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Patterson Conley

MKT 412- Digital Marketing

SEO Audit

The program I decided to use for my SEO Audit was the Master of Science in

Global Marketing Management at Boston University. Boston University was another

school that I applied to along with MSU and I think their program sounds super

interesting. Using SEMrush, some major short-tail and long-tail keywords I got from this

program's website are management, master, global, marketing and Boston University.

The different on-page SEO factors include the title tags, the meta descriptions,

the header tags, the URL structure, keyword usage along with image optimization.

Master of Science in Global Marketing Management is the title tag for the program. It is

very relevant as it is the name of the program. It is not super unique as there are other

programs at different schools with the same name but is unique to Boston Universities’

other program names. The title tag contains many of the important keywords.

The meta description is, “MS in Global Marketing Management offers a solid marketing

core with courses on related cultural and international economics issues.” The Meta

descriptions are very compelling and straight to the point, they are perfectly aligned with

the content of the program. It gives a great description of what the program is all about

while using a small, concise amount of words, it draws you in and makes you want to

keep reading more. The header tag is MS in Global Marketing Management, the header

tags are used appropriately and correctly for structuring the content. The URL structure

is as concise as I believe it could be. The name of the program is pretty lengthy and I do
not believe they could have made it more concise whilst being just as descriptive. They

also include their important keywords in the URL and it is a secure site. Keyword

optimization is present in the content and used properly without excessive keyword

stuffing. From the lecture and when thinking about keywords we want the percentage of

times the keyword appears to be within 3-5%. From my rough estimations, management

appears 15 times, which is about 2.4%. Master appears 12 times, about 1.92%, Global

appears 18 times, about 2.88%, Marketing appears 22 times, about 3.52%, and Boston

University appears 6 times, about 0.96%. They could even potentially add some more of

the major keywords into their content as they are under the targeted percentage. The

images on the website are optimized with alt text and do have appropriate file names.

They could potentially add more images to their website as the images they do have are

also links to more information not necessarily related to the specific Master of Science

in Global Marketing Management Program.

The content is highly informative as it covers all of the different aspects of the

Master of Science in Global Marketing Management Program. It talks about the

curriculum, the various skills and knowledge that students will leave the program with,

the different career opportunities and also the available resources. The content is very

engaging as it includes real-life stories, quotes from alumni and also thought-provoking

questions. The testimonials from graduates helped to add a personal touch and keep

the reader engaged. The content is very relevant to the target audience who are those

thinking about pursuing a career in global marketing management. The content of the

website seems to be very unique and does not appear to have any duplication or

plagiarism. It discusses Boston University’s specific Global Marketing Management

program and all of the features, benefits and requirements particular to that exact

program. There are always opportunities to expand and enhance the existing content.

They could add in various real-life case studies and success stories to give the reader

more context of what the program is all about. They could also potentially add an

interview with an industry expert or alumni. Boston University is such a big and

influential school that I think these would be very easily attainable to expand and

enhance their program website if need be. They could also add more visual content to

draw the attention of the reader or even some interactive elements to keep them

engaged as well.

There are quite a few quality backlinks from reputable sources. There are 54.73

million external backlinks and a domain authority score of 72. After some research I do

not believe there are any harmful or spammy backlinks that need to be disavowed.

When comparing the same program to the one from MSU, we do not specifically offer

the same exact Masters of Science in Global Marketing Management Program. We do

offer a Masters of Science in Marketing Research but the programs are essentially

pretty different. MSU has a simpler, more concise approach to their website as they

have a sleek design and interactive links as well so everything is not all on the same

page. I noticed that MSU has more short-tail keywords. Both of the program's title tags,

meta descriptions, header tags and image optimization are very similar. MSU’s URL is

much more concise.

(The only images shown on the website for Boston University)

Works cited

(admin), J. ter H. (2023, September 1). Backlink checker [free tool] → seo review
tools. SEO Review Tools.

Keyword Generator by Semrush. Semrush. (n.d.).

Marketing research, master of science. Michigan State University. (n.d.).

MS in Global Marketing Management. Master of Science in Global Marketing

Management | BU MET. (2023, March 31).

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