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EEE241-Digital Logic Design

Digital Logic Design

Lab Report # 3

NAME Ali Hamza




COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design

LAB #04:
Design and Implementation of Boolean Functions by Standard Forms using
In this lab, we implement Boolean functions by using SoP (sums of product) and PoS (products
of sum).
Pre-Lab Tasks:
Truth Table For Q1 and Q2

1. Express the Boolean function f = x + y z as a sum of minterms by using truth table.

F = ∑(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
F = A’BC + AB’C’ + AB’C + ABC’ + ABC

2. Express f ′ = (x + yz)′ as a product of maxterms.

F = π(0, 1, 2)
F = (A+B+C) (A+B+C’) (A+B’+C)

COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design

3. Given the function as defined in the truth table (Table 4.4), express f using sum of
Minterms and product of maxterms.

• F as a sum of minterms:
X’Y’Z + X’YZ + XY’Z’

• F as a product of maxterms:
In-Lab Tasks:

TASK: Implement the circuit for the given function “F”. Function’s output is given in
Table 4.5. Finds its Boolean expression in SoP and PoS forms.

COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design

Table 4.5: Truth Table for F (In-Lab Task)

COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design

Circuit Diagrams:
1. Sum of Min-terms form:

COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design

2.Reduced SoP form: (Implement circuit by NAND IC(s)):

3. Reduced PoS form: (Implement circuit by using NOR IC(s))

COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design

COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design

Post-Lab Tasks:
1. Write a Verilog code for the sum of minterms circuit, f1, (Structural Level).

2. Write a Verilog code for the reduced SoP circuit, f2, (Structural Level).

3. Write a Verilog code for the reduced PoS circuit f3, (Structural Level).

4. Simulate and verify the outputs by making an appropriate stimulus for the above

COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design


COMSATS University Islamabad

EEE241-Digital Logic Design

Critical Analysis/Conclusion:
in this lab we have implemented Boolean function by using sum of product (SoP) and product of sum
(PoS). we have also draw circuit diagrams of given output on p

COMSATS University Islamabad

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