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Class: 12
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Can you find a place _____ is suitable for all of us?
A. which B. where C. in which D. when
2. The Apollo 11 astronauts _____ of the Earth's inhabitants witnessed on the famous first moonwalk on July 20,
1969 were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
A. whom B. whom millions C. were some D. whom some wen;
3. At the end of the nineteenth century, Binet developed a test for measuring intelligence _____served as the basic
modern IQ tests,
A. has B. it has C. and D. which has
4. The television, _____ so long been a part of our culture, has an enormous influence.
A. has B. it has C. which D. which has
5. There are geographic, economic, and cultural reasons why _____ around the world.
A. diets differ B. do diets differ C. are diets different D. to differ a diet
6. The girl _____ mother I was talking to has left the room.
A. whose B. who C. whom D. that
7. There was a storm _____ I had never experienced before.
A. such as B. as which C. which D. for which
8. I have not found the book, _____ us to read.
A. what our teacher advised B. which our teacher advised
C. our teacher advised D. of which our teacher advised
9. Dr. Watson is a person _____.
A. in who I don't have much confidence B. in that I don't have much confidence
C. I don't have much confidence in him D. I don't have much confidence in
10. _____ was a liar.
A. Anyone that told you that story B. Those who told you that story
C. Who told you that story D. Someone who told you
11. Kate, with _____ I studied in the secondary school, is now a famous surgeon
A. that B. who C. whose D. whom
12. Dry farming is a type of agriculture used in areas _____ less than 20 inches of rainfalL
A. there are B. in which is C. where there is D. which has
13. By 1890, there were over 60 steamboats on the Mississippi River, _____ were quite luxurious.
A. many of them B. many of which C. which many D. many of those
14. Colin told me about his job, _____.
A. that he's enjoying B. he's enjoying C. which he's enjoying D. he's enjoying it
15. The people _____ must be willing to commute a long distance to work.
A. wished to live in rural areas B. wished they live in rural areas
C. those wishing to live in rural areas D. who wish to live in rural areas
16. There are several reasons Adam is not chosen for the National Rugby League.
A. from then B. why C. for what D. explaining
17. The plumber couldn't remember where he'd left the box he kept his tools.
A. for whom B. in what C. in which D. of which
18. For some people, the reason __ they move to cities from rural areas is ___ their children do not want to live
deprived of the facilities of a large city.
A. 0 - how B. that - what C. why - that D. as - for
19. The laws limit the speed _____ motorists are permitted to drive.
A. at which B. which C. that D. where
20. Biochemists have solved many of the mysteries about photosynthesis, the process _____ plants make food.
A. by which B. in that C. which D. through it
21. Most of the diseases are caused by the unhygienic surroundings _____ people live.
A. which B. in that C. in where D. in which
22. That is the librarian _____ I got the information.
A. whom B. from who C. from him D. from whom
23. There are _____ believe that our lives and health are influenced by the moon.
A. some people B. some that C. people D. those who
24. The boy band made a profit of $100,000 from their hit song, _____ went to charity organizations.
A. much B. half of which C. that D. whose many
25. "Andover? Never heard of that town before." - "Well, actually it is the town _____ I spent my teen years."
A. when B. who C. where D. which
26. Children always want to know the reason _____ things are as they arc.
A. why B. whom C. which D. who
27. "Is there a problem with the letter?" - "The person _____ this letter is addressed no longer lives here."
A. who B. for whom C. to whom D. whom
28. India is the country _____ he spent the early years of his life.
A. at which B. on which C. that D. where
29. The girls and flowers _____ he painted were vivid.
A. who B. that C. whose D. which
30. There was a small room into ____ we all crowded.
A. it B. where C. that D. which
31. There were two small rooms in the beach house, ____ served as a kitcl
A. the smaller of which B. the smallest of which
C. the smaller of them D. smallest of that
32. Venice, ____ was built on water, is a city in Italy.
A. where B. that C. who D. which
33. Anyone ____ about the environment cannot ignore the facts ____ speaker was referring.
A. who's concerned - to which B. who's concerning - which
C. whose concern - to which D. whose concerned - to that
34. "What do you want to do this summer?" - "I think we should go somes ___ has plenty of sun and sand."
A. who B. where C. when D. that
35. Daisy's marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a man ____.
A. she hardly knows him B. who she hardly know
C. she hardly knows D. that she hardly knows him
36. That book is written by a famous anthropologist. It's about the people in Samoa ____ for two years.
A. that she lived B. that she lived among them
C. among whom she lived D. where she lived among them
37. Did you apologize to Mary, _____.
A. who you spilt some coffee on her dress B. you spilt some coffee on her dress
C. whose dress you spilt some coffee D. whose dress you spilt some coffee on
38. A good friend is ____ will stand by you when you are in trouble.
A. the one who B. a person that C. people who D. who
39. Mr. Brown is the landlord ____ we rent the house.
A. who B. from whom C. whom D. whose
40. Fire safety in family houses, ____ most fire deaths occur, is difficult.
A. where B. why C. how D. when

Choose the underLined part among A, B, Cor D that needs correcting.

41. Kettledrums, what were first played on horseback, were incorporated into the orchestra in the eighteenth
century. A B C D
42. In a basketball game a player what is fouled receives one or two free throws.
43. We live in Ho Chi Minh City, is a big cultural and industrial city.
44. All her children have graduated from university, that is the reason for her to be proud.
45. This is the car which its engine uses only 4 liters of petrol per 100 kilometers.
46. A warning sign "Overheat" may come on, in that case turn off the appliance at once.
47. This is the store in where you can buy anything you need for your project.
48. Dad discovered I went out with Nick last night, for which I wasn't supposed to do.
49. In recent years, educated women have been marrying later, that means that they have fewer years in which to
produce offspring.
50. When you look in the mirror, you see your own face in the glass, that is a reflection of the true image.

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