architecture chosen for the purpose of illustration
tational complexity of the entire optimization algorithm is is a fully-connected feed-forward network with two hidden
O Tn TBLS Qalg |S|2M N M , where TBLS is the maximum layers. The input and output layers have size L0 = L3 = 2M 2 ,
number of backtracking line search iterations required to their entries being precoders (WF-based and the truly optimal
determine the optimum step size at each gradient update [5],
3 Note
that the DL solution does not exhibit exponential complexity in M .
2 Notethat a number of methods for the acceleration of matrix multiplication 4 The
codes for reproducing these results are available at
have been proposed, see, e.g., [21] for the fastest method to date.

3 suggested for the training are vectorized precoder matrices

Capacity based on SVD and water filling, while the suggested labels are
No precoder
vectorized optimal finite-alphabet precoder matrices obtained
Mutual information [bit/sym]

2.5 Water filling

True optimum via [5]. The learned model provides very fast and reasonably
Zhu et al. [10]
2 Zeng et al. [11]
accurate solutions for the precoder optimization problem,
DL-based while avoiding the time-consuming iterative part inherent to
other optimization algorithms. Provided numerical illustration
demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed approach on an
example of a MIMO channel with Rayleigh fading.

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