NSC Group 3 Final Reviewer 1

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What is an Exogenic Process? ➢ The distribution of grain size in a

➢ The process which occurs on Earth's layer is called sorting.
surface due to the influence of
external forces. The Exogenic ➢ In a mixture with various grain sizes,
process is important because it the larger sediments are called
helps us to know the formation of clasts while the surrounding
relief and it can create a variety of fine-grained sediments are called
landscapes. matrix.

What are the three types of Exogenic ➢ As layers of sediments accumulate
Process? in the different depositional
➢ There are Weathering, Erosion and environments we have discussed.
Deposition The previously deposited sediments
underneath are buried and
experience compaction.

➢ The dissolved chemicals in the water
then occupies the spaces in
between the compacted grains
which then forms a new mineral
called cement. This process of
binding together the individual grains
is called cementation.

➢ Together, the process of compaction,
What is Deposition cementation, and recrystallization
➢ Deposition is the process in which are referred to as diagenesis.
sediments, rocks, soil particles, or
silt are dropped and deposited to a
new place or are added to a new

➢ The sediments that are produced by

weathering, which are separated
and transported through erosion, will
eventually settle down in a particular
place given the right conditions. This
is called Deposition, which is the
process in which sediments settle
out of the transporting medium.

➢ The layer formed when the

materials are laid down is called

2 Factors that affect deposition to an extent that bodies of ice where

it accumulates on hillslopes or even
flat ground and then flow in masses
Particle Size Speed
(glaciers or ice caps). Slow
accumulation of ice and snow over
Heavier sediment The speed in which the time leads to the formation of
particles are medium travels glaciers and ice caps, varying in size
deposited first while determines how far the from small masses on hills to vast
lighter sediment sediment will land from ice sheets in polar regions. These
particles tend to be its origin. icy formations significantly influence
deposited last the landscape and regional climate
There are 3 types of Depositional - In glacial environments, the
Environment: transportation of sediments is
➢ Continental Environments facilitated by liquid water and wind.
(environments which are present Meltwater from glaciers, in particular,
on the continents) plays a crucial role in carrying
eroded materials, allowing for the
➢ Transitional Environments (zones
distribution of sediments across
of complex interactions caused
extensive regions, both within and
by ocean water hitting land) outside of the glacial area. Wind also
➢ Marine Environments (those in contributes to this process,
the World's Seas and Oceans collectively shaping the landscape
below mean high tide mark) and influencing sediment movement
in these icy environments.
- Glacial environments are typically
near the glacier edges where ice
slows down, forming as glaciers
move from mountains to lower
areas, shaping landscapes. These
environments are commonly found
in polar and alpine regions, like
beneath the glaciers in Greenland
and Antarctica.

11 Areas where sediments are

Continental Environments:
❖ Glacial environment
- Glacial environments are where
there’s an increase of ice and snow

❖ Mountain stream environment

- A mountain stream environment is a
brook or stream, usually with a steep
gradient, flowing down a
- Alluvial fans are a feature typically
created when sediment carried by a
mountain stream is deposited due to
a rapid change in slope from high to
low gradient.
- Rivers and streams deposit
sediment where the speed of water
❖ Desert environment:
current decreases.
- A Desert is a barren area of
- It occurs along the inside bank of the landscapes where little precipitation
river bed -it is where the water flows occurs and, consequently, living
slower conditions are hostile for plants and
animal life.

- Deposition happens when

well-sorted sand produces sand
dunes . Wind deposition helps to
transport sediments. Sand dunes
are small hills, mound or ridge
formed by wind depositing sand.
while the accumulation of silts form
loess deposits.

❖ Mountain front environment - Sediments from solutions called

- A mountain front environment occur evaporites are also formed when
at the base of the mountain/ range temporary lakes in the desert dry-up.
- Deposition in the mountain frost
environment happens when a
stream enters the flat area at the
base of the mountain, it loses its
energy and decreases its velocity.
This process made an alluvial fan

- The deposits consist of Coarse

sediments materials like gravel,
pebbles, shingle and cobbles.

❖ Lake (lacustrine) environment
- It has a lesser movement of
sediments since it accumulates in a
standing bodies of water which has
a lower energy and is a quiet
environment compared to rivers

- The calm waters make them ideal

for retaining fine-grained sediments
like clay and silt.

- Shale can form in this environment

Transitional Environments:

❖ Delta environment:
- Deltas are areas where the river’s
velocity decreases as it enters the
standing water of the ocean or sea.
As a result, the river drops its
sediment load, leading to the
accumulation of sediments at the
delta’s mouth.

- Deltas sort sediments by size.

Coarse sediments, like sand and
gravel, are typically deposited near
the river’s mouth, while finer
sediments, such as silt and clay, can
❖ River (fluvial) Environment: be carried farther into the delta and
- In flat areas, rivers are slow moving the receiving body of water. The
and commonly carry an assortment sediments in a delta accumulate
of pebbles,sand,silt, and mud. over time, creating layers of deltaic
- The sediments are transported and deposits. These layers may contain
deposited by the flow of water. a record of the changing
environmental conditions in the area.

- Deltas have both underwater

(subaqueous) and above water
(subaerial) components.

- Tidal currents transport dirt and silt

taken from the shoreline and river
mouths and deposit it in calmer
waters below the wave zone. It
generates well-sorted and
well-rounded silt and mud layers that
are home to a variety of species
such as worms and mollusks. The
area is close to the shore but always
submerged. Shallow water marine
- sediments are made up of larger
❖ Beach environment: grain sizes.
- A beach is a narrow, gently sloping
strip of land that lies along the edge
of an ocean. Materials such as sand,
pebbles, rocks, and seashell
fragments cover beaches.

- Sediments in a beach environment

are formed through a combination of
geological, natural, and
anthropogenic processes. The
sediments are formed by the
Weathering of Rocks, River and
Stream transport, Erosion of Coastal
cliffs, Biological Activities, Marine
There are two types of Shallow
and Terrestrial Organic Material,
marine environment:
Human Activities, Wave Action, and
Tidal and Current Action.
Terrigenous Carbonated

Sediments are Sediments are

made from formed by the
weathering and process of
erosion. precipitation,
chemical, and
biological processes.

Marine Environments:
❖ Shallow marine environment Composition of sediments:

- Carbonated environment is a type of

shallow marine environment that has
no input of clastic or sandy
sediment. The sediments are formed
by the process of precipitation,
chemical, and biochemical
processes. They are generally
formed in clear, warm. and shallow
marine environments.
- In this environment, the sediments
are limited which makes marine
organisms like coral reefs to thrive
and develop.

- The depth is only up to 200 meters.

It is located between ocean basins
and terrestrial continents
(Continental Margin). It also be seen
on depositional settings such as:
● Deltas
● Estuaries
● Beaches
● Barrier Islands

The rocks formed in Shallow marine The sediments are consist of:
depositional environment are: ● Calcium Carbonate - Is a
● Carbonaceous sediments- product of precipitation and it
composed of carbon is not eroded. Calcium
● Siliciclastic sediments- carbonate is a white mineral
composed of silicate found in chalk, limestone,
materials and marble, and it is the
● Limestones primary material that creates
● Sandstone mollusk shells, stony corals,
and pearls.

The rocks formed in carbonated

environments are:
● Limestones
● Dolomite
❖ Deep marine environment
❖ Shallow water carbonated - Most of the oceans consist of deep
environment marine depositional environments.
Except for dust carried by the wind,

most clastic sediment cannot reach organisms can produce shells

these areas. As a result, sediment is composed of either silica or calcite.
usually formed chemically and When an organism dies, its shells
biologically within the ocean. The fall into deeper water, resulting in the
depth is over 200 meters. Slope formation of fine layers of biological
failures from submarine canyons' sedimentary rocks. In certain
steep slopes cause submarine circumstances, these shells are
landslides, which produce sediments dissolved or altered before reaching
of varied sizes. Clay and planktons the bottom and becoming chemical
sink down and form very thin layers sedimentary rocks.
of mud on the deep ocean floor. ● Calcium Carbonate - Through the
- Deep ocean currents are only process of precipitation it forms
capable of transporting tiny particles. limestones.
As a result, rocks settling on the ● Clay and silt sized dust - In the deep
deep sea floor have a smooth sea environment, the majority of
structure. sediments are deposited through
settling of suspended material.
The sediments are consist of:
● Skeletal material of organisms -
Multiple types of single-celled

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Glacial environment. (n.d.). StudySmarter UK. https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations




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EarthSky. (2022). EarthSky | How did sand in the desert get there? EarthSky | Updates on Your Cosmos and




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Group 3 - D’aguilon

Naph Andre A. Abapo Andrea Kathlyn Batronel

Leighan Ryle Barcelona Lois Kassandra Marie Borja

Ethan Ramirez Febrero Venice Patian

Submit to: Ms. Shenaemhe Mabascog

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