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Writing a thesis on climate change is a formidable task that demands extensive research, critical

analysis, and proficient writing skills. The complexity of the subject matter coupled with the need for
accurate data and scientific evidence poses significant challenges to researchers. Crafting a
compelling and academically sound research paper requires not only a deep understanding of climate
science but also proficiency in various academic disciplines such as environmental science,
economics, policy analysis, and more.

The process of writing a thesis on climate change involves several stages, including:

1. Topic Selection: Choosing a relevant and compelling topic that contributes meaningfully to
the existing body of knowledge on climate change.
2. Literature Review: Conducting a comprehensive review of existing literature to understand
the current state of research, identify gaps in knowledge, and formulate research questions.
3. Data Collection and Analysis: Gathering relevant data through primary research, surveys,
experiments, or secondary sources and analyzing them using appropriate statistical methods
or qualitative analysis techniques.
4. Argument Development: Developing a coherent argument or thesis statement based on the
research findings and supporting it with evidence from credible sources.
5. Writing and Revision: Writing the research paper following academic standards and
guidelines, ensuring clarity, coherence, and logical flow of ideas. Revising the paper multiple
times to refine arguments, improve clarity, and address any weaknesses.
6. Citation and Referencing: Accurately citing all sources used in the paper following a
specified citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) and creating a bibliography or
reference list.

Given the complexity and rigorous nature of writing a thesis on climate change, many students and
researchers may find themselves overwhelmed or struggling to meet the high standards of academic
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In conclusion, writing a thesis on climate change is undoubtedly challenging, but with the right
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research with confidence and achieve success in your academic endeavors.
Website users are fully responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which
they carry out is in accordance with current regulations related to health and safety and that an
appropriate risk assessment has been carried out. These short-term variations in no way negate the
reality of long-term warming. The gases that exhaust from vehicles will increase the average
temperature of the environment. Over the next decade, computer speeds are predicted to increase
another 100 fold or more, permitting even more details of the climate system to be explored. The
Earth has experienced many large climate changes in the past. In my opinion, and that of world
environmentalists, yes it is. Potential increases in food cost and limited availability of some foods
will exacerbate current dietary inequalities and have significant health ramifications for the poorer
segments of our population. A change in any one component alters conditions throughout the entire
system, affecting the climate. Climate is projected to continue to warm, with the amount of future
warming ranging from another 3?F to another 12?F by 2100, depending primarily on the level of
emissions from human activities, principally the burning of fossil fuels. Climate and Weather
Weather Weather describes whatever is happening outdoors in a given place at a given time. Some
climate changes currently have beneficial effects for specific sectors or regions. What will be the
effects of climate change and is there any solution for this problem. These changes have severely
increased the spread of diseases and damage to homes. Lava erupted from vents in the mountain,
killing off vegetation and in turn animals died from starvation - a third of the islands population died
from famine. She will also discuss the policy implications of these challenges. Yes. There have been a
number of studies that have examined the U.S. and global temperature records in great detail. For
these reasons, many scientists prefer the term “climate change,” which connotes a much larger
picture: broad changes in what are considered “normal” conditions. Oreskes Chapter 4 (PDF)
Oreskes on Science Consensus (PDF) Oreskes Summary (PDF) Oreskes References (PDF). GRID-
Arendal and United Nations Environment Programme. URL. Thus it is not surprising that recent
reports from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, including America’s Climate Choices 22 and
America’s Energy Future, 23 have concluded that the environmental, economic, and humanitarian
risks posed by climate change indicate a pressing need for substantial action to limit the magnitude
of climate change and to prepare to adapt to its impacts. The shapes and sizes of the wedges shown
here are illustrative only. (Data from Boden et al. 2012 3 ). Greenland is warmer than Antarctica, so
unlike Antarctica, melting occurs over large parts of the surface of Greenland’s ice sheet each
summer. Climate change is actually refers to an increase in average global temperatures caused by the
human activities and natural disaster. Just stabilizing emissions still leads to increasing amounts of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because emissions are greater than the sinks that remove it (blue
lines). Oceans Oceans cover about 70 percent of Earth's surface. The downloadable PDF is the
official version of the 2014 National Climate Assessment. Climate change occurs when these large-
scale climate factors change over time. Evaluate the extent to which water insecurity is the result of
physical or. The point is that when the heat reaches the Earth and then is reflected back to the
atmosphere, the certain amount of it is stopped by the so called greenhouse gases.
The difference is that, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, humans have been
increasingly affecting global climate, to the point where we are now the primary cause of recent and
projected future change. She will also discuss the policy implications of these challenges. Why
should people care about the increase of the average annual temperature Global Warming. Pteropods,
or “sea butterflies,” are sea creatures about the size of a small pea. Current efforts at local and state
levels, and by the private sector, are important, but are insufficient to limit warming to the lower
scenarios described throughout this report. These have used a variety of methods to study the effects
of changes in instruments, time of observations, station siting, and other potential sources of error. At
least three different research teams have examined how this might affect U.S. temperature trends.
All have found that this effect is adequately accounted for by the data corrections. It covers the
remaining 3 percent of Earth's surface including most of Antarctica and Greenland. This figure
shows how regional temperatures can be much more variable than global temperatures, going up and
down from decade to decade; all regions, however, show warming over the last two decades or more.
Efforts to rapidly and significantly reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases can still limit the global
temperature increase to 3.6?F (2?C) relative to the 1901-1960 time period. These models can be used
to test scientific understanding of the response of the Earth’s climate to past changes (such as the
transition from the last glacial maximum to our current warm interglacial period) as well as to
develop projections of future changes (such as the response of the Earth’s climate to human
activities). A third source of uncertainty involves limitations to our current scientific knowledge.
When shelled species are at risk, the entire food web may also be at risk. The white paper seeks to
create a consensus around science-based evidence on climate change and increasing overall
temperatures. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the
book. The storms also are unpredictable and may take a more extended period. The glass panels of
the greenhouse let in light but keep heat from escaping. If a plane was to crash in a nuclear power
plant the outcome would be unthinkable. These analyses suggest that current temperatures are higher
than seen globally in at least the last 1700 years and that the last decade (2001 to 2010) was the
warmest decade on record. (Figure source: adapted from Mann et al. 2008 4 ). Climate models differ
in the way they represent various processes (for example, cloud properties, ocean circulation, and
turbulent mixing of air). Interactions go beyond simply cause and effect, and should be viewed in
terms of interdependence and feedbacks. As with CO 2, though, they have a long atmospheric
lifetime and it is obvious that they still contribute greatly to global warming. Scientists continue to
study this issue today; the latest information suggests that, if the Earth’s climate were being
controlled primarily by natural factors, the next cooling cycle would begin sometime in the next
1,500 years. Projections of carbon dioxide levels indicate that by the end of this century the surface
waters of the ocean could be as much as 150% more acidic, resulting in a pH that the oceans have
not experienced for more than 20 million years and effectively transforming marine life as we know
it. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced 1 -
.emissions of heat-trapping gases. This is because near-term warming will be caused primarily by
emissions that have already occurred, due to the lag in the temperature response to changes in
atmospheric composition. If a plane was to crash in a nuclear power plant the outcome would be
unthinkable. Certain patterns in weather that have a tendency to recur each year are called a climate.
The heat-trapping abilities of greenhouse gases were corroborated by Irish scientist John Tyndall with
experiments beginning in 1859. Land that is not covered in ice absorbs the light from the sun making
the earth warmer.
However, the ice on the continent slowly flows down the mountains and through the valleys toward
the ocean. There is more work to be done to fully understand the many complex and interacting
aspects of climate change, and important questions remain. Millions of tonnes of poisonous gas and
particles were sprayed out over Iceland over 8 months. Website users are fully responsible for
ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is in accordance with
current regulations related to health and safety and that an appropriate risk assessment has been
carried out. For example, water evaporates from the oceans into the atmosphere. Why should people
care about the increase of the average annual temperature Global Warming. These observations
indicate that the Earth-atmosphere climate system has continued to gain heat energy. Lava erupted
from vents in the mountain, killing off vegetation and in turn animals died from starvation - a third
of the islands population died from famine. Interactions go beyond simply cause and effect, and
should be viewed in terms of interdependence and feedbacks. The generation of power contributes
to 25% of global carbon dioxide emissions, which in turn exaggerates global warming. However,
what are the impacts of the rises of the sea level towards our earth. Projections in 2099 for additional
emissions pathways are indicated by the bars to the right of each panel. The driver of human-caused
climate change is our use of fossil fuels, and to mitigate (reduce) global warming this usage must be
understood and addressed. As the concentrations in the atmosphere of these heat-trapping gases
increase due to human activities, they are absorbing greater and greater amounts of infrared heat
energy emitted from the Earth’s surface. It is clear that these ice sheets are already losing mass as a
result of human-induced climate change, and the evidence suggests that Greenland and Antarctica
are likely to continue to lose ice mass for centuries. What impacts has global warming had upon our
planet. No. An enduring myth about climate science is that in the 1970s the climate science
community supposedly predicted “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age. The human and
physical causes of climate change are clear, it is what to do about them that is not so obvious.
Projecting the future influence of climate change on these events can also be complicated by the fact
that some of the risk factors for these events may increase with climate change, while others may
decrease. This drastic reduction in sea ice can tip the Arctic Ocean into a permanent, nearly ice-free
state in summer (Ch.2: Our Changing Climate, Key Message 11). Paleoclimate records show that the
giant ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica (as well as others, such as the Laurentide Ice Sheet that
covered much of North America during the last glacial maximum) have expanded and contracted as
the Earth cooled or warmed in the past. Greenland contains only about one tenth as much ice as the
Antarctic Ice Sheet, but if Greenland’s ice were to entirely melt, global sea level would rise 23 feet.
However, peer review is only the first step in the long process of acceptance of new ideas. Where the
French do not find it necessary to include the people in their decisions the British believe in
involving us into every decision made. About 90% of the glaciers and land-based ice sheets
worldwide are melting as the Earth warms, adding further to the sea level rise. All of these natural
factors, and their interactions with each other, have altered global average temperature over periods
ranging from months to thousands of years. It is an effective way to reduce the pollution and reduce
global warming. The low rainfall that leads to drought in the Amazon can then through cause and
effect be responsible for forest fires. It is the process by which the earth’s surface is gradually
increasing in temperature because of a variety of factors but primarily because of human activity,
either by creating new sources of greenhouse gases or by obstructing natural sinks that eliminate
them. Climate scientists cannot predict when tipping points will be crossed because of uncertainties
in the climate system and because we do not know what pathway future emissions will take.
Thus it is actually easier to project how climate will change in the future. Life on earth depends on
climate, and changes in it directly effect the health and well-being of the population, biodiversity,
and the delivery of services by ecosystems around the world. We do face a choice between a little
more warming and lot more warming, however. For example, the rapid decline of Arctic sea ice
exposes the darker ocean surface which absorbs increasing amounts of heats and reduces the amount
of new seasonal ice formed. Various techniques for removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
have been proposed. The climate system has been relatively stable during the time that human
civilizations have existed. Climate is primarily the result of the effects of local geography, such as
distance from the equator, distance from the ocean, and local topography and elevation, combined
with larger scale climate factors that can change over time. In addition, it also results in the shifting
precipitation patterns. These natural variations are largely unpredictable and are superimposed on the
warming from increasing heat-trapping gases. Climate change is actually refers to an increase in
average global temperatures caused by the human activities and natural disaster. Eventually, they fall
back into the troposphere where they are rapidly removed by precipitation. The oceans will continue
to absorb carbon dioxide produced by human activities and become even more acidic in the future.
This field of study is known as “detection and attribution.” Detection involves looking for evidence
of changes or trends. This is a major concern, partly because the demand for land with an ever-
growing population, leading to ever more deforestation, but also as plants reduce levels of CO 2
during photosynthesis, as they retain it and release oxygen into the atmosphere. The structure of the
climate action plan encompasses actions that concentrate on aspects of paramount need and impact,
which consist of building energy, road transportation, and waste. Variations in the Earth’s orbit and
tilt (called the Milankovitch variations) seem to have a link with climatic change. In turn, many parts
of the planet have seen increases in heavy rainfall events. Ring has also been recognized by
Congress, the California legislature and the American Medical Association for her work in improving
access to care for the underserved and was once named America’s Best Healer by Reader’s Digest.
Projections in 2099 for additional emissions pathways are indicated by the bars to the right of each
panel. Society may choose to reduce emissions or to continue to increase them. Warming ocean
waters also affect marine ecosystems like coral reefs, which can be very sensitive to temperature
changes. A large amount of energy in the U.S. is also used to heat and cool buildings, so changes in
building design could dramatically reduce energy use. Southeast Asia. The intelligence assessment,
which relied on CCSP re-. CO2 emissions in China increased at an annual rate of about 3 to 4. The
last 20,000 years on Earth have seen the demise of the last ice age, along with a global. It shows that
as more carbon dioxide is released into the environment, the global average temperature is rising and
also the sea level. I. The heat will consequently melt the sea ice and mountain glacier of the polar
region. Stakeholders: Individuals or organizations that generate or use climate. The global warming
observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced 1 -.emissions of heat-trapping
gases. Can you imagine how many precious lives have been sacrificed merely to boots up our
standard of living.
These events occur over much smaller scales, which makes observations and modeling more
challenging. Climate change represents a change in these long-term weather patterns. The black line
depicts the annually averaged observed changes. The choice is between proactive adaptation
(planning ahead to limit impacts) or reactive adaptation (where responses occur only after damages
are already incurred). Many lines of evidence demonstrate that human activities are primarily
responsible for recent climate changes. Weather is what we hear about on the television news every
night. This book summarizes a National Research Council workshop at which presentations and
discussion identified specific needs associated with this gap between the demand and supply of
scientific information about climate change adaptation. The climate change is all linked to carbon
dioxide emissions and rising temperatures, which are a direct result of our dependency on fossil
fuels, growing population and the world’s need for easy, pre-packaged food with little thought to
recycling. First of all, the kinetic energy of all of the molecules is increased, thus increasing. This has
a knock on effect on hurricanes and rainfall. Goetz had proposed a theory for how the enzyme reacts
with the substrate. The difference is that, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, humans
have been increasingly affecting global climate, to the point where we are now the primary cause of
recent and projected future change. Because ice is highly reflective and because of its insulating
properties, ice plays an important role in regulating climate. FIGURE 1.2 Examples of societally
important issues, in the form of ma-. Students will first learn basic weather words and ideas, and the
difference between weather and climate. Beyond the middle of this century, global and regional
temperature changes will be determined primarily by the rate and amount of various emissions
released by human activities, as well as by the response of the Earth’s climate system to those
emissions. The residents which staying at a small island and low-lying coastal areas may expose to
the high risk as the average temperature continue increases. In general, the larger and faster the
changes in climate, the more difficult it is for human and natural systems to adapt. Moreover, climate
change interacts with other stressors, such as population increase, land-use change, and economic
and political changes, in ways that we may not be able to anticipate, compounding the risks. The
toolkit includes curriculum for an 8-hour training workshop, with activities designed to engage
participants in analyzing and interpreting climate data sets and visualizations in a collaborative
setting. Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change and the. As a result of the
aforementioned factors, problems have developed that need to be overcome. Once I got the
completed paper, my last doubts were gone. Global Climate Change and Climate Protection: Current
Summary. We should limit the time to use air conditioner and switch it off when the weather is cold
or windy. In all figures except the lower two in the right column, data are plotted relative to averages
over the period 1960-1999 (Figure source: updated from Kennedy et al. 2010 2 ). For example,
current benefits of warming include longer growing seasons for agriculture and longer ice-free
periods for shipping on the Great Lakes. The scientific method is built on scrutiny and debate among
scientists. That sound great but in the other hand solar panels are difficult to installed on a rooftop
surface or ground, in fact the cost of these panels are high and only rich people can afford it. The
atmosphere and ocean constantly exchange energy and matter.
Flooding may frequently happen at this area and results to soil erosion especially during raining
season. Some are apa research paper outline guidelines in the context of state lawsuits for mitigation.
I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. Large explosive
volcanic eruptions can cool climate for a few years after an eruption, if the eruption is powerful
enough to send particles far up into the atmosphere. When shelled species are at risk, the entire food
web may also be at risk. The climate change is all linked to carbon dioxide emissions and rising
temperatures, which are a direct result of our dependency on fossil fuels, growing population and the
world’s need for easy, pre-packaged food with little thought to recycling. To stabilize levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide, emissions would need to be reduced significantly, on the order of 80%
or more compared to the present day (green lines). Scientists have undertaken painstaking efforts to
obtain, digitize, and collate these records. This has a knock on effect on hurricanes and rainfall.
Representatives. Authorization for research was a common theme. Much of what we know about the
current ecological impacts of climate change comes from long-. First of all, the kinetic energy of all
of the molecules is increased, thus increasing. The atmosphere and ocean constantly exchange energy
and matter. First, basic physics dictates that increasing the concentration of CO 2 and other heat-
trapping gases in the atmosphere will cause the climate to warm. However, there is one more concern
I want to talk about and that is the troubles of the polar bear which is suffering as a direct result of
the melting of the ice glaciers. In some areas, located in between wetter and drier areas, the total
amount of precipitation falling over the course of a year is not expected to significantly change. Is
the global surface temperature record good enough to determine whether climate is changing? We
should always use public transportation or car pool with others so that we can reduce the exhaust
gases from vehicle. Climate models require enormous computing resources, especially to capture the
geographical details of climate. These events occur over much smaller scales, which makes
observations and modeling more challenging. Because weather forecasts are based on the initial
conditions of the atmosphere and ocean at the time the prediction is made, accuracy decays over
time. Documenting climate change often begins with global average temperatures recorded near
Earth’s surface, where people live. Fluctuations in the pull of gravity over these major ice sheets
reflect the loss of ice over time. Artificial injection of stratospheric particles and cloud brightening
are two examples of “solar radiation management” techniques. The upper ocean has warmed, and
more than 90% of the additional energy absorbed by the climate system since the 1960s has been
stored in the oceans. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in
your areas of interest when they're released. Is the globally averaged surface air temperature still
increasing. For other types of extreme weather events important to the United States, such as
tornadoes and severe thunderstorms, more research is needed to understand how climate change will
affect them. By analogy, while it is impossible to predict the age of death of any individual, the
average age of death of an American can be calculated. Greenland and Himalayan-Tibetan glaciers
(Liu et al., 2006; Kul-.

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