EE156 Worksheet Speak English

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Easy English Episode 156

Can You Speak English | Worksheet

Apr ‘23

1) Vocab test

Have a look at the vocab list from this week’s episode. Can you complete the sentences
below with the correct words? 😃

latchy I catchy I dodgy I sticky

I love the Foo Fighters, they have really _____________ lyrics.

area I room I base I zone

If you want to speak English, try to speak about things in your comfort __________.
hint I tint I mint I pint

Learning a language by watching movies in that language is a great ______________.

confrontating I confrontal I confrontated I confrontational

Films by Quen n Taran no are in English, but are very ________________ lms.

abright I abroad I abridth I overboard

When you’re _____________ in another country, it’s good to try and speak the language.

obsidian I oblivious I obvious I oblivion

To say German’s can speak English, is a very _____________ statement.

2) Bri sh slang vocab

Now it’s about understanding Bri sh colloquial words and expressions:

Are you a pro in Bri sh slang? Then complete the sentences below! 🤓

agreement I idea I deal

Watching a series like ‘The O ce’ is the real ______________ to learn authen c English.
drop I dive I flop

I think, to learn a new language, you have to ____________ into it.

lift | raise | pick

I’m learning German, which, luckily for me, is quite easy to ____________ up.

profi I professor I pro

In terms of learning English, Isi is a ____________ in my opinion.

don’t-o I do-know I dunno

If you asked me what the easiest language to learn is, I’d probably say; “I _____________”.

naturally I smoothly I quickly

I think, to some people, learning a language comes ___________ to them.

3) Odd ones out!

In this episode, we met Germans who could speak English, but can you guess the top 4
languages spoken in Germany? 🤔
A li le hint: 4 are correct, 8 are incorrect. 😃

Portuguese English Chinese

Italian Dutch Arabic

French Swedish Vietnamese

Polish Russian Turkish


1. Vocab Test

I love the Foo Fighters, they have really catchy lyrics.

If you want to speak English, try to speak about things in your comfort zone.
Learning a language by watching movies in that language is a great hint.
Films by Quen n Taran no are in English, but are very confronta onal lms.
When you’re abroad in another country, it’s good to try and speak the language.
To say German’s can speak English, is a very obvious statement.

2. British Slang Vocab

Watching a series like ‘The O ce’ is the real deal to learn authen c English.
I think, to learn a new language, you have to dive into it.
I’m learning German, which, luckily for me, is quite easy to pick up.
In terms of learning English, Isi is a pro in my opinion.
If you asked me what the easiest language to learn is, I’d probably say; “I dunno”.
I think, to some people, learning a language comes naturally to them.

3) Odd ones out!

English | French | Russian | Turkish

Portuguese | Chinese | Italian | Dutch | Arabic | Swedish | Vietnamese | Polish

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