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When I was a child, I was a student who excelled in many subjects, except for math.

I made an effort to
seek out additional courses from various teachers to improve my understanding and performance in math.
From grades 1 to 4, I not only learned at school but also sought out additional learning opportunities to
excel in math.
However, in grade 5, I became concerned when I realized that despite spending a significant amount of
time on this subject, I was not making any progress. I felt like I was just going through the motions every
day, and my enthusiasm waned. Eventually, I made the decision to secretly stop attending math class and
study on my own at home without informing my mom. During this time, I struggled to find the right
approach to comprehend math, and as a result, I only scored a 4 in the final exam. My overall academic
performance suffered due to my struggles with math, and I went from being one of the top students in the
class to nearly the bottom.
When my teacher informed my mom about this issue, she constantly nagged me, and I felt like I could
never meet her expectations. I became moody and frequently felt depressed, unsure of what to do. Upon
learning about my results, my dad took me to work in the fields and presented me with two options. He
made it clear that if I continued to perform poorly in school, he would make me quit studying and work as
a farmer indefinitely, or I could make an effort to improve my academic performance. Fearing my dad's
ultimatum and understanding his challenges, I found help from a friend to study diligently and improve
my math scores. Fortunately, I succeeded and reclaimed my position as one of the top achievers in the
class. Despite the challenges and emotional turmoil I experienced, this childhood memory taught me
valuable lessons.

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