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Critical Systems Security

Week 7 Tutorial – Defence in Depth

Task 1.
Boundary Protection.
In groups work through this network diagram, discuss which measures to put in place and
provide a brief rationale for each measure. (Approach this from an illative design, showing
the evolution of the network design)

Figure 1 - Network to segregate

Task 2.
In same groups of different, complete the following modelling.

1. RFID entry system. Block Communication.

2. Accessing bank account. ATM and Online.
3. Attack tree on a password.
4. Compromise an air gaped network.

For each of the above, produce the following:

Identify Attack Vectors,
Describe the attack surface,
Produce an Attack Tree,

Figure 2 - Compromising RFID – start of a possible solution

Task 3.
Consider further mitigation of the risks you have identified within your Attack Trees.
Consider kill chain. (Sans – ICS Kill Chain white paper)
Example of attack event. Read w32 Stuxnet dossier

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