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Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

As someone with knowledge of social and emerging media management in my library, I am respon
Answer Choices Responses
Communications/Public Relations 31.79% 48
Technology/Web Services 4.64% 7
Technical Services 1.32% 2
Public Services 5.30% 8
Reference/Instruction 22.52% 34
Outreach 15.89% 24
Collections 0.66% 1
Advancement/Development/Fundraising 1.99% 3
Library Management/Leadership 9.93% 15
Human Resources 0.00% 0
Legal 0.00% 0
Other (please specify) 15
Answered 151
Skipped 0

Other (please specify)

50/50 split: web services and communications
Administrative Assistant
Administrative assistant
Circulation Manager
E-Resources Librarian
Everything, as I'm the only library employee
I do about 50/50 Outreach and Reference/Instruction
I'm the Research & Outreach Librarian
Preservation and Digitization
Reference and Outreach
Reference, Instruction and Outreach.
Research Specialist
Scholarly Communication and Project Management
ent in my library, I am responding to the survey questions from a particular vantage point. My primary job rol
int. My primary job role in the library is:
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Does your library use a committee to manage social media?

Answer Choices Responses
Yes 30.46% 46
No 66.23% 100
Uncertain/don't know 3.31% 5
Answered 151
Skipped 0
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

If your library does use a committee to manage social media what job responsibilities are represen
Answer Choices Responses
Communications/Public Relations 59.26% 32
Technology/Web Services 38.89% 21
Technical Services 12.96% 7
Public Services 66.67% 36
Reference/Instruction 72.22% 39
Outreach 61.11% 33
Collections 38.89% 21
Advancement/Development/Fundraising 5.56% 3
Library Management/Leadership 29.63% 16
Human Resources 0.00% 0
Legal 0.00% 0
Other (please specify) 14
Answered 54
Skipped 97

Other (please specify)

3 admins/editors from various work areas, not a committee
Archives/Special Collections
Does Not Apply
Just wanted to note that we did have a Social Media Committee, but it disbanded about 9 months ago. I've checked
Representation of "at large" committee members changes some these answers annually.
Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections/Archives
student assistants
We have a committee which sets policy, but we also have a primary social media person who is responsible to over
We have a social media team.
We have an outreach and partnerships department (3 people) that manages it among their other outreach/program
responsibilities are represented? Check all that apply.

about 9 months ago. I've checked the people who were represented.

person who is responsible to overseeing all the accounts and maintaining consistency across platforms

ong their other outreach/programming work.

Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

How does social media work within your library's overall public relations and communications stra
Answer Choices Responses
Written strategy 24.83%
Integrated with other media (news, articles, announcements) 67.11%
Integrated with events (photos, live Tweets, promotion) 83.89%
Integrated with other outreach (presentations, classroom sessions, c 53.02%
Written policy or guidelines 43.62%
Audience and purpose defined for each platform 38.26%
Content/identity defined for each platform 38.26%
Campaigns and themes 42.28%
Tone and "voice" defined 44.97%
Evaluation/analysis of performance 38.26%
Editors or curators overseeing 44.30%
Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

We do not have a defined strategy
Unsure of most of the details, as I'm not on the committee
No direction
We have a .5 FTE social media specialist who works with individual library or collection social media managers
We are very messy and unorganized. One librarian controls everything and will not work with others.
We have a social media policy, but no defined communications policy (which we are working backwards to create)
We don't really have a strategy
We don't have a formal "overall public relations and communications strategy"
We don't have any strategy for public relations, communication or social media
we don't have a public relations and communications strategy
ic relations and communications strategy? Check all that apply.

ary or collection social media managers

and will not work with others.
which we are working backwards to create)
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

How do you manage posts?

Answer Choices Responses
Most postings are planned (and can be written and edited) in advanc 16.56% 25
Some postings are planned, some are posted in response to news, s 66.23% 100
Most postings are not planned but are posted in response to news, s 17.22% 26
Answered 151
Skipped 0
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Which of the following communication strategies do you use for social media communication?
Answer Choices Responses
The same message for all platforms 12.58% 19
Different messages for various social media platforms 44.37% 67
Uncertain/don't know 2.65% 4
It varies 36.42% 55
Other (please specify) 11
Answered 151
Skipped 0

Other (please specify)

Currently we only use Facebook and college-wide email
Facebook and Twitter are connected and share the same message- even if it doesn't work in that format.
It's a mix. Some overlap between platforms, but some unique to each.
Only active on one platform
Only have on platform
Only use one platform
The same for Facebook and Twitter but different for Instagram
Usually the same message for Facebook and Twitter. Often different for Instagram.
We currently only use one platform so the message is the same for that one platform.
We only use one platform (Facebook) right now
We only use one platform, facebook
a communication?

k in that format.
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

On the average, how much time per week does your department/library (including all contributors,
Answer Choices Responses
5 hours or less weekly 51.33% 77
5 to 10 hours weekly 36.67% 55
10 to 20 hours weekly 7.33% 11
20 to 30 hours weekly 3.33% 5
Full time position 1.33% 2
Answered 150
Skipped 1
ding all contributors, reviewers, planners) spend creating, posting and managing social and emerging media?
l and emerging media?
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Estimate how much time each week your department/unit/library spends on engagement--seeking
Answer Choices Responses
1 hour or less weekly 53.33% 80
1 to 5 hours weekly 36.67% 55
5 to 10 hours weekly 8.00% 12
10 to 20 hours weekly 1.33% 2
20 to 30 hours weekly 0.00% 0
More than 30 hours weekly 0.67% 1
Answered 150
Skipped 1
on engagement--seeking new friends/followers, responding to others', posting questions to users' groups/c
ons to users' groups/communities?
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

How does your library manage content? Answer at the library (system) level if possible. (If your kn
One manager who oversees all social media 60.84% 87
While one person has overaching responsibility, different managers o 45.00% 63
Different managers/curators oversee different platforms 31.85% 43
Multiple people with permissions to post to the same platform 81.12% 116
Posters who are trusted/empowered to post based on using their ju 79.14% 110
Posters who are trusted/empowered to post based on pre-approved 49.64% 69
An approval/editing process that is required before any postings are 13.53% 18
An approval process required before any new library platform is crea 64.03% 89
A system where anyone or any department can start a platform 18.66% 25
A system of evaluation and measurement to determine effectiveness 38.52% 52
Writing style "rules" posters are expected to follow 40.60% 54
Don't know anything about the library's content "strategy" 13.28% 17

A social media team is responsible for social media content; each person is assigned one week across all platforms
The library also infrequently schedules "takeovers"--where individuals outside of the organization are given permiss
Although I answered, "Multiple people with permissions to post to the same platform," there is one person with prim
Answering for my unit.
At library level, there are the official pages maintained by one overarching administrator (although several others do
I have access to the campus's social media platforms. The library itself does not have any stand-alone social media
I'm a one-person staff team, with student assistants ~6-10 hours a week. I am working to hand off posting on Socia
I'm the social media manager, and others are welcome to send me content to vet.
I'm the sole social media poster/coordinator, but other members of staff do have access and will occasionally post i
My response correspond to one single library.
Other people contribute by letting me know about things they want posted, but I do the actual posting.
our library does not have a "content strategy" so my answer to that item above should really be "not applicable"
Our library has one staffer who oversees all social media but several others have access in case posts need to be m
Our social media is locked down and ineffective.
Ours is a single academic library
Previously, anyone could start a platform, but the newly-formed Social Media Team is attempting to manage all acc
Regarding the "Writing style "rules" posters are expected to follow" these come from the university itself, and are no
Small college library -- we are aware, for the most part, of what one another are doing. A former web manager wa
There is one main person responsible for all social media and other managers and pr students helping to create co
This is for a library within a university library system, not the system as a whole.
Two people share posting on Facebook and Instagram. That's it. Occasionally, the director will contribute to a emai
Unsure of some details, as I'm not on the committee
We are in the process of developing a system of evaluation, we don't have one yet
We have a social media coordinator who oversees all the platforms, but some are very specific, such as a tumblr fo
We have a social media policy but it doesn't dictate specifics of tone...
We track analytics and each semester do a review of hits and misses, but would love a better way to measure the e
We used to have librarians who posted regularly to Facebook and Twitter. Now we have students doing it.
vel if possible. (If your knowledge is at one library/department/unit, please share your answers and note that i
No Total
39.16% 56 143
55.00% 77 140
68.15% 92 135
18.88% 27 143
20.86% 29 139
50.36% 70 139
86.47% 115 133
35.97% 50 139
81.34% 109 134
61.48% 83 135
59.40% 79 133
86.72% 111 128
Answered 151

ne week across all platforms on a rotating basis.

ganization are given permissions to post on the library's social media. These individuals receive the library's social media manu
here is one person with primary responsibility and a select few others allowed to post and who do so occassionally.

r (although several others do have posting permissions), and "unofficial" pages from individual departments. Working on creatin
any stand-alone social media accounts.
to hand off posting on Social Media to them, since they are more familiar with what other students respond to.

s and will occasionally post if I am away from the library on leave or vacation.

actual posting.
really be "not applicable"
ss in case posts need to be made in case of emergency, technology issues, closings, etc. Everyone who has access to the plat

attempting to manage all accounts.

e university itself, and are not specific to the library. We just follow the general guidelines.
. A former web manager was annoyed (years ago) when we made a platform account without his knowledge as he felt online p
students helping to create content and interactions on various platforms.

ctor will contribute to a email newsletter. As far as I am aware, the two people have no written guidelines or policies.
specific, such as a tumblr for recent acquisitions in Prints and Photos. The curator there has creative control of that channel an

better way to measure the effectiveness of our efforts. While

ve students doing it.
nswers and note that in the comments box.) Within our library/unit, we have:

rary's social media manual/plan in advance and are often participating in a temporally specific library related activity or event.

ments. Working on creating a cohesive strategy to maintain all social media.

ho has access to the platforms is trusted to post using their best judgement.

wledge as he felt online presence was his domain but both webmasters I work with are not involved directly and do not see the

nes or policies.
control of that channel and is the primary daily poster, with the coordinator just occasionally posting, gathering stats, and check
related activity or event.

irectly and do not see the marketing as a key concern of web design and management (I coordinate the Marketing Team but a
gathering stats, and checking in. Social media is governed by the Marketing Committee and integrated with other agency comm
the Marketing Team but am not invited to participate in the Web Team which mainly is concentrated on search/UX)
d with other agency communications.
on search/UX)
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

How important are different platforms to your library's communications strategy?

Very Unimportant
Blogs 34.25%
Electronic Forums or Message Boards 59.59%
Podcasts 68.28%
Search Engine Optimization/Marketing 33.33%
Social Networks (Facebook, Linked In, Google+ etc.) 2.00%
Microblogging (Twitter, Tumblr, etc.) 9.59%
Video/Content Sharing Sites (YouTube, Vimeo) 11.33%
Photo and Content Sharing Sites (Flickr, Pinterest, Instagram) 10.96%
Social Media Management Sites (Hootsuite, etc.) 26.21%
Bookmarking Management Sites (SpringPro, Evernote, Google Keep, 68.31%
Screencast Applications (Screenr, etc.) 55.86%
Enterprise Social Media (Snapchat, YikYat) 56.55%
Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

Comment on your last item above: I don't think "YikYat" is a thing...
Heavy reliance on weekly newsletter emailed to faculty, which is not structured as a blog. Also heavily use "What's
Surprised to see "blogs" and not "news site" or "news stories."
This question doesn't include a "We don't have this platform" response.
We currently only have enough staff to support one social media platform: Facebook.
We do not use most of these at my library
We use Spotify as a fun way to reach our student audience, mass emails for events and workshops
unications strategy?
Very Unimportant Somewhat Unimportant Neither Important nor Unimportant
50 15.07% 22 10.27% 15
87 19.18% 28 10.27% 15
99 14.48% 21 13.10% 19
48 19.44% 28 19.44% 28
3 1.33% 2 2.67% 4
14 4.79% 7 11.64% 17
17 6.67% 10 16.67% 25
16 4.79% 7 8.22% 12
38 6.90% 10 15.86% 23
97 10.56% 15 16.90% 24
81 12.41% 18 15.17% 22
82 17.24% 25 15.86% 23

uctured as a blog. Also heavily use "What's New" blurbs on website.

m: Facebook.

s for events and workshops

Somewhat Important Very Important Total
28.77% 42 12.33% 18 146
8.22% 12 2.74% 4 146
4.14% 6 0.00% 0 145
19.44% 28 10.42% 15 144
28.67% 43 66.67% 100 150
30.82% 45 43.84% 64 146
49.33% 74 16.67% 25 150
37.67% 55 39.04% 57 146
25.52% 37 26.90% 39 145
4.23% 6 0.00% 0 142
10.34% 15 6.90% 10 145
9.66% 14 2.76% 4 145
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Please tell us how frequently you access each of the following social networking, microblogging a
Very Infrequently Infrequently
Facebook 7.38% 11 8.72% 13
LinkedIn 73.94% 105 12.68% 18
Google+ 82.98% 117 7.09% 10
Twitter 13.42% 20 7.38% 11
Tumblr 75.54% 105 10.07% 14
YouTube 20.41% 30 29.93% 44
Flickr 61.70% 87 12.77% 18
Pinterest 61.97% 88 17.61% 25
Foursquare 92.20% 130 2.84% 4
Instagram 15.44% 23 7.38% 11
Hootsuite 51.77% 73 6.38% 9
Snapchat 78.57% 110 11.43% 16
Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

I'm answering this for me personally. I've a colleague who manages our FB and Instagram accounts.
Most of my access is to find images or media for LibGuides or to support OER developemtn
My "very infrequently" answers above are mostly "never"
Spotify frequently, Wordpress frequently
SproutSocial, which is like HootSuite
This question doesn't include a "We don't have this platform" response.
TweetDeck - frequently
Tweetdeck has replaced a lot of our Hootsuite use.
Use Sprout Social
networking, microblogging and video sharing sites as part of your work in the library. (Please do not count t
Neither Frequently nor Infrequently Frequently Very Frequently
5.37% 8 30.87% 46 49.66% 74
10.56% 15 4.23% 6 1.41% 2
7.09% 10 2.84% 4 0.00% 0
9.40% 14 24.83% 37 46.98% 70
9.35% 13 5.04% 7 0.72% 1
17.01% 25 28.57% 42 4.76% 7
11.35% 16 11.35% 16 3.55% 5
9.86% 14 10.56% 15 0.70% 1
4.26% 6 0.00% 0 0.71% 1
4.03% 6 28.86% 43 44.30% 66
9.22% 13 14.18% 20 19.15% 27
9.29% 13 0.71% 1 0.71% 1


Instagram accounts.
rary. (Please do not count time spent for personal use.)
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Please list other social networking, microblogging, content sharing sites you use and tell us how f
Answered 42
Skipped 109

Blog - weekly
Buffer - daily
Facebook = Once to three times daily; Twitter = Once to three times daily; Instagram = Daily to every other day; Pin
For easier social networking, we use to shorten links.
HistoryPin -- occasional
daily duringuse
summer reading
Google Art & Culture - frequent use
I have a Wordpress blog that I use infrequently most of the time, but frequently during certain events. Likewise with
Internal company-wide intranet (powered by Newsgator)
ISSUU - post all publications. Check monthly at least.
LibGuides Blog- Frequently
No others currently.
Our Libraries have a Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts. We have a Library News blog via Google's B
Twitter is our most active account followed by Facebook, Instagram and then the blog. We push our blog posts out
Special Collections and Archives hosts a Wordpress blog.
Spotify frequently, Wordpress frequently
Sprout Social (instead of Hootsuite), which we use to schedule and push out most of our posts
Telegram - Infrequent
Tweetdeck - very frequently for current and scheduled tweets and following lists, hashtags, etc.
Vimeo, frequently
We currently only actively add content to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. That said, we do create an account wit
We have a WordPress blog that is updated once to twice a week with posts about the library, books, and events.
We use instagram stories function, and post a few updates a week.
We use Tweetdeck every day for scheduling content and listening/responding.
We use Tweetdeck to manage/monitor our Twitter activity and engagement, we will post schedule Tweets within Tw
We use Twitter once a week
Wordpress (6x/mth); Pinboard (1x/mth); Vimeo (1x/mth
Wordpress blog (approx 1 post per week)
Wordpress, very frequently.
Wordpress. A standing job search page (unofficial).
You've listed all the ones we use, except for our own newsroom, which might be what you are referring to as blog. O
you use and tell us how frequently you use them for professional purposes.

= Daily to every other day; Pinterest = Monthly

g certain events. Likewise with Twitter.

brary News blog via Google's Blogger

g. We push our blog posts out on Facebook.

d, we do create an account with any rising social media platform. We do this to reserve our desired name and to ensure that no
e library, books, and events.
post schedule Tweets within Tweetdeck, but normally post within Twitter, if I am away then other staff have access to all of our a

t you are referring to as blog. Ours serves as a source for several media outlets who want to pick up a story.
ame and to ensure that no one spreads inappropriate content under our traditionally used handle.
have access to all of our accounts from one Hootsuite dashboard
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

In follow up to the above questions, have you recently changed or are you considering changing y
Answered 95
Skipped 56

As new platforms are embraced by incoming students, we try to use them. For example Snapchat.
Based on our audience, we are staying with Twitter and Instagram.
Based on some assessment and surveying our user demographic, we've chosen to focus our main efforts on Faceb
Considering adding SnapChat and blogging but fighting red tape and time. Open to ideas but hesitant to start new p
Considering stepping back from Facebook and launching Snapchat
Ended posting on Tumblr. Not worth our time. Created a new blog that is hosted on library website's content manag
Facebook doesn't perform as well as Twitter so doesn't get as much attention. We have an Instagram account that
Facebook is only used for events. Twitter is a priority. Plan to invest more time in Instagram. Next would like to expl
Facebook's new algorithm for the newsfeed has really hampered any traction we get on that platform. We have bee
I amthe number
in the of staff
process we have,
of doing managing Facebook
an environmental and particular
scan in this a blog is plenty.
area toWe
seedo not plan
whether thetoplatforms
add any platforms
we are oninart
At this point, we don't intend to join many new places. Maybe LinkedIn, but I don't think our students are on there th
I am in the process of reworking our social media strategy for a more cohesive, streamlined approach, so seeing th
I looked at incorporating Snapchat, but I could not find an easy way to make it work for us.
I manage one channel and have little involvement in other social media decisions.
I may pursue some platforms as a volunteer for a professional association.
I wish I had any input on this.
I would like it to be more consistent and planned, but it was basically added to my job description, because "we sho
I'm not in charge of Instagram but it could be used more regularly.
I've considered creating a SnapChat for the past two years, and my student workers who help me post to our socia
If I had a student worker, I would ask them to work on Snap for us. I manage Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and
In September, we stopped posting on Flickr, Google+, and Pinterest. We established an Instagram account, which
In the last two years, we closed our blog and Instagram. We also decided not to embark on Twitter. We only post o
Looking at using Snapshat
Looking to invest in a content strategy for Instagram.
Might increase Snapchat usage
No changes currently planned.
No longer using Snapchat. Telegram is a new platform that we are exploring.
Not at this time.
Not immediately. We started profiles on Twitter and Instagram about 4 years ago, before that we only had Faceboo
Not yet, but we have hired a part-time temporary communication specialist who already has an emphasis in social m
On Instagram, my priority has changed to posting pretty, aesthetically pleasing photos only, with short captions.
Our director does not support social media.
Our library discontinued twitter and planned to start an Instagram account. However the college marketing advised
Our library is considering forming a promotion/outreach committee, and this type of question would be addressed a
Our recent evaluation led us to consider reducing our Twitter efforts. We intend to expand our video usage on YouT
Our social media is managed by our User Experience librarian. This position has been open since August 2017 and
Our Twitter account seems to reach mostly faculty and not students. We are thinking about starting a Facebook pa
Plan is to evaluate the potential for adding SnapChat as a platform in the next year
Some platforms are only used when it's easy to re-post content to them. For instance, if I've gathered images aroun
Stepped back from Facebook due to
stepping back from FB due to complicated algorithms and lack of post reach
Switching away from Facebook
Thinking of dropping snapchat. Difficult to manage any social media that can't be done fully from a computer.
This is a discussion happening now. Our Instagram following had doubled in the past year, and that is where we ha
Typically Twitter is our most used platform - however we are focusing on Instagram and Facebook (new platforms t
Up until this Spring all of our platforms were directed at students. We recently discovered that most of our followers
We are considering embracing new ones! We are thinking of adding linkedin.
We are considering more live content on Facebook and Instagram, platforms like Weibo for international/prospectiv
We are considering standardizing some content across platforms (Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook) to increase en
We are continuing with our three mainstays: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at the system level
We are currently evaluating what makes the most sense for our target audiences. We're working on a social media
We are currently in the process of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of social media, blogs, possibly podca
We are going to phase out Pinterest and put more emphasis on Instagram in order to better reach our student popu
We are having difficulty getting views on our Facebook posts. It seems to go better when we cross post things from
We are in the process of create a social media strategy for the whole library.
We are just beginning to evaluate our presence on various platforms. Soon, we will be asking each platform/profile
We are just now transitioning from a one person managing it all with no set schedule to getting more people involve
We are using Instagram more to promote services and events, especially through Instagram Stories.
We are working at capacity presently.
We focus less on Twitter than we did in the past. We are trying to increase our focus on Instagram.
We had dipped our toe in Instagram and Snapchat within the past two years. We did step away from those after stu
We have considered Snapchat and Instagram
We have had FB for several years. We have just added Instagram, and are looking at either Pinterest or Goodread
We have Pinterest and Youtube, but have decided to focus on building engagement on Facebook, Twitter, and Inst
We have stepped back a bit from Twitter and worked more on engaging followers through Instagram and Facebook
We just want to continue to grow our number of Facebook followers.
We launched an Instagram pilot in January 2018. After an initial evaluation in June revealed strong LFR (like-to-follo
We originally
We may step planned
back from to Facebook since
post 5x week onitInstagram
speaks more
and to
1xparents/alumni than current
a week on Facebook, students.
now we've We are
cut back on seeking to
our instag
With the implementation of a new CMS at the university level, blog posting became more complex, so we've been s
We re-evaluate platforms every year. We consult with our university Communications department to ensure we use
We recently added an Instagram account to better engage with our campus community. Our students seem to prefe
We stepped away from Google+ awhile back.
We think about this a lot. We have a student assistant who took the helm of snapchat for us, as we do not use the s
We will evaluate our social media reach in July 2018 and consider branching into more social media platforms
We work closely with central social media management on campus to determine appropriate new social media cha
We would like to add Instagram and are in the process of beginning the early steps with the institutions marketing d
We would love our special collections to start managing a Tumblr.
We're looking into using LinkedIn.
We're moving away from Snapchat and putting a stronger focus on Instagram
We're stepping back from Facebook and Twitter, and focusing on Instagram (because that's where we get engagem
We're sticking to what we have now because we want to do the few platforms we use well, however, when it comes
We've noticed that students are significantly less inclined to use Facebook and more to use Twitter. We have not y
We've tried Snapchat with little success, but we're hearing about more young people using YouTube (http://money.
When we rewrote our social media objectives and mission statements, we justified use of each of the four platforms
Yes, seriously considering changing focus to include Instagram.
Yes, we recently decided to step back from flickr and focus more on Instagram
Yes, we reevaluate the effectiveness of each platform and see if the ROI is worth the time spent on each and whom
Yes: stepping back from Snapchat to increase Instagram stories
Yes. I'm working on developing a loose marketing plan that includes social media management, especially the use
ou considering changing your focuses and priorities? Are you considering stepping back from some platform

ple Snapchat.

ocus our main efforts on Facebook and Instagram, with less effort on Twitter and Tumblr.
deas but hesitant to start new platforms due to the time commitment to manage it well.

brary website's content management system. Migrated blog from WordPress to the CMS (Drupal). New to instagram.
ave an Instagram account that is going to be used for mostly special and area studies. That will debut soon. We have a team to
agram. Next would like to explore Snapchat, search engine optimization and Hootsuite.
on that platform. We have been devoting less time in creating content specifically for facebook and have been more commonly
t plan
ther thetoplatforms
add any platforms
we are oninare
near future
ones thatbecause no other
are the most platform
effective withisour
as student
easy to population
manage (schedule) postswhere
and to gauge as Facebook.
our partne
nk our students are on there that much; it would be more for the library networking side than anything.
mlined approach, so seeing the results of this survey would be very helpful.

b description, because "we should" do it and I said I would be interested in doing it.

who help me post to our social media sites have all told me that they do not think the student body would want to engage with t
ok, Instagram and Twitter, and don't have time to work on Snap, where stories disappear after a day.
an Instagram account, which is working well for us.
ark on Twitter. We only post on Facebook, but due to algorithm changes reach is very low. Followers do not really interact with
fore that we only had Facebook. I considered joining Snapchat a year or so ago, but now that it is waning I'm glad that I didn't.
dy has an emphasis in social media. Ideas are to come.
s only, with short captions.

the college marketing advised that Instagram would not be useful for us.
uestion would be addressed at that point.
pand our video usage on YouTube and explore official LinkedIn and Pinterest accounts. LI & Pinterest are used by College of B
n open since August 2017 and we are currently recruiting. During this interim, three faculty/staff are posting, mainly to FB, Twit
g about starting a Facebook page (which we do not currently have) in order to use the events function on Facebook

e, if I've gathered images around a theme for Instagram, I can also post them to a Pinterest board but I'm not actively looking fo

ne fully from a computer.

year, and that is where we have the most interactive audience. Yet Twitter is still our largest following, though we don't reach o
and Facebook (new platforms that we added this year) to gain a bigger audience. We are not planning on stepping back from a
ered that most of our followers of Twitter were either Faculty or Staff -- so we have changed our target audience for this platform

ibo for international/prospective students, and sponsored content such as Snapchat frames. Video remains a priority for the ye
, and Facebook) to increase engagement. We're also considering using Hootsuite or a similar content management system to
system level
e're working on a social media plan that will serve our strategic plan best, which may mean focusing on two platforms for the be
al media, blogs, possibly podcasts, and more. We have only recently created a part-time position for marketing/public relations/c
o better reach our student population
when we cross post things from our Twitter account to Facebook.

e asking each platform/profile manager where they feel they are being most effective, and if they would like to step back from o
to getting more people involved to post from their areas according to certain schedules. The one person found that taking rand
stagram Stories.

on Instagram.
step away from those after student feedback. Basically, they didn't see a point for us to be there.

t either Pinterest or Goodreads for additional reach.

on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram this year. Next year we will likely beef up YouTube and then our Pinterest. We may consid
ough Instagram and Facebook.

evealed strong LFR (like-to-follower ratio) for the majority of posts, we have decided to continue using Instagram through at leas
nt students.
w we've We are
cut back on seeking to postand
our instagram to Instagram
stepped upmore
our often.
Facebook posting.
more complex, so we've been struggling with that.
s department to ensure we use the platforms the students are currently using. Trends change quickly. For example, many have
ity. Our students seem to prefer Instagram to Facebook and even Twitter (which has a larger presence among our student bod
t for us, as we do not use the site personally.
re social media platforms
ropriate new social media channels.
with the institutions marketing deptartment

e that's where we get engagement). We're also thinking of adding LinkedIn.

e well, however, when it comes to reaching teenagers we did recently shift our focus from Tumblr to Instagram.
to use Twitter. We have not yet begun using Snapchat but there is anecdotal evidence that Snapchat would be a good platform
using YouTube ( We might try to do more
se of each of the four platforms we currently have. If we cannot define a separate mission for a platform we are not planning to

time spent on each and whom of our populations are using that platform to interact with our library.

nagement, especially the use of Hootsuite to keep it all in one place.

ck from some platforms and embracing new ones? Share, please.

ew to instagram.
soon. We have a team to update & eliminate outdated videos on You Tube to make it more streamlined and effective. This wi

ave been more commonly just re-posting things from Instagram.

to postswhere
gauge as Facebook.
our partner libraries and comparable libraries in our size range are at, what they use, and how they use it. This

ould want to engage with the library on SnapChat. This is why I have not adopted that platform.

do not really interact with our page. We are getting a low ROI with Facebook but feel we have to at least be present on that pla
ning I'm glad that I didn't.

st are used by College of Business & College of Educ. Efforts on these platforms would be focused on this area. YouTube is gro
posting, mainly to FB, Twitter, and Instagram. We do have a Snapchat account, but it's dormant pending the new UX librarian o
on Facebook

I'm not actively looking for more Pinterest content. I would love to get Hootsuite or similar for social media management. Consi

g, though we don't reach our primary audience (students) there as much. We spend a ton more time on Twitter, and keep deba
g on stepping back from any of these platforms - just shifting focus between the three when appropriate.
et audience for this platform.

mains a priority for the year to come.

nt management system to manage posts.

on two platforms for the best use of our time and efforts.
marketing/public relations/community engagement.

uld like to step back from or embrace new platforms.

son found that taking random unplanned photos of the Library building or impromptu events got the best traction. We are now lo

Pinterest. We may consider adding Snapchat in the future.

Instagram through at least the end of the calendar year.

For example, many have ceased Snapchat use after displeasure with the company's recent update.
ce among our student body than it does on most campuses).
at would be a good platform for reaching our current students based on demographic information.
. We might try to do more "fun" videos on there, rather than just our database tutorials.
m we are not planning to embrace it.
ned and effective. This will take a while since we have 519 videos.

and how they use it. This will be used to inform a new social media strategy.

east be present on that platform. A survey of students at our College showed that this is the most commonly used platform.
n this area. YouTube is growing in popularity with current HS students and we intend to bolster our YT presence in preparation f
ng the new UX librarian onboarding.

media management. Considering Snapchat and podcasting.

on Twitter, and keep debating if it is worth it. Facebook is becoming more of a place to post for events or top news stories and n

est traction. We are now looking to be a bit more intentional. Posting news and announcements never seemed to work very we
mmonly used platform.
T presence in preparation for this incoming student demographic.

s or top news stories and nothing else.

r seemed to work very well.

Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

What emerging trends do you see in this "new" media? Or, what predictions would you make, base
Answered 72
Skipped 79

"Going Live" and video clips seem to be a trend on Facebook so we are currently working on creating short video te
100% of all influencers are on Instagram - academic institutions should be there too. Use of video in social media p
Augmented reality experiences and chatbots (on Facebook Messenger) are being adopted in other industries. Give
Based on student feedback from our Library Ambassadors, they see Facebook as being a bit of a replacement for t
Better content
Creating local, specific hashtags seems to be helpful and more user-friendly. Younger audiences use Instagram mo
Diversifying content for the expected audience for each platform. Prioritizing video content.
Don't know about the future, but best practices for us is putting photos/videos of students in posts.
Facebook and twitter are losing importance whilst Instagram and SnapChat are gaining.
Facebook continues to make it harder for businesses and companies to reach audiences; Fewer and fewer "averag
Facebook keeps making noises about creating a separate timeline for organization page posts, so if that happens &
Facebook will slowly dwindle in importance and continue to have aging users.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't really know. I'm 33 and my target demographic are 18-22 year old. To make sure our social media use is rele
I don't see substantive growth in use.
I feel it will be harder to reach students due to enhanced security practices and student use of platforms like snapch
I like the collaborative and sharing aspects of these medias, specifically the group hashtag parties on Instagram an
I like what public libraries are doing with Instagram posts to connect with a younger audience and show that the libr
I read data from Statista, Pew Research, & market research sources to follow trends in social media.
I see more of an emphasis on Instagram for now. The visual communication is important.
I think communications will be completely visual and that formal "articles" will become obsolete.
I think Instagram will endure for far longer than Snapchat, particularly if Instagram begins using the face filters. Any
I think it depends on the audience with whom you want to engage. We use different platforms for different announc
I think we will need to continue being present on multiple platforms and further customizing messages and content
I've seen more brand-to-public interaction than I had in the past. Social media accounts are also starting to have un
Image- and video-based social media are expected to continue to outperform text-based social media.
In conversations with our students, they except to find information about the library in Emails or on Facebook... they
In order to be effective, social media needs to be a full time job.
Instagram has been huge with our students. We give them the choice at an orientation activity to follow us on Face
Instagram has growth potential for younger audiences. Facebook is still relevant for a mixed audience, many alumn
Instagram is going to be a main source of social media. They are constantly making updates that keep improving th
Instagram is where our students are... And if you want to meet your users where they are, you have to be on social
It depends on what audiences people want to reach. For us, our highest engagement is still Facebook, although ou
It is more and more difficult to reach users on these platforms and I think will only become moreso. It used to be tha
It needs to be more understood on leadership and fiscal level that managing social media requires a set amount of
It's where more of our target market is.
LI is an emerging platform in our Business school. Students are required to create a profile to develop an online "re
Live videos are important, in the moment media, more casual and personal tones are desired even from corporate
More Instagram and You Tube usage since that is what teenagers and young adults are using.
More video.
More videos and live feeds. We haven't quite branched into this area yet.
More videos.
No more Snapchat. Increased creative opportunities in Instagram.
Not sure if I can answer this as I am new to the practice. What I am noticing is that we will have our die-hard follow
Our stuents don’t read emails, and momentum has been slow to build for social media. We asked our student librar
Shifting the focusvideo
Short, engaging to Instagram
content is extremely effective
Organic traffic is harder to come by, and making a case for paid advertising is important
Snapchat is a big platform that so many people use - I feel like it is a little inappropriate for the library to use but I no
Social media landscape seems pretty crowded. I predict it will become less popular over time.
Spending more on promotional posts, especially on Facebook, just to reach an audience that has already self-selec
Stay connected to the platforms that your patrons frequent the most...survey your patrons.
Students are less inclined to follow a library's social channel on their "more personal" networks, SnapChat.
Students are using Facebook less and using Instagram and Snapchat more.
Students seemwould
Best practices to engage more
include with Instagram
making and social
sure that your those media
posts are not are
efforts always specifically
targeted to yourpromoting
communitiesthe so
library. W
that yo
Predictions, however, seem to indicate that some libraries will still try and jump on the hot new thing and watch it fa
The individual platforms may ebb and flow, but social media are here to stay. If we want to meet students where the
There are too many platforms available to keep up with them all unless it is something you can work on full time or
They are critical for scholarship and recognition (e.g., Altmetrics Explorer)
Traditionally library marketing (about the collections, events, etc.) are less effective than fostering a concrete sense
Video content
Videos on social media will continue to trend upward, especially considering the growing dominance of Stories on In
Visual and video are winning. Posts need to have pictures to garner attention. We are also changing how we use ha
Visual platforms are continuing to grow use from our students. Platforms like instagram and snapchat continue to b
We are trying to adapt to an image-driven plan for some content (Instagram), but continue to use Facebook to drive
We continue to walk the line of engaging patrons without being too intrusive in their personal social media. This is o
We don’t own anything so we do our best with the tools as they change. As things change ie new platforms emerge
We focus on social listening, instead of creating new content
We see greater growth opportunities with Instagram than Facebook with our undergraduate students.
We will have to keep pace with what's popular with undergraduates if we want them to be part of our audience. I thi
We will trail our undergraduate students from platform to platform; as soon as one becomes too successful, teen an
ons would you make, based on your experience and observation, about future platforms and best practices?

rking on creating short video testimonials about some of the library's services for our Facebook page. We're not ready to "go liv
Use of video in social media posts, people-based marketing analytics, emotional marketing. I could go on.
opted in other industries. Given the funding, I can see libraries taking advantage of these technologies in the near future.
eing a bit of a replacement for the Yellow Pages. We thought that was interesting.

er audiences use Instagram more than Facebook or Twitter.

ents in posts.

nces; Fewer and fewer "average" users are on Twitter. We are engaging most with Library professionals on that platform; Instag
age posts, so if that happens & really decreases access to our FB content we may back off Facebook and focus more on Insta

ure our social media use is relevant, I check with my student workers and our Communications department.

nt use of platforms like snapchat that are less conducive to library projects.
shtag parties on Instagram and Twitter. As a community we can comment and share each others content around a similar them
udience and show that the library is fun.
in social media.

gins using the face filters. Anything that is simple to post and respond will gain traction but when it comes to teenagers, as soo
platforms for different announcements, posts, outreach mechanisms. Twitter has been very successful for us here. But other org
mizing messages and content for niche audiences. We will need to increase manpower in order to effectively communicate on t
nts are also starting to have unique voices compared to the generic PR voice that many had in earlier years of social media pla
sed social media.
n Emails or on Facebook... they don't necessarily want to see us in Twitter, SnapChat or other places where they are doing thei

on activity to follow us on Facebook or Instagram, and the response has been about 3-to-1 in favor of Instagram.
a mixed audience, many alumni or friends of the library use that. We plan to expand in the Youtube environment.
updates that keep improving the platform.
y are, you have to be on social media.
t is still Facebook, although our Instagram has been gaining followers and engagement.
come moreso. It used to be that Facebook group members, and then fans, would see all your posts, now they only see a small
media requires a set amount of time on a daily basis. This kind of job cannot be mixed in with another position when needed if it

profile to develop an online "resume". We see this an opportunity for a new venue of communication with business students. W
e desired even from corporate accounts

we will have our die-hard followers because they love libraries. If we want to grow our followers, we have to take a different app
a. We asked our student library staff to “follow” all the library social media channels so that their friends would in turn follow. To

te for the library to use but I noticed many people like applications/platforms that are quick. They don't want to read a lengthy a

nce that has already self-selected to follow us. Very frustrating. We may abandon that practice.

networks, SnapChat.

to yourpromoting the so
communities library. We have
that your a very
time is small staff and I sometimes feel that the time spend on social media is not worth t
not wasted.
e hot new thing and watch it fail slowly and miserably (or quickly and miserably).
ant to meet students where they are, this is where we need to invest our time and energies.
g you can work on full time or have help developing content.

han fostering a concrete sense of community--that the library is a part of the campus community.

wing dominance of Stories on Instagram and Facebook

e also changing how we use hashtags (focusing those in Instagram). We would like to increase our video content but are unabl
am and snapchat continue to be very important among students.
ntinue to use Facebook to drive content regarding events, ideas, & generally neato things to share.
ersonal social media. This is one reason why we do not anticipate adopting Snapchat.
ange ie new platforms emerge that’s where we will have to go too as students adopt new social media

aduate students.
o be part of our audience. I think as universities grow more protective of branding, there will be increased formalization and pol
ecomes too successful, teen and 20-somethings will tend to go to something less crowded.
ms and best practices?

We're not ready to "go live" just yet.

es in the near future.

als on that platform; Instagram is looking like a more enticing platform every day to effectively reach our student population.
k and focus more on Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. Insta, Snapchat and YouTube seem to be where student attention is right

ntent around a similar theme. We see that non-traditional institutions may have collections similar to our own and hopefully beco

mes to teenagers, as soon as adults start using something they will move on to something else.
ul for us here. But other organizations with which I've worked have used Instagram as the best way to connect with our commun
ectively communicate on these platforms.
r years of social media platforms. I think this more casual approach to social media will continue since it seems more genuine

where they are doing their personal communications


now they only see a small percentage. Same with Instagram now that Facebook owns it and it uses an algorithm, and same wit
position when needed if it's going to be effective and purposefully done.

with business students. With the business school located on a satellite campus we do not have much F2F interaction with this s

ave to take a different approach and start a dialog with users about library as place rather than as resource. Once captured, th
ds would in turn follow. Today’s students are social media-saavy but tough to reach through marketing.

n't want to read a lengthy article anymore, they want the point to get across quickly and almost effortlessly (they login and the s

social media is not worth the ROI

deo content but are unable to do so with the staff levels we have.

ased formalization and policy development about postings. I think we will either be forced (by lawsuits) or steered (by technolog
our student population.
e student attention is right now.

ur own and hopefully become a little less siloed.

connect with our communities. I always try to post an image with text not just to catch the eye, but also to engage "non-readers

e it seems more genuine to users on social media platforms.

n algorithm, and same with Twitter now that it uses an algorithm as well. So, I don't see us stopping using them in the near futu
F2F interaction with this student community.

ource. Once captured, then we push out information about resources. It is my observation that when we are mentioned in one

essly (they login and the story is the first on their news feed). I feel like in the future some of the platforms we use heavily now

) or steered (by technology upgrades) into making content more accessible.

so to engage "non-readers."

sing them in the near future, but the amount of effort I put into them has definitely declined as the percentages of our audience
n we are mentioned in one or more of the social media platforms, it's because of an observation or opinion about the place and

orms we use heavily now like Twitter won't get used as much and will be replaced with platforms like Snapchat and applications
rcentages of our audiences who we can reach has declined.
pinion about the place and not about the student's amazing experience using EBSCO.

Snapchat and applications that are almost instant.

Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

How do you measure success with these platforms. Check all that apply.
Answer Choices Responses
Number of followers/friends 81.33% 122
Number you follow 4.67% 7
Engagement expressed through likes, reposts, retweets 85.33% 128
Engagement expressed through comments 67.33% 101
Compare to peer institutions 23.33% 35
We do not currently assess our social media presence 14.00% 21
Other (please specify) 10
Answered 150
Skipped 1

Other (please specify)

Attendance to at events promoted by social media
Comparison of followers to other campus departments.
Don't know much else current approach to assessment
I like to see continual growth on the platform we commit the most time to--Instagram. I also tend to compare our so
Impressions/post reach, organic vs paid
No formal assessment, use own judgement
Our outreach librarian does some assessment.
We focus on reach as a primary metric.
We're just starting to follow others, and we've just appointed someone to do assessment.
so tend to compare our social media numbers to other departments/organizations within our institution.
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

What is your No. 1 goal regarding Facebook in 2018-19?

Answered 114
Skipped 37

Reach a thousand followers.
An increase in student followers. We are currently at 1,300, we would like to double this in the 2018-19 Academic Y
Appeal to parents/alumni,
Broadcasting library information, such as events.
Close our Facebook page
Consolidate pages under one main Library account. Increase following and engagement.
Continue growing engagements, expand paid advertising
Continued growth of followers through frequent posting of relevant content.
Continued marketing efforts.
Create engagement and increase event attendance
Create more events but only if they are open to the public outside the campus commity since we have alumni and t
Creating content that tells our library story, encourages library use and importance and engages our followers.
cross-post content to Facebook from other heavily used platforms.
Decision in progress.
Develop live content that generates an engaged viewership.
don't have a goal
Elicit more engagement with our followers.
Engage campus community and promote library services, resources, and events.
Facebook has the most heterogeneous audience in viewer age/location/interest. Because of that, we usually just us
Gain 40 new followers to reach a total of 500.
Generating awareness about our library as place.
Get "likes" to over 1500
Get 4000 followers.
Get our posts out to the maximum number of people.
Grow audience
Grow followers. We have a lot of alumni and townspersons on facebook, getting our new and current students is alw
Help our alumni community to feel connected and invested in the university
Hiring a new UX librarian to manage the social media.
I would like to post more frequently.
I'm not the person in charge of that.
Improve our connections to students on Facebook. Despite the fact that they mostly use Facebook to communicate
Increase amount of engagement and likes on our page.
Increase comments
Increase community engagement by the end of the school year by finding ways to create space for conversation
Increase connections.
Increase engagement
increase engagement & awareness
Increase engagement among faculty and our community of donors
Increase engagement and following, start defining tone/voice, create a foundational strategic social media plan
Increase engagement and reach
Increase engagement expressed through likes, shares, comments, views, and followers
Increase followers and awareness of our FB presence
Increase followers and engagement
Increase followers by 25%.
Increase Followers, Reach, and Engagement
Increase page likes/follows
Increase reach and engagement
Increase reach and engagement on organic posts.
Increase reach, followers, meet established posting frequency.
Increase visibility as measured through number of likes and follows
Increased engagement, including sharing and commenting
Increasing engagement
Increasing followers
Increasing our organic reach after the big changes to the algorithm.
Keep the friends we have by engaging in appealing content.
Maintain a presence without spending too much time on it. Support existing events and resources.
Maintain a presence. Given the recent data breaches and the aging population of Facebook, we're finding that it isn
Maintain connection with alumni and parents about library programming.
Maintain our followers and increase our reach
Maintain versus 2017-2018 as things changed in early 2018, include more video
Make better use of events.
Maximize it's power to promote events.
More consistent updates about collection and displays, not just updating with events.
More engagement (comments and shares).
More engagement from our followers
More engagement!
More followers
More interactions: comments, shares, likes, etc.
More page likes
More posts that highlight library activities and celebrate our users.
more reposts and commenting on what we post
More user engagement, more eyes on our posts.
More video content.
Move to planned postings. Focus on responses and responding.
not aware
Not sure yet (hoping to make goals before the start of the semester)
Our (library) administration is not hospitable to social media in general. So we try to keep posts limited and uncontro
Post content consistently and content that followers will like.
Raise awareness of our collections, events, exhibits
Reduce reliance upon facebook
Right now, we're running a book giveaway contest to reach our 400th follower! We're two away!!
Service and program awareness.
Strongly implementing "Event" Pages to garner better reach and attendance in our surrounding communities.
To actually get out Facebook page up and running - I just set it up less than two weeks ago. I personally deleted m
To assess whether this platform still reaches our students (I don't think it does -- I think we are only reaching staff/fa
To decide if I really want to join it professionally.
To gain greater visibility.
To get our number of followers over 100 (we just started in January of 2018).
To have more of our community click "interested" or "going" on events we post to Facebook.
To highlight more ways the library can help students with their information and research needs in order to highlight
To increase followers and shares
To increase our comments (any growth is good growth)
To post consistently and engage (i.e. get post likes/reactions and comments) as many people as possible.
To post more events and videos
To reach more patrons and give them what they are looking for in terms of social interaction from our library.
To reduce use/effort
Try creating an account to see if we can use events to advertise library events
Use more of its features on a regular basis such as creating events and enhancing the page itself with content. Pos
Use paid ads to evaluate reach and return on dollar
Use the events pages in a better way that will reach more people. As well as, building partnerships with other comm
We anticipate cutting down our use on Facebook as it does not appeal to our target demographic of students ages
We are not focusing on Facebook in 2018-19
We are using Facebook for a long time, so we need to remain relevant and be able to connect with new students.
We don't use this platform
We have not set yearly goals
We haven't set goals for platforms.
We would like to be more intentional and have a policy/strategy for library staff to follow
We're looking for steady growth. We have achieved 20% gross growth over the last two years. Net is trailing just be
We’ve had success with FB ads to grow our subscriber/follower numbers.
his in the 2018-19 Academic Year.

ity since we have alumni and town followers

nd engages our followers.

ause of that, we usually just use this platform to spread "general interest" information. My goal would be to continue to spread "

new and current students is always a challenge. They seem to use facebook primarily for events.

use Facebook to communicate with the older generation, these students are used to looking for information from organizations
eate space for conversation

strategic social media plan

nd resources.
cebook, we're finding that it isn't as effective at reaching our current students. Nonetheless it is a good place to maintain our pr
keep posts limited and uncontroversial while still trying to inform in a fun manner. If we don't elicit any comments from administr

two away!!

urrounding communities.
ks ago. I personally deleted my Facebook a long time ago so it has been a bit of a learning curve to get back in touch with the
nk we are only reaching staff/faculty). To determine how to change our Facebook approach based on our true audience there.

rch needs in order to highlight services and opportunities to improve student success.

y people as possible.

eraction from our library.

he page itself with content. Post more original photo content.

g partnerships with other community organizations, campus departments, etc. to increase engagement through sharing.
demographic of students ages 18-24.

o connect with new students.

wo years. Net is trailing just behind. We'd like to maintain that for another 2 years, and then start focusing on maintaining net gr
be to continue to spread "general interest" information. Also, an increase in "likes" and "engagements" would be ideal.

mation from organizations on Facebook.

od place to maintain our presence and post longer winded tutorials or event information which we can link to on other outlets.
comments from administration, we are happy.

get back in touch with the application.

our true audience there.

nt through sharing.

sing on maintaining net growth in the 15% range as we work on stewardship.

s" would be ideal.
link to on other outlets.
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

What is your No. 1 goal regarding Twitter in 2018-19?

Answered 109
Skipped 42

Add visuals to all posts and more interaction with followers
Broadcasting library information, such as events.
Connect with more professors and researchers, and share relevant content linked to research.
Consolidate accounts under one main Library account. Increase following and engagement.
Continue expansion and introduce paid advertising
Continue to examine viability of this platform.
Continue to see growth in our engagement metrics, particularly interactions.
Continued growth of followers through frequent posting of relevant content.
Continued marketing efforts.
Create a clear voice
Create more conversation
Creating content that tells our library story, encourages library use and importance and engages our followers.
Decision in progress.
Develop our audience base by reaching 500 followers. Streamline our Twitter accounts.
don't have a goal
don't have one
Effectively monitoring and responding to comments online (whether directly sent to us or indirectly made about us)
Eliminate 2 twitter accounts that are no longer maintained by library staff
Engage more with other College accounts.
Engagement in library activities
Finding a tone that connects positively with our student community.
Gain activity in participation with users and link to peers and content relevant to our individual work
Gain more followers
Gain more followers
Generate library-specific hashtags to promote events and classes.
Get followers to over 500
Getting more retweets.
Greater engagement from students/faculty
Grow audience/retweets
Have more user interaction and more followers
Hiring a new UX librarian to manage the social media.
I'd like more engagement; hoping to get LibAnswers and integrate twitter for answering questions.
Increase active engagement with other university departments/colleges
Increase communication with faculty, admin, and external groups, and increase visibility of our informational tweets
Increase connections
Increase engagement
Increase engagement
Increase engagement (retweets)
Increase engagement among our students and incoming students
Increase engagement and following, start defining tone/voice, create a foundational strategic social media plan
Increase engagement and reach
Increase engagement expressed through likes, retweets, replies, followers, and impressions
Increase engagement with followers.
Increase followers and engagement
Increase followers by 10% and maintain engagement at 1%
Increase followers by 15%. Add more original content.
Increase our engagement and followers.
Increase reach and engagement on organic tweets.
Increase visibility as measured through number of followers
Increased engagement with posts.
Increasing engagement
Interact more with students and faculty via this platform. We get a small amount of engagement through likes and r
Keep being awesome.
Learn more about how to use it more effectively.
Live tweet more interesting things going on in the library. Post more original photo content.
Maintain a presence without spending too much time on it.Support existing events and resources.
Maintain our followers and increase our impressions
More engagement (comments and retweets).
More engagement!
More followers
More followers and more engagement.
More interactions: likes, shares
More user engagement.
Most of our students don't use Twitter so this goal would be focused around engaging with our partner libraries and
n/a Don't use Twitter
not aware
Not focusing on Twitter as the primary target audience is not using Twitter
Not sure yet (hoping to make goals before the start of the semester)
Our (library) administration is not hospitable to social media in general. So we try to keep posts limited and uncontro
Our goal with Twitter is to build a well branded, strategically thought out account that engages with quality student f
Post more consistently and promote events more consistently.
Post more original content and interact with other posters more frequently.
Raise awareness of our collections, events, exhibits
Responding to issues/problems/questions
Retweet more
Share library and news and interesting tidbits with our campus community and beyond
starting the library's twitter account
To at least maintain engagement
To continue what we are doing. While I wish we had more engagement, it seems important for us to maintain the ac
To develop a community of scholarly communication among our institution's faculty.
To engage more students on this platform who might not be following our account.To have our university's main pla
To engage with other accounts more
To gain greater visibility.
To gain many more followers and have great conversations. I want students especially to be able to communicate
To gain more followers
To highlight more ways the library can help students with their information and research needs in order to highlight
To increase followers and engagement
To increase our follower and retweet rates by 10%
To increase our followers, conversations, retweets, etc. with important library news.
To learn more about its technical capabilities.
To post consistently and engage (i.e. get post likes and retweets and replies) as many people as possible.
To reduce use/effort
Tweet occassionally about literary themese.
Utilize it more in conjunction with HootSuite.
Utilize more gifs and videos to engage followers.
We don't have an active Twitter account at this time.
We have not set yearly goals
We haven't set goals for platforms.
We use Twitter to disseminate time sensitive, short form information. Our goal for this platform is to increase our fol
Weighing the pros/cons of using Twitter to promote the libraries
nd engages our followers.

s or indirectly made about us)

ndividual work

ng questions.
lity of our informational tweets.

strategic social media plan

ngagement through likes and retweets, but I'd love to foster more conversation.

nd resources.

g with our partner libraries and other library professionals around the province, country, and in North America in general.

keep posts limited and uncontroversial while still trying to inform in a fun manner. If we don't elicit any comments from administr
engages with quality student followers and reaches our target audience.

portant for us to maintain the account.

have our university's main platform share more of our content (tripled that last year, hope to continue that trend).

lly to be able to communicate with the library over Twitter - think it is easier than email and a suggestion box/form. I want our e

rch needs in order to highlight services and opportunities to improve student success. Especially via consults.

y people as possible.

s platform is to increase our followers. Therefore, more people would see our time sensitive tweets.
America in general.

comments from administration, we are happy.

e that trend).

ion box/form. I want our engagement level on Twitter to exceed this years.
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

What is your No. 1 goal(s) regarding other platforms in 2018-19?

Answered 100
Skipped 51

(Instagram) Connect with our students and strengthen relationships between them and the library/library staff
Again, I think the partnership / collaborative opportunities for any platform are taking precedence for us in lieu of pa
As mentioned before, after completing an environmental scan, assess whether the platforms we are on currently ar
Begin Instagram appearance and organize our You Tube channel.
Capture more Instagram followers from the incoming class, and do more fun videos on YouTube.
Change in staffing will require us to regroup on our Instagram strategy. I think we can increase by at least 25% this
Creating content that tells our library story, encourages library use and importance and engages our followers.
Decision in progress.
Diversify content, streamline processes and new content creation
Do more on Instagram; learn how to leverage it better.
don't have a goal
Engagement, engagement, engagement
Evaluate them.
Gaining more Instagram followers and blog (Wordpress) subscribers, along with posting more frequently to both of
Generally striving for more engagement and interaction from our audience.
Get more student followers on Instagram as that is the platform we use that they are on. They aren't really using Fa
Get others involved in Instagram. Currently I am the only one using it! Organizing our YouTube channel.
Greater engagement from students
Grow audience
Grow instagram followers, always. More engagement on insta.
Grow views in Snapchat and instagram per story
Hire an intern to curate instagram and attract more followers
Hiring a new UX librarian to manage the social media.
I think it is time for us to make the leap to Snapchat and improve our Instagram feed. Our students are more incline
Increase audience on IG
Increase connections
Increase engagement
Increase engagement among our students and incoming students
Increase engagement through likes, shares, comments, etc.
Increase followers and engagement with Instagram
Increase in Instagram followers.
Increase our postings to Instagram
Increase output of video content. Investigate platforms where we aren't currently (LinkedIn, Weibo) for opportunity a
Increase reach
Increase reach and content of Instagram by 25%.
Increase reach and engagement on Instagram posts and stories.
Increase YouTube usage and develop new models for video communications. Current focus has been solely tutoria
Increased student engagement with our platforms.
Increasing followers + engagement
Increasing the followers on Instagram
Instagram - gain more followers
Instagram -- continued marketing efforts.
Instagram : establish our account (new), get more followers, work with students committees for content.
Instagram is the account that gets the most likes and engagement. I strive to increase our followers on that platform
Instagram is the other platform that we have just started using a few months ago. I quite enjoy Instagram, it is less
Instagram is where we want to put all our effort/time
Instagram-only - no specific
Increase goal
followers, Reach, and Engagement.
YouTube- Increase development of promotional videos.
Instagram-Increase followers
Instagram: Broadcasting library information, such as events.
Instagram: creating quality content that yields engagement (likes and comments) from students, alumni, and comm
Spotify: increase followers
Instagram: Increase reach without sacrificing engagement.
Instagram: more likes and follows
Instagram: this is where we post all announcements we want students to see (hours, closings, events, literary birthd
Invest in instagram.
Keep interest up
Maintain a presence without spending too much time on it. Support existing events and resources.
More consistency and posts overall. We rarely post.
More engagement and followers on Instagram. Taking advantage of IG's new long-form video platform and placing
More followers and more engagement on Instagram and exploration of other platforms students might be likely to e
More user engagement.
n/a Only use Facebook
Not sure yet (hoping to make goals before the start of the semester)
Not the library as a whole but the archives and special collections division runs both a Tumblr page and a Wordpres
On instagram I would like to do another campaign, and start using micro videos for promotions
On Instagram we would like to increase our followers and our Instagram Story postings. This platform is largely the
On Instagram, we'd like to reach 1000 followers and develop a strong level of engagement through comments.
Our (library) administration is not hospitable to social media in general. So we try to keep posts limited and uncontro
Our focus right now is on leveraging our contacts through email via Emma, and using the available analytics to hon
Our goal with instagram is to build a well branded, strategically thought out account that engages with quality stude
Post more on instagram; use instagram stories in connection to university events
Post more original photo content.
Present an in-depth look into the library's behind-the-scenes work
Recover from posting slump on Istagram!
starting Instagram account and maybe testing snapchat
To at least maintain engagement
To decide if they would be appropriate for a particular professional organization (if we go the social media route at a
To gain more followers
To increase followers and engagement
To increase our Instagram followers, comments/conversations, reposts, etc.
To increase our post rate on Instagram to at least once a day.
To take higher quality photos (Instagram).
Use Instagram to advertise programing
Use other platforms and development content designed for them.
We have not set yearly goals
We haven't set goals for platforms.
We hope to triple our number of Instagram followers in 2018-2019.
We only use Twitter
We use Pinterest to create digital displays and digital versions of physical displays so that we can extend the library
We're currently undergoing a project to condense several library accounts in order to unify our message. Our prima
We're looking at how to tailor engagement for different audiences. I'm sort of intrigued by what we may do with a G
Weighing the pros/cons of using Insta and Snapchat to promote the libraries
nd the library/library staff
precedence for us in lieu of paying for "boosts"
atforms we are on currently are the best ones for our student community to connect with us.

on YouTube.
n increase by at least 25% this year.
nd engages our followers.

ing more frequently to both of these platforms.

on. They aren't really using Facebook or Twitter. Also evaluate potential use of Snapchat as that is the other platform students
YouTube channel.

Our students are more inclined to use these platforms, but the speed of posting and responses on this type of platform makes

kedIn, Weibo) for opportunity and feasibility. Stay abreast of industry trends.
nt focus has been solely tutorial based.

mittees for content.

e our followers on that platform. Specifically, I would like the majority of the class of '22 to follow this account.
uite enjoy Instagram, it is less complex than Facebook and gives you a little more creative freedom. I want to get as many follo

m students, alumni, and community members and organizations

closings, events, literary birthdays, etc)

nd resources.

rm video platform and placing ads on IG.

ms students might be likely to engage with the library on.

a Tumblr page and a Wordpress blog. We will continue to provide content to these, but do not have specific goals.

gs. This platform is largely the "getting to know the library's personality" platform. First we need to get the followers, then we wi
ement through comments.
keep posts limited and uncontroversial while still trying to inform in a fun manner. If we don't elicit any comments from administr
g the available analytics to hone in on subjects of interest among our audience
hat engages with quality student followers and reaches our target audience.

e go the social media route at all).

o that we can extend the library's reach into the digital space.
unify our message. Our primary goal is to do that in a strategic way that is non-disruptive to our Library team and our followers
d by what we may do with a Goodreads group, and what a Pinterest page might do for us. However, we don't have a clear pictu
he other platform students are using currently.

his type of platform makes it difficult to have a cohesive message. Timeliness and responsiveness is our primary goal
I want to get as many followers as the SMFA! Also, I think many people don't know we even have an Instgram account, so I w

pecific goals.

the followers, then we will show them who we are.

comments from administration, we are happy.

ary team and our followers.
we don't have a clear picture. We'd like to see a 20% net growth on Instagram in the next year, since that's our newest addition
our primary goal
n Instgram account, so I would like to get the word out to students to follow us. Again, Instagram is just another method of com
that's our newest addition.
st another method of communication for a different audience (those who are not on Facebook or Twitter) Since we are a library
ter) Since we are a library, I think it is important to reach all types of users.
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Have you recently made any improvements or do you plan some for the future to provide better ac
Answered 87
Skipped 64

Being sure to include a variety of formats in our posts. Varying posts between text, photo, video, etc. to cover a bro
Better photo desciptions / alt text
Closed captions for all videos
Creating a social media team and purchasing a management platform site for deeper evaluation.
I don't know how I would do that.
I don't think any of us are thinking about this. Would like to work on though
I have been checking accessibility for colors when I create a graphic. I do provide alternate text/detailed text when p
I have been trying lately to provide image descriptions under each post that happens to have an image. Other than
I need to learn more about opportunities to do this.
If we use an image in a post, we make sure that the content of that image is replicated in provided text. For exampl
Implementing alt text on Twitter.
In Twitter there is an option that allows better accessibility for those who have sight impairments - you can just chec
It's been discussed via email, but nothing formal has been laid out.
It's something we haven't focused on necessarily in the past, but plan to make an effort for in the coming years.
Need to look into this more
No idea what my library does officially. Personally I try to avoid GIFs, am pretty good at adding visual descriptions t
No, but I'd love to hear what others are doing!
No, but I'd love to learn more about this
No, but now I'm thinking about it. I believe providing subtitles for videos would be easy to do but I'm not sure how w
No, but we do need to consider this
No, have not discussed this.
No, I'm not aware of what is available.
No, working on library website.
Not at this time, although we will continue to use closed captioning for video content we create.
Not at this time.
not specifically-mostly do to the limitations/restrictions of the platforms themselves
Not yet, but we are exploring options.
Not yet.
not yet.
Not yet.
Nothing comprehensive.
Recently started providing captions on all photos that have any text on the image so it will be accessible to a screen
Starting to require captioning for videos
Subtitles in corporate video
This is the first time we've had a plan that isn't "post when you think of something to post." We are still working on s
Use of Camel Case in Hashtags.
Using hashtags that are reader-accessible
We are doing more to ensure our content meets color contrast standards and to include alt text whenever possible
We are planning to improve the accessiblity of image tweets/facebook posts etc.
We caption our YouTube videos and tend not to do image-only posts. It's unclear what other steps we can make. T
We closed caption our videos. There are not currently plans to expand these services. I would be interested in learn
We currently include image descriptions on all Instagram posts. These are marked #accessibility and written in brac
We do our absolute best, but I admit we do not live and die by accessibility standards.
We do use You Tube's captioning.
We don't have any plans at this time.
We have moved toward simplifying our images, providing clearer/simpler text, and utilizing alt-text when available.
We have not.
We have some guidelines in place in regards to ADA compliance and screen readers, but they were given to us by
We have started using image descriptions on Twitter and are looking into similar features on Instagram and Facebo
We haven't made any significant improvements or adjustments for accessibility. It is something we should look at in
We know we would like to increase accessibility, but we are unable to do so at this time.
We plan to make sure closed captions are in the videos we release on Facebook.
We try to make our content accessible, but could always be doing better.
We turned on accessible images in Twitter and include captions for all images
We've been discussing adding image descriptions on Instagram posts. We've only seen one example of this in prac
We've made improvements by implemented a schedule, themes, and different voices for the varying platforms we h
We've strived to add captions to our videos.
working to implement
Yes - No words on images unless the words are also in the caption or text of the post.
Yes working
Using on ADA compliancy
fewer graphics formore
with text and videos currently
native content e.g. Facebook events and links to pages from Twitter rather
Using Twitter's "Image Description" feature
YES! This is part of the reason I want to include social media policy in a marketing plan.
Yes. I consulted with accessibility experts on campus, and we have implemented image/video descriptions, properl
future to provide better accessibility for users of social media who have hearing or sight impairments?

hoto, video, etc. to cover a broad audience.

r evaluation.

ernate text/detailed text when possible.

to have an image. Other than that, all of our current YouTube videos have captions and we have described video versions of s

ed in provided text. For example, we wouldn't put up a flat jpg image that reads "Library Closed Today" unless their was associa

mpairments - you can just check off a box under the 'Accessibility; tab and it will allow you to post comments below photos so fo

ort for in the coming years.

at adding visual descriptions to graphic images, not as consistent at adding text to accommodate for images *of* text.

y to do but I'm not sure how well screen readers work with social media platforms.
it will be accessible to a screen reader.

post." We are still working on strategy and would love to compare our practices with other institutions.

ude alt text whenever possible for photos and videos.

at other steps we can make. Training in this area would be useful.

s. I would be interested in learning more about what we can do to improve the social media experience for our followers with the
accessibility and written in brackets.

ilizing alt-text when available.

s, but they were given to us by the college.

ures on Instagram and Facebook.
something we should look at in the future as we move forward.

een one example of this in practice and would love more information on its usefulness. Would also like our media unit to add ca
s for the varying platforms we have. This year, we hope to streamline our accounts to formulate a stronger, more united brand f

ks to pages from Twitter rather than relying on an image to convey all of the meaning

age/video descriptions, properly-formatted captions, and screen-reader-friendly language in our posts.

ht impairments?

scribed video versions of some of them.

" unless their was associated readable text that reiterated that message.

mments below photos so folks know what is going on in the picture. I am not sure Instagram has this option, I am sure Faceboo

images *of* text.

e for our followers with these disabilities.

e our media unit to add captioning to all videos...

nger, more united brand for our academic libraries.
option, I am sure Facebook does but I am still discovering all the options Facebook has to offer (and there are quite a lot!).
here are quite a lot!).
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

What question(s) would you like to add to the next survey about social media use in academic libra
Answered 37
Skipped 114

A question about whether the library has full control of its social media channels, or whether control is handled by a
Academic Freedom (for those of us who manage directly).
An open-ended question on how social media managers solicit and collect content / stories from librarians and staff
Are they actually effective in any way? Do they help drive people to events? Do they help students better understan
can't think of anything at this time
Development of policies or guidelines.
How academic libraries are generating content for social media? What kind of content are academic libraries are pu
How we navigate expressing ourselves on individual accounts as both professionals and as people.
I just want to add that our model is not working. One reason is because we have one marketing person and she do
I think its one thing to post great content on social media platforms and another to actually see how many people it
I would like to know the type of content people are posting to their library social media accounts, such as event prom
I would like to see a quantitative type question about whether the usage of social media has actually generated inte
I'm more interested in seeing the results which explain more about the person who is in charge of social media, how
Inquire about purposeful use of Altmetrics and Altmetrics Explorer.
Measuring loss of followers due to students graduating.
None at this time.
None to add
Perceived return on investment
Please ask about copyright concerns and "branding" of posts!
Questions about policy, strategy, goal-setting
Questions about the kinds of content that are posted on each of the platforms (maybe using a matrix-type table).
There weren't any questions asking if we even had a social media policy. Officially, we don't have anything written d
Types of posts that lead to the highest engagement. Questions about Instagram stories and highlights feature, and
Upload examples of your best practices. What are the three most important best practices for starting a FB acct., In
What is your top-performing content on each platform? What types of audiences do you have on each platform? Ho
What kind of content do you post?
Do you plan or have you developed activities with another library in relation to the use of these platforms?
What platforms have you
type of content already
do you stopped
share using, and why?
with Twitter?
What type of content do you share with other platforms?
What types of content are you creating?
Which platforms do libraries use to reach which audiences specifically?
media use in academic libraries?

whether control is handled by an outside unit (i.e. Media Relations, etc.)

stories from librarians and staff.

help students better understand the research process? Do they make people more aware of library services? Etc.

nt are academic libraries are pushing out on social media?

and as people.
e marketing person and she doesn't do her job. One part of the job is social media which she has turned over to students. Our
tually see how many people it has reached and if people are actively engaging in the content by posting their own opinions/com
a accounts, such as event promotion, asking questions to the audience, polls, post-event photos, shares/retweets, etc. I would
dia has actually generated interest/bodies at events or workshops or whatever else.
in charge of social media, how much time they spend on it, compared to the amount spent on other areas of their job.

e using a matrix-type table).

e don't have anything written down; unofficially, I know that there are culturally sensitive materials that I cannot post, but otherw
es and highlights feature, and what other academic libraries use for their profile link.
ctices for starting a FB acct., Insta, Snapchat, etc?
you have on each platform? How do you tag/share/reshare your content? What analytics services do you use?

e of these platforms?
ervices? Etc.

ned over to students. Our Facebook page was much more lively when other librarians worked on it. We really need "Best Prac
ng their own opinions/comments. I would like to know the engagement level other departments/buildings on campus have with
res/retweets, etc. I would like to see the percentages of each type of post and maybe ask about the success of those posts. Fo

areas of their job.

at I cannot post, but otherwise I have free reign.

We really need "Best Practices" and a person who cares in the position.
ings on campus have with their social media users. I always find it interesting to see who is actually listening/cares. I believe t
success of those posts. For example, I've noticed that our pre-event promotion posts don't do as well as our post-event photos
istening/cares. I believe this is also important so you can tailor your content to your audience, broad or not broad. I have alwa
as our post-event photos or sharing of local news articles about the library.
or not broad. I have always struggled to get students especially to tag us in photos/comment back etc. I think conversation is
c. I think conversation is extremely important, engaging and boosts your social platform.
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Your organization
Answer Choices Responses
Academic Library, Public 58.67% 88
Academic Library, Private 33.33% 50
Public Library 4.00% 6
Special Library (law, music, medical, etc., private) 0.00% 0
Special Library (law, music, medical, etc., public) 2.67% 4
College or University Communications Office 0.00% 0
Other (please specify) 4
Answered 150
Skipped 1

Other (please specify)

Academic Medical Library
Archaeological Museum with library/archival collections
Community college offering some baccaulareate degrees
State Library and Archive
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Size and scale of your organization

Answer Choices Responses
Very small (less than 1,000 students) 3.36% 5
Small (1,000-3,000 students) 18.12% 27
Medium (3000-10,000 students) 28.19% 42
Large (10-30,000 students) 30.87% 46
Very Large (more than 30,000 students) 16.78% 25
Other (please specify) 6
Answered 149
Skipped 2

Other (please specify)

8.47 million - population of Virginia (?)
Population - 45,000
That includes undergrad and graduate.
Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2018)

Staffing for social media at my library is provided by (check all that apply).
Answer Choices Responses
Full-time public relations and communications professional 28.67%
Part-time public relations and communications professional 4.00%
Staff or faculty member with partial duties for public relations and 34.67%
Full-time social media manager/community manager 3.33%
Part-time social media manager/community manager 6.67%
Outreach librarian, who may have varied public services and public re 40.00%
Staff or faculty members from throughout the library with posting righ 50.67%
Student interns 18.67%
Freelancer or independent contractor 0.00%
Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

2 public services librarians
A full time liaison/digital librarian and a full-time hourly employee (the latter only manages one platform)
A full-time staff member currently has part-time social media manager responsibilities. Moving forward, a full-time L
Added on to other duties in an existing position.
Committee throughout the library
Full-time faculty librarian with outreach as a goal for promoting reference and user services. Hourly student employ
In addition to my Marketing and Communication Duties I am a liaison for various programs at my campus.
One library staff is responsible to look after social media in addition to his core duties
Over the years many different librarians and staff members have contributed to social media. None of them have ha
Public Services Librarian and student workers who help to monitor posts and respond to comments and questions
She is a librarian who claims to have done some marketing in the past.
student assistants on the Social Media Team
The Marketing Coordiantor is responsible for our social media in addition to all marketing and communications for th
The Outreach Librarian is also our full time public relations and communications professional
While "outreach" is part of my job title - I mainly do liaison work, instruction, and reference.
Whoever wants to participate.
ll that apply).

ter only manages one platform)

esponsibilities. Moving forward, a full-time Library communications technician is going to be hired.

e and user services. Hourly student employees contribute content on a regular basis, though posting is still completed by the fa
r various programs at my campus.

s core duties
uted to social media. None of them have had this as an official assigned role. It has been completely voluntary.
s and respond to comments and questions

n to all marketing and communications for the university's three multicampus libraries.
ications professional
on, and reference.
g is still completed by the faculty librarian.

y voluntary.

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