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Effects of EM Radiation

on Living Things and

the Environment
Effects of EM Radiation
- radiationem (Latin) meaning “beam of light/rays” or
“beams emitted”
- process of energy traveling through space as high
particles or waves from atoms of a radioactive material
- Types: nature and man-made

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Natural Radiation
- Comes from the Sun
- Radon (element) in the air
- Earth’s rock and soil
- From outer space

These sources make up 82% of the public’s exposure

annually. Radiation is relatively harmless in small amounts.

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Man-made Radiation
- Created by people
- Used in communications, industry, research and
medicine, can be found in nuclear weapons, and nuclear
- Approximately, half of all cancer patients receive radiation
therapy during their lifetimes
- Radiation therapy uses radiation with high amounts of
energy in order to kill the cancer cells by damaging their
DNA (but it can affect normal cells too).

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- According to frequency and energy, EM waves can be
classified as:
- Ionizing radiation
- Non-ionizing radiation (NIR)

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Non-ionizing Radiation
- Potentially less harmful, less energy
- Radio waves, microwaves, radar waves, IR waves, visible
light, low energy UV light

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Ionizing Radiation
- Potentially more dangerous because of high amounts of
- Can create ions by removing electrons from an atom
- radioactive materials, x-ray machines, alpha radiation,
beta radiation, neutron radiation, gamma radiation

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Symptoms of Radiation
- Nausea and vomiting (initial symptoms)
- Diarrhea, fever, headache (2 hours after initial symptoms)
- Dizziness, disorientation, weakness, fatigue, hair loss,
bloody vomit/stools, infection, poor wound healing due to
low platelets, low blood pressure, low WBC count, death
(severe exposures)

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Radiation Measurement
1. Roentgen (R) – describes a radiation field in terms of the amount of ionizations
produced in the air, not in common use today

2. Rad – conventional unit of absorbed dose of radiation per unit mass

3. Gray (Gy) – 1 Gray = 100 Rads

4. Rem – absorption measure to whole body or specific organ, takes into account
radiation quality, Rem=(rads)(quality factor), each type of ionizing radiation has a
different quality factor

5. Sievert (Sv) – 1 Sv= 100 Rem

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Effects and Uses
- High energy UV waves, X-rays, gamma rays
– ionizing radiation
- This means they can knock electrons from the
shells of atoms, turning them into ions. This
process of ionization can lead to mutation in
cells, which can lead to cancer.
- UV waves can cause skin to age prematurely
and increase the risk of skin cancer

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Effects and Uses
- Gamma rays – can damage/kill cells (so
exposure need to be kept as low as
- X-rays machines in hospitals are
operated by radiographers standing
behind a lead shield or in another room
when using.
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Effects and Uses
- Vitamin D production
- UV light (low energy) for counterfeit money
- Sunburn – repeated and prolonged exposure to
high energy UV (may possibly lead to skin cancer)
- tanning response – defense mechanism of the body
(body produces inner skin layers to reduce the
exposure of living cells below)

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Effects and Uses
• X-rays have adverse effects on living cells like those of
ultraviolet radiation, but they are more penetrating.
Cancer and genetic defects can be induced by X-rays.
Because of their effect on rapidly dividing cells, X-rays
can also be used to treat and even cure cancer.
• X-rays, in humans, the risk of cell damage is weighed
carefully against the benefit of the diagnostic information

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Research and read on the following items. You may write
important notes on your notebook.
1. How can medical professionals keep themselves safe
from some of the harmful EM waves that are used in
2. Investigate which sunscreens are best for use. If
possible, name some brands.
3. Find out why we are only allowed one chest x-rays
every 6 months.
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