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1. This concept note (Note) has been prepared in view of the potential engagement of the Rhodes West Africa Ambassador to Universidade de Carbo
Varde for a programme which aims at enlightening the students at the University about the Rhodes Scholarship.
2. In view of the foregoing, we set out an introduction to the Scholarship as well as details of the planned programme which we believe would be invaluable
to the students of the university, and the University as an institution.
3. For ease of reference, this Note has been split into four parts:
3.1. Part A provides an introduction to the Rhodes Scholarship and the Rhodes West Africa Ambassador;
3.2. Part B provides details of the proposed programme of events for Universidade de Carbo Verde;
3.3. Part C identifies the areas in which we call on the University to support for the success of the programme;
3.4. Part D provides pictures from the Rhodes West Africa selection programme through the years.

4. Established through the Will of Cecil John Rhodes in 1902, the Rhodes Scholarship was a truly visionary project for its time. Over a hundred years later,
the Rhodes Scholarships are the oldest and perhaps most prestigious international scholarship programme in the world, enabling outstanding young
people from around the world to undertake full-time postgraduate study at the University of Oxford, (ranked first internationally in the Times Higher
Education rankings for 2017 and 2018).
5. One of the founding aims of the Scholarship was to identify young leaders from around the world who, through the pursuit of education together at
Oxford, would forge bonds of mutual understanding and fellowship for the betterment of mankind.
6. Our reputation as the world's most distinguished academic scholarship rests not on the controversial life of our founder Cecil Rhodes, but on the
enormous contributions our Scholars have made to the world, and the qualities sought in a Rhodes Scholar - intellectual distinction combined with
concern for others, energy to lead, and a focus on public service - remain as compelling as they were over a century ago.
7. The Rhodes Scholarship is a fully funded, full time, postgraduate award which enables talented young people from around the w orld to study at
the University of Oxford.
8. Applying for the Scholarship is a challenge, but it is an experience which has helped generations of young people to succeed. We encourage applications
from talented students everywhere. Rhodes Scholars come to the UK for two or more years and can apply to study most full-time postgraduate courses
offered by Oxford University.
9. Each year, the Rhodes Scholarship selects about 100 of the most qualified students from across the world to benefit from this fully-funded opportunity.
West Africa has a quota of two (2) students every year. In past years, applicants from Nigeria, Ghana and The Gambia have so far been successful as
Rhodes Scholars for West Africa (
10. Unfortunately, we believe that the Scholarship is not so popular in many other West African institutions, including your University. This influences the
need for an outreach programme to promote inclusivity and participation of the most brilliant minds from Universidade de Carbo Verde.
11. The Rhodes West Africa Ambassador for the year is Elizabeth Chinenyenwa Nwarueze, a Nigerian-qualified lawyer and Rhodes Scholar for Year 2021.
She holds a Bachelor of Civil Law Degree from University of Oxford with a Distinction in International Law of the Sea, a Public Policy Certificate from
the Moller Institute, University of Cambridge, a Bachelor of Laws from University of Ibadan, Nigeria as Best Graduating Student of Year 2018 and a
Diploma (Summa cum Laude) from the Yeosu Academy of the Law of the Sea, South Korea. In 2020, she was awarded the Most Outstanding Young
Person in Nigeria by Academic Achievements by the Junior Chamber International, Nigeria.
12. Her current research focuses on ocean governance and the role of non-state actors in maritime security. She contributes international law perspectives
to security challenges in the Gulf of Guinea through publications on human rights at sea and enforcement against piracy. She currently serves as an
International Lawyer at the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs and recently participated in negotiations leading to the adoption of the Treaty on
Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction “High Seas Treaty”. She is set to continue extensive research in Internati onal Law of the Sea at
University of Oxford sponsored by the Rhodes Trust.
13. We propose to have the outreach session for Universidade de Carbo Verde on 27 July 2023 within the school premises.
14. At the seminar, the Ambassador will;
a. introduce the Scholarship, the courses that can be offered, the eligibility criteria, selection process;
b. tell students how they can apply and how to make their applications competitive
c. answer their questions about Oxford and the application process;
d. follow up with interested students who are prepared to apply this year.
15. We propose the attendance of all penultimate and final year students of Universidade de Carbo Verde. This set of students are likely to fall within
the eligibility criteria of the Scholarship and are poised to apply for the Scholarship this year or next year. We hope that a targeted interactive seminar
will challenge them to consider this outstanding opportunity. Lecturers who are interested in learning about the opportunity for their children are
16. The seminar will last for approximately 2 hours and may spill over depending on the number of questions or individual follow-up by interested students.
17. The Ambassador is free to employ methods which would drive understanding in the programme including the use of slides, photographs and oral
18. Success at this event would mean students of the University, applying to the Scholarship and qualifying to the final stage for a chance to win the world’s
most coveted postgraduate scholarship.
19. To ensure that the programme is a success, we invite the collaboration of Universidade de Carbo Verde on the following:
a. Notifying penultimate and final year students of the programme and motivating them to attend;
b. Providing a venue for the programme (perhaps a school hall) on 27 July;
c. Providing other logistical support (projector, microphone and speakers);
d. Providing accommodation for the Ambassador for two nights (26 and 27 August). If this requires payment, we are open to negotiating this
expense. This is to ensure that the Ambassador is safe within the premises and is not required to travel long distances to attend the programme.
20. The following institutions from Nigeria, Ghana and The Gambia have produced Rhodes Scholars for West Africa since 2018:
a. University of Ibadan, Nigeria
b. University of Nigeria, Nsukka
c. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
d. University of Ghana, Legon.
21. We hope that Universidade de carbo Verde joins this short list of outstanding institutions.

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