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Name: Cariño, Ken Jethro Mamaril Date: 01/11/18

Section: STEM 1 (Civil Eng’g)

1) Are robots or artificial intelligence beneficial to the society?

 I can say that robots or artificial intelligence is beneficial to our society today.
Nowadays as we can see, all over the world some of our products like some
technologies, processed foods and other tools are created using robots or other
artificial intelligence machines. It is beneficial for us because we are beneficiaries
of these robots or artificial intelligence. It helps ever human being lessen their
work and made everything easy. So, in that case, robots and artificial intelligence
make a great impact on every ones’ life whether it be food, equipment, work or

2) What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of AIs to the society or to
the world?

 Advantages: AIs has many advantages when it comes to human life. It may help
us in our work, for an instance many companies as of now are powered by robots
or AIs to make everything fast and easy. Also, these AIs tend to work faster than
us humans and can be more productive in a day. One advantage also is that AIs
are more accessible.
 Disadvantages: A big disadvantage of this AIs are less job offered for many
citizens or people all around the globe. Because of creating these AIs many of
the people lose their jobs. For an instance in Japan, this is one of their problems
when it comes to jobs and people of Japan.

3) Give an example of an AI, what are your thoughts about it?

 An example of AI that I know is the “Sophia” – is a social humanoid robot

developed by Hong Kong – based company Hanson Robotics. I can say that she
is one of the greatest invention created as of now. She can able to project
different emotion and may even answer all by herself. She was also recognized
as the worlds first robot citizen. My sights upon these are, maybe soon we can
experience a thing like this, communicating and dwelling with robots with an
artificial intelligence. But I think that there will still be a great difference between
us humans and programmed artificial intelligence robots.

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