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NIM : H061211008




Exercise 3 page 18-19

A. Scan only ad number 1 to answer these questions:

1. How many different beverages are advertised?
Answer: There are 4 different beverages.
2. What is the price of a 9” Pie?
Answer: The price of a 9” Pie is $1.99
3. How many ounces (oz.) of vegetables can you buy for .79?
Answer: There are 6 vegetables, babywhole carrots, broccoli florets, sugar snap peas,
tendersweetcorn, baby broccoli spears, whole green beans or tiny tender.
4. How many Eggo Waffles are in a package (pkg.)?
Answer: There are 11 Oz Pkg, of 8 frozen.
5. What is the name of the company which sells frozen carrots?
Answer: The name of the company is Microwaveable Vegetables.
6. Which juice is 100% natural?
Answer: Seneca juice
7. How many pieces of pizza can you buy for $2.39?
Answer: 6 slice double cheese
8. Which pizza is cheaper?
Answer: Totino’s pizza
9. What is the weight of the frozen bread dough?
Answer: 5 lb pkg.
10.Is pink lemonade on sale?
Answer: Yes

B. Scan both ads to answer these questions:

1. Which ad has a lower price for orange juice (OJ)?
Answer: Tina’s Burritos
2. Do both ad include chicken?
Answer: Weaver Chicken and Banquet Chicken
3. Which ad has a lower price for Totino’s Pizza?
Answer: Tropicana OJ
4. Which is cheaper, Ellio’s or Tony’s Pizza?
Answer: Tony’s Pizza
5. How many different kind of bagel bittes can you buy?
Answer: 2, double chesee or chesee and pepperoni
6. Do both ads include fish?
Answer: Fish Sticks and Van de Damp’s Fish
7. How many different brands of pizza are found in ad number 2?
Answer: 6 brands of pizza
8. Is Cool Whip less expensive in ad 1 or ad 2?
Answer: Cool Whip less expensive in ad 1
9. What is the name of the company that makes garlic bread?
Answer: The name of the company is Cole’s
10. Which ad offers more different kinds of foods?
Answer: Ad 2

Exercise 6 page 24-25

1. Which authors have two fiction books on this list?

Answer: Michael Crichton and John Grisham
2. What is the title of the book about World War II?
Answer: The Line of Fire by W.E.B. Griffin
3. Who wrote a book with a plot set in Chicago?
Answer: Sara Paretsky
4. How long has Jurassic Park been on the list?
Answer: 28 weeks
5. What is the title of the book by Sidney Sheldon?
Answer: The Doomsday Conspiracy


Exercise 6 page 44-45

1. What is this article about?

Answer: This article is about the reason of long live woman.
2. What are some biological reasons for woman’s long lives, according to this article?
Answer: The important biological factor is hormones and genes.
3. What are some of the other reasons mentioned?
Answer: The other reasons is the cultural context, for example woman generally
smoke cigarettes less than men.
4. Does the author think the situation is likely to change? Why?
Answer: Yes. The situation is likely to change because social habits of woman.
Young womanare smoking and drinking more than woman used to be.
5. Is the information in this article new to you?
Answer: Yes

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