Componentes - Catálogo 2016 Rev01-Compressed

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IGNISSTERRA Lenga, fine wood by Tierra del Fuego LENGA (COMPON ENTS ‘THE COMPANY IGNISTERAA is a company dedicated to the production of Kin Dried lumber and elaborated preducts using fine hardwood, especialy LLenga (Nothofagus purrilo), which is @ native Chilsen species that grows excusiely in the southermost point of South America. This ‘exceptional wood elevates the qualty of Ife for those who use these products on a daly basis, due to the woods matchless warmth and beauty, IGNISTERRA owns Lenga forests in the fascinating regions of Aysén and on the mystic island of Tera del Fuego. The company possesses: mechanized sawmils and kin dry instalions in both rogions, and a modem remanufacturing plant located inthe central part of Chie, near the Seaports of Valoarafso and San Antonio. IGNSTERAA has implemented the Latest Generation Technology at their industial Installations, along whith thelr highly skiled-trained ‘employees and qualty management system, [SO 9001, which in tum leads to manufacturing and offering high quality products. Al of IGNSITERRAs activities are strongly committed in caring for the lervironment and responsible forestry management, All products are FSC Forest Stewardship Councl) certified LENGA (COMPONENTS LENGA(LUMBER LA EMPRESA IGNSTERRA es una empresa dedicada a la produccién de madera aserrada seca y productos elaborados enmaderas nas, especialmente de Lenga (Nothofagus pumiio), especie noble natva chilena, que crece excusivamente en ol exremo sur de Sudamérica, Esta madera de excelente caidad transformada en productos de uso cotidiano eleva le calidad de vida de quienes la utiizan debido a su inigualable calidez y bolleza, IGNISTERRA posee bosques de Lenga en la fascinante zona de Aysén yen la mistica isla do Tiera de! Fuego. La compara tiene aserraderos mecanzados y operaciones de secado de la madera en cada una de estas dos regones, y una modema panta de remanufactura ubicada ‘nla zona central de Chie, cerca de los pusrtos de Valparaiso y San Antonio. IGNISTERRA ha Implementado tecnologias de Utima ganeractén en us instalaciones, que unidas a su personal atarnente calticado y un sistema de gestién de calidad ISO 9001, le permiten fabricar y ofrecer productos de atisimo nivel de calidad. IGNISTERRA tiene un fuerte cornoromiso con el cuidado del medio ‘ambiente en todas sus actividades y un manejo forestal responsable. Sus productos cusrtian con el selo de certficacién FSC (Forest ‘Stewardship Counci), LENGA(DOORS LENGA(TEMPLES uo Nasional Toras dol Paina | Toros dol Pine National Park THE SPECIES LENGA is a fine hardwood known in many countries as Chilean Chery of Fireland Chery, due to its simiarty in gran and color, much lice American Chery, ENGA has a white to yellonish color sapwood and a ight to dark pik heartwood, Is @ noble wood and user-fiendly for manufactures, is beauitful rain and tonaily is enhanced when stained or vamished. ‘ThisiswrlyLENGA woods preferedby prestigious wood manufacturers ‘worldwide tobe used in decorative carpentry, home doors, furishings {and other products that use high valued quelty lumber. LAESPECIE LALENGA es une especie Frondosa que se conoce en muchos paises ‘como Cerezo Chileno 0 Cerezo de Tierra del Fuego, por su parecida vola y color al carez0 norteamericano. La LENGA es una Latifolada que posee una albura de color blanco

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