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Ideas Q&A

become more active in national politics.

Last year, he helped launch America For-
ward, a nonpartisan coalition of about 60
nonprofits (including City Year, Jumpstart,
Teach for America, and build ) that are at-
tempting to get the federal government
more engaged with nonprofits in develop-
ing innovative solutions to social problems.
America Forward is developing public policy
in this area and trying to get presidential
candidates Barack Obama and John McCain
to adopt the coalition’s ideas.
In this interview with James A. Phills Jr.,
the Stanford Social Innovation Review’s aca-
demic editor, Gergen discusses his views on
social innovation, why social entrepreneurs
should be more engaged in politics, and
how the federal government can work with
and even fund social entrepreneurs.

James A. Phills Jr. : You’ve been one of the

most prominent supporters of social entre-
preneurs. What attracted you to this field?
David Gergen: My first visit to City Year
was electrifying. They asked me to come
over and speak at a meeting of their direc-
tors, and there was so much vitality in the
room that I came back and said, “I’m al-
most ready to give up my day job and go
over there and work with them.” It was fun,
it was exciting, and they were doing impor-
tant things. Later on, I met Wendy Kopp
[president and founder of Teach for Ameri-
ca] and began to understand what Teach
for America was doing.
I came to appreciate that there was what
can only be called a movement springing up

David Gergen believes that the federal gov- in our midst. I began to pay a lot more at-
tention to them and realize, wow, this can
ernment should do more to support social innovation. make an enormous difference in the life of
the country.
David Gergen is one of America’s best-known political pundits. And well he Social entrepreneurs, both nonprofit and
should be. Having spent three decades as advisor to Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and for-profit, remind me of the Civil Rights
Photographs by Asia Kepka

Clinton, Gergen knows as much about what goes on inside the Beltway as anyone. movement because they share the same ide-
What most people don’t know is that Gergen is also an astute observer of social innova- alism. Although the two movements are
tion. From his perch at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (where very different and are going about things in
he is a professor of public service and director of the Center for Public Leadership), Gergen very different ways, social entrepreneurs
has taken an active role in not just studying social entrepreneurship, but also championing it. could have almost as big an impact on the
One of the things Gergen has done recently is to encourage social entrepreneurs to country over time.

Fall 2008 • Stanford Social Innovation Review 19

Ideas Q&A
A couple of years ago, you exhorted social they’ll beat you every time on public policy. ment. For the first time we have two candi-
entrepreneurs to engage with policymakers They’ll let you go spend your time trying to dates who support a significant increase in
and public officials. And clearly since then, fill in the gaps while they spend their time AmeriCorps. So I’m very encouraged about
the community has embraced that advice. winning elections. You’ll never get to where the direction politics is starting to take, but
One manifestation of this is the coalition of you want to be unless you engage in the po- I have to tell you, there is still resistance in
nonprofits America Forward. Why did you litical arena, too.” Congress. It’s one of the places where you
believe it was important to connect social Now to be fair, on some issues such as find conservatives saying: “Not so fast. This
entrepreneurs and public officials? education, some conservatives are much is not true volunteerism if you pay some-
First, one of the greatest challenges facing closer to the social entrepreneurs than peo- body.” My argument is: “Wait a minute, I
social entrepreneurs is getting to scale. ple understand. There’s much more support thought we had something called an all-vol-
About 100 nonprofits are launched every for charter schools, for example, and for unteer Army? And we are paying them, as
day, according to one report. But the num- other kinds of reforms that I happen to be- we should. How is it different?” Also, a
number of companies are now starting to
incorporate social ends in their plans, and I
have no problem with that. Just the oppo-
“If you could unite the energy, ideals, and innovativeness site. I think it’s good.
of social entrepreneurs with the resources of government,
you would have a powerhouse.” Recent polling data suggest that the under-
lying principles of social entrepreneurship,
ber of nonprofits that grow to have $20 mil- lieve in, among Republicans than there is if not the term itself, appeal both to conser-
lion annual budgets is tiny. So the scale is- among Democrats. vatives and liberals. Given our partisan po-
sue hits you right between the eyes. The litical environment, how do you explain the
government, however, has all the money. If the government were to start providing bipartisan appeal of social entrepreneur-
Anybody who’s spent any time in Washing- lots of funding for social entrepreneurs, ship? Are liberals and conservatives em-
ton or in state government recognizes that could they absorb that level of investment? bracing the same idea or different parts of
the level of funding there is vastly higher. If Could City Year or Teach for America grow social entrepreneurship?
you could unite the energy, ideals, and inno- to 10 times their size and still be effective? They’re embracing somewhat different
vativeness of social entrepreneurs with the That’s an important question. Clearly, some parts of social entrepreneurship, but they
resources of government, you would have a could not absorb a large infusion of money have some of the same underlying princi-
powerhouse. and still be effective. There are others who ples. One of those principles is that govern-
Second, one of the main lessons of my could grow to that size. But just pouring ment is often not the best vehicle for solv-
entire career has been that if you want to money into the social entrepreneurship ing social problems. The traditional liberal
change things, it’s really important to get movement is not a good idea. It would need view has been that government is the vehi-
the policies of government aligned with to be done with great care to ensure that cle of first resort for fixing health care, edu-
the change. these organizations don’t fall on their faces. cation, or welfare. Social entrepreneurs,
Third, I didn’t want to be too cynical It takes time to build these organizations. however, have seen government fail at a lot
about this, but I said, “You social entrepre- You can’t build an institution overnight. It’s of those issues, because of either omission
neurs have essentially convinced yourselves an organic process. or commission. So they have come to be-
that you don’t want to be involved with gov- But look at Teach for America. We had lieve that problems are better tackled
ernment and you don’t want to be involved 18,000 applications this last year for 2,900 through civil society, or alternatively,
in politics, thinking that you’ll be compro- spots. [Gergen sits on Teach for America’s through the private for-profit sector. Con-
mised and that it’s ineffectual.” For whatev- board of directors.] They are the biggest servatives have long believed that problems
er reason, many social entrepreneurs be- single recruiter on some college campuses. are best solved by people outside the gov-
lieve they are filling in the gaps left by a Could we be four times as large in five ernmental sphere.
government that’s uncaring or not suffi- years? That would be very hard. But could My argument, and I think social entre-
ciently serious about social issues. it be larger? Yes, it could. And would we get preneurs are now seeing this, is that social
So I said, “There are a lot of people on more bang in education if you took the entrepreneurs need the government’s help
the conservative side who are determined Teach for America model and built it up? as a partner and a financial supporter. The
to prevent government from extending [so- Yes, I think we would. government shouldn’t take over these pro-
cial] services because they want to leave grams. Instead, I think we’re looking at new
that to private individuals. And whether you Is there much support in Washington for forms of social problem solving in which
like it or not, that conservative movement’s the federal government to increase its role government enters into partnerships with
been very successful. If you social entrepre- in the nonprofit sector? social entrepreneurial organizations. The
neurs who see yourselves as more progres- I think there is a spirit out there to increase government contracts out responsibilities
sive leave the arena to the conservatives, the size of our national service commit- and then expects results.

20 Stanford Social Innovation Review • Fall 2008

One intriguing proposal of America For- and local governments. I just spent all day Is it the size of the classroom? Is it the dedi-
ward is to establish a White House Office of yesterday reviewing the winners. cation of the teachers? Is it the quality of the
Social Innovation and Results. If President What I’ve seen through that process is teachers? There seem to be gaps in our
Obama or President McCain asked you to that innovation in government is also ex- understanding.
be the director of the new office, what are traordinarily important. There are lots of
the first two or three things that you would places where this is under way—Smart Start The definition of social entrepreneurship is
do to drive social innovation? in North Carolina, for example. We’re see- a contested one. But many people believe it
It’s extremely important that the President ing government use technology in ways that comprises nonprofits and newly formed
have this on his radar screen as one of the nobody could have imagined some years organizations. From your experience and
institutions he wishes to build and make it ago. We’re also seeing that partnerships observations, do you think that subset of
clear that this is one of his domestic priori- among various governmental groups, or be- organizations is any better or more effec-
ties. It’s also important to consider tax and tween government and nonprofits, can be tive than the government, the private sec-
other policies at the federal level that could very, very rewarding. That’s why I think that tor, or large established nonprofits?
encourage the growth of these social entrepreneurs ought to be joining One danger that social entrepreneurs need
organizations. with those pushing innovation in to avoid is to become too pure or elitist in
I don’t think there’s been government to raise the stan- their views of how best to go about solving
enough policy work done yet on dards and effectiveness of all ofsocial problems. There are those who be-
this issue, and that’s one of the our social institutions. lieve that social entrepreneurs should by
things America Forward is trying It’s also incredibly importantdefinition be nonprofit. I don’t share that
to do—figure out what policies for the White House to build up aview. Nancy Barry, who started the nonprof-
it Women’s World Banking, has formed a
for-profit organization to fight poverty in
five countries. She is outstanding. Should
“One danger that social entrepreneurs need to avoid is we somehow think that Nancy Barry is no
to become too pure or elitist in their views of how best to longer a social entrepreneur? That’s non-
go about solving social problems.” sense. The issue is how do we solve prob-
lems, not what form the vehicle takes. For
might make a difference in advancing these network of allies across the country. That Nancy Barry, creating a for-profit is the only
organizations. And yet there is a backlash would include not only social entrepreneurs, way she’s going to get to scale. So I’m a be-
going on in some state legislatures that are but also the business community, the edu- liever that both for-profits and nonprofits
looking at ways to tax nonprofits. That cational community, and others who could are fighting the same good fight.
would be a clear setback to this whole effort. lend themselves to this effort.
In fact, one of the things I cannot under- Finally, I don’t think we have done What about larger, more established non-
stand is conservatives who argue they don’t enough strong research about what works profits? What role do they play?
want the government to take over these is- and what doesn’t work in the social sector. Many people in traditional larger nonprofits
sues and want to leave it to the private sec- Do we know who should shoulder what re- have taken offense at the notion that you
tor, but then argue, “Let’s tax nonprofits.” sponsibility? If we’re going to have the gov- are a social entrepreneur only if you’re new.
At some point you have to ask: “Do you ernment, the civic sector, and the for-profit A self-righteous quality can creep into the
want these problems solved or not? Is there sector all involved in social change, who conversations of people who are doing
anybody you’d like to see do this, or do you should be doing what? What principles something new. In truth, a lot of people
just want to get everybody off the field?” should guide us? How do you establish stan- have committed themselves to social
dards? How do you establish oversight? We change and have done great work. They
There is also a great deal of innovation go- haven’t figured these questions out yet. We should all be celebrated and seen as part-
ing on within government. Should the new don’t have a body of knowledge and we ners in the larger struggle—not as somehow
office get involved in that as well? haven’t done the empirical work that is re- second class.
Innovation in government is also extraordi- quired to build up a set of principles. I don’t think we are by any means at the
narily important. If we can establish an Of- I was just visiting the Harlem Village end of this journey in terms of producing a
fice of Social Innovation and Results it Academy about three weeks ago. It is an ex- movement. There are going to be some
ought to be encouraging innovation within traordinarily impressive organization, but twists and turns and setbacks along the way.
government itself, too. Some years ago, the we don’t have the data yet. We have anec- All of us have to remember that the overrid-
Ford Foundation started an awards program dotal information to suggest that it is pos- ing issues are reducing inequity, providing
called Innovations in American Govern- sible to achieve gains in education for chil- equal opportunity for everyone in our own
ment. I’ve been chair of the selection com- dren even though they come from very poor country, and healing problems in the world.
mittee for the last 10 to 12 years. We get families that are broken. We know that, but Those goals should transcend differences
about 1,000 applications from federal, state, we don’t know enough about how it works. and method. n

Fall 2008 • Stanford Social Innovation Review 21

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