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If the angle of incidence is greater than 90 degrees, it means that the object

is on the opposite side of the light source. In this case, you can modify the
code to calculate the angle of incidence as 180 - angle_of_incidence
instead of using 90 - abs(latitude) + np.cos(np.radians(day_of_year)) * 23.5.
Here's the updated code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Calculate the angle of incidence based on latitude and date

def calculate_angle_of_incidence(latitude, day_of_year):
angle_of_incidence = 90 - abs(latitude) +
np.cos(np.radians(day_of_year)) * 23.5
if angle_of_incidence > 90:
angle_of_incidence = 180 - angle_of_incidence
return angle_of_incidence

# Calculate the shadow length

def calculate_shadow_length(object_size, angle_of_incidence):
shadow_length = object_size /
return abs(shadow_length) # Convert negative shadow lengths to

# Get user input

latitude = float(input("Enter the latitude (in degrees): "))
object_size = float(input("Enter the size of the object (in meters):

# Define the days of the year

days_of_year = np.linspace(90, 449, 360)

# Calculate the angle of incidence and shadow lengths for each day of
the year
angles_of_incidence = [calculate_angle_of_incidence(latitude, day) for
day in days_of_year]
shadow_lengths = [calculate_shadow_length(object_size, angle) for angle
in angles_of_incidence]

# Plot the graph

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()

# Plot shadow lengths

ax1.plot(days_of_year, shadow_lengths, color='tab:blue')
ax1.set_xlabel('Day of the Year')
ax1.set_ylabel('Shadow Length (m)', color='tab:blue')
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='tab:blue')
# Create a twin axis for angle of incidence
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(days_of_year, angles_of_incidence, color='tab:red')
ax2.set_ylabel('Angle of Incidence', color='tab:red')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='tab:red')

# Set title and grid

plt.title('Change in Shadow Length and Angle of Incidence throughout
the Year')

# Show the plot

With this modification, if the calculated angle of incidence is greater than

90 degrees, it will be adjusted to 180 - angle_of_incidence.

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